So this is my personal pet project that I had been stewing over for a few months. I doubt anyone is going to read this, but this is something that I want to write. It'll be a chapter a month while I get to some other projects, but this story will get done. This story is also cross-posted on AO3. It'll have same day updates.

If there's any trigger warnings for a chapter, I'll tag it in the notes at the beginning of the chapter as fair warning.

This story is going to more angst-ridden than what I normally write, albeit the first few chapters will be tame, but that's tagged.

OFC, I don't own My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia and Black Clover.

Chapter 1 Reckoning Woods Pt. 1

Asta blearily opened his green eyes. His head was pounding. He was laying on a bed of leaves and twigs on the floor of forest that Asta didn't recognize. Unfortunately, as he slowly sat up, Asta realized that he didn't know how he was here or what had happened. The only two things he remembered was his name and that he needed to be somewhere important. Shaking his head of dead leaves and twigs that got tangled in his spiky ash blond hair, Asta tried to recall what he had been doing before he woke up here.

"Hello," he called out loudly. He didn't hear anything.

Asta didn't hear anything in a forest. Immediately, he stood up and scanned the area. There were no birds, no squirrels, no rabbits and other woodland creatures that normally inhabited forests. "Strange." Stretching his arms up and to the sides, his headache was slowly going away. He stretched his back and then his legs.

After he finished his stretching, his hands unconsciously went to his side looking for his grimoire. "Oh, that's right, I'm a Magic Knight," Asta said to himself, remembering bits and pieces. "I wonder where it went." No grimoire meant no swords, and it also meant no anti-magic demon or Black form. He needed to find a town and some help to figure out how to get back to the right place.

Looking around once more to be sure that he didn't have anything but the clothes on his back, he headed north. If he didn't find a road or a trail soon, he'll just climb one of the trees to see if he was near anything. The only reason that he was not climbing the tree at the moment was due to being cautious about his memories.

It was rather unsettling to have bits and pieces of his memories coming back to him. He remembered his life in Hage and his childhood best friend and rival Yuno. And he also remembered joining the Magic Knights and the faces of some of his friends, but he felt that there was more since he didn't feel like he was a teenage boy anymore.

He just kept walking the forest, and remembering slowly as the pieces came together, going year by year like a play inside his head.

At one point, he stopped and had a mild panic attack because the sun hadn't move at all, and yet it felt like some time had passed already. Something very strange was going on, Asta mused to himself, as he continued his trek through the mysterious forest. No animals, the sun not moving, and it was too quiet.

He sighed heavily, as he stopped walking to lean on a tree. Asta debated with himself if he should just climb the tree and forgo caution until memories returned.

"Oh, thank goodness, I finally found someone else," said a voice, startling Asta. Coming out of the woods was a man about his height and age. The man had green hair (undercut with curls on top) and dark green eyes. There were a smattering of freckles on his kind-looking face. He looked as confused as Asta felt.

Asta grinned. "Hi!" As usual, he was louder than normal, but the green-haired man barely flinched. "I'm Asta. Are you lost too?"

"My name's Izuku," he responded. "I'm definitely lost. The last time I was in a forest was a very long time ago. Is your memory fuzzy too?"

"Yeah, you too, huh," said Asta. "Well, I don't know about you but it's really boring by yourself. I was just about to climb a tree to see where a town could be."

Izuku smiled. "I was thinking of doing that too. I wouldn't mind the company. I just really feel like I have to go home, you know?"

Asta nodded. "We need a big sturdy tree."

Together, Asta and his new companion looked for a tree that looked like it would be able to hold both of their body weights. His new companion was a mutterer. After a couple of times, Asta realized that Izuku wasn't talking to him, but instead to himself. Asta remembered many of eccentric people he knew, so it wasn't too weird.

"This should do it," said Izuku, patting a nearby tree that looked good enough to peer out over the forest. "Man, I wish I was able to fly right about now."

Asta wondered if Izuku was a wizard too. "I was able to use my sword to fly. So are you a wizard?"

Izuku shook his head. "No, I had a quirk. I can't feel it right now. But I'm under some suspicions that we both might be in the wrong world."

Asta didn't know what a quirk was, but he understood that Izuku might have a theory about where they were. "I wonder what kind of enemy did this to us."

Izuku stretched his arms, readying himself to climb the tree. "Someone that wanted us both out of the way."

And that was when Asta remembered as Izuku got a foothold on the tree. Asta was the Wizard King and his people needed him. Quickly following Izuku, Asta climbed up the tree. They reached the top and peered out above the treetops. There was forest for ages.

"Geez," said Asta, scanning the horizon for smoke or any indication of a town.

"Oh, Asta, over there," said Izuku, pointing west. "I see some lights, or er, energy beams, maybe?"

Asta looked where Izuku had indicated and saw the same thing—it looked like Patri and Licht's light magic, actually. "We go west, then!" Asta frowned as he realized that they were going to have to walk. Not only were they going to have to find food (even though Asta wasn't really hungry) but also a place to rest if it ever became nighttime.

Izuku must have realized the same thing because he said, "I wonder if without my quick, I would be able to…hmmm." Izuku continue to mumble to himself, leaving Asta to think too. It had been a long time since he had been without his grimoire and anti-magic swords.

As Asta was a training maniac who had no magic in a world full of magic and the only person able to lift the anti-magic swords due to both his magiclessness and strength, he might be able to swing through the forest faster.

"Well, there's no time like the present," said Asta, suddenly. He grinned at Izuku. "Are you up for it?"

Izuku just stared at Asta, until Asta jumped from the top of the tree they were on to the one next to it, heading west.

"Oh," said Izuku, as Asta jumped some more. Asta saw that Izuku quickly followed him. Maybe, they would be able to get to the town within a reasonable time-frame.

~to be continued


If you read this and liked it, let me know what you think about it.

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StorytellerAo3 (check profile for the link)

See you next month for an update.