Disclaimer: I own Kiryuu."

" This blows and I can't defend against my rivals."

These were those thoughts of Ranma Saotome who is currently at the park in Nerima with an anger and disgusted look o his face as he recalled earlier that he has angered Happosai the founder and grandmaster of Anything Goes Martial Arts.

Happosai decided to punish Ranma by hitting him with the 'ultimate weakness moxibustion' which renders the victim weaker than a baby to Ranma 's horror but it only has gotten worse as Happosai sent letters revealing Ranma's weakness all over town.

Ranma thought" I hope Dr. Tofu can find a cure soon."As he gains a desperate look on his face.

Ranma feels the wind blowing heavy causing him to jump into his stance but to his surprise a vortex forms and opens to his amazement an athletic young man with tan skin with shaggy black hair, a red headband, a well-rounded physique with an intricate tiger tattoo covering his left arm and upper torso and he was wearing a red and black kung fu pants with a champion belt that has a black dragon symbol. On his wrist were spiked gauntlets and covering his mouth was a metal mask that covers his entire head save for his shaggy hair.

Ranma thought" Who is this guy ?"As he felt something was off about the guy before him but he see the male looking around in confusion until his eyes landed. Ranma could have sworn he saw a look if recognization flashes into the male's brown eyes.

Ranma asked," Who are you ?"As he remains hin stance looking at the unknown boy with narrowed eyes.

The boy said," Relax I come in peace."As he raises his arms signaling that he doesn't mean any harm.

Before Ranma could say anything several figures jump out to surround Ranma who paled in horror as they all get in their fighting stances with grins. Kiryuu see this and he gets in the middle of the circle.

Kiryuu said," You will not hurt him ."As he gets in his fighting stance.

Everyone including Ranma along with Happosai who was hidden watching the even ina place but the rivals all scowl at Kiryuu but Kiryuu wasn't intimidated by them as he held his ground as he gives the come at me gesture at them.

Mousse said," You will pay for your interference."As he uses his Exploding Chicken Eggs techquine at Kiryuu.

Kiryuu see this and he uses the Dragon Fire moves to hit the eggs to everyone shocked as the flames hit the eggs causing them to explode. Kiryuu goes for a flying kick to Mousse hitting him in the face sending him flying.

Everyone looked at Kiryuu in shock and the rivals all looked at each other then they all ran away leaving the two alone while a certain pervert master looked at Kiyruu in shock as he saw fire coming out of his hands.

Happosai thought " That boy shot fire from his hands."As he looked stunned and he wanted to know more about the boy.

Kiryuu asked," Are you alright ?"As he looks at Ranma in concern snaping Ranma out of his shocked state.

" RANMA !"


The duo turned to see Akane and Ranma's father Genma are running towards them making Kiryuu drop his stance as he see them coming. As the two got close they paused to catch their breath making Kiryuu looked amused.

Genma said," I told you to stay in the house."As he glared at his son who flinched at his father's loud voice.

Akane said," Yeah you are in no condition to fight Ranma."As she scowled at Ranma then she looked at Kiryuu with a blush on her face making Kiryuu raise an eyebrow.

Genma asked," Youngman who are you ?"As he looked at Kiryuu with curiosity as he stared at the reincarnated fighter.

Kiryuu stated," My name is Jin Kiyruu but you may call me Kiyruu."As he bows towards the older Satome who looked surprised but returned

Akane thought" He looks mysterious and he looks handsome." As she looks at Kiryuu with a bashful look.

The two looked at Kiryuu's appearance and they see that he looks like a martial artist which made them very curious about the strange youth. Little did they notice that Cologne was watching the event take place and she saw surprised to see fire come out of Kiryuu's hands.

Cologne thought" Things have finally gotten intresting around here."As she smirked in amusement.

A couple of minutes laters Kiryuu along with the trio are back at the Tendo home sitting in the living room with the rest of the Tendo family looking at Kiryuu with looks of curiosity and confusion.

Soun asked," Youngman where are you from and where is your family?"As he looked at Kiyruu with a curious look on his face.

Kiryuu stated," I have no family and I come from Yohoma ."As he looks at the older Tendo with a serious look.

