
So, today I was just nagging Annabeth like I normally do when Leo decided to drop in and tell me something that probably wasn't good.

"Hey, Perce Chiron wants you and Annabeth at the big house." said Leo

"Okay we'll be there soon Leo." I said back to him.

"Oh and, don't let this be another stable incident." Leo said then winked.

"For the last time we just fell asleep!" I objected and we really did just fall asleep!

"Yea right Aquaman."

Gods. I'm going to need Travis and Conner for the amount of pranks I'm going to pull on him for that.

Wise Girl and I get up and walk hand in hand to the big house when suddenly, I hear high pitched

screaming coming from the strawberry fields. Leo was probably getting Nico.

We enter the big house and I see Piper and Jason talking to each other, Thalia and Reyna were just sitting down looking annoyed. Hazel kept glancing at the doorway, no doubt waiting for Nico to show up.

I sit down on the couch next to Annabeth with my arm around draped over her shoulders and waiting for Leo, Will and Nico.

~~~~~~~~ Four Minutes Later ~~~~~~~~~

Will, Nico and Leo walk in and Chiron starts off the meeting with something unpleasant.

"I'm greatly sorry children but there is another quest for you to complete before peace." Chiron said gently.

I was pissed. We had just finished the giant war, come back from hell, and now he wants us to go on another quest!?

"An old friend of mine has asked me to send ten of our finest demigods to protect a very special wizard in Ho-

"Wait a second." I interrupted and got a glare from Wise Girl. "Did you say WIZARD?"

"Yes child. Wizard. They were mortals blessed by Hecate and four of them created a magical school where they train witches and wizards from age eleven through seventeen called Hogwarts."

Everyone bursts out laughing at the name. Me, Leo and Thalia were rolling on the floor like maniacs which we probably were. Annie and Will were chuckling and smiling, Pipes, Hazel, Reyna and my bro were laughing normally. Psh weirdos. Nico was smirking and even CHIRON was smiling at the name!

After a good five minutes of laughing we finally recovered enough for Chiron to continue explaining to us.

"You ten will be going on a quest to Britain and pose as students and protect a boy named Harry Potter against the Dark Lord of their world. You will stay at the Weasly's house until you start your year at Hogwarts. You will be going to Diagon Alley with them to purchase the supplies you will need for Hogwarts. And the currency if different in their world so you will have galleons, knuts and sickles. You will also have to hide your weapons as they are not allowed and unknown to the wizarding world and will be blessed by Hecate so you are able to use wands to perform spells. Be at Thalia's Tree at noon tomorrow so you best get packing."


I was staying at the Weasly's house before Hogwarts because I just wouldn't be able to stand the Durleys any longer. Right before our supplie lists for Hogwarts Mrs. Weasly announced that there would be American Exchange students staying with us until the year starts.

Huh. I never knew Hogwarts allowed exchange students form America. I wonder what they will be like. I hope their nice and not a git like Malfoy. I decided I would talk to Hermione and Ron about this.

"What do you guys think the exchange students will be like"? I ask.

"It seems interesting that Hogwarts is allowing exchange students. I'll have to do some research when school starts and keep an eye on them when they arrive." Hermione says thoughtfully

I'm pretty sure Hermione thinks there's something off about this. And I agree.

"I don't know but I'm bloody hungry so let's go down and grab something to eat already!" Ron said.

Just then I hear the doorbell ring and we run down the steps to find the exchange students right outside the door.