A/N: hello everyone! I am here with a Steven Universe AU. I'm new to the SU fanfiction writing, so I probably won't always have the characters in character. If I don't, please let me know. Anyway, I've seen numerous AUs including a mixture of the movie and SUF...well I'm also doing that, and I really hope mine isn't copying any AUs. If you're new to my account, note that I respond to reviews within the next chapter. But since there aren't any this chapter, let's go ahead and begin!

I own nothing of SU

One minute everything was perfect. The next everything turned into chaos. I've done everything I could to try to save the earth. Save my friends. Save Spinel. I was able to do 2 out of 3 of those things. I was able to save everyone on earth, and save my friends...but Spinel...

I had my back turned for one second, and if it wasn't for Connie's screams, I don't even know if I would even be alive. As soon as I turned around, Spinel tried hitting me with the end of the broken rejuvinator.

I was able to get away from Spinel with some minor injuries, but after she escaped as soon as she was about to be overpowered by the Crystal Gems, she only brought more chaos.

Beach City is a disaster and because of her constant chaos, I can't do anything right now to fix Beach City. The only thing I can do right now is find Spinel and stop her rein of chaos.

After all...I'm the one responsible for cleaning up what my mom started.

I leaned over the rail at the house as I stared at what remained of the sea. The liquid that was in the injector was still all over Beach City and in the ocean. Two weeks ago, everything was perfectly normal. Everything was fine. Now everything is a mess. I can't even heal the earth because of the liquid. Spinel must've put something in the pink bio-poison. Either that or she somehow keeps bringing more disaster.

Ever since that day, I've been looking for her. I'm hoping to find a lead. All I'm doing right now, is looking all over and outside of Beach City. I've even tried looking in mom's garden; nothing. Has she ever seen me? If she did, why hasn't she attacked me yet? I guess I've always been with Lion when I look.

The gems don't think it's a good idea that I'm in charge of finding Spinel while they disassemble her injector. They fear I'll get hurt or even killed, but I think this is for the best. I could try talking to her again. She's just hurting, so yelling at her isn't going to fix anything.


I snapped out of my thoughts and looked over to see Connie walking up the steps. I smiled at her as I walked over towards the steps.

"Hey Connie! How have you been?"

"It's been going alright. Helping to clean Beach City and all that."

"How well is that going?"

I can see her flinch, but it was slight. I can tell already that there still hasn't been much improvement.

"We're getting there," she says with a reassuring smile. "So, how well are things going for the gems taking care of the injector?"

I look over to see that the injector was only about a quarter of the way apart.

"We're...getting there. It was bigger than we thought. Hopefully it won't take a very long time to take it apart."

I looked back at Connie to see her giving me a frown as if debating to ask me something else. I think I have an idea of what she wants to ask. It's about-.

"Well...what about Spinel? Have you found her yet?"

I sigh. How'd I know she was going to ask that?

"Not yet. Lion and I are still looking for her."

"If you want, I can help you."

I frowned at her. If Spinel is still emotionally unstable, what are the chances she'll get hurt? I don't want that to happen.

"That's ok, Connie. Everyone else will need your help to clean up Beach City."

"Everyone is helping to pitch in so I'm sure they wouldn't mind if I help you. Besides, you're doing this alone and you're gonna need someone to help."

I should've known she would be stubborn. This isn't good. I need to convince her not to go with me.

"I'm not alone. I have Lion with me to back me up. Besides, everyone in Beach City would really need help cleaning up."

"Steven...you've been at this for a few weeks and you haven't had any leads as far as we know. If I help you out, we can cover more ground."

I hate that she has a good point...but I still can't allow it. After everything that happened, I can't afford for anyone to get hurt. Mom was the one who hurt Spinel, and now it's my responsibility to fix it...again.

"You can come inside and help me try to find a lead, but...I don't feel comfortable if you came along."

She looked both glad and disappointed.

"How come I can't go with you?"

"It's because, as I said, you'll be needed here. I'll take care of Spinel."

She frowned, but looked like she finally understood the situation.

