The legion was a mixed bag in my opinion. To get different aura colors to work together was the equivalent of herding cats. We had in group preferences and personality quirks that annoyed one another. The legion cut through the bull shit and gave us a culture. It gave us a religion, a philosophy, and a theology. Our mission statement was the defense of humanity against all unfriendly forces.

With the legion we had a common ground. It's the reason I didn't rip Bright's head off at the first opportunity. "Why are we going to defend this newspaper club?" Bright questioned.

"I assisted in the creation of those newspapers. Therefore, the legion had a hand in the creation of those newspapers. A creation of the legion is property of the legion. Since the newspaper club is property of the legion, they are protected by legionaries. When another group attempts to interfere with a legion ran establishment, what is the response?" Bright turned to me and smiled maliciously.

"Why Lieutenant, that is an interesting direction to take. Is that the official stance of the legion in this world? If a group attacks one of our subsidiaries we strike back." Bright asked. A red aura appeared around him as he raced towards the scene.

He struck before the discipline committee knew what was going on. I watched bright drive his fist through a monster's chest. The heart was crushed in an instant. In a blink, powers were transferred and Bright gained another ability. He cackled as red aura formed living rock around his body. Soon a twenty-foot-tall golem of stone stood in his place. Students started to run and Moka began to tug at Tsukune.

Spider web quickly covered Bright as the golem cackled and broke free. Steel blades shattered on his barrier. The girl quickly transformed fully into a spider and began throwing web like a red back. Sticky strands obstructed Bright's movements, as he gave chase to the discipline committee.

This was completely normal. Honestly, if anything I thought it was a little tame. Had the feared, crotchety, technician Bright mellowed out. I reasoned it could have been his new life that gave him a new lease on life. Moka just saw Bright kill another student. I cursed to myself. This wasn't good, they his friends weren't used to this. What was she going to think after this was done? It was one thing to talk about my past. This was a window to it. Red's weren't the sanest individuals.

They were great at technical repairs and charging a sniper's nest.

The leader of the discipline committee quickly regained his bearings and turned into a flaming fox of all things. He spotted Tsukune's retreating form and launched a fireball. The spider woman was climbing over Bright and stabbing her sword around looking for weaknesses.

As the flames flew, I moved in front of them. They smashed against my barrier before flickering out. I turned to Moka. "I'm sorry, this is why I didn't want any more of my kind to show up here. This is how we respond to enemies." I said. She looked at me with worry and not a trace of fear.

"If that's the case then good. Those guys are gangsters who prey on weaker monsters. They wiped out the other members of the club last year." Gin admitted. Moka's breath hitched at Gin's words.

My power flowed out as rage overtook me. This was the initial threat but eventually they'd go after who they presumed were the weakest links. Tsukune and the girls. I looked over to Yukari. I walked over to her and knelt in front of the frightened eleven-year-old. She wasn't just a witch to me any longer. She was a scared girl that needed some reassurance.

I placed a hand on her shoulder and smiled gently at her. "This is the first time you've seen something like that isn't it." She nodded slowly. "It isn't your fault or the newspaper clubs. We are the legion and by joining the club it became a subsidiary of the legion. This is what happens when you attack us and demand payment. Try to warn the next group of thugs that they are wasting their lives." I said. She blinked back tears as her little body ran out of adrenaline and she turned to puke on the ground.

"Hey Lieutenant, I'm trapped and could use some help." Bright yelled. I pointed at the spider woman. A beam charged and fired from the tip of my finger crossing the distance. One moment she was crawling, the next her back legs were gone. A thin golden beam had hit at the joints. She lost balance and tumbled off the webbed-up golem.

Red aura erupted from Bright and the golem began ripping away at the spider webs. He turned and lunged to squish her. I sent a pulse of aura and he stopped himself from reducing her to paste.

"It seems the Lieutenant believes you useful to our cause. How unfortunate, it seems you get to live." He stomped down on the nearest monster crushing it to paste. Several different monsters died to might as he made his way towards to fox demon.

"Tsukune, this is why I denied you this power." I pointed to Bright. "He was like you before he gained the power. Few are the men who can maintain all of themselves. Bright was once kind and is so no longer. Maybe this was his true nature all along. Power corrupts absolutely." I looked at Kurumu who had a confused expression on her face.

