Magic and Monsters

ESKK: Ok this is the reboot of my original Monster Hunter story I promised. I'd like to apologize once more for the poor quality of that story. It seems that many of my fics with harems tend to devolve into smut which is not ok for me or you guys. So I will be redoing or cancelling certain stories so to try and produce better versions of them. Anyway let's begin shall we.




"Snake Language."

"Written words, Letters, and messages."

(Scene Break)

*Music Insert


Disclaimer: Neither I nor Mr. Unknow claim any ownership to Harry Potter or Monsters Hunter Worlds. They rightfully belong to J.K. Rowling and Capcom Respectfully.

(Start Harry Location Unknown)

The first thing Harry noticed when he woke up was that he was not dead. That was a good sign, second his Glasses were missing which was a bit of a problem for him. He felt around to try and find them and noticed his hand was touching grass. Odd considering where they were before which was when it came back to Harry. The Last thing he remembered was going to the Department of Mysteries with his friend Hermione, Ron, Neville, Luna, and Ginny as part of the DA which was in fact a Death Eater Trap.

They tried to escape with the Prophesy Voldemort wanted before they ended up at an archway with many voices inside that only Harry could hear. From there it went downhill even further which brought them to a battle in the Department of Mysteries. It was then made worse when he saw his Godfather get hit by the... killing curse. Yes Harry remembered and thus the boy who lived found his wand in a panic trying to summon his glasses.

"Accio Glasses!" Harry called and needless to say he nearly lost his hand when the glasses flew straight for him nearly shattering when it landed. It hurt but luckily they held on and thus he put his glasses on. He had to be sure the last thing he remembered was Sirius being hit by the curse, Remus failing to stop him from charging in, and then Hermione crying out his name in a panic. As Harry's vision was once more clear now he saw to his shock Hermione and Sirius with him in some old camp. Clearly it wasn't in use right now and judging by how they were sprawled about they must have landed here somehow.

"Padfoot!" Harry cried out as he went over to Sirius ignoring the soreness of his body and the glare of the burning sun above to get to Sirius. He hoped pray to whatever god was listening that he was ok and in turn checked for a pulse. To his utter joy he found one and in turn went a step further by checking his breathing. He sighed in relief to see and hear Sirius was in fact breathing. This put all of his nerves at ease allowing Harry to sigh in relief to this news.

"Thank Merlin." Harry sighed before he remembered one more important person to him. "Wait Hermione!" Harry cried out as he ran over to Hermione and began to check her. She was ok which brought some happiness to him knowing his best friend was alive and well. "Ok think Harry how do you wake someone up?" Harry asked as he looked to his wand and then to Hermione. He then pointed his wand at Hermione and proceeded to cast a spell to wake her up. 'Rennervate.' He invoked and thus his wand to Harry's shock flashed with a bright light that in turn caused Hermione to cry out in pure shock causing her to jump up in a panic.

"Bloody hell?!" Hermione cried out as it was clear his spell worked a little too well. She began to point her wand frantically expecting a fight no doubt remembering what was happening before as Harry tried to calm her down.

"Hermione stop it me calm down!" Harry tried to calm her but it was clear the spell got her on edge. "I saved you from the Troll in First year with Ron's help where you then lied to the teacher to help us get out of trouble!" Harry further went as Hermione's mind began to reboot. From there she began to calm herself before lowering her wand.

"Harry." Hermione said as she looked to the Boy-Who-Lived while catching her breath. "What spell did you use? It feels like I was given a right shock to wake up." Hermione said trying to figure out what it was.

"It was the waking charm Rennervate." Harry said to which surprised Hermione to no end.

"But that can't be right the spell can wake people yes but not to the level where they may have a heart attack upon waking up." Hermione said to which surprised Harry to no end.

"Maybe it's just me." Harry said as from the way Hermione described it the spell wasn't supposed to work that way. "But Sirius look he's ok." Harry said gesturing to his Godfather before Hermione went to look him over.

