Hey, King Spike Rules here and this is the start of the Kengen Ashura: Next Gen. I have watched the anime and read the manga to prepare this. If you want to join the tournament, please send in an app that it at the bottom.

Chapter 1: Fresh Meat.

Neon lights filled the air of the late night life of Tokyo with many having the time of their lives with there friends, co-workers, or loved ones while others had other, frisky ideas, for the night. One of these people in the crowd it with Kenta Toshio, age 20, coming off a hard worked job from the form his father owned. Since he was young, he never felt equal to his father, or his three older brothers as they all had their own businesses that formed the Toshio Square. He signed walking down the sidewalks when a random noise called to his attention.

"Huh?" Kenta said out loud looking down the alley way and looking around to see if anyone was listening to what had just been heard. After a few moments, he slowly walked down the alley to where the noise was and gasped when he saw a young man around his age was facing off against three thugs. Kenta could not tell much from the guy with the black hoodie on his head and his hands in his pockets, but he could tell he had a dark complexion.

"What did you say about me?" one of the thugs asked him and poked his chest, making the guy lean against the wall.

"All i asked was did you know a man with a snake tattoo on his right arm." the guy said seemingly staying calm facing off against three of them.

"And i said people like you should show respect when your in our country." he said poking him more and flipped the guys hood off, allowing his long black hair and green eyes be in view. In an instant, the guy had the thugs's hand in his and turned it just so. There was a loud crack and the thug fell to his knees screaming, "Y-y-you broke my FUCK WRIST!"

"I see," the guy said looking down at him with his eyes staring down at him and Kenta could feel the tension from where he was watching, "You think because I'm not from here, i have to follow some punks rules like you." He then turned his wrist and even more cracks were heard. He screamed in pain more from it.

"Let him go." one of the other thugs yelled out loud and took out his knife, thrusting it towards the guy. He saw it and let the guy go and dodged the knife thrust, grabbing the guys arm and swiftly broke his elbow. The thug screamed in pain, dropping the knife and the third looked nervously at the guy who slowly turned to look at him.

"Now, will you answer my question?" he asked him looking at him with piercing eyes and the thug shuttered, sweat appearing on his face worried.

"N-no, we don't know any one with that kind of tattoo your talking about." he answered and stared at the guy with horror in his eyes. He looked back at him for a few seconds before letting go of the guys arm.

"That's all i needed to hear." he then walked past the last thug who went to his friends and he continued on as he walked past Kenta, who felt pressure of the likes he had never felt before and he could feel his knees getting weak. The guy looked at him for a moment before heading on with his way.

"Wait!" Kenta yelled collecting what courage he had and turned to look at the stranger, who had stopped and turned to look at him asking, "What's your name?" The guy remained silent for a few moments, just staring at him.

"Taaru Mota." he answered him and began to leave when Kenta reached for his arm, causing Taaru to grab his throat choking him saying, "What do you want."

"T-to talk." Kenta said struggling to breath and Taaru looked at him before letting him go, letting Kenta hold his throat and coughed looking up at him panting heavily.

Moments later, Taaru was ripping off pieces of beef from a steak and eating it while Kenta was enjoying his meal more slowly.

"So, you came here looking for someone?" Kenta asked watching him eat his meat like an animal while he used his chop stick to eat his.

"Yeah, and all i know is that he said he was from Tokyo and had a snake tattoo." Taaru said ripping more meat from his beef and looked at him while chewing, swallowing his food before asking, "Why do you care about this?"

"Because seeing you do that stuff in the alley makes me think we can help each other." he explained looking at him as Taaru finished his meat and put the bone on the plate.

"Sorry, but i can do it on my own." Taaru said standing up and wiping his mouth before heading out, walking past Kenta, who was left shocked. Racking his brain from what he could do to stop him from leaving and a thought popped into his head.

