Characters[secondary]: Owen, Mace, Yoda, Mr. and Mrs. Lars

Main characters: Qui/ Obi [later]

// =mind speech or thought.


"About like old times isn't it Mace? You, me, and Yoda on a mission. A lot of years have passed since we have been together."

"Yes well I am afraid I would be a little rusty on a *real* mission. Master Yoda, well he is what you see. His fighting abilities, I think have not been really proven to us. I think he keeps a great deal of his power and knowledge to himself."

"Well he certainly gets in our business enough. He thinks he is the wisest of the wise in the Jedi order."

"Well isn't he?"

A hearty laugh came from the overly tall master. He liked this time spent with his two best friends, Yoda and Mace. The mission its self was far from being a deadly one, just necessary. No worries for Master Jinn or his comrades.

Just then Qui-Gon looked up to see his apprentice, sixteen-year old Owen Lars walk from the back of the ship. There was a look of disappointment and also astonishment on his face.

"I tell you Master Yoda must be good at everything. Even a little game of cards and he takes it as if he is battling a *Hutt*."

Mace and Jinn looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"Well tell your master and I, who won the majority of the games?"

Owen rolled his eyes. He was not a bit amused at Yoda's enhanced abilities at everything.

"He did of course. I think I would have been beaten with his gimer stick if he lost one."

"Are you saying he cheats, the great Yoda?"

"Of course not. I want to keep my knee caps from being crushed with that *sith* stick of his."

"Mouth padawan, watch it. Extra meditations could be in *your* cards for you if not."

Padawan Lars hung his head. He knew his master was kidding in a way. But Master Jinn was very strict and no doubt if another unclean word came from his mouth would net him and hour or two of extra meditations for him that night.

Just then the familiar hobbled-sounding footsteps of Master Yoda could be heard as he came to front of the ship with the other three Jedi.

"Cheat I didn't.. Imply it did you Padawan?"

"No Master Yoda, just making an observation on how well you played the game."

"Good. Good maybe learn something about poker you did for not your game it is right now. I think lose your pants you would if bet them you did."

After watching Jinn's padawan turn three shades of red from light to almost a purple-red, everyone settled in and quietly listened to the constant almost rhythmic hum of the small transport ship's engines.

Another few hours and Owen would land on his home planet again for what would be to make the biggest decision of his life, his future as a Jedi apprentice..

Qui-Gon sat as he watched his padawan and contemplated the possibility of losing him back to his family. He and Owen got along exceedingly well but something in Lars told Jinn the boy's heart was not in his destiny of a Jedi Knight.

//We can be given a child gifted in the force but if it is not meant to be then he won't and shouldn't become a knight.//

Lars always suffered from homesickness. It was terrible. Many nights Jinn would go to him as he suffered through a night terror concerning worry for his family. He missed his father, and in turn his father missed him.

Master Yoda had been more lenient with Owen because of his desire to be with his family. He went home more often. Now though would be different. The Jedi had never forced Owen to come back from his visits with his family. He could have stayed at any time had he wished to do so. He did not though, so as not to dishonor his master, Qui-Gon which he cared for and respected.

No, he waited until he turned sixteen and during the required trip home for all sixteen year old apprentices, he would decide with certainty if the Jedi was his destiny. There would be no shame for his master if he chose to remain home at this time; right before he was advanced to a senior padawan.

All masters with apprentices about to advance to senior status went through this. However not all masters had to deal with the real possibility that the last four or five years might be washed away by their apprentice's decision to remain with their family.

That was the mission they were on. Padawan Owen Lars would spend time with his most loved father and mother while he decided his future. Jinn, Mace and Yoda were friends with Owen's mother, once a Jedi knight herself, but now married to the Prime Minister of Galin, a small planet only a day and a half away from Coruscant.

P.M. Delon Lars, Owen's father had mixed feelings for the Jedi. He admired and respected them but he wanted his son home by his side. He wanted someone to carry on his name. Owen was his only son. Although the Jedi padawan often boasted of having a brother, he didn't.