From there she saw to her surprise he had both a pulse and breathing. "Your right." Hermione said as she knew no one could survive the infamous Killing Curse save for Harry of course. But as Harry was about to use the spell again Hermione stopped him from doing so. "Wait Harry stop let me do it." Hermione said while pulling her Wand back up. "Rennervate." Hermione invoked and thus the spell had the same effect as with Harry causing Sirius to go wide eyed and literally jump into the air before turning into his dog form growling.

"Wait Sirius!" Harry called out as Sirius saw them and reverted to his human form recognizing their scents and wand.

"Bloody what was that?!" Sirius cried out as he looked to them.

"The um..." Hermione began with a stutter embarrassed that her spell had the same effect on Sirius. "The Waking Charm." Hermione said to which Sirius saw this.

"How can that spell do that?" Sirius asked just in time to hear rumbling from afar causing the trio to go investigate. When they did they were shocked to see a Volcano was in fact moving on its own through the water and onto the landmass they arrived on.

"Bloody Hell what is that?" Harry asked when he saw the massive beast walk into the island to parts unknown.

"I have no clue." Hermione said before Sirius spoke up.

"So I'm in hell then and..." Sirius began to which Harry cut him off.

"No that can't be it." Harry said as they were all breathing, warm, and most of all able to use their magic if with varying results of working too well.

"Well let's look around see what we can find." Hermione said to which that was agreeable for now. Thus they began to search around the camp hopefully to find something they could use to figure out where they were and how to get back to civilization.

"Padfoot…." Harry began as Sirius looked to his Godson.

"I know... I'm surprised to." Sirius said as he remembered being hit by the killing curse.

"About us all being alive or you being alive?" Harry asked to Sirius who then smiled at the odd little quip.

"A bit of both." Sirius said before Hermione exited the tent.

"Well I found a map." Hermione said as she walked out.

"By stealing someone else's map?" Harry asked concerned as Hermione looked a bit embarrassed to that.

"I left an apology." Hermione explained as she opened the Journal to the map. "But the problem it I don't recognized anything on the map." Hermione explained as Harry saw the map in question with Sirius.

"Well we know there's a settlement here." Sirius said while looking to the map.

"So that's where we go." Harry said to which they were all in agreement.

The group began to walk out into the path from the camp making sure they left the camp more or less how they found it. As they began to walk off they were in turn met with something that made their eyes go wide. Once they were outside in the open they saw the entire landscape was like nature uncapped. They saw creatures roaming in a herd similar to Dinosaurs from Hermione's perspective which even further proved that they were not where they thought they were.

"Um Harry, Sirius... to quote Dorothy from Wizard of Oz... I don't think we're in London Anymore." Hermione said to which they were in agreement on that one.

"Where they Hell are we?" Sirius asked to which Harry spoke up.

"I don't know but our best met is to get to that settlement." Harry said pointed to the manmade structure in the distance.

"Well if there is a herd there are bound to be predators lets go this way." Hermione said taking the lead into the forest area. Out here in the open they were left vulnerable but in the woodworks they have plenty of spots to get to cover if need be. Plus clearly with the earlier spell use their magic was obviously being overcharged by something so at the very least they will need the cover in case the spells destroys their wands.

As they walked they failed to notice a massive footprint nearby belonging to something equally as massive. They were clearly unaware of the danger they were possibly in thus they had to be careful.

(Later back at the Camp)

A duo of figure arrived at the Camp and looked around noticing something was amiss. The Male holding a massive sword as large as his body felt around the ground noticing a set of unfamiliar footprints. "Someone was here." The owner said as he then focused his aura about.

"Maybe someone from the Fifth Fleet?" The woman asked as she looked to her ally.

"No... They used magic." He said making the woman go wide eyed to this. "They must have arrived from the other side." He said before getting up while having his scoutflies leave his lantern and get the scent. "That means... they are in danger." He said to which the woman nodded to him.

"Let's go find them then." The woman responded before they in turn headed off into the wilderness to try and bring these new magic users to safety before some of the nastier Wyverns in the forest makes a meal out of them.

