Greetings and Salutations!

This is another work from our joint HISS account that I am moving over to my own account for ease. Those who have read it before know to expect an update soon as I am adding an epilogue on to all my HISS stories. If this is your first time reading...welcome!

Warning: This is marked M for a reason. There will be language and lemons and who knows what else may sneak in from here on out. Be warned from this point on!


~Tempest (Dash)

PS: This one was for my Clawzer Justice! Luff you sis!

The war was over. Battles had been won and lost on both sides. Tom Riddle, Lord Voldemort, The Dark Lord, He Who Must Not Be Named...whatever people chose to call him, he was ashes now blown away by the winds of time and change. It was the dawning of a new era. An era she had hoped would lead to peace and acceptance and end the prejudices of their magical world. A child's hope to be sure.

The trials for the 'of age' Death Eater's, the adults who had led their unwitting children into darkness and pain had all ended. This time not a single soul had been saved from persecution by lies, money, or a supposedly exalted reputation. The courts had made this very clear when they had not only pronounced Lucius Malfoy as guilty but had sentenced him to life in Azkaban without chance of release. The others had all fallen just as swiftly and brutally with the exception of two.

Thanks to the testimonies of Harry and the Order of the Phoenix as a united front, Narcissa Malfoy had been pronounced guilty of association but had been so by force. She had been given the choice of five years in Azkaban or five years in exile from English soil. She had chosen exile as any sane witch would and had left the country with an Auror escort to one of the many homes the Malfoy's owned in Italy.

Severus Snape had been the other. As of the announcement of his full pardon and his accommodations for his heroism, he was still in hospice convalescing from his wounds. After they had gotten the diadem and all that had happened in the Room of Requirement, she had gone back with her still borrowed time turner and cast silent spells to keep her brilliant Professor alive long enough for the three to run off again. She had then worked on him tirelessly until he was no longer on the brink of death. Once she knew he would survive the transport, she had taken him away and hidden him in a muggle hospital so he would not be found until they wanted him to be.

He was now under the care of private healers and resting peacefully in his own room at Grimmauld place with Harry. Though he was still a menace to one's self esteem at times, he was learning to relax around at least her and talk like one normal human being to another. She actually was beginning to enjoy the time spent with him.

Of course all of that brought them to this damned ridiculous day! Hermione was so appalled at what was about to happen that if she had not known the consequences of walking away from the newest bit of hypocrisy this Ministry had concocted, she would be half way to Australia by now and away from this mess. As it was, her own moral code wouldn't let her walk away and leave one of the poor souls on trial at the moment to the machinations of the new Wizengamot. The brutality and cruelty were no better now that it was ran by the 'light' than it had been when it was a bunch of pureblood bigots sitting in those seats.

Looking down at her arm she fidgeted with the bracelet that was magically bound around her wrist. Right now it just resembled a black band of leather with a black jewel set in the center where a watch face would normally be. However, she knew that would change very soon and she had to swallow twice to keep the bile from rising at this new form of privacy invasion and slavery...cause that was how she saw it...a form of slavery.

The court was called to order and as Harry sat down next to her on the left and Ron on the right, they all held hands and she knew by the clammy feeling of Ron's and the chill to Harry's that neither boy was feeling any better about what was coming then she was. Her apprenticeship started with Barrister Chara Black, a distant cousin of Sirius', the following week and she couldn't wait. She planned to use all of her spare time to find a way to end this barbaric new program and set the ones browbeaten by!

She watched as the children of the death eaters, what people were wrongly referring to as the junior death eaters were brought into the court room. Their hands and feet were bound in anti-magic cuffs and they were all chained together with thick iron links that caused a horrible scraping noise as they shuffled forward like zombies. Hermione's gut churned as they lined up in front of the Wizengamot like the condemned used to for firing squads and she had to turn her head before her face gave away her disgust.

"The session has been called to order. The accused stand before us as one and will now hear their sentencing. As each of you were under age at the time of your coercion into Lord Voldemort's ranks, we have been asked to show you mercy with your sentence. We have come up with a way to allow you your freedom and keep a close watch on you and your choices."

"You have a choice to make today ladies and gentlemen. You can either take your shorten sentence in Azkaban of ten years and you will be escorted from here straight to the island at the close of this session. Or you can decide to participate in the new Keeper's program. In this program your emotions, thoughts, and magic will be tied to a keeper. That person will be in charge of you until this court deems you trust worthy to be released or you have met your ten year sentence."

