DE 2, Chapter 15


We're all seated around the dinner table. The food has been blessed and dining is well underway.

Thankfully no one seems to be fazed by my abrupt exit earlier and are just enjoying the meal.

I glance around at the seating situation Alice took upon herself to arrange.

Naturally, mates are coupled up, which now includes Kate and Edward. She'd seemed a bit reluctant to pair me with EC for obvious reasons, but there really was no other alternative. Besides, her anger toward me right now is so blatant that I'm willing to bet she's wishing there had been a kid's table she could seat me at.

I keep my eyes focused on my plate, chewing thoughtfully, every now and then lifting my gaze only when spoken to, or when an opportune time to join in with laughter presents itself.

"You alright?" EC leans over to whisper to me, discreetly. I simply nod and he returns to his meal. His gesture of concern doesn't go unnoticed, as I feel wilted by the scorching level of energy that's rolling off his cousin.

"Bella, you enjoy Ireland, aye?" Eamonn asks."

"Oh, yes. It's beautiful," I say wiping my mouth daintily with my napkin, before smiling back at him.

"You try Irish Whiskey?" He asks and everyone bursts into laughter.

"I apologize, Bella for my father's audaciousness. He questions everyone about their alcohol intake," Edward Sr. admits.

"It's alright and a completely appropriate question," I laugh. "Not yet, but soon," I address Eamonn. He nods in understanding and gives me a thumbs up sign.

"How about you, Kate?" he then addresses her, and all eyes swing in her direction on cue.

"Oh…um… Níl mé, ach táim ag tnúth le hiarracht a dhéanamh," she replies almost effortlessly with a brilliant smile. A few jaws drop. I'm sure mine is one of them.


"Ar fheabhas!" he exuberantly slaps the table and laughs. Laughter haltingly erupts around the dinner table, as we are in completely clueless to what Kate said to Eamonn and vice versa.

"Kate, we didn't know you spoke Irish, Edward you didn't tell us that she spoke Irish," Alice says.

"Uh…it's as much a mystery to me as it is to you," Edward says, shrugging, appearing caught off guard.

"It was really just a basic response. I-I'm not fluent or anything, "Kate laughs nervously and looks at Edward. "One of my roommates in college was from Ireland and taught me a little here and there, just for fun."

"Wow. A woman with mystery. Hot," Emmett nods with a dimpled grin and receives a little kick underneath the table for his trouble.

Thanks bestie. I silently praise Rose and give her a small smile. She throws me a wink, letting me know that she has my back.

"Well, don't keep us in the dark, Kate," I say with mock sweetness. Edward's irked expression doesn't go unnoticed by me.

She frowns at me, "I beg your pardon?"

"Your response. Clue the rest of us non-Irish speakers in," I chuckle lightheartedly.

"Oh, sorry, I was just telling Eamonn that I was looking forward to sharing a drink of Irish whiskey with him. Nothing major."

"You better be careful. Pop is going to hold both of you to that, and I don't know about you, Kate, but Bella here is not the best at holding her liquor," EC snickers, and I nudge his shoulder playfully.

Obviously bothered by the nature of our cheekiness, Edward takes the moment to address us.

"The two of you seem cozy. How long have you known each other?" The unexpected question throws everyone for a loop, and basically stuns them to silence. The only one who doesn't seem to care is Josh, who is currently stuffing his face with mashed potatoes.

"Bella and I met in Jacksonville. As everyone knows, I've been doing some freelance work there. I was contacted by a friend to work on a couple properties he owns, and I met Bella through him."

I breathe a sigh of relief that he doesn't go into deeper detail than that. Especially now since he's learned about my true reasons for leaving Chicago.

"Really? Small world," Edward deadpans and sips from his glass.

"So, I'm hearing. Anyway, Bella told me she was in Jacksonville visiting because she was homesick and missing her folks, which I can totally sympathize with. Right, Mom and Dad?" EC smiles as he continues to play it cool with a chuckle. His infectious demeanor incites everyone to engage in laughter as well. He seems to have that effect on his entire family, as the distant relative who everyone loves and admires.

"Is that so, now," Alice asks bitingly. Jasper whispers something to her and she seems to reluctantly agree with him.