(Back with the Trio)

Harry and Hermione were following the trail through the forest as they were lucky enough day light filtered into the woods through the trees for them to make their way through. As they walked they passed through some vines pushing them out of their way while journeying through the forest.

"It's so beautiful." Hermione commented as she looked around never in her life seeing nature in all its purest glory.

"Yeah no people and progress to ruin it." Harry commented as he looked to the forest as he could almost feel life and nature being such a harmonious thing. "It's like... no it feels as if this place is in balance with itself." Harry said as he smiled at what he saw. He rubbed his hand up to a tree and felt the wood and could tell it's been around for a while and in turn has many stories to share if it could speak. As they walked though Sirius smiled turned into a startled look when he heard the sound of a stick breaking and bushes rustling.

They group looked and saw a large creature possible big enough to ride like a horse come out growling at the trio. It was clearly a predator as the group saw it and were worried now. What made it worse was that it had friends as Harry reached for his wand as did Hermione and Sirius knowing it would be needed right now. As they went for their wands the lizard like creatures hissed ready to feed before Harry reacted.

"Bombarda!" Harry called out with a wave of his wand and blasted not only the monsters back but also himself back. When Harry landed on the ground Hermione and Sirius ran over to him to help him up.

"Come on Harry we need to go!" Hermione cried out and in turn both parties ran for it.

"This way." Sirius called out as the creature regained themselves. The trio hid inside a bush hoping the scent of the leaves will hide their own scents. As this happened they kept quiet when they saw the unknown creatures roaring around sniffing but were unable to find their pray. The group waited for a time for their hunters to leave and lucky for them they didn't have to wait long. The monsters looked to each other making these odd sounds before they ran off to find something else to eat.

"Wait for it." Sirius said as he needed to be sure they were gone. "Wait for it." Sirius repeated knowing they had to be ready to move. "Ok let's go." Sirius said as he and the two 5th years left the bush.

"Come on lets go before they come back with help." Harry said as they were in agreement on that subject.

(Back with the duo)

The duo were tracking their new arrivals footprints and saw they had entered into Jagras territory. Those pack creatures were some annoying fuckers at first until one gains allies in the Trail Raiders and they become pretty good allies in tracking and fighting target creatures. As they ran though their scout flies detected a new scent and went to show it. The male ran over to it and grazed his hand across it before cursing to it.

"Danger." He said plainly as the female looked with goggles over her eyes.

"Bloody Hell a Great Jagras things are going to get from bad to worse I just know it." The woman said as she inspected the scratch marks on the ground.

"We must make haste." The man said as the woman agreed with him and in turn the duo once more ran down the path to locate their new arrivals before the larger monsters found them.

(Back with the Trio)

The group exited the forest area and saw the structure closer than before as they sighed in relief. "We're almost there." Hermione called out as she saw the structure.

"Good hopefully we can find some help and figure out where we are." Harry said and in turn they began to make their way to the settlement nearby. But unaware to them a large creature had caught their scent and in turn their scent caught its attention. This large creature was clearly hungry and itching for a nice meal to fill its belly. But it waited till they're guard was properly dropped to pounce and begin its little snack break.

"It's strange." Hermione confessed as she looked to the forest. "Most of these Fauna I've never seen before in any book." Hermione said as she looked to the plant life around her. "But a good amount of them I've seen many times over either in person or in a book." Hermione said looking to the trees she was most familiar with.

"What brought this on?" Sirius asked as he looked to Hermione.

"Just a feeling that we may be farther from home then we thought." Hermione confessed as she looked to the trees.

"Only one way to find out." Harry said as he looked to the structure not too far away from them. It had to have been man made there was no other way to describe it.

"Ok then." Hermione said before she and Sirius began to walk forth to try and make their way to the structure torts civilization. But all of a sudden Harry stopped as he looked to the ground inspecting something on it. He saw footprints that reminded him of those lizards from the woods.

"What is it pup?" Sirius asked when he noted Harry had stopped.

