Two chapters in the same week. A new low for my social life but (hopefully) a win for you guys! that's a lie, a lot has happened since I last updated regularly. So: my parents split up and my dad moved to a different town and I lived with my mom before we also moved but to the same town that my dad lives in, I got my driver's licence and a car (which my mother later stole from me and got a DUI with it.) I got a a girlfriend, she's gorgeous and we're really happy together.

But on to the story because I know you guys didn't click on the story for a dumbed down version of my last two years.


Harry had been practicing his newfound abilities as much as he could for the next few months, he learned a lot. He could now move small objects with his mind almost effortlessly now and he found he could change his facial features just by thinking about it.

Harry was currently at the local library reading an interesting book titled: Influence: the art of persuasion. It was an interesting read, detailing the psychological persuasion techniques that were commonly used and how to defend against them.

With the guidance of his new friend, who he later found out was a female adder. Her name was "Nora" and she seemed to be growing still, she had grown a few inches in just a few nights, soon he would have to find another place for her, as she said she could grow much larger and he didn't think they could both fit under the stairs eventually.

His relatives had to be dealt with soon, they were growing increasingly violent as of late and it didn't bode well to Harry, he had thought of running away before but he never went through with it, the fear of truly being alone helped him endure.

That day's chores had been particularly brutal and Harry was beyond exhausted, checking his watch he seen the time. Swearing loudly he put the book down and gathered his things, much to the ire of the librarian, who held up a finger in warning.

Harry left the library and made his way towards his relatives house.

Arriving he noticed that his uncle was home earlier than usual, that was never good.

He opened the door and cursed as he heard the familiar creaking of the door. Of course he wasn't the only one to hear it and the sight of his tubby uncle angrily making his way downstairs came into sight.

"Listen here boy, we clothe you and feed you out of the kindness of our hearts. But we expect you to do some things around here, and not go lounging around with you hooligan friends." his uncle stated the purple starting to tinge his cheeks.

Harry made to explain but his uncle closed the gap surprisingly fast for his larger form.

That night Harry wished for death, for any escape at all to be fair, he lay bloody and bruised in his cupboard silently crying. Before he fell asleep, tear tracks arcing down his face in silent agony.

Line break

Harry had been practicing his magic consistently, after the incident with his uncle, he had power and the ambition to learn more. He had discovered something new, now he could unlocked doors with a flick of his hand, and telekinesis? Came as easy as breathing.

Opening his cupboard he silently made his way outside, shielding his face from the brightness of the summer sun cycle.

He eventually found himself in the library once again, his frail hands gliding smoothly over the thick brown spines of the books they had. Still walking down the isles harry felt something odd, a pull almost to the corner of the library.

Confused harry followed his instinct and in his worn trainers walked towards the deserted bookshelf in the far right corner. His eyes glossed over the assortment of books, before the pull sharply increased towards his left, his eye caught on an old and dirty brown book, a single name uncovered in the dirt by his breath shone proudly: Potter.

He picked up the book with caution and blew the dust off of it, he had to avert his eyes quickly however, as the book had an incredible amount of dust on it. He took the book back to his seat and opened it, careful not to damage the weathered book any further.

The book was named such: 'The history off the illustrious Potter family.' confused and more than a little hopeful, harry turned to the first page aware of the author: Fleamont Potter. Harry read the book for several hours, it detailed the potter family and its titles and seats in the government. Harry was surprised t turn to one of the last pages to see a genealogy tree which somehow, had his name on it.

Using his finger to keep his spot Harry read aloud: "Fleamont potter, Dorea potter nee black." The next row: "James potter, Lily potter nee Evans." and the last line was him. Harry was extremely upset, seeing his parents names for the first time in a book of all places broke something within the small boy. And he disappeared from the library with an impressive popping noise.

He appeared in the living room of his relatives house, surprising everybody there and nearly causing his cousin to have a heart attack. His aunt had an unreadable expression while his uncles face quickly contorted in rage at what he seen was an abhorrent intrusion.

His uncle jumped up but found himself unable to speak, he was pushed back violently on onto the sofa, and stayed there as if held. Harry's eyes glowed with malevolence.

"I have endured lifetimes of trauma thanks to you pitiful mortals." Harry spoke softly, his voice echoing with dark energy. A thrum of power echoed in the back of everyone minds that day, people in Privet drive reported numerous inconsistencies and gaps of their memories.

Harry's expression contorted into one of rage, causing his relatives to shrink at the sight of his normally docile eyes, flaming in anger. Petunia started crying but the angered child payed no mind. His uncle eventually broke through his bonds and tried to lunge at Harry, but he quickly fell to the floor in agonizing pain.

He squirmed on the ground for several minutes before he went into a coma so his body could cope with the psychological damage.

Harry waved his hand angrily and they all went unconscious, which Harry quickly followed.

Line break

Harry's next months were very peaceful, he no longer did any chores which opened up his timetable a lot, he had also dropped out of school, stating that he was being home schooled. He had quickly started networking as much as possible, creating a small circle of people that were indebted to him. He had gained some popularity and people no longer looked at him sideways.

He had taken over Dudley's bedroom and made the fat child sleep in his old residence. It was one fateful day where he met his best friend and almost mentor: Jose.

Jose was a man who had newly moved into one of the privet drive residences. Harry had tried to subtlety ask around but nobody seemed to have any idea of who he was. He was just some mysterious Mexican guy who had moved in and seemed completely normal.

Until Harry had been walking down the sidewalk and heard a shriek of pain. He slowly edged his way by the door, hearing cursing Harry inched behind the shrub next to his door just in time to see the short man come out of the house in a hurry, picking away a long brown stick into his back pocket as he went, Harry just shrugged to himself, putting it down as some sort of religious artifact.

The man put his garbage cans away because of the wind, before his head snapped in his direction and Harry silently swore in anger. Quickly thinking of a plan, Harry waited.

The man took out the stick and waved it muttering "Homenum revelio." Harry assumed he was talking in his native language, knowing next to no Spanish. He felt a weird sensation wash over him before the man suddenly pulled the bush apart and seen him.

He grabbed Harry violently but he pushed the man with his mind making him fall backwards. The man suddenly got very upset and started cursing, he pointed the stick at the bush and it quickly disintegrating it and revealing Harry.

The man, still pointing the stick at Harry, began to speak: "You're a wizard." Harry only had time to tilt his head in confusion before a jet of scarlet red light raced towards him. Harry unfortunately, was not fast enough to evade and it caught him dead center in the chest.

Line break.

He woke up with a crick in his neck, looking around he seen he was on a nice sofa, the house around him decorated in modest but comfortable furniture. The color scheme focused more on green and black than any other building on privet drive than he had ever seen.

Standing up he stretched his sore muscle, cracking and snapping as he did so. He slowly and cautiously made his way into the other room, this one however, had some oddities: One the wall hung a broomstick and the head of a unicorn looking creature, it's mouth hung open, revealing sharp teeth. The rug was decorated by an odd saber tooth looking creature with eight inch long teeth and claws like daggers.

Hearing a slurping sound he turned to find the man sitting in a comfortable looking lounge chair, sipping on a cup of tea. He set down the cup with a clang and turned to the confused teen.

He looked Harry dead in the eye and asked a single question: "Who the hell are you?"