"Tsukune, Bright, and myself are human. The headmaster allowed us to come here as a control for the academy. Well that's my hypothesis."

Yukari spoke up.

"If that's the case what's the experiment." I shrugged my shoulders. Then turned back to Kurumu.

"Tsukune is human but I know that doesn't matter to you does it?" She shook her head. I nodded. She was in shock. "If more monsters were like you and Moka then there could be peace. Be careful a few soldiers won't hesitate to turn your species into a slave race."

"What do you mean Morpheus?" Moka asked.

"Many of my kind made the journey to this world. We are recruiting, building, and preparing for a war. I'm going to try using my position as an officer to stop the legion from waging all-out war on monsters."

Fire raged as the fox transformed again. This new transformation was a battle form covered in flames. He unleashed a powerful wave of fire that shattered Bright's shield and melted some of his body.

Bright slowly got to his feet, his boy regenerating. By the look of it I needed to join the fight soon.

I needed more power than what I currently had to duel the other officers and rise through the ranks. There was an easy way to obtain that power. It was flaunting its abilities right in front of me. I knew that war was inevitable. Unless, I could stand in its way.

"Moka, I'll be back soon." Golden lightning mixed in with my aura. My body shot forward under the command of my power. Lightning peeled off my body as my aura emerged. This was a sign. My control had increased again. I was in the medium rank. Bright's machinations had backfired. I'd lost control and regained more than before.

The ground was blackened with the burnt remains of forty monsters. This was something that couldn't be ignored. I turned my head to see the blackened remains of a cyclops' skull. Blood and gristle was caked on my feet. With the fire and blood this little section of the school looked like a hell scape. This was a lesson to any who attacked the legion. We will utterly destroy you and leave a scar in your history.

"I'm going to offer you the deal of a lifetime. Surrender now and nothing more will happen to you. All of your remaining subordinates will live. If you surrender your crimes against the legion will be forgiven." I said. The fox monster's eye bulged out of their sockets. He frothed out of the mouth and the heat increased tenfold. The ground around him glassed as another tail began to form around him.

I watched his body shake as he roared. It sounded more like yipping to me. His hand struck out like a claw. It slashed down unleashing three lines of heat at 5000degrees each. There was no reason to hold myself back.

My mind finally finished the transition from the sweet dream of Yokai academy back to Legionnaire lieutenant. I stretched out my hand and pulled a katana from one of the corpses. The second it touched my hand my aura found purchase in the blade. The blade flashed in my hands unleashing crackling aura. The force alone subverted the air pressure. Diffusion and a new chaotic air current equalized the temperatures rapidly. The heat that reached my barrier was less than 1000degrees.

A layer of my barrier cracked and broke off. At the sight of weakness, the fox charged forward. He abandoned all pretense and slashed with his claws. As I fought with the blade, I quickly realized it was fragile beyond words. This was not a treasured Excalibur series blade made by the engineer teams of the legion. Victory wasn't promised.

I slashed through his arm at the height of one of his swipes and jabbed his jaw. Bones shattered against my fist one for him to swipe with his other hand. Like a rapid animal, he attacked relentlessly. His right wrist hung limply. Before my eyes the flames knit the skin back together.

Each exchange, I slashed a tendon in his arm or leg but the heat kept increasing. I dashed between strikes and planted my knee in his chest. His tails lashed out in response each 10,000 degrees. They would have sliced through my shield like a hot knife through butter. Instead, I blocked with my sword.

On the fifth exchange the blade cracked. The heat held its own force. Each time my blade clashed against it my blade melted and hardened. My opponent kept increasing his heat. The ground bubbled and popped, anything organic was already ash. The field of battle itself was deadly.

Even with the blade cracking and melting, I fought. He cornered me slashing with all his might the blade that defended me turned into slag. If I'd been in tormentor 9e raven power armor I'd have already won. If I still had my true lightning powers, I'd have struck him down. I sensed the rosary come off of Moka.

No, if she came into this the heat would kill her. There was no choice then. This was going to hurt. Pain like I'd never felt swept over my body as I moved. My sight vanished, my flesh scorched away, muscles charred meat, and my bones were blackened. My hand was in the right place. I am not my body, blood, or brain. I was more than that.

