A/N: And this is the final chapter. Wonder what happens a bit differently at the end? Now, you get to find out. Enjoy. :)
Tom and Jerry: The Magic Ring
Chapter 8: Saved by the Ring
Later, Tom, Jerry, and Robyn were on their way back to Chip's house to get the ring off when Tom came across the gate, opened it, went in to the other side of it, and closed it.
"Well, fellas, looks like we're almost there.", Tom grinned.
"And a good thing, too, Tom. This is it, Robyn. We're almost there.", Jerry assured before everyone proceeded to go inside the house, not knowing they were followed by Figg and Lickboot as the two watched.
"Really? Chip couldn't have picked better security for this?", Figg commented.
"The important thing is, we know how we can get in, and get that ring.", Lickboot smirked.
Meanwhile, Tom opened the door with Jerry and Robyn on his shoulders before closing the door and making his way to the kitchen before setting the two mice down on the couch and then looking out the window to see if Chip is coming back yet, with which fortunately, Chip isn't going to be home for a while, giving the trio some relief before Tom then went over to the kitchen.
"All right, I'll get the ring remover.", Tom spoke before heading to the kitchen.
"Don't worry, Robyn. We'll have you back to normal in no time.", Jerry assured before Robyn gave a smile that says "thank you".
Then, Tom got out the ring remover from under the sink and set it on the counter next to the sink.
"Okay, Robyn. If this doesn't help get the ring off ya, nothing will.", Tom spoke before then squirting the ring remover on to Robyn's head enough to the point that it goes through the ring over to the sides of her head.
"Wanna give pushing it off a go, Robyn?", Jerry asked as he hopped aboard the teacups in the sink before Robyn nodded and then pushed the ring off her head as best she could until finally, she removed it.
Then, almost immediately, her fur disappears first, then she grows back to her normal size, the tail goes away, her ears return to normal, as would her nose, and finally, the whiskers vanished.
"It worked! I'm back to normal!", Robyn spoke excitedly before she then hugged Tom and Jerry and spun around a bit with laughter.
"Now, we just have to wait until Uncle Chip gets back home.", Robyn grinned before Figg and Lickboot entered the kitchen as the former spoke up, making Robyn gasp.
"Well, how unfortunate for you that by the time he gets here, we'll be long gone with that little ring over there. Now, hand it over, you little brat.", Figg urged before Robyn looked at them and then the ring.
"I have a better idea.", Robyn spoke before she turned to Tom and Jerry.
"Keep away!", Robyn shouted as she then tossed the ring over to them.
"No! After that ring!", Figg shouted as she and Lickboot charged in before Jerry got out a spatula and then whacked it across the kitchen as it flew through the air with Tom and Robyn heading after it.
"I got it, I got it!", Robyn shouted as Figg and Lickboot scrambled to get the ring as well.
"Oh, come on! Come to papa!", Lickboot shouted as Jerry laughed from the sight.
However, Tom and Robyn wound up falling down the laundry chute after the ring fell down the chute as well before both fell down into the basket in the basement before noticing that the ring is stuck on Tom's finger, making Tom aghast with fear as he screamed with worry and shivered a bit.
"It's okay, Tom. We got it off of my finger. All we have to do is get the ring remover and get it off of yours.", Robyn assured.
"Tom? Robyn? I'm home.", Chip announced.
"Uh-oh.", Robyn spoke worriedly.
Meanwhile, Chip was quite surprised, if not puzzled, to see Figg and Lickboot.
"Huh? Figg? What are you and your lawyer doing in my house?", Chip puzzled.
"Oh, Chip. We had no idea this was your house. Anyway, we're here to visit my favorite niece.", Figg fibbed.
"Uh, yes, she's right.", Lickboot concurred.
"Hmm. Well, they should be down in the basement. Come with me.", Chip spoke before he, Figg, and Lickboot went downstairs.
"Tom? Robyn? Are you two down here?", Chip asked before Tom was seen placing the box above his hand.
"Oh. There you guys are. I'm sure you two took very good care of my ring while I was gone, didn't you?", Chip asked.
"Yep. That we did.", Robyn responded as Tom nodded.
"Well, where's the ring?", Chip asked before Tom gulped nervously.