"Tracks." Harry said as he saw the tracks in question.

"Look there's more over here as well." Hermione called out as she saw the tracks that lead to what looked like scratch marks on the ground. Hermione began to give the marks a proper look over but unaware to them the one who made those marks wasn't too far away. In turn it pounced as Hermione cried out in a panic as it had her pinned down.

Harry and Sirius were wide eyed at the massive lizard with dreadlocks of its own flesh on its head trying to savage Hermione. "Hermione!" Harry cried out as he charged in wand drawn.

"No Pup!" Sirius called as he stopped Harry from firing. "You might hit her with an overcharged spell!" Sirius stopped as Harry saw Hermione was in danger.

"But Hermione." Harry began only for aide to arrive. A roar was heard as a man with a massive sword jumped down and landed on the creature back and stabbed at it to get its attention.

"Hey don't mind me!" He called out as he was on the monsters back.

"Boy get down!" A new voice called out and from behind them another man came out with a woman by his side. The male had a massive sword on his person which he swung down and hit the large monster as the woman dashed by it causing it damage. The Monster tried to buck off the first arrival as the woman used her staff to pull Hermione free.

Once Hermione was free the monster charged at the tree roots in their path to which the tree roots ended up shattered upon impact. "This way now!" The first arrival called out as he and his ally lead the trio down the path.

"Stay close." The second male ordered as he looked to Harry and Sirius with a look of importance. The two then began to follow the guy with the huge sword on his back as they chased after the massive monster that was chasing their allies.

"Move!" The first guy called out as they ran for the gate like bats out of hell. As they ran it wasn't long before they found a wooden and sturdy gate in their path.

"This way!" The woman called as she, Hermione, and the first male arrived at the gate.

"Hurry!" Hermione called out as the trio made a run for it. But it seems fate was against them as when they got to the clearing of the gate a large monster akin to a T-Rex but with fur jumped out roaring in fury.

"Oh Bloody Hell." The woman said as she saw it.

"Ignore them they're having a turf war GO!" The second male ordered and in turn they ran to the gate. The trio ran to the gate as the larger monster had the first one in its maw and began to slam it around to kill it. Or at the very least injure it severely so it knew who ruled this turf. The trio ended up under the larger one but it was clear that getting all three of them pass would be difficult.

"Come on!" The male called out as Hermione had to agree.

"Hurry!" Hermione cried as the second fighter saw this and had an idea.

"Brace yourselves." The male said as he then grabbed Harry who yelped in surprise. Then with a mighty throw he managed to get Harry through the gate where he slid on the ground. The warrior then grabbed Sirius and with a spin manage to do the same for the Black. The warrior then charged the gate and avoided the tale with a jump. The result was the first warrior closing the gate and locking the monsters out as they made it to safety.

"Are you three ok?" The masked one asked as he was dressed in metal armor with what appeared to be monster parts around it. It had many spokes on the shoulders and back similar to a cape with horns on the head and seemingly glowing red eyes. IT looked ominous with the scale like cloth around the hips and a weapon similar in style on his back. (So everyone knows it the Dalamadur Armor and Greatsword).

"Y-yeah." Harry stuttered as he grabbed his glassed that had fallen off earlier. But as he got up the woman saw Harry and gasped in shock at what she saw.

"J-James?" The woman said as she was in shock at what she saw before her. Once the chaos had settled she looked to Harry deeper and was in turn near tears. "No... Harry." She said realizing who this was.

"Wait how did you?" Sirius began to which the woman began to remove her headpiece and shades to reveal crimson red hair pulled into a bun and emerald green eyes two things both Harry and Sirius recognized. "L-Lily?" Sirius gasped as standing before him was none other than Lily Potter as this left both Harry and Sirius speechless.

"We best move to HQ there we can get the story of what happened." The intimidating warrior said as he looked to the group.

"He's right the sooner we move the better." He said and in turn Harry and Sirius managed to regain themselves and start making their way to the structure.