For once my aura obeyed completely and without reserve. Everything I was had been focused on a single outcome. Moka wouldn't suffer the same fate as me.

From my body, I emerged golden for the world to see. Wings of an eagle of gold and steel emerged from my back. Arcs of her lightning arced across their surface.

For a moment, I was no longer in yokai academy. I was in a cool adobe house with a woman with purple eyes and feathery golden hair. "If you don't drink your tea, I'll take it from you." My eyes widened. I threw the table away and grabbed ahold of her.

I knew this was a dream but it didn't matter. This could be my only chance to talk with her again. "Peta, why did I kill you?" I asked. She hugged me back. I didn't know if it was a remnant of her or my own mind trying to find its own forgiveness. I hoped it was the former.

She drank from her cup still in her hands. "I can't forgive you." I let my hands fall to their side.

"You're just a figment of my imagination. I killed you and I can't take that back." She smiled and sipped her tea.

"I was invincible. A flap of my wings shattered cities. My calls turned mortals to stone. It was I who unleashed the gods' wrath. There were only two things I couldn't defeat. The chains that bound me to the gods, and a dumb mortal boy who stole my heart. The chains were never tighter than when we fought. I was scared that the flaps of my wings would shatter your body. I feared my voice would turn you into stone. I was terrified that I would deliver the gods' wrath upon you." She placed her hands on either side of my face. Our eyes met and I was truly back.

"Is this where we used to play together?" I asked. The shelf full of pokemon statues and framed yugioh cards filled the space. This was where I ran away to after I survived.

"This memory is important to you. Even when that bitch stabbed you, it remained. I rode it with your qi to this world. She took a lot of my power but you didn't give up my memory. Unfortunately, this is the last time we'll see each other for a little while. I'm going to leave you to be reborn in this world. Don't worry you'll still keep a copy of my powers." I didn't know what to feel.

"But we only just met again. Is it something I did?" I asked. She smiled and nodded her head.

"You freed me and now you've convinced me you'll make this a world worth living in. I'm putting all my faith in you Morpheus. No pressure really." She said with a smirk.

"No pressure, I just have to win this fight and take over the legion." I muttered.

"I've been watching. That Moka girl won't betray you. Tsukune doesn't stand a chance, just use your power." My eyes widened. How much could she see?" "All is fair in love and war. I want you to win and take that guy's powers, take over the legion, and rule this world." Peta demanded.

"Is this the key to complete control?" I asked. She smiled and pushed me. I tripped over the table and landed on my back. She crawled on top of me and kissed me.

I was back. My body lay behind me slowly submerging in molten concrete. Mission statement, kill fox, return to body, and absorb fox's consciousness.

The monster moved at a sluggish pace. To my senses his slash was frozen. My fist moved and I had all the time I needed. I delivered a dozen blows. Each fired like a rail gun. It took a moment for reality to register my strikes. The framerate staggered as holes opened up in the fox's body. My leg rose and sliced through the air. Once again reality started getting fuzzy as my leg moved and returned to its place.

I turned away from the dying Fox. Reality was still glitching and the wounds were only just now opening. Flesh crawled as guts emerged from the wounds. Blood spewed forth. I took hold of my body and slowly returned to it. The world went from the glitching slow frame rate back to the real world. I felt the fox explode in a shower of gore.

My body was shielded again and rapidly regenerating. I touched blood and felt the fox's consciousness leap into my qi. My very nature was anathema to him. He was a monster that hated humanity. I was a legionnaire. My qi obliterated his existence upon contact. Only his Kuyo and Fairy Tale transferred over. The rest was incompatible and turned into errors.

I fell into Moka's arms and felt my consciousness lapse. The mind of a qi expert didn't cease activity when the body fell unconscious.

I retreated back to the adobe house. When I fled the Rocky Mountain institute, it had been my safe haven. Two years after that as my cultivation increased, it became my treasure chest. Everything from stolen cultivation material and books to children's toys found a place there. At twelve they found me again. The cold war between the deities and qi experts had begun. It only became hot when I developed aura and second Lieutenant Mathews supervised my promotion ceremony.

I stepped through a door leading through a long hallway. Eventually, I reached a point where adobe turned to steel. In a dimly lit room, I saw it. My own Excalibur. Oblivion the black blade that could handle all the aura I threw at her. Forged with one of Peta's feathers. The blade was lost but not forgotten.