"We have tested all of you and we have asked for volunteers to come forth who meet the magical and intellectual abilities of each of you. We paired you off with someone who is as powerful and as smart as you to ensure you will not be able to overpower your keeper or outsmart them. Keep in mind young ones...if it wasn't for some of your peers agreeing to be your would be going to Azkaban without another option."

"Let's begin shall we. Gregory Goyle, you have been found guilty of conspiring with Lord Voldemort and taking the mark of a death eater. You sentence handed down by this esteemed panel is ten years in Azkaban or up to ten years bound to a keeper. Which sentence do you choose Mr. Goyle?"

Goyle looked like he had lost weight during his stay in the Ministry cells. He was dirty and his clothes were unkempt. His hair had grown out to his ears and his face could use a nice, long shave. Hermione had never liked the Slytherin but in that moment she wanted nothing more than to gather him and all his friends and take them away to some place warm and clean and safe.

"I choose the keeper program your honor."

The gavel came down and the resounding boom echoed throughout the room. His anti-magic cuffs fell away and a band was placed around his wrist. Unlike the keeper's, the prisoner's cuff bit into their skin and took a small sample of their blood. This would activate the suppression magic and allow full control of the prisoner to the keeper. Grimacing with the pain, Goyle kept his head down and waited quietly.

"Miss Abbott, would you step forward please and stand next to your charge?"

Hermione glanced over to watch Hannah give Neville a sweet smile before standing and walking calmly to the front of the courtroom.

"Do you understand the rules and regulations of your position as keeper and how to use the band to control your charge as needed?"

"Yes I do your honor."

"Do you agree to uphold your actions to the spirit and letter of this new program, to help rehabilitate the prisoner, and to report any behavior be it good or bad to the Auror assigned to your pairing?"

"I do your honor."

Hermione watched as the head Auror walked to the pair and held their bands side by side. With a few swishes of his wand and murmured words the bands activated. Goyle's intake of air could be heard through the whole room and she hoped it didn't hurt as much as was a surprise. Hannah's black jewel turned blue and the Auror reached over, speaking to her quietly and tapped her wand to the gem with another murmured incantation. The jewel turned red and Hermione watched Goyle's face drain of color as his eyes went dull with sadness.

"You may now go Miss Abbott and take your charge with you. We will see you at his six month update trial."

Hannah nodded her head at the panel and gently took Goyle's arm. Her whispered words could not be heard but his look that he gave her made Hermione's heart ache and her eyes blur with tears. Looking down she kept her gaze averted until she got control of her emotions again.

"Blaise Zabini, you have been found guilty of conspiring with Lord Voldemort and though you did not take the mark, you also did not do anything to try to assist in his downfall. You sentence handed down by this esteemed panel is ten years in Azkaban or up to ten years bound to a keeper. Which sentence do you choose Mr. Zabini?"

"I choose the keeper program your honor."

Again that horrible gavel came down, the cuffs dropped away and he was fitted with a band as well. His hiss of pain was louder than Goyle's and he glared at the Auror before schooling his features back to a blank mask.

"Miss Lovegood, would you please step forward and stand next to your charge?"

Luna in her ethereal way seemed to float up to the front and instead of standing with space between her and Zabini, she leaned against his arm and his look of surprise as he stared down at her made Hermione's anger peak. How bad had they been treated all their lives to be shocked by one show of compassion and caring?

"Do you understand the rules and regulations of your position as keeper and how to use the band to control your charge as needed? Do you agree to uphold your actions to the spirit and letter of this new program, to help rehabilitate the prisoner, and to report any behavior be it good or bad to the Auror assigned to your pairing?"

"I do your honor."

Her fae-like voice floated over the crowd and as it always seemed to do as she had come of age, Hermione and everyone around her relaxed a little more. She watched Zabini close his eyes and as the Auror activated the cuff, his eyes opened to meet Luna's as she looked up at him and the tears that formed caused even Harry and Ron to shift with suppressed emotion next to her. As the jewel turned red, Zabini closed his eyes in despair but something Luna whispered to him made him nod and pull his mask back around him.

Without prompting from the Wizengamot, Luna took Zabini's arm and headed out of the courtroom as the crowd watched. Hermione turned back around just in time to catch Malfoy watching Zabini get led away with sadness in his eyes she didn't even realize he could feel, let alone show. She knew he and Zabini were supposedly best friends but she had never had a chance to see what that looked like.

