A/N: Okay, so, I am struggling a little bit, trying to decide where I want this to go. When starting this, I had intended there to be a blossoming romance between Shoto and Mia. However… The more I write scenes with Mia and Bakugo… Holy cow, I am tempted to wanna ship them together. Because I am absolute trash when it comes to enemies to lovers. And I have a bunch of ideas that make me wanna tickle that trope juuuuuuust a little bit, and I am torn. XD

I just wanted to share that with everyone, lol.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.

Aizawa stood in front of his class after everyone had settled on their class executives, his eyes heavy-lidded with a mixture of boredom and exhaustion. "Alright. Settle down, everyone. Listen up. Today's training is gonna be a little bit different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on all of you."

"What kinda training is it?" Mia asked, resting her chin in her palm.

To answer her, Aizawa held up a flashcard, much like All Might, though with much less gusto. "We will be doing rescue training. You will be dealing with natural disasters, shipwrecks. Stuff like that."

"Disasters, huh?"

"Looks like we're gonna be doing some legit hero stuff today! Man, I'm so pumped!" Kirishima clenched his fist, grinning.

Others couldn't contain their excitement. Mia could hardly blame them. She was looking forward to this.

After all… This was the area in heroism she was hoping to excel at.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet." Everyone turned their attention back to their teacher, who looked mildly more annoyed than he did a few moments ago. "Now, what you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes but remember: you haven't gotten used to them. They may limit your abilities." The lockers which held everyone's costumes slid out of the wall. "This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. Now, get ready."

Aizawa started for the door as Mia's classmates hustled out of their seats.

Soon enough, everyone stood outside, each clad in their costumes.

Well, everyone but one.

"Hey, Deku!" Mia said, walking over to the green-haired youth, who was currently chatting with Ochaco. He jumped upon hearing her call his name, which caused her to beam at him. He flushed ever so slightly (her smile had been noticeable since she opted to leave her mask in her case). "Why are you in your gym unifor- Oh. Wait. Never mind."

"I was just asking him the same thing!" the brunette said.

"It was pretty trashed after combat training. I'm still waiting for the support company to fix it up."

Mia tilted her head. "Do you know how long that's gonna take?"

Deku shook his head. "No clue. Not too long, I imagine." He opened his mouth just as a shrill whistle cut through their conversation.

Everyone looked up. Iida was standing in front of the bus, waving an arm about sporadically as he obnoxiously blew into his whistle a few more times to ensure he held everyone's attention. "Gather around, everyone! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so that we may load onto the bus with apt efficiency!" He proceeded to blow into his whistle several more times as if to punctuate his commands.

"Heh… I guess Iida is kicking it into high gear as class rep, huh?" Deku chuckled nervously.

"You coulda prevented this," Mia teased, walking passed him with a toothy grin towards the bus to follow Iida's instruction.

Not that it mattered. The layout of the bus was far different than what Iida had been suspecting, which had sent the poor teen into a fit of despair.

Mia saw a tuff of red and white sitting close to the back, sitting alone. He gazed out the window, only looking her way when she stepped closer. His eyes flitted to the empty spot next to him, a silent invitation which she happily accepted. She sat down, and moments later, the bus began to move.

"Damn this bus's open layout… It ruined my boarding strategy…" he silently wept, hunching over as he buried his fingers into his hair.

"Iida," Ashido started, fighting back a giggle. "You need to chill out."

"Ya know, if we're going to be pointing out the obvious, I'd like to say something," Tsu started, turning to look at Deku. "About you, actually."

"Wha? About me? What is it, Asui?"

"I told you to call me Tsu," she grumbled. "Anyways, I've noticed that your power… It's very similar to All Might's, right?"

The sudden tremble in Deku's voice and change in pitch was enough to catch Mia's attention. She leaned forward, resting her chin on her folded arms as she stared at Deku. "Y-you think so?! I never really thought about it," he said as he scratched his cheek, looking away.