I offer a tight smile, but there's one Edward that doesn't look amused.

"That must've shocked you, Bella. Seeing EC and probably thinking it was my brother?" Emmett chimes in. Rose emerges with her foot again. "Ow! What did I say that time!"

My glance cuts sharply to the left at Edward who's now smirking and anticipating my response. Emmett's query is one of good-natured innocence and he couldn't possibly know the level of uncomfortableness I'm feeling right now. On the other hand, his future wife is in the loop and is having a weird eye conversation with me at this very moment, pleading for me not to let Edward get under my skin. The chances of that happening are nil at this point. However, out of respect for this day and his family, I will remain civilized.

"I have to admit when I first saw a photo of EC, I was completely gob-smacked by how much he and Edward resembled. I actually thought that it was Edward." Kate offers.

Gob-smacked? Really, Curly Sue?

"I mean they do resemble an awful lot, but there are differences. I recognized them," I fabricate.

Edward snorts derisively and takes another drink. Thank God, it's only a glass filled with champagne. It would take several more of those before he reaches a state of alcohol induced indignancy.

"Really?" Esme asks. "We've always heard that it was difficult figuring out who was who. Not us, of course, but there are moments if their backs are turned, or if you only caught a profile, you'd be fooled. Bella must be good," she concludes with a wink and smile. I can clearly see who her son gets his charm from.

"Right. That must be it," Edward adds flatly.

You really want to do this Dr. Masen? Fine, let's play.

"That and the fact that one is considerably older than the other," I retort, scowling at him, but then smiling sweetly.

Emmett laughs heartily. "Good one, Bella."

The rest of the family joins in with the laughter, oblivious to what's really going on. Edward's eyes lock with mine in a heated stare that only breaks when Alice weighs in.

"Oh, come on. Bella's very intelligent and she's a psychiatrist. I'm sure her ability to determine the nuances between my brother and my cousin aren't that difficult…," she challenges.

Warning bells are practically going off the minute the words are out of her mouth and I'm silently praying that she doesn't use this moment to air her grievances with me in front of an entire room of people.

"…especially since she dated one of them," she snarks.

Although everyone else at this table is aware of that fact, it's a good thing they're all caught up in a new discussion to be worried about what we're talking about.

"EC, my darling nephew, are you planning on visiting Forks anytime soon?" Elizabeth asks, thankfully changing the subject.

EC finishes chewing and wipes his mouth before answering, "Well, Aunt Liz, I actually was going to mention something about that a little later, but since you asked, I guess I should tell all of you that I'm planning on moving back home pretty soon," he says glancing at me then to his parents to take in their reaction. As I imagined it's one of astonishment.

"Are you serious?" His mother asks, elated.

"Yes, Mom, I am. That is if you approve," he teases. She's out of her chair and over to him in seconds, smothering him with hugs and kisses.

"I'd say that's a yes. And that calls for a toast," Alice announces. Everyone raises their glasses. "Welcome home, EC!"

We all clink our glasses together and I give his arm a happy, squeeze and whisper, "welcome home."

"Wow, Cuz, that's some awesome news and I can't wait for us to get caught up and hangout, but I cannot be upstaged tonight," Emmett says with a smirk and a gleam in his eye. I know at this moment that he's about to pop the question. So, does EC.

"Totally understood, Cuz, you have the floor," EC gestures with his hand and nods in understanding. The rest of the family are clueless, but my heart nearly leaps out of my chest when Emmett pushes away from the table then kneels in front of Rose. Immediately four pairs of hands fly up to the mouths of Alice, Esme, Elizabeth and Fiona when they make the connection of what's happening. And even though Rose unraveled this surprise days ago, the overwhelmingness of the moment has taken over her.

"Rosalie Hale, you are the woman of my dreams and the love of my life. Would you make me the happiest man alive by spending the rest of your life with me and becoming my wife?"

Tears stream down Rose's cheeks, as Emmett presents her with the gorgeous engagement ring, he showed me not so long ago. He waits for her response, and she nods wordlessly.

Emmy winning performance my ass Rosalie Hale.

And he slips it on her finger before standing and lifting her out of the chair and into his massive arms.