Kiryuu sees some of them wince in guilt but Kiryuu shrugged his shoulder as he was used to being alone as he was left on the steps on the orphanage hell his past lives were orphans so it didn't affect him.

Kasumi said softly," I am sorry for your lost Kiryuuu ."As she had tears in her eyes making Kiryuuu raise an eyebrow at her.

Kiryuu said," It alright Ms. Tendo ."As he waved it off like it was nothing.

Kasumi said," Thank you Kiryuu but you can call us by our first names."As she offered Kiryuu a gentle smile.

Ranma thought" Should I tell them that I saw Kiryuu come out of a portal or should I kept it to myself? I will tell them about him shooting fire out of his hands."As he looked at Kiryuu from his seat.

Kiryuu asked," You don't mind me asking but why was Ranma being jumped by some thugs?"As Kiyruu knew but he decided to play along since he doesn't want to reveal anything.

Genma sighed," I can tell you ."As he looked very sheepish at Kiryuu along with Ranma.

Kiryuu couldn't believe that this Happosai would do something so sinster by turning Ranma weak then sending letters to his rival about his disadvantage making Kiryuu disgusted but Kiryuu remembered something.

Kiryuu said," I might have a way of returning Ranma back to his full strength."As he gains everyone 's attention.

Everyone shouted," YOU CAN! HOW!" As they looked at Kiryuu had a smirk on his face.

Kiryuu said," This 'ultimate weakness moxibustion' can be destroyed by using chi and I have chi."As he lights up his hands with fire making everyone jump back in shock.

Genma asked," You can use chi ?"As he looked shocked that a boy can use chi, unlike his son.

Nabiki asked," Is it possible ?"As she looked a Kiryuu.

Kiryuu said," It can be done and I need a place to do it."As for looks over at Ranma who held a determined look.

Ranma said," Whatever it takes."As he stands up making Kiryuu smirk.

Hours later Ranma and Kiryuu ae in the forest of Nermina that away from the Tendo's home for safety. Ranma is shirtless and KIryuu see between the base of Ranma's shoulders was a small scar in the shape of kanji.

Kiryuu thought " That it huh."As he looked at the kanji with critical eyes and he summons his chi. He covers the scar with both of his hands causing the scar to glow until it burst into flames.

Ranma felt like his olde self but he suddenly felt a boost in his power making him look back at Kiryuuu in question but he see Kiryuu grinning. Ranma enters a standing lotus position causing his aura to manifest into a blue aura.

Ranma thought " I feel different but it beats being weak as a baby."As he feels his new power and he turns back to Kiryuu.

Kiryuu said," If you are wondering I gave you a bit of a boost and I would like to test you."As enters his stance making Ranma surprised but he smirked as he enters his Musabetsu Kakutō Ryū stance.

Ranma said," You are speaking my language friend."As he dashes forward towards Kiryuu.

Kiryuu goes for Windmill Punches but Ranma blocked them then he goes for the Kachū Tenshin Amaguriken which sent Kiryuu back. Kiryuu does the Dragon Fire which hit Ranma in the chest making Ranma wince.

Ranma thought" Damn it that hurt."As he holds his chest as he see the burn on his chest.

Ranma didn't have time to react as Kiryuu does a Bicycle Kick which was covered in fire but Ranma countered it with Hiryū Shōten Ha which sent Kiryuu flying g in the air but he lands back on his feet.

Kiryuu said," Not bad but let kick it up a notch."As he was about to take it to the extreme.

Before KIryuu could go all out a portal that looks like the one from MK VS DC opens up revealing an army of Tarkatans all came out of the portal making Ranma and Kiryuu looked shocked at their presence.

Ranma asked," What… the… hell… are… those?" As he looks at the Tarkatans with a repulsed look on his face.

Kiryuu said," Tarkatans."As he narrowed his eyes at them but he see another figure stepping out of the portal making his eyes widened.

The figure that steps out of the portal was Ermac in his Mortal kombat X form covered in a green aura making Ranma shiver since he feels the aura of Ermac. Ermac begins to levitate in the air.

Ermac said," Liu Kang."As Ermac's spooky green eyes looked Kiryuu.

Kiryuu said," I don't go by that name anymore Ermac and I will send back to where you came."As he enters his stance and he narrowed his eyes at Ermac.