Which also caught Mia's attention. And her suspicions. There was absolutely no way he had not noticed the similarities between both Quirks. He was super obsessed with that stuff.

Kirishima leaned forward. "But Tsu. All Might doesn't hurt himself when he uses his. So there is a big difference."

"You also forget the fact that its possible Deku may have just gotten his Quirk," Mia spoke up, gathering the attention of Tsu and Kirishima. "His body could have just not adapted to it." Deku tensed, and while she couldn't quite see his face, she was very certain what she had just said struck a chord. He was uncomfortable with this conversation, and even more so with what she was saying… She immediately cursed herself for opening her mouth.

She waved a hand dismissively. "Though, the fact that they share similar Quirks is nothing special. Super strength is a fairly common Quirk."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Tsu said, nodding her head. Mia could practically see the tension leave Deku's body, and he even flashed her an appreciative smile.

"Common or not, you could still do a lot of flashy stuff with a Quirk like that," Kirishima said, holding his arm out. "My Hardening is super strong and can destroy bad guys in a fight, yeah, but it doesn't look all that impressive." His arm hardened as he spoke, smooth skin turning solid and jagged.

"Oh, no. I think it looks super awesome!" Deku praised, his eyes growing wide as he stared at Kirishima's arm. "You're definitely pro material with a Quirk like that!"

"You really think so?" Deku nodded. "Heh, thanks, but seems like it would be more popular with a flashier Quirk."

"Ooooh. Speaking of flashy. Mia!" Ashido turned to look at Mia, who jumped a bit, started by the pink teen calling out for her. "I've been dying to ask you about your Quirk! It's so unique!"

"I've never heard of a Quirk like yours. I've been meaning to ask you about it as well," Deku added, reaching into his backpack and pulling out a journal and pen.

"Uuuh… This is putting me on the spot, guys," Mia said, fidgeting in her seat. "What is it that you're wanting to know exactly?"

"Anything!" both Ashido and Deku exclaimed in unison.

By this time, she held the attention of several other students who were interested in the oncoming conversation. Todoroki was no longer looking out the window, his dual-gaze on her. Hell, she thought she could see a glimpse of Bakugo peeking back at her for a millisecond.

She huffed a soft sigh. "I call it Puppet. I can summon and control two puppets."

"Three, actually." Mia looked at Iida, who was, in turn, looking at her. "There was that one at the entrance exam. The one you used to save those kids. The really big one."

"Oh. Yeah. Him. I…" Mia scratched at her nose, looking down. "I don't use him. He's… I don't like him." Her voice had grown softer, small. But before anyone could question her, she started talking again. "The two that I do use are Lulu, the rabbit, and Pecci, the duck. I use Lulu to fight while I keep Pecci close to protect myself."

"That was the one you used as a shield during Uraraka's attack, correct?" Iida asked.

Mia nodded. "Pecci is a sturdy girl. I don't know her limits, but she is pretty tanky."

"Why do you call it her?" Tsu asked, poking at her lip with an overly large finger.

Mia shrugged again. "Because I want to? I dunno. I've done it since I was able to summon them."

"Well, I think they're pretty cool. Scary, yes, but cool!" Ochaco called out, waving her hand at Mia with a bright smile.

"Well, I'd say you've got yourself a pro Quirk, Tanaka," Kirishima started, flushing slightly as she asked him to call her Mia instead. "In fact, I'd say out of all our classmates. Mia, Bakugo and Todoroki are the ones with pro Quirks."

"Sure, but Bakugo's way too angry. He'll never be popular."

Almost immediately, the blond shot up from his seat glaring at Tsu with his fist raised threateningly. "What did you just say?! I'll kill you!"


Mia couldn't help but giggle, leaning back in her seat as she watched everyone poke fun at Bakugo. His angered reactions were just too damn funny. Clearly, the hot head wasn't used to being teased so relentlessly by his peers.

The back and forth, while amusing enough to shorten the ride, didn't last very long. Aizawa stood up, looking back at his class. "Hey, hey. We're here. Everyone, stop messing around, 'kay?"