"Pansy Parkinson, you have been found guilty of conspiring with Lord Voldemort and though you did not take the mark, you also did not do anything to try to assist in his downfall. You sentence handed down by this esteemed panel is ten years in Azkaban or up to ten years bound to a keeper. Which sentence do you choose Miss Parkinson?"

"I choose…the keeper program your honor."

Her pause was accompanied by a shiver of what Hermione assumed was fear. To have someone else in charge of your magic and who could feel your emotions and hear your thoughts Hermione imagined would be a terrifying thing…more so for the always put together and closed off Slytherins. She was glad that her and her friends would be keepers for the last three. She couldn't bare to think about what treatment they would have received under some of the other less forgiving members of their community.

"Mr. Weasley, would you please step forward and stand by your charge?"

The fearful moan that slipped from Parkinson's lips made Ron tense beside her before he stood up. Hermione gave him a soft smile and a pat to his arm before he stepped forward and like Luna, stood closer to Pansy than any of them had ever been before. Ron spoke before the speaker could lead him, his irritation evident in his voice.

"Yes I understand all the rules and regulations and what is required and expected of me as a keeper. As I was one of the main people who thought it was an unfair and unjust penance, I will obviously honor the program to the letter and spirit as I will not stand by and allow my charge to be misused or mistreated during this time period. I will be at every hearing and update and I will make sure to keep detailed notes and memory proof of her rehabilitation and progress."

"Mr. Weasley…we are aware of the objections you and your friends had about this program. But you all agreed that it was better than no choice other than Azkaban. If the prisoner's prove to be what you all argued they were then the sentence should not last as long and they will be free faster than they would have been if we had not taken your testimonies and complaints to heart. Auror Sampson if you would."

As the Auror stepped forward and performed the same charms, Hermione watched Parkinson as she watched Ron. Her eyes were full of confusion and suspicion but as the gem turned red her face turned ashen and she looked up at him with a pleading look instead. With a gentleness only his friends and family were familiar with, he reached up and brushed her hair behind her ear and quietly spoke to her. Her nod was accompanied by a look of wary trust and holding his arm out, they left, Ron looking back only once to nod at her and Harry. They would see him back at the house soon.

"Theodore Nott, as stated with the previous defendants, you have been found guilty of conspiring with Lord Voldemort and though you did not take the mark, you also did not do anything to try to assist in his downfall or the capture of your father. You sentence handed down by this esteemed panel is ten years in Azkaban or up to ten years bound to a keeper. Which sentence do you choose Mr. Nott?"

When Theo looked up it wasn't at the panel in front of him but at her and Harry behind him. Hermione had known Theo a little at school. He had been a good student if a little distracted with girls and quidditch. He had never once called her that foul name or done anything to show he was in any way in league with or agreed with Voldemort's viewpoints. He was the one she was most upset was stuck up there and why she and Harry had finally given in and agreed to do this program.

She had heard that the only one who had volunteered and was compatible with Nott had been Ginny. After the final battle her and Harry had a huge fight and falling out when she had demanded he keep quiet and let all the bottom feeding purebloods get what they deserved. When he tried to talk to her about the unfairness for the kids, she had said she would be happy if they all received the dementor's kiss. Harry had been unable to reconcile their relationship at that point and though he understood her grief and anger over Fred…he had not been able to side with her.

When the program had come about Harry and Hermione had refused to be a part of the barbaric program. That is until they had heard who was volunteering and the rumors that they planned to give back all the pain and horror the Death Eater's had caused on their children. It had been very apparent at that point that if they did not step in…an even larger injustice would occur. As it was Molly and Ginny were not speaking to any of them at all and Ron had been banned from going back to the burrow until he agreed to release his charge to his sister. After breaking their bond and trust while on the run, he was determined to prove his loyalty and true friendship to them again and had not once balked at the threats from his mother or sister.

Nott faced the front and addressed the wizards staring down at him in a clear voice.

"I choose the keeper program your honor."

Squeezing her hand in reassurance, Harry stepped out into the aisle to the gasps of Ginny and Molly who up until that very moment must have believed in the end he would choose his make shift family over a bunch of pureblood bigots. They really never did know Harry it seemed.