"Well, it's right over here.", Robyn spoke as Tom held out the box for it as Chip opened the box and saw that the ring was safe and secure in it.
"Ah. Just as I remembered it.", Chip spoke in relief before Figg and Lickboot gasped with fright and whispered to each other.
"How come you didn't realize that we were trying to steal your brother's ring?", Lickboot whispered.
"Why, I didn't know. I haven't spoken to my brother in years.", Figg responded.
"Good job, guys. I'll go get that big juicy salmon for you, Tom.", Chip grinned before Tom thought about what would happen if Chip found out and whimpered a bit, not to mention started crying a little before quickly getting his act together.
Then, Chip grabbed the box and was about to walk off only to find that it's stuck somehow, mainly because of how tightly Tom was holding on to it.
"That's okay, boy. You can let go of it, now.", Chip assured before Tom shook his head frightfully.
"Well, technically, he can let go of the box, but as for the ring, there's a slight problem.", Robyn explained.
"What do you mean 'slight problem'? Come on.", Chip urged as he tried to take the box as Tom held on as best he could only for Chip to take the box and find out that the ring is stuck on Tom's finger now before dropping the box and shaking a bit in anger.
"What's my magic ring doing on your finger?", Chip asked before Tom laughed nervously.
"Please, Uncle Chip. Don't be mad at Tom. He accidentally got it stuck on his finger after trying to help me get it off. If anything, you should be mad at Aunt Figg and Mr. Lickboot, over there.", Robyn defended.
"And why's that, Robyn?", Chip asked.
"Because they've been trying to steal the ring to sell it and make money off of it all day.", Robyn responded truthfully.
"They've been WHAT?!", Chip exclaimed.
"Wait, Chip. I can explain.", Figg responded, fearful of her true motives exposed.
"Explain what? That you were going to steal and sell what is rightfully mine?! Why, you miserable, ungrateful, dirty cheat! I can't believe your my sister!", Chip exclaimed angrily.
"Honestly, Chip, we can talk about this.", Figg stammered in fear.
"Okay. Here's me talking about this! Take that!", Chip exclaimed before zapping Figg and Lickboot to the point that they went through the roof as they screamed from being zapped before trying to make a run for it with Chip zapping them still until they are further away from the house and even then, still zapping them as Robyn held back her giggle a bit, but still giggled nonetheless.
"And these! How about that?", Chip spoke as he blasted a Figg and Lickboot twice before they were seen fleeing away.
"And don't ever come back!", Chip shouted to them as they fled before Robyn tapped on Chip.
"Hey, Uncle Chip. Can I make a request?", Robyn asked before she whispered said request into his ear as Jerry helped Tom remove the ring from his finger with the ring remover.
"Whoa, Robyn, that is evil. I like that", Chip smirked before he then sent out a blast toward the city that teleported everything and everyone that was in the city close to where Figg and Lickboot are, before Spike, Tyke, Butch, and Roger started to chase them out the neighborhood with even the police, Muscles, Joey, and Nibbles chasing them, although Nibbles was just chasing Muscles and Joey on account of, they're literally cheese.
"Cheese!", Nibbles spoke excitedly.
"Uh, how do we get out of this one, boss?", Joey asked.
"No idea, but if we do, from now on, we'll call him 'Tuffy'.", Muscles responded.
"This isn't the last you've seen of us!", Lickboot shouted.
"That's right! We'll be back!", Figg agreed as Spike, Tyke, Butch, Roger, the police, Muscles, Joey, and Nibbles, soon to be called Tuffy, ran Figg and Lickboot out of the neighborhood.
"Well, Tom, a promise is a promise. Here ya go.", Chip spoke as he got out the salmon for Tom, who licked his lips before eating the Salmon just as Chip turned to Jerry.
"And as for you, here is something very special for your help as well.", Chip spoke as he got out some cheese for Jerry, who also licked his lips before eating as well.
"You two enjoy while I go fix up something for Robyn and myself.", Chip spoke before he walked off to get some food ready just as Robyn's stomach growled.
"Man, I'm so hungry. Hey, Jerry. Mind if I had a bite or two of that Cheese?", Robyn asked before suddenly, she grew whiskers, fur, and a tail, her nose and ears changed, and she started shrinking back down to Jerry's size.