"Yes, sir!" the students called out as the bus slowly rolled to a halt. The students piled out, standing in front of a large, domed building. Sunlight gleamed off of the windows, casting glares that made Mia squint ever so slightly as they approached the building's entrance, and they were immediately met with quite the happy little surprise.

One that had Mia all bunched up, her eyes wide, mouth agape as her hands clenched tightly to her chest. "Oh my gosh! Ohmygoshohmygosh!" She was practically bouncing next to Todoroki.

"Hello!" Greeted a hero, clad in what looked to be a spacesuit, white and puffy. "I have been waiting for you."

"Wow! It's the Space Hero: Th-"

"It's Thirteen!" Mia interrupted, unable to contain herself. Deku didn't seem to mind, though. "She's one of my favorite heroes! She's rescued countless people from all over the world!"

"She's one of my favorites, too!" Ochaco added, grinning at Mia.

Thirteen waved a hand, beckoning the class to follow. "C'mon. I can't wait to show you all what's inside!"

They followed Thirteen into the building, and a wave of gasps flooded from their throats. It looked like some kind of theme park, sectioned off into different areas. There were no rides. No. Instead were areas meant to emulate disasters, like a fallen city after an earthquake, or a mudslide.

"I created this training facility to prepare you with the different types of disasters you will have to face in the real world. I call it the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. USJ for short."

Aizawa approached Thirteen, both whispering to each other. But Mia didn't pay attention to that. Instead, she turned to look up at Todoroki. "This is gonna be exciting!" she beamed brightly. She didn't notice the faint flush of his cheeks as she smiled.

"Clock is ticking. We should get started," Aizawa said, turning back to the class.

"But what about All Might?" Deku asked.

"He is currently busy with other matters. He won't be here till the tail end of the class most likely."

Deku furrowed his brows, looking down.

"So," Thirteen clapped her hands. "Before we begin, let me say one thing. Well… Maybe two things. Or three, or four. Maybe five. Ah! Anyways, as I am sure you are aware, I have a very powerful Quirk. Black Hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it to dust. I save quite a many people with my Quirk. But… My Quirk could also be very easily used to kill." This brought forth a slew of gasps from several of Mia's classmates. "Some of you also have powers that can be dangerous. Please don't forget that if you lose focus, you could seriously hurt the people you are sworn to protect. You learned of your Quirks potential, and of how dangerous your Quirks could be against other people. Use the knowledge you received from the fitness test and battle training today. Today, you're going to learn how to use your Quirks to save people's lives. Not to attack enemies or each other. To help. After all, that's what being a hero is all about."

Mia couldn't help the tremble of her bottom lip. This was, after all, why she was training to become a hero. To save lives. Thirteen's words sent shivers down her spine, filling her with a sense of pride. One the washed away any lingering doubt she may have had about pursuing this as a career.

She felt…


The class whooped and cheered after Thirteen was finished with her speech, Mia clapping with wide eyes.

"Now that that's over, let's-"

An electric buzz filled the air, causing the lights to dim around the building, silencing Aizawa. The students looked around, confused. A strange movement near the center of the building caught Mia's attention. The fountain stopped spurting water now and then, stalling until the area started to warp ever so slightly. Twisting and distorting until a swirling vortex began to form. A dark mist, black and purple, began to waft and grow.

Mia gasped, pointing ahead, her body shaking. "Mr. Aizawa!" she hissed.

His eyes widened, and he turned. Suddenly, the mist grew wild and erupted until… A hand burst through it, followed by a hand.

Aizawa tensed. "Stay together! Don't move! Thirteen! Protect the students!"

Then, the rest of her classmates seemed to notice what Mia had.

Slowly, more bodies began to emerge from the mist, one right after the other.

"Has the training already started? But, I thought we were rescuing people."

"No…'" Mia breathed, clutching her hands to her chest.

This was real. These were…