"Mr. Potter, I am guessing I do not need to go over the same things with you as your friend Mr. Weasley already made it very apparent that none of you have changed your way of thinking about this whole program. Auror Sampson if you please."

Harry turned so he was facing Nott and as the spells were done, Hermione knew he was using the time to let everyone see where he stood on this matter by giving his attention only to the accused. As the Auror stepped back, Harry gestured with his head and Nott left side by side with the savior of the wizarding world, both their heads held high. Camera flashes went crazy behind her but all Hermione could see was Malfoy's face as he realized he was the last one to be charged. The look of fear and hopelessness in his eyes made her want to hold him but she knew that would never be welcome. Letting her shields down she caught his very loud surface thoughts and could only silently thank Professor Snape for his lessons in legilimency and occlumency.

I am going to end up in Azkaban. There is no way anyone is going to willing come forward and bind themselves to me…

"Draco Malfoy…"

His head whipped around so fast that Hermione was surprised his neck didn't pop. She could tell he was trying his best to stand up straight and hold on to what little dignity he could in dirty clothes and chains. She had to admire Malfoy for that…his breeding wouldn't allow him to appear downtrodden…even when he was.

"You have been tried and found guilty of willingly taking the dark mark at the age of sixteen. You have been charged with attempted murder of the esteemed Albus Dumbledore and of putting many others in danger by letting known murderers and other death eaters into Hogwarts while children were still present. If it were not for the adamant testimony and arguments of several of your peers these past few weeks, you would not be standing here today but would have found a one way broom flight to Azkaban with your worthless father."

She watched his hands and shoulders tense and hoped he was smart enough not to open his mouth and try to defend his father right this second…it would ruin everything! Thankfully he managed to contain his obvious outburst and all Hermione could hear in her head was his younger self saying my father will hear about this.

"As it is, they made a compelling argument in your defense. With that in mind I ask you Mr. Malfoy which sentence do you choose? Keep in mind that due to your charges, yours will be the full ten years with no chance of early release from the program or Azkaban."

Hermione bit the inside of her lip to keep from crying out at the unfairness of that. She could feel the half-moon cuts she was leaving in her palms as she clenched her hands tightly together at her sides.

"Are you saying I have someone who volunteered to be my…keeper?"

"Yes Mr. Malfoy as surprising as I am sure that is Miss Granger volunteered after a long and exhausting few weeks of also being one of the ones to argue on your behalf and the behalf of all your miscreant friends. I dare say if it wasn't for her research and well thought out presentations, the lot of you would already be sitting in cells on the island and I would already be on my way to my vacation in the Bahamas. Now choose!"

Turning to look at her, Hermione watched Malfoy war with himself internally. She knew he had to be thinking that they all planned to misuse and abuse them but she had no way of proving otherwise to him at this very moment. He would decide his own fate and if she was a part of it she would prove him wrong then. She kept her expression open and as honest as she could. She knew some of the disgust at what was happening would be on her face and she hoped he gave her a chance to explain it to him.

"I am not sure if I am going to regret this or not but she has always had her heart in the right place. I choose the keeper program your honor."

She knew her surprise was clear for all to see on her face and as she walked to the front in a sort of numb shock, Hermione was aware that cameras were flashing like crazy again and hoped the accompanying story was not too brutal as they tended to be when talking about her.

"As I have no desire to hear another single reprimand or argument from you today Miss Granger, I ask that you only state a one word answer to the question. Do you understand all the obligations, rules, and requirements as a keeper of the program and will you obey them?"

She knew the fire returned to her eyes as Malfoy swallowed while looking at her.


She bit her lip to keep from saying more…wanting to get Malfoy out of here as fast as possible. The Auror stepped forward and did what he needed to do and as he cast the last spell, Hermione reached forward and took Malfoy's hand in hers. The warmth and softness of his palm threw her for a moment but gathering her courage she looked up at him.

"Will his wand and belonging be at the sign out desk then?"

"Yes Miss Granger…everything but his wand will be available there."

Turning her head to glare up at them, she had to grit her teeth to try to remain respectful in her tone.

"And where may I ask is his…wand?"

"An unfortunate accident when processing him, it was broken beyond repair. Though if you are unable to provide him with a new wand I assure you the charm on the band keeps him from needing one.

She closed her eyes and turned her head back towards her charge as she counted quietly under her breath. When she reached ten she opened her eyes to see a blank faced Malfoy, though his eyes held curiosity.

