A/N: Decided to publish two chapters as a nice starting point will update soon! Please leave reviews3 As always I just like to use the Harry Potter universe as my plaything.

Chapter Two:

Hermione sat at her kitchen table with Ginny and Luna later that evening relaying everything that had happened. "So you're an Omega? Like Luna?" Hermione nodded at the red head as she sipped at her tea, "do you want to mate with Harry too then?"

Inhaling sharply Hermione began to choke as she attempted to clear her lungs of the unwanted liquid suddenly invading them, "no," she finally croaked out. "I have never had romantic feelings for Harry and Luna has been using him as her heat mate for the last year."

Hermione turned to the blonde and cocked her head, "speaking of which, why haven't you mated?"

The blonde for the first time in Hermione's life actually rolled her eyes, "he's a little too noble... if I didn't know better I'd think he was a beta with his aversion to wanting to mark me. He worries it will make me his slave or something, but I'm going to have to force his hand if he is going to be spending time with you."

Hermione winces at her words, even with the gentle dreamlike way she said them, Hermione understood, unmated omegas pheromones will distract and attract any and all alphas. "I can stay away from him for a while if you like."

Luna glanced at her but smiled sweetly, "No Hermione you misunderstand me. If something happened between you two because we are unmated I wouldn't be upset, In fact if I knew better I would offer to share him until you find an alpha of your own. But can you imagine how horrible Harry would feel afterwards? Can you imagine how long it would take to get him out of that mental space if he felt like he cheated on me with his best friend?"

Hermione's mouth fell open while Ginny blinked at the blonde owlishly, Luna would have no issues sharing Harry, but she knew him well enough to know the guilt he would feel for sleeping with two women would eat him alive from the inside out. "You officially have my permission to marry him if you wanted it!" She laughed out suddenly.

"I'm glad he has you Luna, you look after his best interest and he didn't have a lot of that in his life. You understand him in a way that I never could." Ginny stated long over her short lived romance with the dark haired man. "Now, tell us all about what you and Neville did for three whole days Mione!" Hermione immediately flushed as the two other women began to laugh. "That good huh?"

The next day found Hermione chewing on a quill as she worked on rewording a proposed bill, her thoughts scrambled. She had taken blockers to tamper down her pheromones and it seemed to be working to keep her new status under wraps.

Jumping slightly as a knock sounded on her door Hermione set the paper aside, "come in."

Harry Potter waltzed in with a brown sack in hand, "want some lunch?"

She wavered hesitantly before nodding as her stomach gave a loud growl, "Yeah, Ron coming?"

He gave her a crooked grin, green eyes sparkling as he kicked the door closed behind him, "he will be here shortly and then we can head to the atrium."

Alpha pheromones ticked her nose as she attempted to ignore the growing wetness at her core, this is Harry. HARRY. "Actually Harry I'm feeling a little stuffed up in here, why don't we go ahead and head out, Ron can catch up."

But her words fell on deaf ears as he looked at her, his pupils blown out and nostrils flaring, "What... is that smell?"

She gulped as he dropped the food and lurched around the desk and grabbing one of her wrists, pressing his nose to it and inhaling deeply.

All protest falls from her lips at the gentle touch as her brain begins to beg for her alpha, her core burning with need. Shuddering as his lips lightly kiss her glands, pleasure rippling through her body. Suddenly his lips are on hers in a searing kiss, as she is shoved against the wall. Head dizzy with arousal, Hermione gasped as he released her lips only to brush along the column of her neck causing her to jerk in pleasure with a sudden cry.

The office door swings open with a loud crash Ron walking in, "bloody hell, what ARE you two doing!?"

He gapes at them mouth open, eyes wide as they look at him and then slowly back to each other. Gasping in horror Hermione rips out of Harry's grip, "I am so SO sorry Harry! I should have owled you when I found out!"

Green eyes blinked at her in confusion, "what...why... how? I thought you were a beta!"

"I presented late, went into heat last week! I meant to talk with you, warn you... but I am still processing the sudden change!"

