We find ourselves on the rooftop overlooking Chicago.

The view of the city is breathtaking at night. We're surrounded by skyscrapers, their lights shining bright. Between the buildings, Lake Michigan glistens in the distance.

Outdoor heaters and plush furniture surround the area… as well as ten or so other people. Some are in the heated pool, others are in the nearby hot tub. I look over at Edward, who just grins. He knows we're not gonna do anything. There's a difference between having sex in public where no one will see you, and getting a misdemeanor at your potential-sister-in-law's wedding for indecent exposure.

The hotel isn't huge—we're only on the twentieth floor—so the surrounding buildings tower over us. Standing near the glass railing, I lean over just a bit, the wind blowing soft curls around my face.

"Doesn't feel like we're that high up until I look down," I muse.

"Don't do that," Edward warns, tugging me back a little.

I smile, stepping back a little, marveling at the view. "I really love this city."

"So do I. It's beautiful," he murmurs, and when I look over, he's staring at me, not the view.

His gaze tugs at my heart.

"Well?" I prompt, glancing around at the strangers.

He breathes a laugh through his nostrils. "Well, what?"

"Gonna have to postpone that plan."

I swear his eyes twinkle. "Which one?"

My heart hammers in my chest. "Is there more than one plan?" He just grins and shrugs. "I was talking about the plan involving sex," I clarify quietly.

With that charming grin still on his face, he reaches for my waist, pulling me away from the railing and into his arms. "That's probably for the best. I can think of much dirtier things to do to you in the privacy of our room."

"Oh yeah?"

"Mmhmm." Dipping his head, he kisses me, biting lighting on my lower lip. "Besides, I don't want to risk anyone else seeing you. That would drive me insane."

"Are you the jealous type?" I ask, quirking a brow.

His grip tightens just a little. "I like to think of it as protective."

I run my hands up and down his chest. "It's kinda sexy on you."

"Although…" He lightly pinches my nipple through my dress, and I shiver. "Jealousy aside, the floor-to-ceiling windows in the room gave me an idea."

I lick my lips. "Tell me more."

"You, pushed against the glass…" His voice is velvet. "Your dress hiked up around your waist as I take you from behind…"

I immediately grab his hand, walking us back inside. His chuckle is low. When we're in the elevator, I let him push me up against the wall, his hands exploring my body. The door chimes sooner than we expected and we pull apart, pretending like his fingers weren't just inside of me.

"Where did you two run off to?" Alice beams, sliding into the elevator with Jasper.

"Oh, just… checking out the view on the roof," I tell her, straightening my dress a little. I sneak a glance at Edward, watching him scrub a hand over his mouth.

Alice stands beside me, and I swear she glances down between us to look at my left hand.

"Is the reception over?" I ask, trying not to read too much into her probing eyes.

Alice sighs. "Still an hour left, but holy hell. I'm exhausted. We just ran up to the room to drop off all our wedding cards" She leans over to whisper, "And for me to pee. God, when you get married, either get a dress without a train or… shoot. I don't know. Using the bathroom has been hell, even with it bustled."

"Don't you have bridesmaids to help you?" I ask, offering a sympathetic smile.

"I do. Everyone's toasted, though."

"Well, we can help you guys with whatever."

"That's nice of you to offer, Bell," Edward interjects. "But we're actually heading to the room. Remember?"

"We can help them, though," I offer, shaking my head. "Do y'all have to tear anything down at the end of the night?"

I'm staring at Alice, whose eyes are looking past me, at Edward. She watches him for a beat too long. When turn my head to look at him, his expression is neutral.

"Oh my gosh, no," Alice laughs, waving me off. "The hotel is gonna handle all the cleanup. We're good. Honest. Other than our gifts, the coordinator will pack up all the decor. And I honestly doubt we'll have any booze to pack up since everyone here is such a lush."

"Are you sure?" I ask. "We can take some gifts up for you."

The doors open and I'm about to follow Alice and Jasper out into the lobby when Edward grabs my hand and tugs me back into the elevator.

Alice turns around, smiling. "I'll see you two tomorrow for the wedding brunch?"

"Yep," Edward says, pressing the number 6 over and over again before letting the doors slide shut.

"In a rush?" I ask, tugging on his collar.

"Just tired."

"Are you, though?" I slide my hand down the front of his pants. He's not hard anymore, for obvious reasons. But that doesn't mean I can't make it happen again.

"Let's just make it to the room before we have any other distractions," he says, kissing my temple.

We walk down the hall to our room. He slides the key into the door, guiding me in first. My heart immediately goes wild when I see what he's done.

"What's this?" I ask. The entire room is lit with candles, and I follow a trail of rose petals that lead to the Jacuzzi tub. There's also a tray with chilled champagne and two glasses.

"Just a little something to show how much I love you." He's standing behind me, lips attached to my neck. I moan, leaning into his touch.