(Scene Break HQ)

The trio walked into the area and saw the large gates seemingly made of bones before them. As they walked Hermione was at an awe at what she saw. "Amazing aint it?" The man from before asked as he looked to Hermione as even Harry was awed by this. Lily and the man in the full armor tailed behind them as they saw the gates before them. "Just look at this gate it's, like nature meant for us to build Astera here." The man said as Hermione heard this.

"Astera?" Hermione asked confused to this.

"The name of our base." The man said as he looked to Hermione.

"Astera…" She said testing the name on her tongue. "I like it." Hermione confessed as it was a good name in her books.

"Guts." The man began getting Guts attention. "Go on ahead I don't believe these three are with the Fifth Fleet." The man said as Guts heard this.

"Wait what?" Guts asked as the man sighed.

"If you paid attention they are neither equipped nor experienced with any of this all they have is a knack for it." The man said as Guts looked accusingly at Harry, Hermione, and Sirius. "I'll meet with you at the Council after meeting with Iris to decide what to do with these three." The man said as Harry really hoped he wasn't being sent off by these people.

"Ok... got it." Guts said before he went on ahead.

"Mum how are you." Harry began but Lily stopped him.

"Not yet... it's a long story I assure you one I'm still coming to terms with." Lily confessed as Hermione knew it was something that would open old wounds.

"Follow." The man ordered Harry, Hermione, and Sirius as he began to lead them on through the Trade Yard.

Not too far away from them was a girl with crimson red hair with streaks of blond in it as she had one emerald eye and one red eye. She was tending to the wounded from the Fifth Fleet as she gave them a look over. "Easy there we're get you to fighting shape in no time." The girl said as she wrapped some bandages over the wounded. Nearby an Anthropomorphic cat was carrying a box over its head filled with medical supplies as she got to work. Once she was done she wrapped the wound and smiled to the hunter. "Ok just take it easy for a bit we still have others to look after." She said as the group approached from nearby.

"Iris." The male said as Iris heard this and stood up.

"Mum dad." She greeted running up to them as Harry saw she was maybe 13 or 14 years of age.

"Hello luv." Lily greeted to her daughter as Harry was surprised to hear this girl call his mum hers and this man her father. "Are there any serious injuries?" Lily asked as Iris smiled.

"No just a few bruises and maybe a broken bone or two both everyone in the Fifth Fleet made it here safe and sound." Iris said as she looked to her parents. "Who are they?" Iris asked as she looked to Harry, Hermione, and Sirius.

"We'll explain at the Canteen it's probably empty right now." The man said as he began to guide them through Astera.

"Hey wait for me!" Iris called as the group of six went through Astera.

(Later Astera Canteen)

With the Arrival of the Fifth Fleet and whispers of them crossing with an Elder Dragon hands were on deck giving the group time to talk at the mostly empty Canteen. Harry, Hermione, Sirius, Lily, Iris, and the unnamed hunter sat at a table and waited. "Now then." Lily began as she looked to the group. "I'm sure your wonder how I'm alive." Lily said as Sirius nodded.

"Among other things." Sirius said as he remembered seeing Lily's corpse.

"Ok... I honestly don't know how I survived." Lily confessed as she looked to the shocked group. "After James was... and Voldemort came for me he killed me and it was all black after." Lily explained as she looked to the group. "Next thing I know I wake up in a log cabin that belonged to him and well after some time of searching and finding no way to return to my world... I ended up staying here with him." Lily explained as the man sat with his arms crossed.

"Yeah and next thing mum and dad knows I came along." Iris smiled as she looked to the group with a grin on her face.

"Yes speaking of which sir." Hermione began as she looked to the intimidating figure. "If you may can you remove your helmet and give us your name?" Hermione asked as the man sighed to this.

"Very well." He said before he proceeded to remove his helmet undoing the straps of it and sliding it off his head. Once he did a mop of blond straight hair was freed as his eyes were closed. He put the helmet down and opened his red eyes to look to them all. "Before I reveal know if you attack I will defend." He said plainly as if his name was something that belonged to someone vile. "My name is Mordred Pendragon... and yes I am that very same Mordred that was called the first Dark Lord." He said top which Harry, Hermione, and Iris eyes were wide eyed to this.

