Author's note: I have no experience with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and I've only done a small amount of research on the topic. I'm primarily basing this story off of Twice, so if it isn't accurate to how DID or PTSD is in real life, I apologize.
Chapter Note: I've been deabting whether or not to time skip a few years, or to jump right into UA, as that's when things will get really interesting. Let me know what you think in a review, and I hope you enjoy chapter two!
"... may have a large psychological impact. He should see someone about this."
"... not weak. He'll recover fine."
"Sir I don't think…"
"Leave us at once, don't you know who I am?"
"Sorry, right away Mr. Todoroki."
Shouto slowly opened his right eye. He saw the blurry image of a person leaving the white room he was in, but for some reason, he couldn't get a clear view of them. He tried to open his left eye, but saw nothing.
"Ah, Shouto, you're finally awake."
His father was standing on his right side by the door, glaring down at him. He was wearing civilian clothes, a dark blue shirt and black pants. He approached Shouto's bed.
"Now, are you ready to leave?"
"No. Yes."
His father glared at him. "What do you mean 'No. Yes?'"
"Where's mom? Can you get me out of here, I'm perfectly fine."
Endeavor's gaze turned from anger to confusion in an instant. "Your mother isn't here, and stop contradicting yourself."
"Where is mom though? Shut up old man, let's just leave! No, where's mom! I don't care about her, be quiet!"
His father was now giving him a look of utter disbelief, and to be honest, Shouto understood why he was doing so. Whenever he said something, it was like another force compelled him to say another, different thing. The confusing part was he wasn't even thinking about saying the other thing, but he said it anyway.
"Wait here, I'll return in a moment." Endeavor left the room quickly, heading toward the front desk.
Shouto was confused. His mother was gone, his siblings were nowhere in sight (Though he was used to that), and he could have sworn he saw a flash of concern on his father's face. To top it all off, it seemed like another person was speaking through him.
"Hello?" Shouto called out in a light voice, "Who's there?
"Shut up, you sound weak calling out like that.
"Who are you?
"Stop talking, you're just being annoying.
"Don't be mean…
"Silence your whining, it's giving me a headache.
"Are you possessing me?
"No. If anything, you're possessing me.
"That doesn't make sense.
"Then stop talking about it and maybe father will return with answers.
"What about mom?
"She hurt me, who cares about her.
"I do, she's nice!
"Really, do nice parents pour…"
Shouto's talk with himself(?) was interrupted by his father and a doctor walking into the room. The doctor was smiling at him, while his father had a rather neutral expression.
"Hello Shouto, I'm a doctor here at the hospital, mind telling me how you feel?"
"I don't feel that well. I feel fine, just leave me alone already!"
The doctor's eyes narrowed at his response, and he jotted down some notes on his clipboard. Judging from his father's expression, it wasn't something good.
"Do you feel light-headed at all?"
"Yeah, a little. Of course not, I'm perfectly fine."
"Any discomfort at all?"
"My left eye hurts, and… I already told you I'm fine, can you just let me go already, and get this other voice out of me, it's annoying."
"Thank you for your cooperation Shouto, I'll be right back with your father."
The doctor led his father out of the room and closed the door behind him.
"Why won't he tell me where mom is? Shut up already, I'm trying to listen to what they're saying!"
Shouto stopped talking, now intent on listening to his father's conversation outside the room. He couldn't make out the words, but didn't want to disturb the other voice.
Suddenly, the door opened, and the doctor stepped into the room, followed by Endeavor. The doctor moved to Shouto's right side, taking a seat on the stool next to the bed. His father wore an expression of both confusion and anger, which only made Shouto even more nervous.
"Shouto, when you speak, are you deliberately saying everything, or does it seem like someone else is also talking?" The doctor addressed him, clipboard and pen in hand.
"I don't mean to say some things, but I do anyway. What's wrong with me?!"
The doctor sighed, looking down at his clipboard, and then back at Shouto.
"Shouto, tell me, do you know what Dissociative Identity Disorder is?"
Shouto noticed his father's expression immediately sourered, and he glared at the doctor. The doctor ignored his stare, focused on Shouto.
"No. What is it?"
"Well, it's basically when a person develops two personalities, usually the result of a traumatic event, such as… Well, we can come back to that. The reason you're hearing another voice is because you've developed a second personality, one that appears to be the opposite of your usual one. Any questions so far?"
"Shouto? Are you okay?"
"How will this affect him?"
"I don't know for sure. He should be able to better manage it over time. Previous cases have shown that it's possible for the two personalities to communicate and work together, but those are rare cases. He could spend the rest of his life like this, always talking back to himself."
"Is there a cure?"
"This isn't a simple cold that will pass with time Mr. Todoroki. I suggest you help him by getting him a therapist or someone else to talk to. That could help the two personalities work together, or at least give us an understanding of the differences between the two."
"So there's no way to fix this mess?"
"Mr. Todoroki, please do not use such language in front of him. That certainly won't help."
"I can speak however I want, I'm the…"
"Number two hero, yes I'm aware. I'm also aware that Dissociative Identity Disorder doesn't typically develop from one incident, but a line of past incidents. In fact, a significant percentage of those with Dissociative Identity Disorder suffered from abuse."
"What are you implying doctor?"
"I'm simply pointing out the fact that there may be more going on here than just this one incident. And that an investigation could be opened to ensure the truth was found out."
"Are you threatening me doctor?"
"No, just pointing out what could happen if young Shouto here doesn't get the proper care. But as the Number Two Hero, I'm sure you can find someone more qualified to help than me. Unless you want me to look into this situation instead."
"That is not necessary, I will make sure he is well taken care of."
"I thought you'd agree with me. Here's his updated medical file. Have a nice day, Mr. Todoroki."
The doctor left the room, Endeavor silently fuming with the medical file in his hands.
His son's voice was quiet, the smallest he'd ever heard it.
"Yes, Shouto?"
"Will I be okay? Do you even care about me?!"
His father looked like he was about to respond, but suddenly left the room, leaving Shouto lying in the hospital bed.
As tears formed in his one good eye, Shouto wondered if his father really did care about him, or if he only cared about his quirk.