The black fist of an ogre was held high like an executioner's blade. What had I done to deserve this treatment? Was it loving a girl that wasn't human or was it defending a girl that didn't look at me? There are no wrong answers it was my own decisions that lead me here.

The human brain was a funny thing. As the first came down on me, I could see it move in slow motion. In those scant moments before my death, I could smell the stink of the ogre. I could feel the heat radiating from the beast's body. I could feel the ogre's fear.

My lips moved on their own and I heard a voice say, "it was such a sweet dream." The fist struck. Bones fragmented from my face punching through soft skin. The left side of my view was spinning. I heard something snap and realized by my new angle it was my spine. Somewhere between the third and fourth lumbar I was snapped into a ninety-degree angle.

Golden light erupted from my body. Everything was going dark. I'd never see the world again. Good riddance, I had no place here in a school for monsters. The light erupted in full and I was enlightened.

I picked up my eye that had fallen out when my eye socket shattered and placed it back. Bones pulled themselves back into place. They were aided by flowing golden power. I knew that no physical damage could leave me any lasting damage. I was in the foundry level. My qi was but it hadn't touched my body. Aura crept out of my very human body.

"What are you? You didn't show this power before." My strength relied upon a substance in my body called qi. I learned how to acquire it and use it before this life. It's how I cheated death the first time. With my current power there wouldn't be a second lucky break.

Why did I pick a fight with this guy? Oh, yea it's because I have thing for pink haired girls with large tits. My aura formed a barrier on reflex before the next blow hit. The strike sent me rolling across the dirt. A push from my hands launched me back to my feet. At my current strength a direct fight wasn't favorable. I needed to actively control my aura to have any hope of succeeding. Refinery the first stage was all about building power. Foundry the second stage was about control. My consciousness held the structures for both refinery and foundry. It was my body that was lagging behind.

"It doesn't matter what you do you're as weak as a human. One more chance. Get down on your knees and beg for your life and I might be lenient." The aura flood my muscles and heightened my senses. Saizo moved like a slug to me now. I pulled the aura closer to my body.

Aura pushed my body. Like a canon I shot forward. I reared back my fist and struck. It felt like hitting a steel wall. My fist shattered and the ogre laughed. He swatted me. This time, I pushed myself up with aura and caught myself in the air.

I was floating. With a flicker of thought my aura pushed me aside as a rock sailed passed where my head had been. A thought came to me. I punched and willed my aura to punch around my fist. A golden fist enveloped my own and punched out. Well that changed things.

Aura pushed my body for me and onto the ground to face Saizo. Golden aura enveloped my arm as I struck. Saizo blocked the attack and took a step back.

"I'm done playing." He roared and kicked forward. I brought my hands up blocking the attack. My barrier took the blow as aura held me in place. Cracks appeared on the barrier. Saizo roared sensing weakness.

I shot forward with aura slamming my golden fists into Saizo's stomach. Now I had to finish this. I held my palm out and felt my aura bend to my will. The magic energy my consciousness power formed aura into a concentrated blast.

A small ball of pure aura hit Saizo and exploded violently. In another time and another life this would have carved through the earth. Instead it knocked Saizo unconscious.

"Morpheus, what did you do?" Moka asked. Of course she would show up. What was that look in her eyes. She was afraid of me. Emotions were easy to pick up.

"He was going to rape you. I took care of it." Golden aura swirled around me as I spoke. This was the hardest part. I closed my eyes and slowly contained my aura. It was like putting a cap on a volcano. My aura was flooding my cells. I'd only just regained foundry, and I'd pay for it tomorrow.

"You didn't have to do that for me." Moka said. "Thank you." I nodded absently. "Are you alright?"

"No, but I will be." I looked over to the forest ahead. My eyes easily zoomed in for me. I needed to train my aura. My boy needed some training too.

"What was that golden power?" Moka asked.

"My aura, gold is rare." I said absently. Who was I kidding? I wanted to test my limits and blast bottles with my aura. It was like getting a new gun for Christmas.

"What does that mean?" She asked. I gave it some thought looking for answers. That one didn't have an answer. My previous life was fuzzy but cultivation and my golden aura was clear. I never discovered why my aura was golden. Different colors held certain advantages.

"There aren't many with golden auras." I said. Golden aura loved the human form. I shook the thought from my head.

"Morpheus, I know what rare means. What does this mean for you being human?" I turned my head back to Saizo. He was up to his knees now. I raised a hand and fired off another shot. The second one was easier. The blast crashed into him sending him rolling over to his side.

"I'm still human. This is power humans can obtain. Its rare on this world." I said feeling for my aura. I kept up a skin tight barrier. That alleviated a lot of the pressure. It didn't glow or show any visible sign it was there.

"I think Tsukune is going to leave. Will you go with me to keep him from leaving?" Moka asked.

"How did you know I was human?" I asked.

"You smell just like Tsukune. Why aren't you worried about him?" She asked.

"If he leaves then his problems are over." Am I jealous that she is worried about Tsukune? I was definitely human if that's the case. There was something that I didn't know. What killed me?

Moka dragged me along to the bus stop. "Tsukune don't go." Moka shouted before he left. The boy turned around.

"Moka, I thought you'd hate me if you knew what I was." She shook her head.

"That doesn't matter to me. I want you to stay you're my first friend here." Moka said. They quickly hugged and she bit him. I turned around and walked away. Maybe I should have been the one to leave.

I didn't return to my dorm, instead I set up a few bottles and started blasting them. After the plastic melted away, I cut down one of the trees and with my bare hands. I sat a few logs up and condensed my blasts. Instead of using my palm I swapped to a finger. Small blasts shot through the logs leaving behind half dollar sized holes.

Blast after blast fired from my finger tip. I kicked over the hole ridden stack of logs. They fell apart on the ground. This was sad. What were the odds she'd actually fall for a wimp like Tsukune? That would only happen if reality was warped in Tsukune's favor.

"Ah there you are kid? I meant to ask you if you'd like to return to the human world." The bus driver asked. I raised my finger and blasted multiple times leaving a log a smoking husk. Ten shots in two seconds wasn't bad.

"Is this some kind of control group? You place a normal human in a school full of monsters to see how human like you can make them. If so, then I'd say you're clever." I said.

"Don't take your angst out on me kid. I'm just doing my job. I'm a bus driver." The bus driver said.

Golden aura flashed around me roaring out for the world to see. "I don't get why I feel so angry."

"See the school therapist. If you cause any trouble the school discipline committee will get ya."

Author's note: I touched up on it a little leave a review and tell me what you think.