"Ok since we gave you our names tell us yours!" Iris smiled as she ran over to the trio. "I'm Iris, Iris Rose Pendragon!" Iris introduced as she looked to them.

"I'm Harry." Harry greeted as he gave Mordred a small glare to this.

"Iris." Lily began as she looked to her daughter. "Harry is your elder half-brother." Lily said being blunt making Iris go wide eyed and grin while Harry was just wide eyed. Harry was shocked and a bit angry when he heard this as he looked to the trio and tried not to lose control. Hermione saw this and knew she may have to calm Harry down but before he could a horn was blown.

"The Council is convening. Lily... handle the rest here while I speak to them about our new arrivals." Mordred said as he took his leave and headed down to the Council.

Once Mordred was gone an awkward silence came in as Sirius and Hermione both felt it as well. "Well did it get cold here." Iris said as even she saw it.

"Harry... I'm sure you have many questions." Lily began but Harry cut her off.

"Why?" Harry asked as Lily knew where this was going. "I thought you were dead my whole life and instead you're here with a new family... replacing me." Harry said as he honestly felt replaced right now.

"Harry I never wanted to hurt you Sirius must have been looking after you after that night." Lily tried to say but Harry wouldn't listen.

"Well you bloody did!" He shot up surprising Iris to no end on this was as Hermione saw Harry was not taking this well. "First you replaced dad with a bloody dark Lord and then you replace me." Harry nearly yelled as he glared at his mother who looked saddened by the fact she hurt her first born like this.

"Harry I." Lily began but Harry wouldn't listen as he stormed off instead.

"Harry wait!" Hermione called out but Iris knew she could do better.

"I'll go talk to him." Iris said as she wanted to bond with her brother and ask what this whole Dark Lord Business was about and the weird story of how her mother had died somehow.

"Wait I'll go with you." Hermione said as she chased after Iris.

In turn Sirius and Lily were left alone as Lily looked to Sirius. "Sirius." Lily began as she looked to him as her was a bit nervous now. "Tell me what has happened." Lily said to which Sirius might as well start from the beginning.

"Well... it's a long story." Sirius said as he went into the tale of how he was in Azkaban while Harry was with the Dursley's.

(Over with Harry)

Harry was seen sitting on a high point not too far away from the Canteen as he looked down below and felt the wind in his face. As he sat there by himself he wondered about the past and present. His mother was alive and not only was she thriving she was... happy without him. She remarried the first and vilest of Dark Lords, and had a child with him his half-sister. As he saw under the railings he felt cheated and betrayed as if fate and life made him the blood scapegoat of horrible things.

"Boop." The voice of Iris was heard as she poked Harry in the cheek all of a sudden. "Boop." She repeated doing the deed again. "Boop. Boop. Boop." Iris kept saying as with each one she poked Harry as she began to get on his nerves with that.

But before Iris could do it again Harry stopped her. "Would, you knock it off!" Harry demanded he snapped as he sent a major glare to his sister.

"Good now that I have your attention mind if I sit here?" Iris asked as she looked to Harry.

"Rather you not." Harry said but Iris smiled to this.

"To bad I'm doing it anyway." Iris said as she sat next to Harry making him roll his eyes. "So we're half-sibling's right?" Iris asked as Harry looked to her.

"I suppose so why ask?" Harry asked as he looked to Iris in confusion.

"That means you owe me almost 14 years' worth of sibling bonding." Iris joked as Harry looked to her. "Wait... are you older or younger?" Iris asked as Harry heard this.

"I was a year old when Mum vanished, and I'm 15 now." Harry said as Iris heard this.

"Bloody hell I'm the younger sibling?!" Iris cursed as Harry heard this and then smiled when she began to pout.

"What's wrong with being the younger sibling?" Harry asked as he began to get cheered up by his half-sisters adorable pouting face.

