Summary: In one timeline, Endeavor trained his youngest son for years, only to stop during his time at UA. Eventually, his son was able to move past his father's abuse and become his own person. In another timeline, however, the number two hero pushed Todoroki Shouto to his breaking point as a child, until he finally split.

Author's note: I have no experience with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and I've only done a small amount of research on the topic. I'm primarily basing this story off of Twice, so if it isn't accurate to how DID or PTSD is in real life, I apologize.

Todoroki Shouto did not have a normal life.

He didn't really know what a normal life was like, but he suspected that families were supposed to be happy, not broken like his.

Ever since he was four, his father trained him to be the best. To "Surpass his legacy and beat All Might." Shouto didn't understood his father's hatred for the number one hero, but he learned never to bring up the man's name in front of him.

His mother always tried to comfort him. Those were the times Shouto would look forward to as a child. When he and his mother could watch All Might videos when his father was at work, or when she would lay him down and talk to him while stroking his hair. He could relax around her, and he knew she would never hurt him.

His siblings tried to be nice to him and include him in their games, but Endeavor would always pull him away, telling him to ignore his weak, useless siblings. Shouto never really knew his siblings growing up, as Endeavor would train him at every opportunity.

Shouto was never good enough during training. His father would beat him till he could barely stand, and yell at him to be stronger. Shouto remembers one particular time when his father had beaten him to the ground, and his mother tried to protect him.

"Please stop! He's only five!" She had yelled at his father, but that meant nothing to him.

Shouto had watched his father slap his mother, and could only assume it was his fault, his own weakness and inability, that caused it to happen.

As the weeks went by, Shouto felt both the physical and mental impact of his father's training. His body was aching at the end of each day, and he had trouble sleeping due to constant nightmares. He wasn't only afraid of his father during the day, but he began to fear his presence in his dreams at night. He would close his eyes and hear his father's words, berating him for his weakness.

"You need to work harder, Shouto!"

"Get up, I didn't create you so you could be lazy!"

"Stop being weak Shoto!"

"You have to grow stronger if you have any chance of beating All Might!"

Shouto would sometimes get lost in his own head after training. He would sit in his room, beaten and alone, thinking about his life. He would drift off in his mind, tuning out all sounds around him. He would think of the few good moments in his life, and try to ignore the pain, both mental and physical, his father inflicted upon him.

One night, when he was five, Endeavor came home in a rage. Apparently, a villain had managed to escape him, and the media was all over the story. Shouto was called into the dojo, where his father was waiting.

"Let's see if you've grown stronger since last time," His father told him, before beginning to attack. Shouto had no chance of dodging the number two hero's blows, and was quickly on the ground, writhing in pain.


His father kicked him while he was still lying on the ground, causing him to throw up on the dojo floor. As Shouto lay on the ground, tears starting to form in his eyes, his father looked down on him with a face of disgust.

"Clean that up," His father told him, "And prepare to do better tomorrow."

With that final warning, Endeavor exited the dojo, leaving his youngest son crying on the floor, covered in his own puke. Shouto waited for his mother to come help him, but she never did. Eventually, he was left to clean the floor and his clothes on his own. When he made it back to his room, Shouto passed out from exhaustion.

He woke up only an hour later, drenched in his own sweat, the nightmare still in his mind.

Shouto didn't get any more sleep that night.

As the weeks went by, Endeavor's training only got worse for Shouto. Aside from that, contact with his siblings was completely prohibited, and the same went for his mother. His father told him that it was necessary for him to learn how to take care of himself. Shouto didn't understand, but did it anyway, out of fear.

Nightmares haunted Shouto's sleep. It was rare that he would sleep through an entire night without one. He told no one, for fear of being called weak by his father. His mental state, unknown to anyone else in the house, started to deteriorate, until he was at his breaking point.

One night, Shouto woke up from a particularly bad nightmare, and went to the kitchen for a glass of water to help himself calm down. When he opened the door, he heard his mother talking on the phone.

"I can't take it anymore. The children are starting to look like him. And Shouto…"

Shouto slid open the door more, stepping into the room.

"...that child's left side sometimes looks unbearable to me. All I can see is his father!"

"Mom?" Shouto spoke in a light voice, scared to make a sound.

His mother turned to him, eyes wide with fear. She only saw him. She panicked, and grabbed the kettle of boiling water, ready to attack him.

That was the night that Todoroki Rei permanently scarred her youngest son's face.

It was also the night that Todoroki Shouto, already unstable, finally split.