His mother's sister died while on a mission for the Jedi and Owen's mother took her child in to raise after Owen left for the temple.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was not a force sensitive like his cousin. The younger cousin's mother and Owen's mother were twin sisters, identical in every way even down to the midichlorian count. However eleven-year old Obi-Wan was not blessed with the force. His count had never been tested because Obi-Wan had never shown any traits normal for a even a newborn blessed in the force. Ever since he came to live with the Lars' family he was normal in every way.

That was not exactly the truth Jinn thought as he remembered meeting the little one for the first time when he was only six years old. The boy seemed almost behind his normal age group. Even now Owen told of how the boy, his *brother* was behind in class, almost always in trouble, and an introvert at heart. Master Jinn also knew from his apprentice's stories from trips back home, that his father did not care for little Obi and was sometimes almost abusive to him.

Of course Owen never dared used the word "abusive", but Jinn just felt it through their bond, Owen hid something.

He never went back to the Lars home after the second meeting with Obi-Wan at the age of eight. Something tugged at his heart when he first met the little boy and grew with intensity on his next visit. He didn't know what but it alarmed him to the point he really didn't want to see him again. He thought with time, almost five years, things might have changed and he knew his apprentice needed him.

He also had become adjusted to the fact that he might lose Owen but if he did, it would be the will of the force and he could accept that.

The smell of the Lars home still carried with it the familiarity to Jinn from the day he first visited it when Owen was thirteen years old. His visits had become less and less frequent with his padawan as Obi-Wan grew older and presented something persistently annoying about the smaller family member that grew and grew until eventually Qui-Gon politely begged out of the visits with Owen; feigning a visit to his own home world or unbeknownst to Owen a requested solo mission at the same time his visits home were planned.

Selena Lars welcomed the Jedi with her usual enthusiastic way, never acknowledging the fact that the only reason her husband excepted the Jedi in his home was Owen's return home for a visit. He had never it go unnoted how he felt about them and their removal of his son from his home. He had reluctantly agreed to let the boy go live at the temple but contempt for the ones so adamant at having his son grew with each passing year along with his misery of having Owen away from him.

"Master Jinn I am so glad to see you. Of course Mace and Yoda too. However you seemed to have conveniently avoided us during the last few visits from Owen."

Selena casually took both big hands of her son's master in her own out-stretched ones then planted a small kiss of Qui-Gon's cheeks.

The blush that formed on Jinn's cheeks was amusing to both Mace and Yoda. Yoda noted it with a little cackle laugh and then blushed a red tinge over green when Selena bent down and gave the old master one on his cheek as well. Mace anxiously waited for his. Jedi didn't not get greetings that were so rewarding as a kiss from a beautiful woman, even if she was once a Jedi.

P.M. Delon Lars tried to be as cordial as he could this time. His hopes were high that Owen would remain home. Jinn could almost feel the contempt from the man as he greeted all three masters and then proceeded to wrap his son in the biggest hug with both arms around him.

"Yes we are indeed happy to have you here this time. The next couple of weeks will be the height of my year."

"Hope do you, son decide to stay he will?"

Mr. Lars rolled his eyes and Jinn noticed the clinching of his fists. He battled within his own self from telling Master Yoda off Jinn imagined, as he waited for a response for his padawan's father.

"Yes Master Yoda. Call me selfish if you like but I do hope Owen stays here but I will not press the issue. I know it must be his decision, especially if he is to be happy in life. And while I love my son dearly and want him with me I want *his* happiness more. No Owen must decide and I will not make that decision hard for him."

"Good then maybe Selena has tea she does.. Long journey for me it was."

Owen decided he could speak now that the elders had finished discussing him.

"Father, where is Obi-Wan. I have a small gift for him. I missed his last birthday. Master and I were on a mission and I couldn't send him anything."

"It's not necessary. Your mother lavishes more than enough gifts on the little one. Too many . Spoils him. I think she does it to compensate her own misery of missing her real son."

Selena shot her husband an almost daring look. he returned it with his own frown of annoyance. Jinn watched the interaction and got the feeling that little Obi could be the cause of a lot of strife between husband and wife.

"Well where is my little brother anyway?"

An angry voice came from his father which was truly unlike him when it came to Owen.

"Don't call him that. He is your cousin and remember that while you are here. It is enough to have your mother hovering over him like he is really a member of this family. I am sure it will drive me to insanity if you start it as well."

Now Selena blushed but it was from shame of her husband's blatant outburst and show of discord he had for the boy.

