After the events with the Nogitsune Stiles noticed the pack start to faze him out, he wasn't invited to pack meeting anymore, no more game and movie nights, they wouldn't even talk to him. Scott and Lydia treated him the worse, it was clear they blamed him for Allison's death but how could they. Stiles and the Nogitsune were in completely separate bodies at the time, sure he still had Stiles face, but that's all in was, but they didn't seem to care though.

The fact that Lydia went back to ignoring Stiles didn't really bother him as much as he thought it would, yes it hurt, but he was so use to being ignored by her. Stiles once thought he was in love with the goddess that was Lydia Martin, but with all the time he's had to himself he was able to really think about the relationships he had and the truth was he was never in love with Lydia it was more like in love with the idea of her. Stiles wanted her to recognize how smart she was, how she didn't have to hide being smart just to be popular. But now he realizes that she was never the type of person Stiles would want to be with anyway, all Lydia was concerned with, was being popular. She would never survive in the real world, acting the way she does.

As for Scott well that hurt more than Stiles could have imagined. They were like brothers and after everything he had done to help Scott with becoming a werewolf, just to be pushed aside when he needed people the most was hard to say the least. Stiles knew how much Scott loved Allison but how could he not see, that it wasn't Stiles fault, he was possessed; does Scott really think that given a choice he would have chosen Allison to die.

So yeah, the pack had pretty much kicked him out and aside, no one spoke to him at school, he was back to being bullied because he didn't have any friends around him. To make matters worse every time Stiles went home, he hoped his dad would be there to hug him, talk to him, tell him everything would get better; but he wasn't. Like the others Noah started staying at the office more and more, hell Stiles hadn't seen his dad in weeks. He thought his dad just needed time so he let him be, didn't bother him. Until one-night Stiles came home to a bunch of empty alcohol bottles. That was it, Stiles wasn't going through that again.

Flashback (Stiles aged 10)

When Stiles mother died, his father began drinking. It started with just a couple of drinks but after about a week it turned into a bottle a night, then 2 bottles a night. It got so bad that Noah became abusive. He'd yell at Stiles 'This is all your fault, you little hyperactive bastard. You killed her, you killed your mother and now you're killing me to!' But it didn't end there, more often than not Noah would throw the empty (although sometimes not) glass bottle at Stiles.

Eventually the Sheriff pulled himself out of the bottle, not because he wanted to or even to help Stiles, but because he was going to lose his job. He and Stiles never spoke of what happened after his mother's death, sometimes Stiles believed he didn't even remember because he was always so drunk. Regardless Stiles made a promise to himself that should his father ever start drinking again, he was done, he was gone, he wouldn't allow himself to suffer through that again.

End Flash back

So, when Stiles came home and saw a bunch of empty bottles, that was it, he was getting the hell out of this godforsaken town. Stiles went upstairs pulling out his large suitcase and duffle back, he put all his clothes in the case, as well as a few of his most love comics, he took a couple of towels from the linen closet, his favorite big blanket and pillow. He then went to the spare bedroom and into the closet where his father kept some of this mother's old things; he went through it taking the photos and his mum's art diary, she loved to draw. Going back into his room, all that was left to take was his phone and laptop, but he didn't want anyone to be able to track him, not that they could easily. Stiles was able to convince Danny a few years back when the whole werewolf business began how to hack and how to encrypt his computer. He was also able to get Danny to help him set up a separate bank account, so he could transfer his mother's life insurance policy into an account his dad couldn't get to. (Stiles received a payment from the life insurance company when he turned 17, as per his mother's request. His mother had left him quite a bit of money, it would be enough to buy a new car if he wanted, an apartment and more. It was quite the surprise for Stiles.)

So, not only he had already made sure no one would be able to track him via his phone or computer, but also his bank account wouldn't show any movement because it had all be transferred to his new untraceable account. The only way someone could track him would be if they got Danny to help; wanting to make sure that wouldn't he decided to email Danny.

To: DannyM

Hi Danny,

Look I know you have noticed over the last few years that Beacon Hills has become a bit of a weird place, I know you know Jackson was in the middle of it and yes that's why he left for London. I can't tell you everything that happened, because it's not my story to tell but I wanted you to know the basics so you can protect yourself.

So, Werewolves, yep you got it. Explains a lot when you think about it doesn't it.

Look I'm leaving Beacon Hills, too much had happened here for me to stay, all that I ask is that should anyone come to you asking to track me PLEASE don't. I have no friends left here and my Dad and I don't really get along, so I'm doing something for myself for a change.

I wish you all the best Danny, sorry for keeping things a secret, you should try to contact Jackson, let him fill you in.


Once Stiles finished and sent the email, he decided to write a note for both his father and Scott. Starting with his father Stiles wrote:

Dear Dad,

I don't even know what to say or where to start. I'm sorry I guess, I'm sorry that you think mum's death was my fault, I know I wasn't an easy child to have, but in my defense, I couldn't help it, it's not like I wanted to make things harder for you. I'm sorry you lost your wife and were left with a child you didn't want.

You know I thought things got a bit better after you stopped drinking but now I see that they never really did, you just got better at hiding it, working double time or triple shifts as long as it meant you didn't have to come home to me.

You probably don't remember, but after the first few times you through the bottle at me I decided I wouldn't let it happen again, so whilst you were drunk I got you to sign a bit of paper, I think at the time I told you I was to pay a bill, which I had been doing seeing as you couldn't even see straight, well that or you didn't care enough, either way, you signed the papers, I was kind of surprised you did, but now I'm so glad. What you didn't know those were emancipation letters, I wanted to have a backup in case you decided to start drinking again.

So, thanks I guess, now I can move away without having to worry about you coming for me, not that you'd find me anyway. I filed the papers today, so congrats you're no longer a father, you no longer have to worry about this hyperactive spaz.

Hope you get to have the life you have always wanted without having to worry about a kid.


Stiles wiped away a few tears running down his face, its been a while since he's actually forced himself to think about all that. Folding the paper and putting it in an envelope with his dad's name he put it aside, so he could move on to write Scotts letter.

Dear Scott,

I thought we were meant to be Best Friends, Brothers even… I don't know what happened to you Scott. When you first became a werewolf, I helped you learn control, I know you hated being one but, you were such a hypocrite because you loved all the perks that came with it. Do you really think that if it hadn't been for that, you would have succeeded in Lacrosse, you would have become popular, gotten the girl? No, you wouldn't, so stop acting like it's the end of your life when, your life only improved because of it, or do you not remember what it was like to have asthma.

Now you treat me like an outsider, nothing more than a piece of gum on the bottom of your shoe, I let you get away with so much Scott because I thought you were my best friend, but not anymore, you and your selfish prick of a pack can go to hell.

You think that I don't understand how you feel losing Allison, she was my friend too, do you honestly believe that if I had a choice, I would've chosen to kill Allison? Well I guess you do, considering how you treat me, Fuck you Scott McCall.

I'm done being treated like shit, you never deserved to become a true Alpha, did you know the only reason you did was because of me. I have a spark and because of that you became an alpha. You've probably noticed since you kicked me out of the pack you don't feel as powerful, yeah well that's because your losing the alpha spark I gave you, by the time you read this letter, I'll be long gone, so will your alpha power, good luck leading a pack of assholes without an alpha.


Packing up that letter, grabbing the one for his dad and his luggage, Stiles goes down stairs. He leaves the letters on the kitchen table, before taking one last look around, he takes his things out to the jeep.