Chapter One

"Jug!" Betty called from the car, resting her arm on the half rolled down the car window. "Let's get going."

Jughead called back an okay and Betty shifted to the steering wheel when she heard the trunk slam shut. Hopping in the passenger's seat, the young man grinned over at his girlfriend.

Sometimes a weekend out of town was exactly what was needed. Riverdale tended to be… suffocating.

Planting a kiss on her boyfriend's lips, Betty grinned back. After a moment, she pulled away and started up the car. Jughead slipped off his heavy winter coat and tossed it in the back.

"Five hours to Riverdale. Maybe we can make it before my mom makes dinner," Betty declared as the car stuttered soothingly alive and started on the thinly snowed road. "I get to choose the music." she then added before Jughead could start up a song.

Her boyfriend made a face but shrugged. "Fine," he huffed dramatically.

Around six in the afternoon, the snow began to pick up. Flakes of the Winter Wonderland blew from all directions, and the closer they got to Riverdale, the more snow was beginning to pile up on the roads.

"Where is the snow plowing truck when you need it?" Betty grumbled under her breath.

Jughead looked up from his book and raised an eyebrow. He was wrapped in his coat, which had found its way back to him in the four hours they'd been in the car. "Sleeping?" he offered in a very unhelpful way.

Letting out a dry laugh, the young woman focused her eyes on the road once more. The road was as dead as the victim in Jughead's book. Still, she had slowed down slightly, the harsh winds and fast approaching blizzard making her wary.

"You cold?" Jug asked suddenly, and Betty found him looking over at her from the corner of her eye. "I'm sure we have a blanket or something in the backseat." He put down his book and unbuckled, reaching into the back.

Betty felt her eyes dart from the road to Jughead. "Jug, stop! Buckle up!"

"Wait a moment. I think there's a blanket. Keep your eyes on the road, I'll just be a second."

The young woman bit her lip but begrudgingly looked back to the road. She could barely see in front of her. "Is there a hotel or something nearby?" it didn't seem safe to drive in this weather. Had they not checked the weather? Betty was sure she had before leaving.

Jughead was quiet, and she heard some shuffling in the back before an 'aha!' Moving back to his seat, the Serpent pulled a cozy plaid blanket from the back. "Here you go, my lady."

Betty glanced over at him, laughing softly and shaking her head. "Mhm, thanks, now buckle up!" Taking the blanket from him, she felt her hands briefly leave the steering wheel.

The car jerked in the snow. Panic flooded Betty and she abandoned the blanket, reaching for the wheel. She heard Jughead say something, but it was drowned out in the adrenaline that thumped in her ears.

She remembered screaming in fear for Jughead, then the lack of gravity, then nothing.

It was cold. Very cold. Frost seemed to hang on her eyelids as she woke up. Her eyes remained shut. The second thing she noticed was the silence. It was almost peaceful.

She was crushed between something but didn't move her hands to help herself out.

Then she heard a groan. Not sure if it was her or something else, the young woman tried opening her eyes. They felt so heavy, but she managed to blink them open.

Everything hit her at once. The severe pain, the fear, her name, what had happened, Jughead. Jughead! Another groan, more of a mumble, as she tried to shout for him.

The car had flipped. More than once it had seemed. Her own seatbelt seemed to be locked, preventing her from moving even more. Glass scattered the snowy ground, along with a lot of car pieces. And blood. The car was tipped over. A new fear struck her. Where was Jughead?

She tried turning her head, ignoring the flaming hurt as much as possible. Her boyfriend was on the floor, laying on the car top, now the floor, and snow without movement. No! She could barely breathe, or else she would've tried to call out his name. The seat belt and crushed car from keeping her from falling, and breathing.

Betty let out a strangled scream. Blood dripped into her left eye. Was she bleeding? Instantly, tears and blood with her eyes before falling to the ground. So the blood that freckled the snow was hers?

No! She couldn't be hurt if Jughead was. She needed to help him. Her hand tried to move to the seat belt, pressing against the button desperately, but her hand was shaking too much. Why was it so cold? Finally, she was able to jam her thumb on the button and Betty was dropped. She hit the hard ground with a thud.

Air seemed to leave her in a snap. Tears flooded her eyes as she tried to move across the ground. Glass cut into her clothing, leaving painful marks on her chest as she crawled. It was a short distance that seemed like forever.

She tried calling out to Jughead again, but her voice hadn't returned to her. Reaching her shaky hand out, she rested it on Jughead's arm. He seemed to be laying on his coat, and it was now she could see he was breathing. Hope flared in her chest.

He was alive!

She couldn't see from her left eye anymore, for it was far too blurry, but she knew Jughead was there. Betty gripped his shirt in her fist and shifted closer to him. The glass cut deeper.

She mouthed his name, but still, no sound but a choked sob escaped. She slowed her blinking, pressing her face to his arm. Feeling comforted, lulled even, by her breathing, the female let out a shaky breath. He was alive. Betty shook him. His body rocked before he jolted awake.

A feeling of success rested heavily on her chest. He was alive. She closed her eyes and felt him move. Now that she knew Jughead was breathing, she could rest… There was no reason to stay awake now…

Exhaustion pulled her into a light slumber but she heard his voice.


A/N: Hope you liked this new story! It should be medium length, and most likely nobody will die. I love bughead too much 3 Leave a review and follow!