"Excuse my husband Masters. He seems to have lost his temper and his manners. Obi-Wan was a little ill last night and didn't rest as he should."

At the same time Selena's attention was drawn to her son. She wanted to reassure him of Obi's health.

"It is alright Owen. Obi-Wan did not feel well and is resting. Nothing too serious I don't think."

"Is he sick mother?"

Under his breath and only heard by Master Jinn was the mumbling rants of Owen's father again. Only this time he seemed to fear his wife's wrath so his voice was low.

"When isn't he sick anymore?"

"Not exactly. Well no but he hasn't been eating or sleeping like he should. He is catching up on sleep. Nightmares replaced his slumber last night. Instead of a well deserved few hours of rest he tossed and turned with his subconscious terrors only he knows for he never shares them with *anyone*."

Mace stepped forward.

"Selena you know you have full access of the healers at the temple. We all know Obi-Wan is not force sensitive, but the healers there know a great deal more than some. Maybe they could help."

Selena seemed to slink back behind her husband's chair and acted almost fearful of a Jedi healer checking the boy out.

"That is what I told her. I knew with her son a Jedi and she was once one, even the boy's mother, then you Jedi would not object looking at him. She would have none of it though. I even suggested she have you bring one this trip. He would have been more than welcomed if he could find the reason for the boy's illness. It is running my wife ragged trying to care for him. It is a good thing she has her force abilities intact for she would be the one down with some illness for her rest is as sporadic as the boy's."

Jinn watched Selena's reaction to mention of temple healers and go the most distinct feeling she feared the idea. That to him seemed odd, but he made no mention of it.

Everyone took a seat at the large dining table as Selena excused herself to make tea. Owen left to find Obi-Wan. After they were all seated Yoda let his decision on what to do about little Obi be known.

"Settled it is. Ask for help you do not but get it you will"

Selena stepped in with a tray of small cakes and biscuits just as Yoda announced his plan.

"Call a Jedi healer I can. Get to the bottom of his mystery illness then both mother and Obi rest well."

Everyone jerked their heads up at the sound of metal hitting the floor. Selena had dropped the entire tray of fancy snacks.

"Oh excuse me I don't know how I did that."

No one except Yoda noticed how she managed to drop the tray. He saw an enormous amount of raw fear in her eyes. However it was Jinn who actually felt her fear through the force its self. For some reason, Selena did not want the Jedi healers to look at Obi-Wan and for the life of him Qui-Gon could not figure out why.

//She knows the temple healers would more than likely find the boy's medical problem.//

The Jinn realized the truth that was right in front of him.

//She doesn't want the reason for his illness known; Either to all or some. Maybe she thinks the Jedi healers would find out something she has no wish to be found out concerning the child,….. but why?……….//

That evening Obi-Wan was present during last-meal. Although he was sullen, he looked healthy enough as Jinn stared a few moments watching the boy's reaction to his family's visitors. Was his sullenness from not feeling well or something deeper thought the master. He was abruptly interrupted by Mr. Lars' comments.

"I am in a way glad this is the time chosen for Owen's visit . There is a problem here on Galin and I would have had to come to the temple to discuss it with you Master Yoda and Master Windu. All of the council really because I am sure I would need the council's agreement for what I ask."

"Yoda you may. Problem on Galin there is?"

Selena seemed nervous again. It was the first time Qui-Gon could remember ever seeing her uneasy around any Jedi for any reason. Today was exceptional. First she got so upset she dropped a tray now she stopped eating and with her napkin in hand continually whirled it through her delicate thin fingers as she listened to her husband.

"Delon, I don't think you should bother the Jedi with a small problem like this."

"Small problem."

The thundering voice resonated through the large dining room. It made Obi-Wan and Owen both flinch at the angry sound of the prime minister's voice.

"The very safety of the people here in Galin is at risk and you call it *little*. Damn it woman you have acted strange since our Jedi guests arrived. What is wrong with you?"

"Delon there is no reason to be rude or use such words in front of our guests.."

"Now you turn it on me. I am not being rude. Raids are being conducted on an almost weekly basis with increasing regularity and you call it little."

Mace hoped to break up this little spat before it turned into a war between husband and wife.

