'What is going on?' Izuku thought. He noticed Ochako acting somewhat strangely the past few days, and he was determined to discover why. She didn't sit with him and Iida at lunch; and when she finished -and she finished rather quickly- she left swiftly. Iida noticed too, so when Izuku excused himself, he let him go.

Ochako secluded herself in the dorm lounge, where she thought she was alone. She opened her pink flip phone and dialed a number in. Izuku watched from around the corner; he knew that eavesdropping was creepy; but if she left lunch early to make this call, he knew it was important.

Soon, the dialing stopped, and even Izuku heard a feminine scream from the other side of the line; he couldn't make out the words.

"Happy birthday, darling!"

Ochako recoiled, then brought the phone back to her ear and replied, "Thanks mom. I was calling to check up on how you and father were doing."

"We're doing fine. How are you doing?"

"A-as fine as it gets. Just typical school work and hero training. Nothing's been out of the ordinary, at least not recently."

Izuku heard that. 'She's calling her mom. Her mom excitedly greets her -first thing, then Uraraka-chan thanks her. Could this actually be. . . ?'

"Have your friends wished you a happy birthday yet?"

"No, I. . . I haven't told them."

"How come, sweety?"

"I-I don't know. I just-"

"I want to make sure the people around my daughter are treating her with the respect she deserves." Her mom says with spirit.

Ochako quietly laughs. "It's fine, mom. I'm having a great day so far."

"Friends will make it better. There's no reason to hide your birthday from them."

"I-I just don't think my birthday is that much of a big deal."

'It is her birthday!' That was all Izuku needed to hear. Jaw dropped, he turned around and covered his mouth. After a split second of thinking, he knew what he needed to do and made his way back to Iida.

"Midoriya, did you find anything out?" Iida asked. Izuku sat down, not saying a word. "Midoriya?"

"It's. . . Uraraka-chan's birthday!"

Iida's eyebrows raised in interest. "Interesting. Why would she not tell us?"

"She probably didn't want to burden us or anything. In all honesty, I would've probably done the same." Izuku chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, I wish we knew sooner, otherwise we could've prepared properly."

"It is not too late. We're going to give her the birthday she deserves." Izuku said, standing up and slamming his fist on his palm. Realizing he sounded too into it, he began blushing.

Also standing up, Iida said,"Midoriya, our schedule could barely-"

Midoriya grabbed Iida's chin and brought it down to his eye level, glaring hard.

. . .

"I can see you're very serious about this." Iida said.

Realizing the short-tempered move he made, Izuku let go and started stuttering and apologizing. "S-sorry, Iida. I was j-jus-"

"It's, alright, Midoriya." Iida said. "My lifestyle got ahead of me just then. Uraraka-chan does deserve a special day, as she has not been in the most substantial environment her whole life."

That gave Izuku an idea. "I'll be right back."

"M-Momo-chan! Can I t-talk to you?" Izuku asked. 'Keep it together, Izuku. You can do this. You have to do this.'

"Oh. Deku-kun. What's up?" Momo greeted.

"It's about Uraraka-chan."

"What about her?"

"Today. . . is her birthday."

"Her birthday? I wonder why she didn't tell any of us." Momo said.

"Iida said the same thing."

"Well, what do you want me to do?"

"It may be much, but hear me out."


It was the end of the school day, and to Uraraka's knowledge, most students had told her they had plans for the evening, and she felt left out. 'Maybe I should've told them.' She thought. But Izuku, Momo, and Iida had discretely spread the news around about Uraraka's birthday; so when the students "left" UA, they had sneaked back in to prepare.

Ochako was on her way out to take a walk, but noticed a colored piece of paper taped to the wall beside her. Thinking it was a flyer, she looked at it, but was surprised to see it was addressed to her. She picked it off the wall and read "Ochako, please come to the lounge."

Somewhat intrigued, but also worried she might be in trouble, she made her way to the lounge, not at all expecting what lied ahead.

It was completely dark, so she turned on the light.

"SURPRISE!" Everyone shouted; Izuku was in the middle, holding well-decorated cake.

Ochako screamed, then began floating into the air. Once she overcame her shock, she landed herself on the ground. Some of her classmates shared some quiet chuckles. She approached the group, blushing and stuttering quietly. She didn't know what to say.

"Happy birthday, Ochako!" Tsuyu said with a smile.