"Wait, do you have any money?" Kenta asked him and Taaru stopped in his tracks, standing there with no reaction and then slowly turned to look at him. "Thought so, you help me and I will let you use my house as a base." Kenta said taking out his bank card and paying for their meal standing up smiling at Taaru, who looked at him annoyed. After a cab ride, they arrived at a house that looked barely bigger for one person.

"So, this is your place?" Taaru asked him and looked it over, the question made Kenta rub the back of his head embarrassed.

"Yeah, It's the best i could afford right now." he said looked down worried when Taaru walked on with the bag on his shoulder.

"It keeps you warm and safe, then that's what matters." he said opening the door and leaving a shocked Taaru smiling, following him into the house. When he stepped in, he saw Taaru's hoodie on the floor along with his shoes by the door. He looked up and saw the wife beater Taaru wear, which struggled to keep his muscles under control.

"Damn, he's ripped." Kenta said looking at his body, seeing it was no where near his size and signed, picking up the hoodie while closing the door.

The next at his job, Kenta was in the middle of doing his mountain of paperwork and signing out of fustration when a knock came to his door.

"Hey Henta." a voice called out and he looked up from his computer to see the office manager looking at him from the door.

"Yes sir?" he said looking at him and he could see a nervous look on his face with his eyes looking behind him, making Kenta following his eyes and his widen when he saw Taaru standing there with his arms crossed.

"Y-you have a visitor." he said moving out of the way and Taaru walked into the office, seeing him made Kenta swallow hard looking at him.

"Why are you here?" he asked him when the manager left and he shut the door so no one could hear them.

"You said you'd help me, not spend your time with these guys." Taaru said annoyed looking at Kenta, who was shocked that he would come here and want results so soon.

"I will, but this will have to wait until..." Kenta started to explain when the door suddenly burst open and a man walks in, he was in his late twenties with long black hair and a stern look on his face as he stared daggers at him.

"Kenta, why do you have guests at work?" he asked him and looked from Kenta to Taaru, who gave him the same look he was giving Kenta, making him back down slightly.

"My name is Taaru Mato and your brother is helping me find a man with a arm long snake tattoo." he answered for him and turned to Kenta who was sweating heavily from them fighting before sitting up.

"Denji, i want to speak to the chairman now!" he yelled and drew all both of their attention as Taaru turned back to look at Denji, who was still in a state of shock form what he was told.

"As you wish, I'll return with his word." he answered him and walked out of the room, leaving them there as Kenta was shaking from what had just happened and Taaru looked at him with in different from what had just happened. A short time later, they arrived at the chairmen office and Kenta was shaking again as he tried to reach for the door. Taking hold of it and pulled it open Kenta saw his father, Gou, sitting at the desk looking at his computer.

"Are you just going to gawk or are you coming in." Gou said looking from his business on his screen and looked as Kenta gulped down, walking into the room until his father put a hand up to stop him and Taaru from going any further. Taaru paid this no mind and continued to walk with Gou watching him head his way, "Well, you seem to not have any manors."

"Shut it, i want to know about a guy with a snake tattoo and i think you might know him." Taaru said staring at Gou, who stared back at him shoing no signs that he cares about what Taaru said.

"You really don't know anything about business." Gou said signing and sitting back in his care, looking at Taaru, who ws slowly starting to lose his temper.

"What the hell are you talk about?" Taaru asked reaching the desk and grabbing his caller looking at him without losing his composure.

"Let me go or i will call the police." he said looking at Taaru, who gritted his teeth and then put him down. "How could have brought me such a savage person Kenta?" Gou asked him looking at Kenta who was staring at him with a furious look on his face. "tell me what you want." he said fixing his collar as Kenta began to walk into the room more and stopped just feet from his dad's desk.

"Dad, I'm joining the Kengen Matches." Kenta yelled catching his father's attention looking at his son in shock before he finished, "And he's my representative." This statement was shock by both Gou and Taaru, causing them both to look at Kenta stunned.


That is it for the first chapter and if you would like to have a fighter in the tournament, please fill out the app below.











Normal Clothes:

Fighting Clothes:

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Any Special Skills?:

Anything i missed: