Things never stop changing.

This is a universal constant. No matter how hard people try to keep things the same, they always move forward, shifting, never staying the same for very long.

When Quirks first started appearing, people fought against evolution, wishing to stick with what the world they knew, instead of risking it with these newfound superpowers.

And when the number of Quirked people started outnumbering the Quirkless, they tried harder, committing atrocious acts to try and preserve their way of life.

But by the time Izuku was born, people had become more accepting of change as a whole. They realised that it was inevitable, unstoppable, a natural part of life. They realised that it could be beneficial.

One such change was a child's 4th birthday. The first few birthdays in someone's life were usually fairly small occasions, a cheap cake, some presents really meant more for the parents than the kid. The child was unlikely to remember anything from that time when they grew a bit older.

But the 4th birthday was special in this day and age. It marked a massive change in a person's life, something that could shape someone's future.

The appearance of a person's Quirk.

It was currently Izuku's 4th birthday, and he was excited. He had made a million and one theories about what his Quirk would be, ranging from stronger copies of his parents Quirk's to a mixture of the two, like manipulating fire.

But one thing that he knew for sure, was that no matter what Quirk he got, no matter how strong it was, no matter how cool or flashy it was, he would use it to become an awesome hero, like his idol, All Might.

He was currently on his way to the doctor's office with his mum right now, vibrating in his car seat from excitement.

He really couldn't wait.

Izuku sat in front of the doctor with a confused look on his face.

"A mutation? Mum, what does that mean?" He murmured as he poked Inko, who had a worried look on her face.

The doctor spoke up instead. "Izuku, a mutation means that your Quirk is completely different from your parents. A unique power you can 100% call your own!"

That lit Izuku's face up quickly. A quirk that was all his own, not just a mixture of his parents? That was so cool! Not even Kachaan could say he had something like that!

Inko wasn't as excited as Izuku was. She was prepared to deal with something like proper Telekinesis or Pyrokinesis, or even just stronger fire breath, but now she would have to redo all her safeguards for whatever his Quirk turned out to be.

"So do you know what his Quirk is then?" She asked the doctor, trying not to let her worry enter her voice.

She mustn't have done very well, because the doctor gave her a knowing look, shaking his head as he wrote a few things down, and handed her the sheet of paper.

"Not currently, no. But I do know that it's based around his hands and that it requires him to be touching two different things at once to activate."

The paper she had been handed basically just said the same thing, with blank spaces at the bottom for her to write down anything she thought might be Izuku's Quirk in effect.

That... wasn't really a lot to go on. All they knew now was that to test his Quirk, he would have to be touching two things at once.

But for Izuku, that was enough. He didn't need to know exactly what his Quirk was, in fact, that would probably get rid of some of the fun of discovering what he could do!

They bowed, thanking the doctor for his time, and left the clinic. On the drive home, the two Midoriyas were feeling very different feelings.

Inko, with worry about his Quirk, and happiness that he had gotten a Quirk his own, and Izuku, with curiosity, determination, and drive.

He would figure out what his Quirk did, and then he would become an amazing hero, with his best friend Kachaan!

"So Izu, did the Doc' tell you what your Quirk was, or was he too fucking dumb to figure it out?"

Ah, the beautifully vulgar language of Katsuki Bakugou. The pride of Aldera preschool and the future #1 hero, if the teachers praising him all the time were to be believed.

And current best friend to Izuku Midoriya. Their mothers had been friends since they were in middle school, leading to the two of them being around each other practically every day since they were born.

His birthday had been a few weeks before Izuku's, and he had manifested an incredibly impressive Quirk. Explosion as it was called, allowed him to create explosions from his palms, fuelled by his sweat.

He had been bugging Izuku for the last few days about his Quirk and was getting a little impatient. But now that Izuku has been to the doctors, surely he wouldn't have an answer for him!

Izuku just chuckled and rubbed his arm sheepishly before responding. "Sorry, Kachaan. The doctor said he didn't know what my Quirk does just yet. He said it was something called a mut-mutat... mutation?"

He smiled softly at Bakugou. "It's something completely different to my mum or dads, so they couldn't tell me what it was right now. But, apparently, I have to be touching two things at once though, so at least I know that!"

Bakugou just huffed, disappointed. He turned and started walking to his desk. "Hmmph. Fine then Izu, but you better figure it out quickly. We gotta start training to be heroes as soon as possible you know!"

Izuku just smiled at him, nodding as he ran to his desk. The teacher entered the classroom, did a quick rollcall, and started the lesson. It was fairly basic, just going over addition and subtraction. But Izuku couldn't focus on the lesson. He was to busy trying to get his Quirk to work.

Kachaan was right, after all, he had to start training to be a hero as quickly as he could if he wanted to be a hero like All Might!

It only took him a day to activate it for the first time.

He hadn't made much progress the day before, touching his pen and the table and willing his Quirk to activate, but he felt something when he tried to activate it, so he knew he was at least doing the correct thing.

It was when playing with Kachaan during lunch that he activated his Quirk accidentally for the first time.

He was holding a stick in one hand, pretending to wield it like a sword, and a metal bin lid in the other, acting as a shield.

Kachaan has a similar setup, a foam softball bat and a plastic lid, and was 'sparring' with Izuku. The teachers had seen them, but seeing that Bakugou was apart of it, they didn't stop them.

They never did.

They had just finished one of their 'sparring' sessions and were sitting on a bench near the water fountain.

Bakugou nudged Izuku. "It would be really cool if we had proper metal swords, then we could have a real sword fight!"

Izuku, who had one hand on the stick-sword, and one on the metal bench, agreed.

"That would be so cool! Like, imagine if this stick was a nice shiny metal, like the bench!" He said, smacking the bench, right before jumping off the chair, yelping as he did.

He jumped up from the bench and promptly dropped the stick, which was now solid metal. The bench he had been sitting on had changed as well, transforming into a wooden bench at the same time.

Izuku gasped as he felt a massive pull on his already low stamina and his eyes flickered before slamming shut. Bakugou saw Izuku tumble over, face-planting on the ground and quickly called for a teacher.

"Izu! Are you alright? Was that your Quirk?" He tried to keep Izuku awake so he could ask more questions, but Izuku just fell asleep, smiling.

A teacher arrived quickly, picking Izuku up from the ground and taking him to the nurse's office. Bakugou followed silently, worried for his friend. He sat with Izuku as they waited for Inko to come pick him up.

Izuku started to wake up a little while later, right before Inko arrived. She was already crying, and ran straight towards him, crushing both Izuku and Bakugou in a brutal hug while she mumbled about how 'worried she was for her baby'.

Before she could stop crying enough to talk, Izuku spoke up. "Hey, Mum? I didn't see it for very long, but I think I have an idea of what my Quirk does mum..."

"And if I'm right about what it can do, I think it's really cool..."