Chapter Five – January 1996

Luna had never wanted Christmas to be over more than she did that year. Her pending excitement, in returning to Hogwarts, was something she had never experienced before. It was so nice to be back in her dormitory, but she was almost too excited, the Sunday night before term restarted, she didn't get a lot of sleep. All she could think about was when the next DA meeting was due to take place, and so the first thing she did on Monday morning was to seek out Harry Potter and ask him.

'I'll let you know,' Harry said under his breath to Luna in a corridor bustling with students, Ron and Hermione were at his side, 'but I can't do it tonight, I have— err, Remedial Potions—'

'Oh, okay, I understand,' Luna said, nodding. 'Potion Making is very hard, isn't it? I often find myself unable to brew what Professor Snape asks of us in class, but then again, perhaps if he showered more often and shampooed his hair, I might be able to concentrate better—'

A noise that sounded rather like a snort came from Harry's left. Luna's eyes darted to Ron, who was half-covering his face with his hand and attempting to hide behind Hermione.

'It's not a laughing matter,' Luna said, narrowing her eyes at the redhead, 'I consider hygiene to be very important.'

'Luna,' Ron said through fits of laughter, 'please tell me the rumour that you presented Snape with shampoo is real.'

She gave Ron a look and then returned her focus back to Harry.

'How was your Christmas?' she asked him, a curious smile spread across her face.

'It was—' he looked sideways at Hermione, whose eyes flashed at him, and he hesitated, 'okay, I guess. How was yours?'

'It was average,' Luna said truthfully, 'all I kept thinking, was that I couldn't wait to come back here, and continue with our meetings—'

'Keep your voice down,' Hermione hissed through gritted teeth. 'We don't want her to find out about it.'

'Who?' Luna asked dolefully. 'I don't think Celestina Warbeck would care about our meetings.'

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at her in equal confusion. For a split second, it looked like Hermione was about to open her mouth and go on a rant, when the bell for the start of class rang out.

'I'd better go,' Luna said, waving at them as she skipped off, oblivious to the fact that she was leaving them in a wake of confusion.

9th January 1996

Dearest Diary,

It hasn't exactly been the day back at Hogwarts I had pictured in my mind. A date for the next DA meeting has yet to be set, I lost another pair of my beloved yellow shoes and I found out Harry Potter is in Remedial Potions. Not that there's anything wrong with that. I myself struggle sometimes with even the simplest of Potion Making, but then, who doesn't when you're constantly under the watchful nose of Professor Snape.

Also, as a side note, for some reason I appear to have one of Celestina Warbeck's songs stuck in my head, and I've been singing it under my breath all day. Don't you just hate that?


Luna Lovegood

The next morning, a mass breakout at Azkaban was reported in all the papers, and soon that was all the students could talk about. Everywhere you went, rumours were spreading about convicts being spotted in Hogsmeade, that they were hiding in the Shrieking Shack and that they would soon break into Hogwarts, just as Sirius Black had done two years ago.

Luna ignored the gossip. She knew it to be rubbish. Sirius Black wasn't in Hogsmeade with Death Eaters, she was quite certain that at that very moment, he was touring Ireland with the popular singing group The Hobgoblins and his real name was Stubby Boardman.

However, the seriousness of the breakout was realised by Luna that afternoon, on her way up to Divination after lunch and she stumbled upon Neville Longbottom standing alone on the fourth floor. He was staring out of a window, a horrified, wide-eyed look etched across his pale face, like he'd just been petrified and couldn't move.

'Neville?' she asked curiously as she approached, making him start. 'What are you looking at?'

For a moment, Neville didn't move. 'Oh,' he said after a pause, swallowing hard, 'hi— err, Luna.'

Luna peeked over Neville's shoulder out the window, but there were no movements in the grounds below, or beyond the tree line of the Forbidden Forest.

'Is everything all right?' she asked with raised eyebrows.

Neville sighed and then handed her a newspaper clipping that had been clutched in his hand. It was a picture of one of the Death Eater's that had escaped Azkaban. Luna frowned down at the dark haired, unkept looking Witch snarling up at her, and read the caption: Bellatrix Lestrange, convicted of the torture and permanent incapacitation of Frank and Alice Longbottom.

'Oh,' Luna said quietly, rereading the caption several times to make sure she understood it right. 'I'm really sorry, Neville. Are they your parents?'

Neville nodded.

'Are they dead?' Luna asked carelessly, Neville closed his eyes and shook his head.

'No,' he said with a hiccough, 'they're insane. They're at St Mungo's, I visit them with Gran sometimes, but— they don't recognise me.'

Luna blinked. She was unsure how to react. After a moment, sensing his pain, she reached for his arm and rubbed it slightly.

'I'm sorry, Neville,' she said, as he turned his round face to look at her.

'It's okay,' he said honestly, 'I'm proud of them, you know?'

'I know,' Luna smiled faintly at him and he returned it.

The bell for the start of class rang out, making both of them jump.

'We should get to class,' Neville said, and when Luna nodded in agreement, they went their separate ways.

13th January 1996

Dearest Diary,

Along with Celestina Warbeck songs, there's something I haven't been able to get out of my head these past few days. Neville Longbottom's face when he found out the person who tortured his parents had been set free. I had no idea that was how he came to live with his Grandmother, I never asked, but I wish I had now, I feel the need to hug him every time I see him.

I know what it's like to lose a parent, but at least I have dad. It's unimaginable to have lost both, at least on an intellectual level, and he can never have that back, no matter how awesome his Grandmother is to him. And if anything, this makes his progress in the DA meetings even more commendable, and spurs me on to help him even more, if that was possible.

First thing tomorrow morning I'm finding Neville and hugging him.

Yours Sincerely,

Luna Lovegood