A/n: hello dear followers, it has been so long and for that i m sorry. i have fpund it hard to write anything at all but alas i have a new story for you. i am deeply sorry for any errors that you may find, i am writing this solely on my phone in the fanfic app. this story will be done in short chapters and in so hope to update often as i can. and please i will take all criticism good and bad. enjoy!

he watched her as she sat under a tree with blossoms as pink as her aura. she was staring at the midnight blue sky filled with stars. they knew the final battle was fast approaching, they all could feel it, that was why he didnt understand why she would be this far from camp. she had grown not only in spirit but in power and knew from their sparing that she could even rival himself. that is why she had his respect, why he allowed her simple liberties around his person that he had killed others for and less. her mouth intrigued him and riled his beast yet he had all but stopped correcting her and telling her to watch her tongue and to learn her place. she was alpha female of her ragtag group of friends and as time went on he gave her the respect as much.

he watched her from within the tree line, waiting for her to notice he was there, though he knew she already knew he was there, so he watched and waited.

She sighed and without looking his way or raising her voice she spoke to him,

"i wish we had as clear of skies in my time that you do here, it will be one of the things i miss most about this time, amongst other things." kagome spoke softy.