"Everything you're going to horde it over my head, scare off possible boyfriends, and be a total pain like most elder siblings." Iris said as she gave Harry a mock accusing look.

Harry smiled and laughed a bit as he was feeling a little better as he saw Iris was trying to bond with a brother she always wanted by the looks of it. "But I don't have a choice have to make sure my adorable little sister is doing well." Harry joked as Iris gasped at this.

"No it's already starting!" She faked cried in horror as the two began to laugh together from this event. "Why are you laughing?" Iris laughed as Harry laughed as well.

"I can't help it what about you?" Harry asked as the two began to calm down from there quips.

Once they caught their breath Iris began to speak again. "Feeling better?" Iris asked as she and Harry smiled to the clear blue sky above.

"Um... yeah a tad." Harry said as Iris nodded to him.

"She talked about you a lot." Iris said as she got Harry's attention. "When I was a little girl she always told me stories of you and my step-father James she talked how she missed you both and wish you were here with her." Iris said as she looked to the sky. "Mum loves dad but she never forgot her husband and son." Iris said as she looked to the sky above. "I thought it was all real and wanted you to be here so every year I wrote a letter to the Grand Capture Master asking for him to catch you and bring you over." Iris said as Harry figured it was the local equivalent to Santa Claus. "I grew out of it but I'm happy to meet you brother." Iris smiled as Harry smiled back to her.

"Th-thank you." Harry said as he knew he couldn't blame Iris for what he saw. Nor can he blame his mother either as she gave him a wonderful if not random younger sister. "So are you and Hermione a thing?" Iris asked causing Harry to blush and sputter in response.

"That's none of your business!" Harry defended as Iris laughed in retaliation.

"Oh it is big brother, everything you do is me your little sisters business." Iris teased as unware to them Hermione saw the whole exchange. That was until Guts arrived and looked to them all. Guts cleared his throat and Harry was in turn wide eyed when he saw Guts here.

"The Council want to talk to you." Guts said as he looked to the duo. Harry and Hermione n turn nodded and began to follow Guts to meet with the council.

(Later with the Council)

Harry, Hermione, and Sirius were guided by Iris, Lily, and Guts and saw the Council was here in full. They met with the Council at their meeting place and saw many people stood around a long and large table. Mordred was seen standing at it with the other people representing the other aspects of the research Commission here in Astera that was standing at it as well. They were waiting for another to show up as Guts came in with an old man soon greet him as he said, "Guts, glad for you to show up on time with the honor guest."

"Not a problem, Commander" Guts said as he give his grandfather a small slut before lowering it and stand normally as he was as the commander turn to the group before the table and look towards Harry and greeted him with a smile. But despite this it was time to acknowledge the Elder Dragon in the room so to speak.

"Now then Mordred here has told me you three are Stowaways correct?" He asked giving the trio a look.

"Um..." Harry began to which Mordred made a look in which Harry knew he had crafted this story out of the blue. "Yes sir we wanted to enter the New World but we didn't make much of the cut as hunters so I decided for me and both my Godfather and friend would sneak aboard and make our mark in the New World." Harry helped the craft as she looked to the Council.

"Well he wouldn't be the first one to do it or make it this far." Came one that had elven ears on the table.

"Still dishonest as it was." Mordred spoke up as he looked to Harry. "The boy has potential not many could make it this far, even after falling onto the back of the Elder Dragon that had arrived." Mordred said as he looked to them. "Sending them back will be a waste of that potential I'm willing to wager it needs proper guidance to flourish." Mordred said as the Commander rubbed his goatee a bit.

"Are you staying you and Lily will take responsibility of them?" The commander asked as Mordred nodded.

"Yes I'll make sure they pull their weight around here." Mordred said as Lily agreed.

"Yes I'm sure we can find something they can do to help out around here." Lily said as she looked to the council.

"Alright I shall allow it but if anything happens it's on your heads." The Commander said as he agreed. "After all we can always use new hunters to help with the research of the New World and Elder Crossing." The commander said as the trio nodded.