"Shall we Malfoy?"

His nod of consent set them on their path and as her anger grew with each step she took, Hermione had to remind herself that Chara Black had promised her she would have her retribution for this travesty in the end.

After collecting the small bag of belongings they had confiscated when they had arrested Malfoy, Hermione headed for the apparation point in silence, her charge a step back from her and walking just as silently. She hoped her next few moves would be enough to show him that this life was not going to be as awful or constricting as he thought it was so far.

Reaching their destination she reached out and gently took hold of his arm. Looking up into his eyes she waited for him to nod his head before she yanked them through the small tunnel of apparation. Landing with a slight jarring on the stoop of Grimmauld place, Hermione opened the door and ushered him in, closing, locking, and warding the door once she followed him in.

Leading him down the front entry way Hermione turned into the living room to be greeted by her two best friends, Luna and Hannah, and all the Slytherins now bound to them. Allowing Draco a moment to greet his friends, Hermione walked over to hers and with a grateful smile to the two other girls she reached in her beaded bag and pulled out the baseball cap.

"Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to go with us and let them have this moment. Anytime you need to do something, one of us will always be available to take your charge for you."

"As we are here for you as well Hermione. It is a sad day that this is where our Ministry is headed. Even Neville is working to find ways around the rules and get Goyle some more freedom as we go forward."

She gave Hannah a sweet smile and as the Slytherins shuffled in silence across the room she was ready to move forward. Gesturing with the hat, they all walked over to their charges and took up the spot to the right of them.

"We are all about to go on little trip. Before you ask, yes it is within the rules as none of us would willing do anything to bring more harm or suffering to any of you contrary to your beliefs. I am hoping this first trip will help prove that and that you can trust us no matter what are past was like with each other. If you will all please hold a piece of the hat."

Each of her friends reached forward to grasp the hat and with some reluctance the Slytherins did as by one. Each keeper put their hand lightly on their charge just in case and with the activation word spoken they all spun up into the magic of the portkey and were taken from the dreariness of England to the front lawn of a villa in sunny Italy.

The cry of joy that echoed from multiple women had all five Slytherins jerking around. Being so close to him, Hermione knew she was the only one to hear the disbelieving whisper from Draco.


Forgetting all decorum after such a long separation and the fear of it being forever, all four of the other charges bolted towards their respective mothers, cries for them ringing in different tones as the relief and happiness could not be masked. All except for Draco...instead of moving his eyes turned to Hermione, tears glistening in them.

"How...Why...I don't understand..."

Reaching over she took the arm with the band on it and lifted her wand to it. Murmuring the words under her breath she watched the red turn to a sky blue again and his gasp of pleasure made her smile.

"How...I contacted your mother when I knew we were all going to be taking on the position as your keepers and asked if she could get all of the mothers here so you could see them. I also happen to have a contact in the portkey office that was able to get me a portkey for all of us as the rule states you can't leave the country...alone."

Her smile she knew was devious as she rubbed her thumb over the blue gem before releasing his arm and putting her wand away.

"Why...because none of you deserve the treatment you are getting...not even you Malfoy. None of you had a choice in what side of the war you were on or what you did to stay alive. If it had been my parents on the line I can assure you I would have tried to off that meddling old fool as well."

"You may not understand yet but you will. I have no plans to keep you locked down or under my thumb. I am not and never will be a dictator and if the Ministry thinks we are going to sit back and allow them to get away with this kind of dastardly behavior...they have not been fucking paying attention! That gem will only ever be red at your trial updates and no other time. I will not keep your magic locked down and away from you. I can only imagine that feels like losing an arm or your very soul and I would NEVER do that to any of you."

Looking around she watched his face open more in wonder as he realized every one of his friend's gems were no longer red but the sky blue of his. For the first time in these long months he felt a glimmer of hope well up inside of him.

"Thank you Granger…truly…I will never be able to repay you for this alone."

Looking down at her he felt as odd warmth seem to flicker inside his chest, faint enough that he wasn't sure he was even feeling it. Her smile turned her face from pretty to kind of stunning and he had to blink a few times to clear that thought away.

"How about we start with you going to take a shower and get out of those horrible Ministry issued rags. It is upsetting my fragile Gryffindor mind to see you without all the Malfoy armor on."

