Premise: Jenny survived and kidnapped by Russians was kept alive (for some reason). The team ten years later fine a navy officer who have been killed trying to get to NCIS after coming back from Russian. Gibbs, McGee,Torres, and Bishop the latter two who have never knew Jenny think this is a normal case, until a dying Russian taunts Gibbs about Jenny and he flips out.

Timeline: in season 17 they say it's been 14 years since Ari was killed. That means Jenny was killed 10 years ago. I condensed this down to four years because I think this story would happen around season 12ish and I wanted to change the timeline to make it more plausible.

Blood began to dribble out of the Russians mouth as Gibbs and the rest of the team closed in on him. Gibbs kicks the gun away from him, he meets the Russians eyes.

"Jenny Sheperd sends her regardsā€¦" He mumbled out before letting his eyes close for the last time.

"What!?" Gibbs yelled kneeling down next to the body. He grabbed the Russians shirt and shock him violently. "What did you say?!" he shakes him again. "What did you say?!"

Bishop and Torres exchanged confused and concerned looks. McGee seems to freeze after hearing the Russian speak, but moved first. "Boss!" he called. "Boss!" reaching down to grab Gibbs shoulder. "He's dead, he's dead."

Gibbs walked off the elevator fresh coffee in hand. After Ducky had gotten to the crime scene he had left immediately for coffee. He needed time to process and think. What the Russians had said about Jenny had pissed him off, but the case had seem off from the outset. The Russians arms dealers seemed to know every possible way to disappear after they did the crime. This was the third case his team had had that connected back to Moscow. All of them had seemed too professional for the seemingly in way over their heads vics the Russians had left behind.

Torres and Bishop were listening in on Mcgee and Abby talking presumably what Gibbs least wanted to talk about.

"What you got?" Gibbs growled as he rounded the corner to enter the bullpen. Torres and Bishop warled around with a guilty look on his face. They had been talking about Jen.

Abby was the only one that didn't instead saying "Hi Gibbs, are you ok?" Concern genuine in her voice.

"Fine abbs, Mcgee go."

"Uh, well we were able to Id our other two Russian we shot beforeā€¦ and we have Ivan Pavlovsk and Anton Kanayeva."

"Both arrived for business in the U.S. third days ago." Bishop added.

"Nothing came up in their background but Ivan was involved in gangs when he was a teenager." Torres added.

"Find me something." Gibbs growled. "How do these guys know about Jenny." he toast over his shoulder as he head down to autopsy. Maybe Ducky would be more insightful.

"Ah Jethro" Ducky said as the autopsy doors hissed open. "Im afraid im not that far along in my examination, I don't have much for you. But I can tell you that Pavlovsk has been through a lot. Multiple scars and broken bones he was certainly a fighter."

"Yeah well, he was muscle for an international crime ring duck."

"I'm sorry I can't be more help, perhaps a full autopsy will reveal more details. But Jethro, How are you holding up?" Ducky asked.

"Im fine duck."

"Well its just I think we are all a little surprised to hear Jenny's names uttered from a dying Russians lips." Ducky said his voice gentle.

"That what we're going to find out Ducky." Gibbs said

"Yes but, she meant more to you. Are you sure you can handle this case?"

"I'll be fine Duck." Gibbs said lowly as he walked out of autopsy. He knew ducky would see right though this case to him because of both of their shared past with Jenny but that would not stop him from finding out what had happened to make that man say her name. His gut had a funny feeling about this, what he didn't know was because it was something real or just because he could never be impartial when it came to Jenny Sheperd.

"So who exactly in Jenny Sheperd?" Bishop asked as soon as Gibbs left, turning to Abby and Mcgee to clarify.

"Yeah the only thing I know is that she was killed a few months before I joined NCIS." Torres chimed in.

"Well, Director Jenny Sheperd was Vance's predecessor and she worked with Gibbs in Europe before becoming Director." McGee said.

Abby grabbed the clicker out of Mcgee hand a click it bring up an official head shot the Director. "She died in a shootout with Russians four years ago." she clicked again and the Russians that were killed were brought up on the screen.

"She kinda hot for an older women." Torres commented with Bishop nodding a long.

"Oh yeah she was, and she was awesome." Abby said. "She was the only person you could tell Gibbs off and order him around."

"Someone who told Leroy Jethro Gibbs off? I wish I could've seen that." Torres said.

"Yeah well, it wasn't always great." mcgee said sitting back at his desk "we used to be in the middle of their arguments a lot."

"Yeah there was a lot of yelling sometimes, but mommy and daddy always mad up." Abby said.

"Mommy and daddy?" Bishop asked walking back to her desk.

"Yeah the director and Gibbs. Oh me and Tony totally had a bet on whether they hooked up again when she became director." Abby said.

"Again?!" Torres asked surprised.

"Yeah when Gibbs was in a coma. Tony said she admitted to him that they had been together during their time in Europe and Ducky said something that kinda confirmed that."

"Well I guess she is a redead right." Torres said.

"Guys I think I got something" Bishop said. "Ivan was a childhood friend with Anatoly Zhukov the husband of the women that had Jenny Killed. And is still friends with his brother Vladimir Zhukov."

"That definitely a connection." Mcgee said. "Maybe that bunner phone we found has something on it connecting it back to Vladirm."

"There all untraceable number McGee, my babies are working on it down stairs but it's going to take time." Abby said.

"Well then I guess we should find all we can on Vladimir before Gibbs gets back." Mcgee said.

"I'm going back down to my lab and see if Jimmy brought me anything yet." Abby said leaving the squad room.