The four Mages stood at the entrance of the dining room sort of floor because that was a lot of food. They turned their eye from the amazing looking food to the girl who was looking at them like a puppy who's master just got home...

It was actually a little concerning as they watch her waiting for their reaction.

"So what's with the feast?" Bickslow was the one to break the silence.

Lucy smiled brightly at them, "Well I thought we could all have breakfast together! I ask the Chef to make us something, but with how much Laxus ate last night he decided this should be enough for everyone."

They all took in the new information before Laxus's three friends all laughed, at the slightly red cheeks of their 'leader'

As they all ate in relative silence the Mages all casting curious looks at the overly happy girl, really why was she so happy? I almost looked like flowers were blooming from her...

Finally, Freed's couldn't hold his tongue any longer. "Miss Lucy...You said your father didn't like Mages, right? Then why do you have Magic? Not only that but I've never felt anything like it?"

As the words settled, he wished he could take them back, as they watched the happy sparkle in her eyes, dulled, and her smiled falter, before coming back strained, faked, and forced.

"Oh, umm. Well, my father didn't always dislike Mages, and such." She looked out the window to the garden, seeing things that they didn't, memories. "My mother was a Mage, a Celestial Mage."

Freed spat out the sip of tea had just taken, as he ignored Ever's enraged squeal, and the glare sent his way by tea cover Laxus, and Bickslows complaining about not even like leaf water, as he wiped his face clean.

"Really? That magic isn't very practiced now, While not the rarest, you don't see it as often as most."

Lucy smiled sadly, "Yeah, not many people are interested, most think it's a weak magic, but I love it! My mom gave me two of her keys."

They watched as she pulled out a key ring with three golden keys, and three silver. Her gentle handling of them telling as she held them up for them to see.

"Eh, so they're just keys? How do they work?" Bickslow asked as he poked on of them.

Lucy brightened up even more, "Would you wanna see?"

Before anyone could answer she was already grabbing one of the silver Keyes,

"Open the gate of the Lyer, Lyra!"

A light and the sound of chimes filled the air, and that soothing magic washed over them again, and standing next to Lucy was a long-haired, green-eyed girl wearing a bonnet, and blue dress with small wings on her back, she held onto a harp and a permanent blush on her cheeks.

"Lucy! I'm so happy to see you! Summon me more often." The girl said as she hugged to blonde.

Lucy giggled and smiled fondly at the girl.

"This is Lyra, she is a spirit from the celestial realm. With this key, I can call her to our world, as long as I follow the contract we set up, when I first called on her."

Bickslow perked in interest, spirits you say?

"Why don't you play us something Lyra?" Lucy asked, and the spirit musician grinned, "I'd love to!"

She stepped away from Lucy and pulled out her large harp, she plucked a few of the strings as a lovely, and soft melody filled the room. The four mages relaxed as she started to sing, almost as if the stress was melting away.

Lucy watched their reactions and released a giggle.

Just as the song was almost done, it came to an abrupt stop, from a commanding voice, "What is going on here?"

Lucy started, and jumped in her seat, As Lyra also flinched, and frowned at the intimidating man. "I asked what is going on here!"

He demanded again when he received no answer the first time.

"They were just eating breakfast Father," Lucy said as she slowly got out of her chair.

His frown deepened, "That doesn't explain the other thing."

The mages watched surprised as a flash of anger flickered across the kind girl's face, before it was cooled, "Lyra was just singing them something, They were curious about my magic."

He tensed, "You know how I feel about that, now end your magic, and stop playing around, you have lessons."

Lyra looked to Lucy worried, but the blond just smiled at her spirit as she disappeared in a bit of what seemed to be stardust.

She bowed lightly to her father, as well as her guest, much to the man's annoyance. "I'll be going then, I hope to see everyone later, maybe we can have lunch?"

None other them bothered to reply was she was usher out of the room, by some maids, leaving only the Fairy Tail mages, and an irritated man.

"Listen here, I'm not paying you to sit around, and be friends with my daughter. You came early so do some work, or I will be putting a complaint into not only your Guild Master, but the Magic Council as well."

Freed stood as he dabbed at his mouth, "Yes, of course. I will take Laxus and Bickslow with me to find the best places to put Runes, Ever should stay with Miss Lucy, As a precaution of course. You never know who could be lurking."

Bickslow had to swallow back his bark of laugher at the about of sass that was dripping from Freed's words each letter falsely respectful.

Ever hid behind her fan as she watches the man's temple throb, she vaguely wonders if he would snap at them more than he already has.

Before Jude can forbid any one of them looking after Lucy, Laxus spoke up, "Yeah, it's best to let Ever go, after all the Job was to look after the guests of the party, and the residents of the manor, and big shots like you are sure to have lots of enemies. It's best to have someone looking after the blondie."

Jude hissed out a fine, as he had one of the maids lead the brown-haired beauty away.

"You all better watch your cheek when the guests arrive." He huffed out and left like a toddler throwing a tantrum.

Once it was safe Bickslow let out his guffaws of laughter. "Oh, man his face!"

Freed frowned at the loud man, with a roll of his eyes, "Yes, Yes, But we really should see where is best to place to Runes. After all, we don't really know what we're dealing with here"

Bickslow sobered, as he remembered what his babies found out last night. He followed after the two as they walked out of the dining room trying to gather his thoughts. and tell them the worrisome news.

Hello, I have no excuse for how long this took. I don't even think this chapter is that good... and I'm sorry about that.

I'll try and work on the next chapter soon. which is when Bicks will tell the others of what he's learned...most likely...

I also when back a fixed as few things of the previous chapters, not much just the spelling mistakes I caught while rereading it.