"Wha?. . . How did you know?"

"Questions later, just have fun now." Momo said.

"Ochako." When Uraraka heard the voice, she felt her heart stop, then begin beating rapidly.

"Mom?" From the crowd, her mom and dad emerged. "Mom? Dad?" Her eyes began welling up.

"Oh, come here, Ochako." Her mom said, she and her husband opening their arms to her.

Uraraka ran in and hugged them both tightly, slowly and quietly bawling her eyes out.

"Now. . ." Aizawa said monotonously, "time for cake."

Kirishima leaned over to Deku and whispered, "Didn't take Aizawa-sensei for the cake type." before quietly laughing.

"Me neither." Izuku replied before equally chuckling.

When everyone finished, Momo had Ochako and her parents sit down on a couch before taking a seat herself across from them.

"Now," Momo began,"It is your birthday, Ochako, but this present," she pulled out a slip of paper, "goes to your whole family." She handed it over to Ochako, and she observed it. Her parents leaned over her shoulders before totally freaking out.

They were looking at a check of Fifty-four million, three hundred ninety-six thousand yen (equal to $500,000 American dollars).

"I called in a favor with my father, and he agreed to this donation." Momo said with a smile.

Izuku lightly nudged Momo's foot; she saw Izuku mouth the words 'the other one' and gestured to Ochako. "Oh, right!" She exclaimed. She reached behind her and pulled another box and gave it to Ochaco. "This one is for you."

Ochako took it curiously, then slowly began unwrapping it. She doubled the shock when she finished.

"A NEW PHONE?!" She screamed.

"Happy birthday, Ochako." The use of her first name warmed Uraraka up even more. Ochako went over and hugged Momo tightly.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" She told her over and over again.

Uraraka's father was still fawning over the check. "I-I don't believe it. We're eternally grateful; but honestly, you didn't have to donate so much."

"She seems to be quite taken by the phone already." Her mom said as she looked at Ochako speedily getting her phone set up. "Honestly, she's lucky to have a friend like you to be so considerate."

"Well. . ." Momo said, "This was actually all Midoriya's idea. He put this all in motion."

Izuku barely brought himself to move. While the other classmates cheered Izuku on, he slowly leaned over to Momo and said, "This wasn't part of the plan. This night is about Ochako."

"Sorry, but there's no way I can take all the credit for this." Momo explained.

Izuku was unaware of Ochako gazing at him. She had so many thoughts going through her head right now, but it was all about one thing.

She sternly stood up and said, "Deku-kun, I would like to speak to you outside."

Izuku froze. "O-Okay."

Ochako shut the door behind her as they both stood in the hallway outside the lounge.

Faster than Izuku could process, Ochaco wrapped her arms around Izuku, hugging him tightly. Izuku was now a tomato with limbs.

"Thank you so much, Izuku." Her use of his first name made him blush even redder. He felt as if his head would pop soon.

"Y-Y-You're w-welcome." He squeaked, in which she chuckled.

She let go and smiled warmly at him. "But honestly, you didn't have to do this."

"N-no-yes I did! You," he took a deep breath. 'Keep it together.' He let it out. "You deserve the best."

She smiled even wider, then pulled her new phone out of her pocket. She added Izuku's number to her contact, then opened her camera to set an icon photo. She pulled Izuku close and smiled, Izuku followed suit. Right before she took the photo, she turned her head and kissed Izuku on the cheek. She snapped the photo the second his face turned red again.

Izuku covered his face, stuttering the whole time. Ochako just stood there, smiling and admiring the photo for a few moments. She looked up at Izuku -putting her phone in her pocket, took his hands and put them down, then wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Then would 'the best' like to be my boyfriend, if I deserve it so much?"

Izuku almost couldn't handle it anymore; but once he processed the question, he realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he couldn't pass up. Especially not with the love of his life. So, gathering his scattered conscience, he bravely answered, "Yes."

Ochako smiled again, blushing herself. She looked into his eyes, then at his lips. She closed her eyes then leaned in slowly. Izuku mustered up the guts to do the same. The next thing they knew, they were sharing their first kiss.

To Uraraka, there was no doubt about it. It was the best birthday ever.

((I know they'd technically be on Christmas break since Uraraka's birthday is December 27; but I changed it here because I couldn't get this idea out of my head, and I needed this to be written.))