She turned slightly meeting the red heads flabbergasted gaze as realizes the ramifications of what she just said, "you're an omega?" Hermione nods slightly her cheeks flushing as she glances down and realizes her shirt is half way unbuttoned.

"You should have told me Hermione, I could have hurt you!" Harry gritted out suddenly emotion choking his voice.

"But you didn't and I'm sorry Harry, I thought the blockers were working."

"They were I didn't even notice until I closed the door, but in such a small room the smell is hard to ignore."

"Can we maybe step outside? I'll do my best to explain and then we can just catch up."

Both boys nod, still in shock. Glancing at herself and then at Harry to make sure everything is still in place she leads them both out to the courtyard, explaining her itching wrists, thinking she was poisoned, going into heat, and finally her talk with Luna.

"When you went into heat, you were with an alpha weren't you?" Harry asked as he watched her, shame still evident in his gaze.

"Yes. He took care of me but there are no romantic feelings between us."

"Was it Neville?"

Flushing red Hermione nods as Ron lets out a sudden laugh, "I swear you alpha's are like dogs! Did he scent mark her?"

Harry nodded, "I could tell when I was in there he scent marked, probably trying to warn off any other Alpha's to stay away but I know you both enough to know it was an empty threat. When it starts to wear off I'll make sure to do it, it will keep most alpha's away, they know my threat isn't empty."

"Harry, I'm not YOUR omega!"

He grins awkwardly at her, "I know you're my sister!"

Ron gives a disbelieving laugh, "after what I caught you two doing I wouldn't say that!"

Hermione brown eyed glare meets his amused gaze, "kindly keep that to yourself! Harry, I'm so sorry I didn't warn you away but you can't scent mark me, I don't want to be with you like that."

"I don't need to sleep with you to scent mark you... it helps and makes it stronger but all I have to do is rub your uhm... glands a bit and that will give off enough of a warning."

"Right... okay just let me know when I need to be..." she cringes slightly, "scent marked again."

"So if you don't want Harry or Neville... is there someone in mind that you do want?" Ron asked while chewing his food.

Hermione grimaced lightly as crumbs spilled from his lips, "chew with your mouth closed Ronald – you know I hate seeing half masticated food!"

He grinned at her food still stuffed in his cheeks before swallowing, "somebody is avoiding the question!"

Harry's dark eye brow quirks in question as they both stare her down, her cheeks flushing, "you know Ron, I don't like that she is keeping secrets from us of all people! The two people who stood by her, when she turned herself into a cat! You know... I bet Rita Skeeter would love that memory!"

Narrowing her eyes at Harry she glared, "be very careful with your threats Potter, you forget I set Snape's robes on fire when I was only 11... I've had nine years and a war to become even more dangerous."

Both boys put their hands up in mock surrender, "we know," they replied in unison. "You're one of the scariest people I've ever met." Ron muttered biting into a chip.

"Frightening actually," Harry adds with a grin, "always thankful you were on my side, would hate to be on the bad side of your wand!"

Laughing Hermione glances at the clock, "lunch is almost over we should probably head back."

"Same time tomorrow?" Ron asks with a grin.

"Of course, but maybe we meet in the courtyard from now on." She grinned awkwardly at Harry.

"See you tomorrow Mione! Don't think we've forgotten that you won't answer our question. Who has finally caught the eye of the brightest witch of our age?"

Shaking her head with a smile she took the long way back up to her small office. See Hermione had a secret habit of taking this way anytime she could because it meant getting a glimpse of a man she had been secretly pining away for. Turning a corner in anticipation her heart gave a small leap when her eyes meet silver from across the room.

Draco Malfoy always seemed to know that she was coming because he never failed to look up, trail his eyes up and down her body, give her a small smirk, and nod before going back to his work.

Returning his nod she made her back to her office, ignoring the way her heart hammered in chest and the new voice in her brain was chanting, 'alpha – alpha – alpha please come get me.'