"Elder Crossing?" Sirius whispered as that was a new thing for him.

"Now then I suppose a proper welcome is in order to the Fifth Fleet as belated as it is." The Commander said as he then smiled. "I'm your commanding Officer Griffon welcome to the Research Commission." Griffon said as Harry and Hermione nodded in response. "Mordred, Lily you two will get these three up to date on how things work around here, I want them ready in a position by the weeks end." Griffon said as they all heard this.

"It shall be done." Mordred said as the Commander nodded.

"Now then let's work on what we know from the Fifth Fleet and the arrival of the new Elder Dragon. I want a full detail report by the weeks end as well. Until then dismissed." Griffon said as everyone disbanded as this meeting was made to discuss the Fifth Fleets arrival and go through the supplies they had arrived with to see if anything was lost during their skirmish with the newly arrived Elder Dragon.

(Scene Break that evening)

"Here you lot will sleep here for the night." Mordred said offering them a room in his and Lily's accommodation. Being from the Fourth Fleet they managed to get some of the best in hosing. Harry and Sirius would share Mordred's apartment room while Hermione will spend the night in Iris room.

"Thank you for housing us... and covering for us." Hermione said as Mordred glared at her and nodded.

"Sending you to the Old World would be suicide with you three being unware of how things work here. I had to use some of my good cards and favors to make sure you three stay so I expect you three to pull your weight." Mordred said being gruff and to the point.

"Bloody Hell Lily what do you see in him?" Sirius asked to which Mordred looked to him.

"As I understand Black I was considered the first Dark Lord in History... a time of so many mistakes." He trailed off for a moment before refocusing. "This is a Research Commission to study the Elder Crossing, Lily and I shall work to get you three up to date but I will need to know what you three are best capable off." Mordred said as he looked to the three.

"Well I'm quite adept in information gathering and research." Hermione confessed a bit boastful as Lily smiled to this.

"Brightest Witch in your age?" Lily asked as Hermione nodded.

"YEs but how did you?" Hermione asked only for Lily to smile at her a knowing smile. "Oh." Hermione said as Lily must have had that same title in her Hogwarts years as well.

"So a handler should be sufficient and boy from what I have heard in passing you seem adept in combat are you not?" Mordred asked as Harry nodded.

"Um yes." Harry said to which Mordred nodded.

"Good a Field Hunter perhaps but we shall see in the morning." Mordred said as he wanted results not guesses.

"Wait morning?" Harry asked but Mordred ignored him.

"Black what can, you provide for the Commission besides your past as a prankster." Mordred asked as he looked to Sirius.

"Well..." Sirius began as Mordred nodded.

"You have till tomorrow afternoon to learn." Mordred said as he didn't give Sirius time to answer.

"Now then." Lily began clapping her hands together and with it gathered everyone's attention. "Time for bed everyone wakes up bright and early around here." Lily said to which they all understood. But Harry still had questions to ask but he saw the silent promise that they would be answered tomorrow. They all parted ways to get to bed to be prepared for the morning to come.

But before he went to the room Harry gave Mordred one last glare before heading into the room. Mordred noticed the glare and took it in stride knowing the boy was going through things many young men do when their mother remarries. But for Harry it was worse than most seeing as he thought his mother dead for over 14 years. Lily saw the look Mordred had and knew the former Dark Lord saw a bit of himself in Harry... and wanted to stop Harry from going down the same path as Mordred had done many centuries ago. As Mordred had said the world doesn't need any more Dark Lords.

But the question was what awaited these trio of Wizards and one Witch in this world of hunters and Wyvern's. Would they face dangers unlike any seen before, adventures thought only in legends and stories, or a combination of both? Once can only wait and see for the Sapphire Star shall light the way for this journey of a Wizard turned Hunter.


ESKK: Well here it is the first chapter redone and properly edited. I hope you all enjoyed it and until next we meet folks leave a review before going to find another fic to read and I will once more say to you readers ja-ne.