"Whoa!", Robyn exclaimed in surprise before the shrinking was done.
Robyn was now a mouse again as she was now wondering why she was a mouse again as she checked herself out.
"Hm. Maybe I didn't get the ring off in time?", Robyn guessed.
"Well, maybe you didn't. Or maybe you absorbed enough of that ring's magic to get powers.", Tom guessed.
"Really?", Robyn asked.
"Yep.", Jerry agreed.
"Well, I always kinda wanted some magic powers of my own.", Robyn spoke with a grin before then taking a piece of cheese and then enjoying it.
"You know what? This is actually kinda cool. I could get used to this life.", Robyn grinned as she ate a piece of cheese with Jerry, who winked, as did Tom and Jerry.
Play Mickey's House of Villains Music: "It's Our House Now" (Instrumental Version)
Then, as the credits roll, it showed Tom and Jerry with their usual shenanigans, but with Robyn getting involved to stop them from hurting each other very bad as Tom tried to whack Jerry with a broom but missed numerous times. At one time, Tom was using Jerry's head as a tee to hold the golf ball before he swung with the golf ball being hurried away by the club as Butch snuck up behind Tom only for the golf ball to come back with Robyn, in human form, pushing Tom out of the way before it struck Butch in the teeth, causing it to shatter like glass in a comical way. Next up, Tom and Jerry were attacking each other with swords before Robyn then got out her two swords and parried their strikes with Butch charging in, only to get the receiving end of Robyn's parries, which proved ineffective for a moment until it was shown that, much to Robyn's surprise, Butch came apart like pieces of ham as he was apparently sliced. After that, Jerry was carrying a bowling ball as Robyn rolled her eyes before joining Jerry, who then rolled the bowling ball over before Robyn quickly turned into a mouse and ran on top of the rolling ball just as Tom walked by with Butch sneaking up on him just before Tom noticed the ball, and Robyn, headed for him and tried to run for it, which would've failed if Robyn hadn't jumped up and taken his hand to move him out of the way just in time with Butch getting hit by the ball and splitting into bowling pins landing squarely on the ground. Next up, Tom was chasing Jerry with a hammer when he stepped on his tail and aimed to smash him, not knowing that Robyn, as a mouse was right behind him as Roger was toward Robyn before Robyn reverted back to human form and caught the heavy part of the wooden hammer before it could hit Tom's tail with Robyn then giving a glare at Tom, leaving him worried and embarrassed as he was now holding a stick before Robyn tossed it aside, inadvertently landing it toward Roger's foot, making him shout in pain upon impact. And finally, Tom set a big stick of lit dynamite near Jerry's mouse hole before he got out and then rolled the dynamite back to Tom while Robyn hopped on top of the dynamite and danced across it before grabbing Tom by the tail and moving him out of the way before getting off the dynamite stick just in time to see it roll toward Butch's feet, leaving him flustered and giving a worried look before it exploded, leaving him burnt a bit before giving a slight cough with smoke coming out of his mouth before passing out. As the rest of the credits rolled, Tom, Jerry, and Robyn were dancing with Chip, Jake, Droopy, Spike, Tyke, Butch, and Roger joining in before they did a big finish.
End Mickey's House of Villains Music: "It's Our House Now" (Instrumental Version)
Play Toy Story Music: "You've Got A Friend In Me"
🎵You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
When the road looks rough ahead
And you're miles and miles
From your nice warm bed
You just remember what your old pal said
Boy, you've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
If you've got troubles, I've got 'em too
There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
We stick together and can see it through
'Cause you've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me
Some other folks might be
A little bit smarter than I am
Bigger and stronger too, maybe
But none of them will ever love you
The way I do, it's me and you, boy
And as the years go by
Our friendship will never die
You're gonna see it's our destiny
You've got a friend in me
You've got a friend in me
Yeah, you've got a friend in me🎵
End Toy Story Music: "You've Got A Friend In Me"
A/N: And that's a wrap. So, what did you think of this story? Feel free to leave some reviews if you like so that I may improve it if necessary. In the meantime, I'll get started on "Space Jam". :)