"Ok, deal. So should we go take a look at what you have so far?"

I smiled at her, part of me feeling relieved that she isn't pushing it anymore.

"Sure. Let's go!"

She smiled as we started to walk inside. I only hope that she won't get involved in actually trying to find Spinel. We walked in the house and I led her up to my room. Thanks to the wall the gems put up, no one can see how much of a mess my room is. It's scattered with papers and different points of where Spinel could possibly be.

"Wow Steven...you've really been searching, haven't you?"

I could feel my face turn red with embarrassment, and I think Connie noticed.

"Hey, no need to be embarrassed. We do need to find her after all. So, what points do you have so far?"

I looked around my room to see where I left off. I found the build board that's near my bed and walked over. Connie wasn't too far behind me as she also walked over to look at the board. I studied the board for a few moments, before Connie spoke up.

"So, do you think she's still in Beach City at all?"

"It's hard to tell," I say without turning to her. "She's constantly moving. I could be looking somewhere else and she could be in Beach City. The frustrating part is, she can be unpredictable, so I can't pinpoint on where she could possibly be."

"You said she could've been in Beach City. How would that even be possible? If she really did come to Beach City, wouldn't any of us see her?"

I turn to her. "Maybe she knows we're all looking for her. That's why she would try to stay away from us."

"Steven, you're not making any sense. She hates us. She hates you. Wouldn't she come to finish us off?"

"Maybe she's getting time to think. Maybe she thinks this isn't a good idea. Maybe-."

"If she really was, would she still be creating chaos?"

I sigh. "I really don't know. I just want to find her so I can talk to her and hopefully try to get through to her."

"And if she doesn't?"

"Well...I'll keep trying. I was able to do it once, I can do it again."

Connie walked closer to me.

"And how do you know she won't betray her again?"


"Don't you remember? She looked like she was going to trust you but the moment you had your back turned, she almost impaled you with the rejuvinator you broke!"

I flinched slightly at the memory. The look of horror on Connie's face, the look of hatred on Spinel's face. I don't know what would've happened if Connie either noticed too late or not at all, and I really don't want to know.

"I'm sorry Steven. It's just...I don't want you to get hurt. Seeing you almost get seriously hurt or even killed back thereā€¦"

I smiled as I faced her.

"I promise I'll be ok. I won't get hurt."

"You promise?"

I grabbed her hand. "I promise. Just as long as you promise you'll be ok and you don't do anything reckless."

She giggles. "I promise."

Her attention then goes back to the board and I turn to look at it as well.

"So, do you have an idea where she could be at?" Connie asked.

I stared at the board, trying to once analyze where I left off.

"Hmmmm...well I think I should try the next town over next. There could be a chance she might be there. I'll probably head over there tomorrow to check it out."

Connie frowns. "And you're sure you don't want me to go with you?"

"Yea...you're needed here. Besides, I feel like she'll try to listen to me. I'm not sure if she'll listen if there are too many people."

She didn't look like she didn't like my response, but she reluctantly nodded.

"Ok I guess...but please, please let me know if you have any trouble."

I smile at her. "I will."

A buzz suddenly filled the air and Connie chuckled.

"Sorry, that's my phone. Just a sec."

She pulled out her phone as she glanced at what the text said before sighing.

"Sorry Steven. I gotta go. They found a place to clean up and they need as many people as they can get. Are you sure you're going to be ok?"

"Yup! I got this! Now go ahead and do your thing!"

She smiles. "Alright. See you later Steven!"

"Bye Connie!"

We both waved at each other before I sighed and looked back at the board. I hope I'm right about her location. I could use some good news of anything really. Maybe I can send Lion away after I reach my location. Maybe she would feel better if it was just me and her alone. It doesn't hurt to try.

After all, this is my job; and my job alone.

A/N: that's it for the first chapter! What do you guys think? I would like to say this story would mainly be in Steven's POV, but there will be other times will it'll either be in someone else's POV or in third person. But that's all I have to say for the beginning chapter. Please leave any comments and/or constructive criticism you may have and I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Buh bye!:)