My time was running out. I'd stood on the hallway staring at Oblivion. Hours had passed before I gained the nerve to approach it.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't able to wield you a final time. I died and left you alone in gods know what state. Someday, I'll find you again and then we'll fight together. It's a promise, I'll never forget it."

I shut the door on Oblivion and took another winding hallway. This time, it led to a machine holding together the armor I wasn't able to wear. It was another regret. Before the final battle began his armor had been upgraded. His time was short.

"You're gone. I remember seeing the facility you rested in collapse. I'm not sure if I can find you but I'll try." The helmet of my armor stared back at me. It looked as if the black visor was accusing me of failure. If so, then I deserved it. I should have been in my armor instead of dying to that woman's dagger.

Slowly, my body recovered. I felt myself returning to consciousness.

I opened my eyes and felt good. My body had regenerated its flesh admirably. Machines connected to me fed my body the fluids and nutrients needed to regenerate. The door to my room opened to reveal a man dressed in like a priest.

"Ah, good you're awake. You gave Ms. Akashiya quite a scare. Though your friend Bright was confident you'd make a full recovery. The other students weren't so fortunate." The man smiled creepily.

"I was hoping Mr. Aono would be the one to win Ms. Akashiya's heart. He is quite a pure soul don't you agree. Their destiny had appeared set, until you intervened. All of my carefully laid plans have been unraveled. For a human that is quite a remarkable foot. Though you're something that used to be human." The man said. I turned my head to the side feeling for the man's emotions. Nothing was forthcoming except an indomitable will.

"I'd argue it's a very human thing to screw up plans." I said with a slight smile.

"I hoped you'd end up with Ms. Hinami. She certainly had an effect on you. Such a relationship was something I'd encourage." The man said.

"Who are you old man?" I asked him.

"Mikogami is my family name but you can call me headmaster." I turned my head to the side.

"You are quite the hands off administrator." I looked over to my nightstand to see a rare steak plated with a card. There were flowers and a can of tomato juice as well. " Hinami is a nice girl. So is Moka. Am I expelled?" I asked. I cut into the steak and opened the can of tomato juice.

"Aren't you worried you'll never see either of them?" Mikogami asked.

"There are advantages to being expelled." I was thinking about rallying those who still remembered me as a hero.

I brought a piece of steak to my mouth and chewed it quickly feeling my strength returning. She'd prepared three 64oz steaks on a single plate. Each bite was heavenly.

In those quiet moments between bites I thought about my new mission statement. What kind of world would a free spirit like Peta want to grow up in? That was a simple answer, she'd want to grow up free. What type of government was the most free? I didn't know, I'd need to learn from the past and the present.

"If you aren't around, I could alter Ms. Akashiya's memories. She could fall for Tsukune and become happy." I took another bite of steak and sipped the tomato juice.

This meal needed something, I couldn't quite place it. Perhaps, collard greens were an important part of his diet before. One of Peta's preferences. Or it was one of her preferences to feed him. He didn't like them back then. Now, he was feeling nostalgic.

"Do that and I'll kill you?" I said conversationally with a threatening jab with my fork.

"My goodness only a teenager and already you think you're something special." I sucked in a breath and felt for my level of control.

65-76% of my aura was under my control. That's over mid way through foundry. With some polishing, I'd jump into high foundry. Only the general ranks were at that level.

"I once fought against a demigod. Not one of the famous ones like Heracles this one was named," I thought about it for a moment. "I didn't get his name. He was a son of the Greek god Hephaestus and a real technocrat. He had tools and tricks that made my Tormentor 9e Raven look like a Nintendo power glove." I smiled for a minute took a bite of steak and looked back at the headmaster.

The headmaster raised an eyebrow. I chewed up the bite of steak and thought about it for a moment.

"I was on a convoy to another facility they were showing me off. I'd just recently killed a goddess of authority itself. The convoy was set upon by a demigod with a grudge. Fortunately, I was wearing my power armor, armed with my sword, and a ceremonial shield with the legion symbol. Ironically, that symbol was an eagle."