He reached over and placed his larger dark hand over both of tiny ones to halt the nervous twisting and Selena turned to look at him.

"Let us here what the Prime Minster has to say. It can't hurt Selena. After all we if could help you in any way I don't think the council would deny you that help."

P.M. Lars pounded his fist on the table with satisfaction that came with Mace's decree of possibly helping him. It caused Obi to almost jump out of his seat.

"See Selena I told you they would help us."

"Certainly listen to the problem we will. Transmit it to the council for approval we can also if deemed necessary. Continue you will."

Delon Lars glanced quickly to his wife with a satisfied smirk on his face; aloof over the fact the Jedi sided with him in a way more than they did his wife who was once one of their own.

Owen's interest piqued too. He had been watching his *little brother* until his father started with his tale.

Owen's father launched into his story.

"There is a band of what we assume is rogue Baruba jawas or for short we call them sand rats, for lack of a better nickname. For whatever reason they were exiled from their world and have settled in the area of our moisture farm workers just outside the city. When they are short on supplies, food drink clothing anything. They rob for it, not hesitating to kill their victims even when unprovoked. My people will hand the credits and supplies willingly over to them hoping to save their lives then one or more of them are blasted down just for the sake of the sick sadistic need of the *sand rats* to witness blood shed. They seem to take their banishment gorily out on my people for it. The more blood shed, the more increased are the raids. I think that is how they plan to live; robbing, raping, and killing my people to sustain their pathetic lives."

"Seems it does, reason for the Jedi to intercede there is. Talk to the council this night I will. If agreeable then maybe trip tomorrow to your unwanted visitors we will go. Settle this quickly we should before more are harmed."

Lars let out a long sigh of relief. However he feared his wife's anger too much to look at her again. She seemed to be in an unexplained highly excited state.

Obi-Wan's mysterious come and go illness was all but forgotten. It wasn't that Yoda suffered senility because of his advanced age, he was deeply concerned with their anticipatory confrontation of the *sand rats*. They were at best up there with the Hutts when it came to trying to use diplomacy. Yoda was not even sure they knew the meaning of the word.

And if these were rogue jawas, or sand rats as they were nicknamed, then they were most assuredly the worst of the worst; More than the one's left on their planet that had banned these from their home because of their corrupt ways.

The wizened old master knew the Jedi could have their hands full because he doubted they would listen to the wisdom of diplomacy but instead would try to *buy* their way with sheer power and fear to get what they wanted.


That evening the two boys Owen and Obi-Wan did not have a care in the world. Both of their thoughts were with seeing each other again, not of the possibly dangerous mission for the Jedi the next day. Owen was not even aware that the sand rat trip tomorrow could entail a quite possibly fierce confrontation.

"Is it fun there Owen?"

"I don't know Obi-Wan. I like Master and I have a lot of friends. I miss being home though."

Obi-Wan couldn't understand that. He cared very much for Owen's mother, his aunt but he would gladly trade places with his older cousin. He couldn't tell Owen the reasoning behind that was his father's cruelty toward him. Not physically because Mr. Lars was not in general a cruel man, just the indifference and seemingly dissatisfaction at having the boy there.

Obi thought he reminded him that his own son who was so far away and he tried not to feel any animosity toward his uncle. Nevertheless, some days it was hard, especially when he would just suddenly become ill and because of his uncle, Aunt Selena wouldn't spend time with him like she use to do when he was little.

Obi watched Owen as he glided his hand over each space ship on his dressers, some of them given to Obi by him. Padawan Lars was absorbed in his memories of living at home and Obi-Wan could tell he missed it. He didn't know why but he seemed to not only see the misery but feel it within himself.

Owen's mental anguish was shared by Obi-Wan by some unexplained mysterious ways and to Obi it was scary and almost unbearable.

"Why not just stay home with us Owen? That is why you are here, to decide what you should do with your life. Would your master mind?"

"No Obi. It is my choice and he would hold nothing against me. It is not the Jedi way. Its just that I do like him and care for him its just…well…just.."

Obi-Wan reached over and touched his cousin's arm. It brought instant comfort to the older boy.

"It's just that you miss home and you not only like your family you love them."

"Yes Obi-Wan but I don't want to hurt my master."

