Leroy Jethro Gibbs former marine corps Gunnery sergeant and scout sniper former husband and father was laying down on his couch sleeping after a long day of work at the navy yard as a federal agent he slept soundly until he heard the sound of glass breaking and the outside door and then the refrigerator door pen on the light show from it

Gibbs got up from his resting spot and pulled out his side arm and slowly walk towards the kitchen with his finger on the trigger he looks a little bit and see' a small figure roaming through the food that was there eating in front of the open fridge Gibbs slowly walks towards the figure and raises his pistol

" Federal Agent freeze" Gibbs says as the figure stops eating " Hand in the air and turn around" Gibbs ordered the figure turns around as Gibbs turns on the light. Once the light was one he lowered his Pistol as it was revealed that the intruder was and eleven year old boy with white hair and had looked like he hadn't eaten in days.

The seen stops and turns black and white it changes to See Abby sciuto and special Agent Anthony DiNozzo with shocked looks.

Gibbs sat in front of the kid as he ate " Hey hey take it easy kid you'll choke if you don't slow down you'll choke" Gibbs said to the kid causing him to stop. The young man looks at Gibbs " Sorry" he simply says " Why are breaking in to my house kid you should know better that's a crime right didn't your family teach you that?" Gibbs asked

The kid looked at Gibbs " No Because they where to busy keeping me outside of are house" The kid said this caught Gibbs Attention " What did you say?" Gibbs asked the kid " They threw me out okay I Lied about being bad luck so I Can get out going to my sisters contests because I'm always there for them and never any time for my self but they bought my parents into and threw me out for the past five weeks slept on the grass and ate what little scraps that they gave me" the boy said

Gibbs looked at the young boy with a calm expression but deep inside his anger was being built up having been a former father he knew that when it comes to a child and any wrong doing or harm is brought upon them all bets are let out a small breath and looks at the young man " Whats your name kid?" Gibbs asked him

The boy looked at Gibbs he was hesitant for a little bit but soon " It's Lincoln, Lincoln loud " Lincoln said to Gibbs " Alright Lincoln there's a spare bedroom upstairs with a bed in it let me get you some blankets and tomorrow I'm taking you somewhere were we can get you some help okay" Gibbs said

Lincoln nodded his head and after he was finished Eating his food Gibbs and Lincoln head upstairs and set up the room the bed was made and A Marine Corps blanket was placed on the bed " Alright get some sleep and Tomorrow where gonna go see someone who can help okay?" Gibbs said and Lincoln nodded his head.

Gibbs nodded his and closes he door.

The next morning NCIS Building Naval Yard

Anthony DiNozzo walks into the room where he agent Gibbsas well as two other agents he walks in wearing a suit and sunglasses " good morning everyone how's everyone doing on this Fine morning?" DiNozzo asked with a smile as he sits at his desk

" Oh No" Agent Timothy McGee said getting Agent Ziva David's Attention " What?" Ziva asked McGee " When ever Tony's in a Good mood it's never good" McGee said to her " Oh Come on McGee since when has it been known that when I come into the office happy something bad happens?" Tony asks him

" Um How about after I meet you and Gibbs" McGee said causing Ziva to smirk a little bit " Ah come on know McGee you should Know by now that I'm fun and love able Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo " DiNozzo said with a smile " Unlike are dear and old Leader Leroy Jethro Gibbs he smells of Harden old War hounds that have been fighting for so long that they ended Hell and ended up Becoming the hell hounds" DiNozzo said with a small chuckle unaware that Gibbs walked up behind him

Ziva smiled a little bit " Ah see McGee Ziva thinks I'm funny" DiNozzo said with a smile but then his smiled went away instantly " And He's standing right behind me isn't he" DiNozzo said " Hell Hounds DiNozzo" Gibbs said " It's a metaphor boss meaning that your tough as nails and-" DiNozzo didn't finish when Gibbs gave him his Infamous head slap

" Yeah I deserved that" DiNozzo said as he rubbed his head as Gibbs walked away and made his way upstairs as he left DiNozzo McGee and Ziva noticed a young man with white hair walking behind him the three agents look at the young man as he follows Gibbs upstairs to Director Vance's Office. Ziva was the first one speak " I didn't know Gibbs babysit" Ziva said tot he two " Yeah something tells me that Gibbs isn't babysitting " McGee said to Ziva

Directors office

Leon Vance took over as Director of NCIS after the death of the previous Director Jenny Shepard in California since then he has had his fair share of adventures with Gibbs and his team but nothing would prepare him for what was about to happen next

" Yes Sir I'll make sure that Agent Gibbs is Aware of that " Vance said as he was talking on the phone as Gibbs and the young man walked in " Alright Good bye sir" Vance said as he looked at Gibbs " Am I guessing something big Leon?" Gibbs asked him

" That was the Secretary of the Navy he just informed me that Formers President Bill Clinton and The First Lady Hillary Will be here for a small tour of NCIS" Leon said to Gibbs " Speaking Of tours since when did you take up Baby sitting?" Leon asked

Gibbs looked over to young Man and gestured him to come closer the young man did "This is Lincoln Loud " Gibbs said to Vance " Well Lincoln I take there's a reason your here since your with a most decorated agent "Vance said to Lincoln

" I Broke into Agent Gibbs house yesterday" Lincoln Said to Director Vance causing him to Look at Lincoln with a serious look on his face " Young man there better be a good reason as to why" Vance said to Lincoln "there is sir" Lincoln said to him

Vance looked at him " Well then what was the Reason ?" Vance asked him " My Family threw me out of the house " Lincoln said to him.

( To Be countinued )