"When did you do this?" I ask, turning around. "Isn't this a fire hazard?" I laugh, and he covers my mouth with his index finger.

"Let me have my ways, okay?"

I stare back, giving into the moment. "Okay."

"Now start the bath," he murmurs, brushing my cheek. "I'll be right back."

"Don't be too long. I might have to get started without you," I tease, slapping his ass on the way out.

I sit on the edge of the tub, leaning over to unbuckle the ankle straps of my heels. Standing, I reach behind me, unable to fully grasp my zipper.

"Edward?" I call out. "Baby, I need some help." It's quiet, so I try again. "Edward?"

"Come here," he calls back, softer.

I round the corner, still trying to reach my zipper. "I don't know why it's—"

When I walk into the room, he's on one knee, holding a little black box with a diamond ring nestled inside. The sight of him in that position is enough to take my breath away. I stare at the ring then him. The ring, and him. The ring. Him, him, him.

I realize I'm still standing by the bathroom, too stunned to move.

"Bella," he laughs, voice soothing. "Baby, come here."

I move closer, covering my mouth, heart racing.

"So like I was trying to explain earlier, I didn't buy you a ring," he tells me, face serious, taking my shaking left hand into his. "This is my great-grandmother's." He slides it on my finger, eyes flashing with satisfaction. "It looks good on you."

"Oh," I breathe out, admiring the probably-more-than-one-carat vintage diamond on a gold band. "It's perfect."

"I did get it a month ago, after it was finally re-sized."

"To a 5," I reply, remembering his words from this morning.

"I had them measure one of your other things." He smirks. "I stalled earlier, after what you said. Maybe I was overthinking it, but only because I wanted this to be perfect for you. I want you to have everything you've ever wanted, Bella."

"I do." I lean over, grabbing his face and kissing him. "You're all I want. This is perfect—I love it. I love you," I beam, eyes blurring. "God, I'm sorry I fucked it all up—"

He shakes his head. "You didn't. I swear. A minor delay, is all."

My chest feels so full, my stomach fluttering with the best nerves. I remind myself to take a deep breath, to memorize this entire moment. The way the room glows amber from the candlelight. How the city shimmers beyond the glass wall of windows. The raw emotion in his eyes, accompanied with the sweetest smile on his face.

"I can't believe you're gonna be my wife," he muses, staring up at me.

"Well, there's only one problem." My vision blurs with the happiest tears. "You didn't actually ask me anything yet," I laugh, wiping at my cheeks.

"Shit. I had a speech and then…" We both laugh. Still on one knee, he grabs both of my hands, growing serious again. "I've wanted you since the very first moment I laid eyes on you. I knew I needed you in my life. After six months of getting to know you and falling so deeply in love… Bella, that feeling of need has only intensified. And I hope you feel the same," he says, swallowing. "Marry me. Be my wife."

I'm so overwhelmed by this man and the sincerity in his eyes. I move to sit on the knee that's still bent, wrapping my arms around his neck and holding him so tight.

"Okay," I murmur, laughing through my tears. "Yes."


"So tell me," I muse, setting my champagne glass on the edge of the tub. He's in the bath with me, my back to his chest. His thighs are splayed out, caging me in. "Who was in on this?"

He laughs. "You can't help yourself, can you?"

"Chalk it up to the journalist in me."

He lets out a playful sigh, and I know he's smirking. "Alice knew. She was all for it. Emmett had the band play our song… but we know how that turned out."

I turn around so our chests are flush, and smile up at him apologetically. "And all of this?"

"I came up here to put the ring away, and set up some of it. Although Emmett and Charlotte lit all the candles. Which is why I was adamant we come back to the room."

"So rushing here wasn't just about the sex?" I tease, kissing his neck, sucking on the skin below his ear.

"I mean… it's always about the sex," he manages to say, breath hitching. "But also to make sure the room didn't burn down."

We kiss lazily, until our mouths open a bit and his tongue brushes against mine. I feel him grow hard against me. "Thank you for all of this," I whisper. "I loved all of it. Even if I'm too nosy for my own good… you really surprised me." He hums against my lips. "You know what I'm really excited about, though?"

"Spending the rest of your life with me?"

I kiss him. "Well, yeah... but not that."

He tries again. "Having me as your lawfully wedded husband? Waking up to my face every day?"

"Yes to all of the above, but..." I pause, grinning. "I'm excited for Tanya to notice my ring tomorrow at brunch."

His laugh is throaty, amused. "Can we not talk about Tanya while you're rubbing against me?"

"Fair enough."

They done got engaged, y'all.

I think this can be the end for these two. Now that Kiss Me, You Idiot is basically done, I kiiiiinda want to focus on completing Anyone Else But You?

Eek. Thanks for reading these lovey-dovey folks!