"If he is as you say he is, I think he won't be hurt, maybe a little sad. But with time that sadness will heal and he can take another apprentice. I think your dad would be a lot happier."

Owen took the younger boy's hand and dragged him to the floor with him where they both sat with their legs crossed and tucked under them.

"It's hard for you isn't it Obi?"

Obi looked down as Owen released his hand. He didn't want to tell his beloved cousin he didn't care for his father at times.

"What do you mean Owen? Everything is fine."

"You know what I mean Obi-Wan Kenobi. My dad, is at times hard on you because of his misery of missing me. He takes it out on you."

Obi-Wan's expressive blue eyes grew bigger and he looked up to see his cousin staring at him.

"Please Owen, don't ever say that to your dad. I am not all that unhappy. I am glad to have a place to live where I am loved. It's just sometimes when he really misses you, I am a constant reminder that you should be by his side and not me up under his feet. It's alright really. It really isn't even his fault. He loves you a lot you know."

"Yes and that is why I think I may stay here and not go back. My master cares for me, but Father loves me unconditionally. I don't think I can hurt him by denouncing him for the Jedi, although he says he wouldn't see it that way. No, you may have a companion in this room permanently from now on……….."


Owen's father, Delon was in a good mood the following morning. Things were going his way. Even during the talk with his Jedi son last night left him to believe there was a very good chance that when the Jedi left in two weeks they would go minus one Jedi apprentice his son.

Owen confessed last night to his father that he thought he would stay with his family but he asked his father not to let Master Jinn know. He would tell him in his own time. Owen wanted to spend a few vacation days with his master alone to break the news to him

Obi-Wan seemed more distant that morning. It even prompted Selena to ask if he was sick again. That brought Delon in the conversation because he criticized his wife and accused her of babying the boy to the point that his illness was his way of seeking attention. Today he said would be a good day for it because they had Owen there to divide their attention now.

Selena found Jinn having a long conversation with his apprentice, her son before they left to seek the sand rat jawas. Jinn's hand rested gently on his padawan's shoulder but there seemed to be a rift between them.

"I told you while here you are not obligated to work on any mission. This mission its self could wind up dangerous."

"Master Jinn don't you think you have trained my son well enough to accompany you on a diplomatic mission."

Jinn looked up to see Selena and "clucked" a sound of disappointment for her putting her opinion in.

"Don't stat Selena. You know the jawas are a deadly bunch. I can't imagine what we might run up against, if these are worse than their planet's counterparts. If they were exiled for crimes then they must be a hard core bunch.

Delon Lars came in just as Qui-Gon tried to explain why he felt Owen should stay there. Delon was always proud of his son and thought him capable of anything, even when it came to the Jedi. The only thing he had against the Jedi was taking his son, not the way they had brought him up.

"Oh Jinn it is alright. We can spare him a couple of hours today."

"I thought you might like him to visit with you while we seek out and try to reason with your problem group."

"That's alright. We will have plenty of time to visit. Let the boy go. He is still your apprentice as he always likes to chant. it is his duty while he is an apprentice to be by your side."

Qui-Gon feared the Prime Minister had two meanings to his words but he wasn't sure what the second would be, unless Owen had decided his future and had told his father. Jinn expected as much.

"He is more than capable Master Jinn. If he is under my care now, has my permission to go."

Selena looked at her son and then to his father.

"Yes he is a Jedi. If you permit him then I have no objections either."

It was settled with Qui-Gon feeling a bit uneasy about it.

The Jedi, all five of them headed to where the jawas group was suppose to be staying.

They reached the end of the lane. Selena and her husband had already gone back in.

Owen looked up and back toward the his home when he heard Obi-Wan call him with urgency in his shout .

"Owen please wait. I didn't get to say good bye."

Owen stopped and grabbed the arm of his little cousin to stop his run. He swung Obi around and they were then face to face. Jinn and the others walked a little further to give the boys a little privacy.

"Don't go Owen. I had a bad dream last night. It was about you and your master.. You….... something terrible happened…. I just can't remember what."

"Don't be acting like a baby in front of my master Obi. I will be back in a couple of hours and if you like we can go fly that new kite, alright?"

"Well I want to fly the kite. I just don't want you to go."