Ranma asked," Kiryuu you know this thing ?"As he looked over at Kiryuu who was focus on Ermac.

Ermac said," We are many; you are two."As he lands on the ground then he orders his Tarkantans to go to the town leaving Ermac alone with Ranma and Kiryuu.

Ermac fired a Soul Ball at the two but they both rolled out the way to avoid it then Kiryuu goes for Large Fireball which Ermac then used Disappear to reappear behind the duo then he used the Telekinetic Slam to lift them in their then he slammed them to the ground.

Kiryuu cursed," Damn it."As he gets up from the ground along with Ranma.

Ranma asked," What is he and how do we beat him?"As he looks at Kiryuu who is scowling at Ermac.

Kiryuu said," Ermac and he is a being made from many souls."As he made Ranma shock as he looked at Ermac.

Kiryuu said," How we beat well we wear him down."As he goes for a flying kick to the head of Ermac.

Ranma then uses his Meteor Kick on Ermac causing Ermac to explode into million pieces making Ranma look taken back by the forces of the kick along with Kiryuu but he remembered giving the boost.

Kiryuu said," We have to go back to Nermina."As he looked over at Ranma who nodded.

The duo quickly runs back to town and they see to their horror the street covered in the blood of people with claws marks on their body making the duo seethe in anger at seeing the dead bodies.

The boys run towards the Tendo dojo to see that four Tarkatans are fighting the combined might of Genma and Soun who are trying to keep the Tarkatans from reaching the house but the boys notice something as well as they see the two Anything goes master is heavily injured.

Ranma yelled," POPS AND UNCLE SOUN!" As he see his dad and his dad's friends fight with all of their hearts against the mutants.

As the two older males were fighting they were hit in the back by a flaming skull causing them to skid from the impact of the attack. The Tendo sister came out of the house to see what the commotion coming outside.

Kiryuu asked," What the hell?"As saw what happened to the older fighters and he see something to his shock was Happosai.

Happosai's body language is different as he didn't have the same perverted look but instead he a fake smile on his face along with his hands behind his back making everyone tense up. Genma and Soun glared when they saw their former master approaching them but Kiryuu had his eye narrowed.

Kiryuu thought" It feels like I know him somewhere."As he looked at Happosai who is now standing before hi two former students.

Happosai said," Liu Kang you are here good."As made Kiryuu's eyes widened in shock as Happosai looked at Kiryuu.

Everyone looked at KIryuu in confusion then they turned there attention back to Happosai but they watch in horror as Happosai is enveloped in green aura which then transforms Kiryuu into another person that Kiryuu is familar with as he pales in horror.

Standing in Happosai was a man that looked like a young Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa dressed in a hybrid of Shang Tsung 's MK3 and MK 2011 costume making Kiryuuu pales as he realized who is standing before him was the man who killed his past self and his brother Chen.

Shang Tsung said," Your souls are mines."As he uses his Soul Steal to steal the souls of Soun and Genma causing the girls to freak out in horror making Shang smirk evilly.

Kiryuu yelled," SHANG TSUNG YOU WILL PAY!" As he goes for a flying Kick towards Shang.

Shang Tsung simply used his magic to teleport himself along with the Tarkatans away making Kiryuuu miss but he lands on his feet. Kiryuu hears sniffing causing him to see the Tendo surrounding the corpses of Genma and Soun making Kiryuu feel guilty.


Everyone turns around to see it was Cologne and her great-granddaughter Shampoo who are both looking at the carnage in Nerima but they were freaked out by the corpses of Soan and Genma.

Ranma asked," Kiryuu who was that and where did they come from? More importantly, who are you?"As he looked Kiryuu with a look that begging for answers.

Everyone looked at Kiryuu but before he can utter a word lighting strikes down in the middle scaring everyone excluding Kiryuu as Raiden appeared surprising everyone making them get in their combat stance.

Raiden stated," Perhaps I can shed some light on this matter."As he spooked the resident out with his eyes.

Notes: Here is the second chapter and Ranma's world and Kiryuu sees some familar faces in this chapter. Yes, I used the Movie Shang Tsung because the movie was my favorite Nuff said.