A/N: To my early readers I apologize for the weird formatting which previously occurred. I originally posted this story from my phone using the mobile application and I believe that might have led to some issues. Everything is fixed now and I hope you enjoy!

Rini stood before the massive, hulking brute of a beast, a creature whose once beautiful features had twisted from the facsimile of a woman into a raving monster. The wind blew and her skirt fluttered, fingers tightening around her Pink Moon Rod.

A distance of perhaps ten feet separated them, would it be enough? Did her mother and her friends even yet know she was in trouble? Ever the confident child Rini never wavered for a second, never let her hesitation show on her face as her beautiful eyes narrowed.

"You'll make a fine trophy when I return you to my mistress, no doubt an excellent reward awaits!" Slobber and drool dripped from the creature's mouth as it closed in, closed the distance and elevated its four razor-sharp claws!

"Pink Sugar Heart Attack!" Rini called out as she completed the incantation and lifted her rod up, put it between herself and the monster. A beam of pink energy sparked and flew forward impacting the beast along the center of its chest! The creature howled in pain but didn't slow, didn't let up as those scything claws closed in! Was it too late? Had they not arrived in time? Rini's eyes closed as she waited for the blow to fall, her last thought. . .


But that blow never came, the expected pain never flared. Rini opened her eyes and gazed in wonder, looked up to see that long, fluttering white cloak and the boy who wore it. He was taller than her and garbed in a tunic of dark blue, his spiky blonde hair glowing an almost golden color as those bright blueish-green eyes sparked with an inner determination.

His expression was aggressive and it almost frightened her, those bright eyes burning with a fire so cold; it was primal, almost animalistic aggression focused to a pin-prick, barely controlled.

The boy reacted and pushed the creature back, deflected its sharp arms with a series of blocks and feints. A solid kick to its med-section doubled it over and Rini couldn't hide her astonishment: he was so fast, she'd never seen anyone move like that! The boy almost blurred as he went through the motions, body nothing but a phantom, a phantasmal image that seemed to blend from one place to the next.

The creature wailed with every blow, tried to defend itself but found that it couldn't. It's face contorted and it's voice squealed in shock as it found itself picked up and thrown, tossed into the air like a rag doll as the boy placed both hands on his head, fingertips and thumbs touching. That was when she heard it; his voice so determined.


A brilliant beam of burning yellow light overcame Rini's enemy and she watched as the slain creature vanished, was evaporated before her very eyes. How? How could this boy be so strong?

Remembering herself Rini forced her way up to her feet, stood and retreated back to put some distance between herself and this mysterious figure. She held her Pink Moon Rod in front of her body warily, used it as though it were a shield as she eyed him warily; just because he'd helped her didn't mean he was her friend.

"You should be careful going out at night." He said, and his voice still held that cool arrogance, that utter confidence in his own abilities, he didn't even bother to look at her. Who did he think he was talking to! She was the heir to the Millennium Kingdom, the daughter of Queen Serenity, it was disrespectful to address her so casually! Rini's hands trembled as she held the Pink Moon Rod to her chest, cheeks flushed and pony-tails on end. She was about to show him just who needed to be careful!

But that moment never came. Before she could speak her mind the boy simply vanished, his body evaporating into a series of blurred lines that left nothing behind. "W-wait!" Rini called out but it was no good, he was already gone.

The daughter-heir was left to stew in her own thoughts, hands dusting and adjusting her skirts as she thought about all the things she was going to have said. Just wait until Luna heard about this!