EC puts two fingers in his mouth and whistles loudly, as the rest of the entire room erupts into applause and goes over to congratulate the newly engaged couple.

EC starts off exchanging handshakes and back pats with Emmett, "Congrats, Man and you know there was no way my news could top this. I'm truly happy for you."

"Thanks, man and I meant what I said about us catching up when you move back home."

"I can't wait, Em."

The congratulations continue, as I saunter up behind Rose who's talking to Kate, who's admiring her ring.

"I'll give you two some space. Congratulations again, Rose," she says and goes over to congratulate Emmett. I wait until she's out of earshot before speaking.

"Meryl, that was some Oscar winning acceptance," I tease.

"Oh, shut up. One look at this ring and Emmett's gorgeous blue eyes and I was rendered speechless!"

"A feat that no one, until this day, has ever been able to conquer," I quip. "I'm so happy for you." I smile, throwing my arms around her in a loving embrace.

"Am I allowed to give my sister-in-law to be a congratulatory hug?" Edward asks, approaching us.

Rose eyes him skeptically with a sly smirk, then pulls him into an embrace.

"Congratulations and welcome to the family, Gorgeous," he kisses her cheek. Before releasing her hold, she whispers something in his ear and he nods, before she runs into Alice's arms squealing, leaving us standing there alone.

"We need to talk." He doesn't waste anytime addressing me.

"No, we don't."

I attempt to walk away, but he grabs me firmly by the elbow.

"Now, Bella."

I shrug out of his grasp.

"Shouldn't you be getting back to your date, Edward?"

"You really want to go there, considering how you and my cousin are practically foaming all over each other?"

"Excuse me?" I gasp in utter outrage.

"Meet me upstairs in the guestroom at the rear of the hallway." He coolly walks off, not bothering to wait around for my protest.

Son of a…Who the hell does he think he is ordering me around and how is it that he's gotten so much hotter!

"Are you alright? You look pale?" Rose asks, returning after seeing Edward abruptly part from me.

"I'm fine." My response emerges quickly and escalates to an unnatural level.

"You don't sound fine. What did Edward say?" she frowns.

"He wants to talk."

"Well, I guess that's…understandable?" She says unsurely.

"He wants to talk now, like upstairs in one of the guestrooms, now."

"Oh. That's going to be awkward as hell, especially with his date not so far away. Trust me Kate is very aware of the tension that's brewing between the two of you. Women's intuition can be a wicked bitch."

"Yeah," I say chewing on my thumbnail.

"But you're going to meet with him anyway, aren't you," she states matter of factly.

"It's not like I was left much of a choice," I respond and make my way up the staircase.

The walk down the hallway feels eerie. I imagine this must be what the green mile is like. I realize I'm being ridiculous, but this just seems all wrong. By the time I reach the room where I witness him pinching the bridge of his nose and doing a dizzying amount of pacing, I plan to tell him just that.

"Listen, Edward, this-i"

"You mind closing that door behind you," his voice is calm and even, yet underlined with pure anger.

"Yes, I do mind. I do not want to get into this with you right now, Edward. It's beyond inappropriate."

"Clearly inappropriateness was not apart of your rational thinking before you agreed to come here. I mean what the hell was going through your mind, Bella, that this would be ideal!" He gestures wildly.

"Of course not!" I whisper harshly. "But what was I supposed to do? Emmett came to me practically begging me to be here for Rose when he proposed to her. He had to tell me about the surprise proposal knowing it would be the only way to get me to come, and I tried turning him down, but he wouldn't let me."

"Oh, he wouldn't let you. Like anybody could ever make you do something you didn't want to do."

I blanch at his statement.

"Believe me Edward the last thing I wanted to do was be in the presence of you and your date."

What I really meant to say was I wanted to be here for Rose, and I was under the impression that he would not be able to make it. Obviously, my mouth didn't get the memo on what my brain had already planned.

"This has nothing to do with Kate so, don't bring her up."

"Gladly," I snap.

"I want to know how long you've been fucking my cousin?"

"W-what?" His question staggers me.

"What do you take me for, Bella, an idiot? I'm not blind or stupid. I see exactly what's going between the two of you and I want answers. And what was that fucking remark about not being able to hold your liquor? You were getting drunk with my cousin? Since when you started drinking?" He snaps.