Owen who was very tall for his age bent down on his knee and spoke to his little cousin who worshipped him, in an almost whisper.

"Look I have something I will let you hold for me. My master gave it to me on my thirteenth birthday . I thought it stupid then but later I realized it was very special."

Obi looked at Owen's extended hand to see a colorful rock. It was pretty but *still* a rock.

He returned his gaze his cousin with questioning look.

"Your master gave you a rock for your present? *WOW*. Your mom gives better gifts than that."

Owen laughed as he took his other hand an placed the rock in Obi-Wan's palm.

"You didn't listen Obi. It is special. It is force sensitive. You will see. I will show you tonight. Here… it is my good luck charm."

Obi acted like the rock burnt his hand.

"No Owen, you keep it if it is for good luck. You are going on a mission I'm not."

Owen tucked the rock back in Obi's hand and with his own hands closed the boy's smaller one over the rock.

"No, it is so special that if I leave it with you, then you know I am coming back. Don't get silly on me. We are only going to talk, "negotiate" as Master would say."

"You sure Owen? You will be alright even without your rock?"

"Yes and besides if something ever happened to me for any reason I would want you to have that rock. Now be good and stay out of Dad's way today. When I return I will tell you all the problems my rock kept me out of. Now go before Father gets angry that you are not home."

Jinn watched the two exchange hugs and at that point he could be no prouder of his apprentice than what he was although he did have a feeling that Owen would not return to the temple with him.

//He will stay with his father no doubt. And I can't blame him. I have never felt he was right for the Jedi, not that he isn't worthy he is more worthy than most, he just doesn't fit in some odd way. I just have never been able to mentally picture him as a knight. //

Later in the same afternoon#####

Prime minister Lars paced nervously as he waited for the Jedi team along with his son to return. He kept his promise to Owen and hadn't even mentioned his son's almost solid decision to stay with them instead of returning to the temple.

"Delon you have been at that window for the last hour. Couldn't you find something to do while you wait?"

"No that is why I took vacation so when Owen came I wouldn't have anything to do. It has been four hours."

"Things are not done on your time schedule my husband. Learn a little patience."

Delon reached over and kissed his wife and she knew then he must be in a good mood. Usually he never gave away his kisses in the daytime.

Another hour passed and finally Delon Lars could see the Jedi coming home but they seemed to be short two. Qui-Gon and Owen were not there when Mace and Yoda very somberly walked in. Delon did not catch on as quickly but Selena knew something was wrong right away.

"Where is Owen, Mace., What has happened to my son?"

"Selena don't jump to conclusions. Master Jinn and Owen must be held up."

Selena did not let her stare leave Mace's face. She knew without a doubt her son was one with the force.

"Mace please I have to know. His father has to know."

She turned her gaze to meet her husband's eyes and he knew Selena must be feeling something through the force.

"I am sorry Mr. And Mrs. Lars. The "sand rats" attacked us even before we could explain what we wanted. Owen took a blaster shout and…."

"Yoda spoke in his softest and kindest voice."

"Master Jinn rushed him to the healers he did. Thought he might live but "one with the force" he is now. Stayed with the boy he has until able to reach him his parents can. So sorry this sad news I give you."

With his wife at his side, her loving hands gently rubbing the top of his shoulders in a calming circular motion, Owen's father dropped to his knees and covered his now tear-stained face with both hands. He had even told the boy to go and for that he would never forgive himself. Part of him died with his son.

Obi-Wan stood behind the door and let his tears stream down as he remembered bits of his hauntingly vivid dream about his cousin. Its surrealistic traits should have been enough for Obi-Wan to have insisted harder that Owen not go. However, not having Jedi abilities Obi-Wan never suspected that his dream was more than a dream, it was a *vision* from the force its self.

//I wish he hadn't gone. I told him not too. He should have kept his *Good Luck* rock with him. I should have been more persistent in my plea for him to remain home.//

Obi looked up towards the heavens, as if he knew exactly where his only friend and almost brother *would* be.

Tears continued to make a steady stream down both cheeks of the boy as he mentally spoke a solemn promise. He made his promise to the spirit of Owen Lars, Padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn as he gripped tighter the rock that lay in the safety of his pocket.

//I will cherish and keep *YOUR* birthday rock forever.//

PEACE ewen