Disclaimer: I own nothing

Rated: T


Kagome blinked, a bit taken back by how quickly the man had given into her demands, 'Fine?! He says, just like that?' She eyed him, not liking his relaxed pose with his hands stuffed casually into his pockets, 'Is this some sort of trap? It is, isn't it?'

Chisaki turned on his heel, glancing back and raising a brow when the girl did not look convinced of his answer, and instead, carefully moved closer to the unconscious Kurono and placed her foot on his leg, "I don't have all day." His tone lowered dangerously.

"I guess it's both a good and bad thing to teach a conman how to play poker," Kagome shrugged, going off on some strange tangent Chisaki had no idea what she was talking of, "After I taught him, he would always win, but he did teach me some important lessons during that time." She smiled, remembering those fun nights when it was only her and Miroku left in the game.

"What's your point?" Chisaki asked after a moment of silent staring and he stiffened in surprise when Kurono began to glow a light blue before vanishing right before his eyes, "What did you do?" He kept his tone calm, but it certainly promised pain.

"I have immobilized his soul," Kagome answered, "He won't be able to move from this spot. No one will be able to see, hear, or even touch him as long as I have his soul immobilized," She sighed, "It happened to me once. Believe me when I say it isn't something to be taken lightly," She smiled half-heartedly, "See? I'm showing too many of my cards and you're showing me none of yours. This is just a little insurance. Your friend's ability seems a little too important to lose."

Chisaki's lips lightened behind his mask as his brows lowered, 'Even I still can't pinpoint as to what her Quirk could possibly be,' He gestured her to follow him, 'Yet she hasn't outright killed anyone, so–'

Easy enough.

"What is this place?" Kagome looked around, holding her side as it slowly got to the point of the last stage of healing, "Is this some sort of cult or something?" She stared at the void halls that all looked the exact same with apprehension.

"You trespass on my territory and then look down on it?" Chisaki's voice was icy as he led her towards the entrance of the compound, "If you did not have the Quirk or... Quirks as you do, you would be dead right now."

"My powers aren't this Quirk thing you keep saying!" Kagome retorted, just happy to be out of that creepy building or whatever it was, "I'm a Miko, a Shinto Priestess!" At his blank stare, she flushed a little, not sure if they existed in this world's Japan, "A holy human blessed with powers by the Kami themselves!"

Chisaki stayed quiet for a moment and Kagome flailed in her mind, wondering if she have kept her big mouth shut, but was relieved when they reached a dry well tucked far away from the building and hidden from view by the long uncut grass.

"In other words, you are a pure human?" Chisaki asked, though it sounded more of a statement and Kagome blinked before she nodded, "No Quirk at all?"

"I told you, no! It's all Miko!" Kagome snapped her fingers before placing both her hands on the ledge of the well, "I've released your friend. You made this a little difficult, but thank you for this." And with that, she leapt over and jumped in.

Chisaki watched and waited, smirking behind his mask when a curse and words tinted with disbelief echoed throughout the well and back up into his ears.

"It's... not working!"