Disclaimer: I own nothing

(AU for KnY)


A claw-tipped finger traced a clear crystallized structure that shone a pure pink that once disgusted his eyes, but now brought a twisted delight to his very being every he stepped into its–her–presence.

The Miko that ended his life.

Or so 'that' group thought.

But it had appeared the Miko had made a mistake in her wish – oh yes, the Shikon no Tama may no longer exist and his strength was reduced to the point to which he had to consume human blood and he could not step out into the sunlight anymore, but even the best of wishes had their consequences.

The Miko had seemingly vanished and gone back to her homeland and her little group of friends had mourned and moved on with their miserable human lives, but he had not dare to go near them and that village with Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru lurking around and their all-too powerful swords.

Instead, he had followed his instincts.

And those instincts led him back to the cave where Midoriko had fought that massive Youkai hundreds of years ago. The stalagmite was gone and there was something in its place that had sent shivers of both fear and pleasure rippling down his spine.

It was Kagome.

She had been encased in a crystal-like structure, utterly comatose to the world and its ongoings and he had marvelled at the fact that he had been the one to find her and not the Houshi and the Taijiya – had they not been back to the Taijiya's remains of a village at all?

It was of no matter to him as the Miko was now all his.

But how to break this protective structure around her?

It looked as though it was made from the same substance as the Shikon no Tama and even as the years past and his army had grown, he had still not made any progress on breaking the crystal surrounding her.

His breath grew faster as he sent out his Upper Kizuki out and Kokushibou had managed to kill Inuyasha and Kagome's fingers clenched and unclenched from their resting position on her chest before she stilled.

He had destroyed the room in a fit of rage, killing everything within ten metres of himself.

Red eyes snapped opened as he took a breath, ignoring the blood dripping off of him as he stepped back towards the girl and smirked with a frenzied madness.

Kibutsuji Muzan, formally known as Naraku, once again traced a finger down the crystal holding his obsession away from him, "How long must I wait for you, Kagome?"

He had all the time in the world.