Not only could he hear the teasing note in her voice, he could feel it bubble along the magic inside him and he suddenly realized that he could feel what she was feeling. It seemed with freeing his magic through the band, she allowed the connection to go both ways and he was going to be able to read her better now too. He wasn't quite sure how he felt about that yet but he let a small chuckle of amusement slip before turning with a nod of his head and walking to his mother with steady steps.

Throwing all decorum to the wayside, his mother embraced him as soon as he was within reach. He felt rather than saw her nod her head to Granger and he felt an answering warmth of pleasure roll across his magic before he was swept up with the rest of the Slytherins and ushered into the house for baths and new clothes. He hoped his mother had planned a meal as well as he was starving from the lack of food the Ministry provided them during their stay. Knowing his mother…she had and it would contain favorite foods for all of them.

Hermione had gotten back from her impromptu trip only moments before Narcissa Malfoy called for all to join them for dinner. Even after all the turmoil and the exile, she still had the same grace and class as before all the drama but with a little less of a hardness to it. Her smile came easier and was softer, especially when looking at her son and his friends, her words were polished but held a wealth of warmth she had been missing since Hermione had met her. It was amazing to see the beautiful witch allowing herself some comfort and peace now that the war was over and her son was safely back in her arms.

She knew she was not going to be able to leave him here with his mother but she had plans to make sure he was able to come see her as often as he could. She already had that worked in to her apprenticeship with Chara and was happy to know the Barrister happened to have her own villa in Italy. It was going to be a very busy time in her life for the foreseeable future but then again Hermione hated to be idol so it worked out.

The food was delicious and the house elves who served it did not look at all mistreated but were almost as snotty and bossy as Hermione herself. She decided she liked these Malfoy elves and looked forward to learning more about their culture and ways of life if they were so inclined to share it with her. She had learned a while ago that her assumption that all house elves were slaves and mistreated was a complete misunderstanding and had since taken the time to listen and learn from any who would commune with her on the subject.

Once dinner was finished, each Keeper took their charge and the subsequent family member, as she had learned they were not all mothers, to discuss arrangements for future visits, vault access, and so on. Hermione followed Malfoy and his mother into a drawing room further into the villa and as they took their seats she pulled out the black box she had been holding in her bag. Walking over to Malfoy who looked at her in curiosity she handed him the box with a small smile before taking her seat.

As he opened the lid she could feel his shock and surprise followed very quickly by a pain that felt like piercing needles in warm water. It was the oddest sensation and watching his face she saw him fighting back tears before he looked up at her in a mix of confusion and gratitude.

"You…got me a wand?"

"Precisely 10 inches in length, Hawthorn wood with a unicorn hair core…reasonably pliant and if my memory serves me correctly, as exact match to the one you lost."

His mouth opened and closed a few times before his mother's soft voice seemed to fill the void his silence had made.

"Thank you Miss Granger. I know in such circumstances to be willing to trust my son with a wand after all the history you have between the two of you is proof of just how pure of heart you were being and still are being when you accepted your role as his keeper. He was right…we will never be able to repay you enough for your kindness and understanding after all that has transpired."

Directing her eyes to Mrs. Malfoy, Hermione could not help taking a deep breath to try to will away the jagged edge of Malfoy's pain filled happiness.

"I assure you Mrs. Malfoy…no repayment is needed. There may have been bad blood between us…no pun intended…but I am more than willing to start with a clean slate if you are. I only want to make sure Malfoy is treated with kindness and allowed his dignity and not be abused while he is dealing with this program. I have every intention, with some help from my future Master, to overturn not only this program but the ruling of the Wizengamot that the children should be held accountable at all. Until then…know he will be safe with me and mine."

"Well then how about we start with you calling me Cissa instead of the stuffy and formal Mrs. Malfoy."

Giving her a genuinely open smile, Hermione nodded her head in agreement.

"I'd like that as long as you call me Hermione. Miss Granger makes me feel like I am eleven years old again."

Cissa gave her a soft smile and with a nod the two women in the room came to their first ever true agreement. Hermione could only hope this was a common thing among them. She was startled the very next moment as Malfoy stood and walked quickly to her, pulling her from her to her feet and wrapping her in his arms. Her entire being froze for a brief second out of confusion and shock but as waves of gratitude and happiness poured into her from their connection, Hermione melted against him and wrapped her arms around him as well.

"Thank you Granger…"

"You're welcome Malfoy…"