"I don't owe you an explanation about anything."

"The hell you don't. EC's my cousin. And you and I were together, happily, or so I'd thought and then one day you just upped and left without any explanation. And now you show up here, in Ireland of all places for Christmas with my family like nothing has changed and with my cousin of all people! If you think you're leaving here without some sort of explanation you've got another thing coming. I'm sick of all the fucking lies and omittances. I wanna know right now, Bella."

His appearance is borderline intimidating, although I know without a doubt that he'd never harm me. But he's worked himself up into such a rage, I barely recognize the man standing before me.

"I told you why I left," I swallow thickly.

"I'm not talking about why you left. I accepted your bullshit response on that topic."

My eyes widen at his abrasiveness.

"I want to know why you thought it was okay to sleep with my fucking cousin and then throw it in my face on Christmas Eve! You really want to hurt me that much, humiliating me in front of me entire family? Wasn't it enough that I lost you?" His voice breaks by the end of his rant, as he is now staring me square in the eyes.

I've been jolted to silence. Edward's anger surpasses heights of remarkableness. The flaring nostrils, clenching jaw and raging stormy eyes are something to behold. Even at the level it was minutes ago, isn't something I'm unfamiliar with. I've seen him lash out many times when provoked, but right now, witnessing him emotional is a demeanor I've only seen once before. And that was after Josh's accident.

No longer able to hold them back, tears well up in my eyes.

"I never meant to hurt you in any way, Edward. You have to believe that," I say softly.

The muscles in his jaw are strong as it clenches repeatedly and he finally steps away from me, but his eyes never leave mine.

"I want to know how long?" His tone reverts to normal.

I shake my head, defiantly, not wanting to answer as the tears lastly spill over.

"How long?" He repeats more determinedly.

"It-it's not like that. It only happened once and…."

I feel so ashamed that I can hardly get the words out.


"It happened a few months after I moved to Jacksonville," I sniffle, now unable to look at him. He moves aimlessly around the room.

"So, you were in Jacksonville with your folks all that time and you kept that from me. Why?"

"It was better you didn't know, Edward."

"I…how…I don't recall if I ever mentioned EC-"

"You hadn't."

"But you didn't think to question him when you saw the resemblance?"

"I knew who he was right away after he mentioned his last name," I confess.

I glance up and he looks crushed.

"How- why would you do that?" He asks in disbelief.

"Edward, you need to know that EC didn't know about us. Please don't blame him."

"Oh, I figured that out at dinner. You see, I don't know how much EC talked about me to you, but he and I share a close relationship, Bella. He would never do anything like this to me purposely. I never thought you could be capable of doing something like this to me, but it's becoming more apparent to me that I don't know who you are anymore, or if I ever did."

"I'm so sorry that you feel that way and I'm truly sorry for all the hurt I've caused. I just…I was dealing with so much at the time and…leaving you…it was one of the hardest things I ever had to endure in my life, Edward." I sob quietly.

"It didn't have to be, Bella. You chose."

I nod haltingly, "you're right. I did."

"Just like you chose to have sex with my cousin."

"What does it matter now, anyway, you're with Kate…"

"Will you stop bringing her up! Fuck Kate! This is about me and you!"

I jump around, startled by the bang of the door, hitting the wall. Kate's standing in the doorway, looking as pissed off as Edward sounds. I look back to him and he throws his head back and mumbles a curse in frustration.

"Everyone is looking for you. Your grandfather wants us all to have a drink with him in the wine cellar, toasting Rose and Emmett's engagement, "she announces sourly, staring pointedly at him.

"Kate, I didn't m-"

"Rose is looking for you as well," she nods in my direction, abruptly cutting into Edward's attempted explanation.

"Kate…" he tries again, but she quickly turns away and leaves.

"Oh God," I exhale remorsefully. "I warned you this wasn't a good idea."

"You know, I never thought I'd say this, but I never expected to encounter another woman whose actions are comparable to my ex-wife's. Today you proved me wrong."

Those words rock me to the very core. Watching his retreating form, as I'm sure he's run off to smooth matters over with Kate, I sink down on the bed holding my face in my hands.

Keep hopeful and stay safe everyone.