A/N I've been informed that these little notes at the top can be quite annoying. I apologize if I've been driving y'all crazy with them. From now on they will be at the end of the chapters unless it's super important. Thank you again for taking the time to read this story. All beta credit goes to Tempest E. Dashon. Once again I only gave her the first half. Poor love probably though we were headed straight for lemons and that really was my intent but the muse went "Nope! Let's do this!"

I have my shield up in case she throws shoes or fans at my head.

This story has been my baby over at the H.I.S.S. account but it has become a legitimate pain to try to keep up with all of you wonderful people there. So from now on all updates for this story will be on my personal account.

Draco knew they were in trouble approximately thirty minutes before arriving back at the manor. From the look on Harry's face, he knew it too. Apparently, something leaked through the bond that alerted their mate to what they were up to. He only hoped that it wasn't anything too unpleasant. For the most part, he had been happy with what they had done. Delighted even. There was nothing done this night that he could bring himself to regret. He might feel a prick of guilt at a later date but he very much doubted it. That evil bitch had gotten exactly what she deserved. The must not tell lies that appeared carved in her face was a very nice touch and he made of point of telling Harry so. Severus though. That was a right scary bastard. Giving the wretched toad hope that she would survive just to take it away over and over again. He had never been more thankful that his Godfather was on his side and mentally chastised himself for forgetting that he was a willing Death Eater before turning spy.

Throwing the permanently transfigured stone that was once Delores Jane Umbridge into a random stream in the Forest of Dean (and wasn't that a nifty piece of magic) he steeled himself for what he was about to have to deal with. An angry veela mate. Giving the other two men a nod to signal that he was ready he clasped hands with them and spun into the void to arrive in the family receiving room of the Manor.

As soon as his feet touched back on solid ground he was assaulted by a golden blur. Feeling the blur sniff his neck as he was patted down he couldn't help but smirk a little. Once his examination was complete their mate shot to Harry to give him the same treatment. When she looked satisfied with his health as well she shocked him by going directly to Severus giving him the same once over. He wasn't shocked that she would feel the need to check on him. No, that belonged to the fact that the dark and brooding man just held his arms out and let her do it. What the hell else has he missed?

The peace was not meant to last though.

"Where have you been?"

He could do nothing but freeze. How much could he tell her and how much could she handle? He was sure of the love between them but he hadn't had the solid one on one time with her to know what to do in this situation. Not wanting to stumble his way through this minefield he looked at Potter as if to say ask him. Merlin bless the man he seemed to straighten as he focused his sharp green eyes onto Hermione. "We took care of something that should have been handled a long time ago. Umbridge will never again bother you and I refuse to apologize for that." He had to have stones made of steel to talk to her like that. Draco felt a little better about his own nervousness when a tiny thread of fear came through the bond from the man at his side. Well, at least he has learned to hide what he's feeling instead of letting his every thought place across his face.

The way that she bristled brought his attention back to her as that strange feeling of a lightning storm approaching filled the room and those golden sparks flashed in her eyes and across her skin. Not a second later those ethereal black wings appeared behind her. Only the absolute conviction that she would never harm him kept him from flinching. The fury he expected though, never came. Instead, he was filled with a strong sense of panic. Looking closer at her he noticed that her breathing was coming out in quick pants. Knowing he should try to calm her but not knowing how yet, he could only watch as she started to pace and mumble.

"Oh, Gods. You cannot go back to that hell hole. I will not allow it. And Harry. I can't lose you. Going to have to fix this. I bet the library has spells for disposing of a body and wiping out all traces of evidence."

Before she could start off for the library, Harry pulled her back into him so that her wings were pressed lightly into his chest as he brought his arms under them to wrap around her waist. "Everything is fine. We took Severus with us." It was as if the words spoken were some kind of trigger because he watched her melt into the other man as all of the tension left her and her wings disappear to wherever they go when she isn't going full veela. He was vaguely aware that he should be offended by that but too many emotions had been thrown at him this night and he wonders if there is such a thing as mental whiplash. Her voice pulls him from his thoughts and he walks to her front as she speaks.

"I was so scared just now. Just the thought of losing you both breaks me. I can't...I won't survive that. I would burn this world to the ground before letting them take you."

Taking her face in his hands, he feels her tumble and he stares into her eyes and tries to say everything that he doesn't have the words for before pressing his lips softly to her forehead. "We are safe, love." She leans forward to rest her head on his chest right below his jaw and it is as if she was always meant to be there. He runs his hands up and down her arms before nuzzling her wild hair and asking the question he really wants the answer to. "Why did you immediately calm when Harry told you that Severus was with us?"

She looks up at him with a face that clearly conveys he should know the answer to that already. "He's Severus." She says it like that is the only possible answer and he thinks that maybe it is.

With a snort of amusement, the man in question begins to take his leave. Pausing at the door he looks back Hermione and pulls something from his black robes before holding it out to her. The amusement now radiating from her has him curious about what he could possibly be giving her to cause this reaction. Hermione walked toward the man in a calm manner and takes what Draco can now see is a jar from his hand. Holding it up in front of her face she begins to laugh. "Thank you. This might be the best gift that I have ever received." With a bow, Severus Snape billows from the room.