"The Tormentor 9e Raven can utilize 65% of my aura and boost the effects. With the power armor 65% was worth 650%. It provided a natural shield capable of deflected a railgun shell from an experimental artillery placement. Add that output to a Excalibur Omen and you have a set of armaments that can slay gods." The headmaster raised an eyebrow. Skepticism written on his face.

"I'm getting to the point, I thought some context was needed." I took a sip of tomato juice and sat the empty can down. A frown covered my face as the memory began to clear. "It was the first time my 9e Raven power armor failed me. The round from the railgun wasn't meant to kill me. It overtaxed my shields and burned out one of the alternators. The 9e had six of them. Normally one going dark wasn't an issue. I'd cleared the distance and deflected another with a solid shield. He wanted me closer. His real weapon close range." I looked around for something to drink but all I had was blood from the steak. I sighed and turned to plate up to drink seasoned blood. Instead of refreshing me, it made me thirstier.

"Do you require some water? I'm very busy and I'd like to know if your story had a point to it." He got up and filled cup with water. "Drink and hurry up." Mikogami said.

"He had a gun that fired a short range emp. One of my alternators were fried, it cut my suit's capacity for defense. Aura used went from 65% to 58% The shields needed only two alternators to function and there wasn't yet a redundancy function. With only one alternator my shield was at 50% power another few pop shots from the demigod broke the other. At the time, I hadn't had a reason to use my own power for a barrier. My suit was still green with strength and weapons but I had no shields. The 9e Raven was light. It was built for fighting powerful aerial enemies. Worse yet, I was armed with a close range set. A smarter legionnaire would have retreated. Back then I was just like a red. I charged the hill. I remember when I made it to the top of the hill. The artillery configured railgun was torn apart from the blast. Nothing was left of it but slag. The demi god was laughing just before he fired the emp."

"It sounds like he was prepared for you." I nodded as the memory played out.

"He had a tent up and I'd later find out he'd been given our schedule. It wasn't the officers that died with me. In the convoy, I was surrounded by normal human soldiers. I chose to travel with them. They were who I killed the goddess to save. When cities were torn apart they were on the ground or in the air trying to buy time for civilians. We were too valuable to die, what was one human soldiers life compared to one of ours." I shook my head. That world was lost. "The shot from the rail gun killed everyone but me."

"This story has gone on long enough. I desire a conclusion." Mikogami said.

"I knew something the demigod didn't. The hill was hollowed out." A smile crept over my face. "The rail gun firing had started the process. When I left cover, used aura to fly up the remainder of the hill while the demigod fired. I used the power stolen from the goddess and struck the hill with lightning. He was so concerned with me that when the bolt hit his lightning rod, he didn't hear when the hill gave. He lost his footing the rifle went high and my sword struck home. I killed him. Just before the hill collapsed in on itself. Eventually, I made my way to the next checkpoint. From then on, I traveled with a squad of armored infantry." He looked at me assessing my story. "To win you need more than luck to win. You need to have the power to capitalize on luck. I've made a career out of doing just that." I said and ate the last bite of steak.

A small smile spread across my face. "I have the feeling you're on a hollow hill as well. One way or another something's going to happen. I don't think I'm the one you're worried about taking advantage of it." At the time, I was reaching. This was a gamble that someone called a dark lord had enemies.

I felt shock and then approval emerge from the headmaster. Slowly, he clapped his hands. "That story was long and missing information but you figured it out. There are students who'd like nothing more than to start a war between monsters and humans. Some are clever enough to cause the chaos required to facilitate it. Alright, you can stay for now. The discipline committee was corrupt anyway." The way he casually dismissed forty lives didn't fill me with confidence.

He stood up and left the room. I put the plate to the side and calmed down. The headmaster was hard to deal with. Trying to build a relationship with a story didn't work. That man didn't feel sympathy for human deaths either. He definitely wasn't a bleeding heart that wanted humans and yokai to get along. Either a joint peace between monsters and humans wasn't his goal or it was the goal of another. That would make Mikogami a follower. I needed to learn that man's history. Who would know?

The answer was obvious. Moka's father was a dark lord.

Author's note: This was fun, i added a little more about Morpheus' past and set up a better excuse to meet the family. From here the rails are coming off a little. Somethings will still happen. If you have any questions leave a review. I'll get back to you at some point tomorrow.