Turning towards her mates she holds out her prize and shows them the beetle that looks agitated and that is throwing itself around inside the jar. "I'm not sure if you actually need an introduction but, boys...meet Rita Skeeter."

Harry begins to laugh with even more force than Hermione had. When they finally get themselves under control, Draco feels a chill sweep down his spine at the twin smiles they are sporting. There is nothing nice about these smiles. No warmth to be found. Nothing of kindness in the shark-like way they are looking at the jar. There is bloodlust sparking in their eyes and he feels a shock of lust hit him. There is just something arousing about the way they are letting him see the dark within. Maybe he should be paying more attention to the beetle/reporter but right now his focus is zeroing in on one thing.

"As much as I would like to discuss this, I can think of something I would much rather be doing. Harry, have you have ever played with our mate's wings until she comes?"

The started look on Hermione's face is one he will keep in his memory forever but the grin that Harry gives him of masculine satisfaction gives him the answer he was looking for. "Want to see what happens when we both do it?"

His mate gives him such a look of want that it almost unmans him. Has anyone ever looked at him that way? He can literally see her logical brain come to life again before she can be brought under the tide of lust at the idea of both of their hands on her delightfully sensitive wings. "While, I very much look forward to that, both of you need to bathe first. I can smell toad guts in the air."


Meeting back in his mate's room he realizes that he is the last to enter but they haven't gotten started without him. Instead, they are sitting cross-legged and facing each other on the bed while talking quietly. He can see it then. He can see why the other man is her mate. It makes sense all of a sudden and he is slightly disappointed in himself that he didn't see it before. They've been friends since the first year at Hogwarts and they remained friends through things that children their age should never have been a part of. Those bonds were forged in fire and strengthened by their literal blood, sweat, and tears. So why was he also her mate? What could he possibly have to offer? They both turn their heads toward him in unison as if they heard his thoughts and cock their heads. He figures that the bond is as good as protecting his every thought and he still isn't completely sure what to make of that. He tries to give them a reassuring smile but he must not have succeeded because he sees a crease of worry appear in between Hermione's eyebrows.

Reaching out their hands they manage to pull him until he's laying down on his back between them and looking up at their concerned faces. Hermione speaks first. "Don't you know that we love you?"

"Of course I do. I can literally feel it coming through the bond from both of you but what I don't understand is why. How? How could you both just decide to love me? I was nothing but rude to you the whole time we were at school and calling it rude is being nice about it. Then...then I literally watched as you were dragged into my home and my mad aunt carve you up all while using the torture curse on you."

Again it's his mate that answers. "How could we not love you? Yes, you were a right shit at school but you were also a brilliant one. An unfairly beautiful and brilliant boy that we couldn't help but notice. And your face...Draco your face when we were brought here told us everything we needed to know about you. You didn't want that. You didn't want any of it. What happened that day was not your fault. What you can take credit for is buying us time. Because of that, we were able to escape."

He knows that she means everything that she says but he still feels like a coward and knowing what she means to him now almost cripples him from the intensity of how much it hurts. Trying to pull courage from the air he reaches a hand up and begins to trace the crude and childlike letters that mar her flesh. This isn't what she is. She never was. If anything she has always been too good for this world. He will never deserve her.

Potter's voice interrupts his thoughts and he feels his face being gently pulled so that his focus is on the other man. "If you think for one moment that you are alone in your guilt that day then you are very much mistaken. I had countless nightmares about her screams and never being able to get to her. You had to actually watch it and I can't imagine how that must pain you but we must move on from it. I'm not saying it has to be tomorrow but eventually, you are going to have to let go of the idea that you will never be worthy."

Giving him a startled look he really does become suspicious and wonders if Severus has taught them legilimency. With a crooked smile, Harry tells him, "No, I haven't read your mind. I just know what I felt and can only imagine you feel the same. But really...who could ever be good enough for her?"

Draco does notice that he said "haven't" not that he "couldn't" but puts it aside in favor of trying to land in the comfort that he is being offered. Forcing himself to breathe slowly and evenly he finds himself concentrating on the bond. It feels like home and it holds the key to his peace. Like nothing could possibly harm him here in the safety of his mate and partner. He lets their love soothe him and he can't help but smile. Here. Right here he really is safe. Nothing bad can touch him here and he wants to show them how priceless this feeling is.

He is pulled from his contentment by the twin gasps of surprise above him. Opening his eyes he tries to figure out what happened. Noticing their eyes are trained on the same spot he follows and sees that it's his hand on Hermione's forearm. Her now blemish-free forearm. Before he can brace himself he is pounced on by that golden blur again. Only this time she is crying and he feels helpless.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

She just keeps repeating it and he still feels as if something in his thoughts is shifting around that he can't quite grasp onto.

"I am of course very happy to help but I don't understand how it actually happened or even if I actually did it."

Looking over at Potter he sees that there are also tears standing in those green eyes waiting to fall but he's smiling. This smile isn't the hard and scary one. This one conveys absolute joy which is in line with what the impressions he is getting from them through the bond. Still smiling at him he leans forward and places one of his hands on Draco's cheek and the other on the back of Hermione's head.

"It's you, Draco. Your love can do that. Trust me, if either of us could have erased that scar we would have. It took you to do it. Just like you banished your Dark Mark. Do you have any idea how astonishing you are? You just thought you were stuck with us before."