Hey, guys! GOTA and BD are here with another installment of "Let The Astrid Dance." We have thought for the last several days about the direction of the story. We will consider this chapter as the prelude to the main conflict. In this chapter, Jan and Saphron plan to confront Kali at her house. Unbeknownst to Saphron, Jan has an ace up her sleeve. Meanwhile, Kali reflects on the events that led her to this point in time. What will happen? Read and find out!

A/N: The authors don't condone and/or encourage any of the events portrayed in this story. This story is fictitious. Anyone who is able to deviate fantasy from reality, enjoy the story. Due to the contents featured in this chapter, discretion is strongly advised.

Jan sat outside as she smoked a cigarette. She wasn't in a talkative mood at this point in time. As the embers from the end of her cigarette flew into the night sky, a surge of heat was forming into the blonde as she tried her best to keep her composure. She looked at the starry sky above her. It was calm and pleasant, the kind of night in which it should be enjoyable for all to see. She took another puff from her cancer stick, trying her best to not further her anger.

It was for the sake of Jaune. And more so for the sake of Saphron who hindered from making any sudden moves without her. She flicked the cigarette out of sight. Where it landed, it mattered not. Cigarettes were a dime a dozen. She can always purchase another pack. They were replaceable.

Can it be the same for the life of a person?

Her footsteps were the only thing audible in the still night as she walked to the barn. The barn hasn't been in use since their parents divorced. What used to be a barn that harbored pigs, sheep, and cattle was nothing more than a desolate wasteland. The stalls of yesteryear were becoming a decrepit home for the termites and fellow vermin. Jan had told her mother relentlessly to tear it down. She refused. It didn't need an explanation. After all, the barn was built out of their father's rough and jagged hands. The entire foundation was built out of used lumber. Whatever lumber and supplies the young couple could collect, they used. The Arc family was far from rich. They couldn't describe themselves as middle class. Nevertheless, whatever they were presented, they took it with pride. Like their father used to say, "even in a pile of shit, you can always find a piece of corn."

Jan knew there wouldn't be any corn in this feces-infested stage of a detritus relic of yesteryear. However, she had a reason why she needed to be in this barn.

Jan needed insurance for this night is not yet over.

The gods were discerning her the entire time about the Belladonnas. She knew from the beginning that something was in the water. Her saying of "if my heart can't see, my dog can't leap" was looming inside of her brain. As if she was receiving confirmation after having that conversation with Saphron at her connect's house. Blake's parting gift of Jaune's black eye sealed the deal. As Saphron drove back to their home, she turned on the lights to read the transcripts of Jaune's interaction with the temptress.

It had Kali Belladonna's name written all over it.

Words that were written to a lover that shouldn't be identified with a sixteen-year-old child. Descriptive passages of their endeavors. Image links that may have displayed Kali's infidelity and her misdeeds to their brother. The affair lasted for weeks, showing evidence that Kali wasn't going to stop until Jaune was consumed by her web. A web of lies, deceit, treachery, lust, and gluttony. Guilt should be consuming the Faunus's veins and not infecting their brother.

Jan commended Kali's effort for being smart. Never using her number and never mentioning her name in the text. However, she knew her brother wasn't as smart when it came to confidentiality. He was truthful to the bone. Each page of the transcripts further angered the blonde about the Faunus bitch. She had contemplated many times to tell Saphron to head straight to the Belladonna residence immediately. However, she had a moral compass. She wanted to be sure that Jaune was situated.

Jaune sniffled Blake's name until they arrived at their home. The duo had to hold Jaune's arms around them as they led him to his bedroom. When turning on the light, his face was battered in dry snot. Jan told Saphron to draw Jaune a bath and take care of him. She followed suit as Jan walked out of the bedroom. Within, she wanted to scream, wail out in anguish to know that it was Kali that was having sex with her. She cursed Blake, she cursed Ghira, and she cursed Kali. She cursed Blake for having affection for Jaune. She cursed Ghira for ever having the desire to approach the fatale succubus. Then, it was Kali, the pain in her taint. The bowl of festering pus that needed to be put down like a dog on its last leg.

Be that as it may, Jan was on a mission. And she knew that barn had her answer. She remembered a philosophy she adapted from her father, "if you do dirt, do it by your lonely."

With Joan being home, Jan asked a favor for Jaune's other half to supervise. Jan didn't want any questions from the fellow twin blonde. Jan gave Joan forty dollars and a subtle threat if she were to inform their mother. With the kids secured and her affairs for the home were in order, she can implement her next step.

She didn't need a key to kick in the rusty chain. Using her foot, she stamped the chain, snapping it open. An echo filled the room. She had hoped that Saphron didn't hear. On the surface, she had told her sister that she wanted some air. Well, she was partially right.

Still, insurance was needed for if things get drastic, then someone would be gasping for air in lieu of freely partaking. Honestly, Jan wouldn't mind taking that option. Why would a person live if their intent was to do harm toward others? Why her brother? Why not someone else? Jaune wasn't a plaything. He was a human being. He wasn't the toughest brother, but he had feelings. In lack of brawn, he makes up in character, valor, and loyalty.

Things in which Jan wished Jaune could get a grip on. She blamed herself, often wishing she could have been a better sister. She was too focused on herself. The "why me" mentality was taking precedence and now she was paying the price. As she walked the yards toward her secret place, she had hoped that she could make a penance of this night.

She knew it was tucked under a loose floorboard. She was six when she accidentally discovered it. She was playing with her marbles when one of them fell into a hole. It was her favorite cat's eye marble and she wasn't going to let that go. She pulled and pulled until the floorboard went loose.

It was inside of the floorboard where she saw what her father kept from the others to know.

Jan knew her father wouldn't come back for it. He didn't have time. His departure wasn't an easy one. Police were involved and he had less than an hour to vacant the premises without incident. Jan watched as his father was escorted by the police to grab his items. Jan couldn't get his eyes off of him. His blank expression, his tired eyes. The look of surrendering. It made her wonder who was feeling worse, him or her mother. Jan huddled around the siblings as they watched their normal change forever.

Jan pulled the floorboard. Inside the dusty, musky cigar box was their family secret. It was a .38 caliber. A poor man's machete. Jan knew how to shoot. She learned from an early age from a past sugar daddy. She was fourteen at the time.

She examined the gun - covered in the collecting dirt over the years. She opened the barrel. It was still full of bullets. She knew she was alone but she couldn't be sure. She tucked it in the waist of her shorts.

Is this going to happen? Am I going to do the unthinkable?

Jan was used to trouble and turmoil. She was the black sheep of the family. If she did the unthinkable, she knew her mother wouldn't put it past her. Since the days of juvenile hall, her mother's hands have already been wiped of responsibility. All she needed to confirm was the one phone call that Jan will be permanently incarcerated.

Jan stepped out of the barn. She observed to see if there was anyone outside. Hearing the sounds of crickets, she felt safe. She definitely felt secured with her insurance tucked away in her waist. Will this poor man's machete serve as her penance for her previous sins? Will she be capable of doing this in order to keep Kali Belladonna away from Jaune. In Jan's mind, it will be a service. To keep Kali away from other children. Were there other teens?


The blonde immediately gripped her waist. In her crosshairs, it was her sister, Saphron. In her arms, she was holding on to her nephew, Adrian. Jan immediately bit her lip when seeing that.

"The kids are settling down. I bribed them that they can watch Prom Night if they keep their mouths shut," informed Saphron as she was breastfeeding her son. "I know you told Joan to watch them for the night until we take care of our business."

Saphron was mindful to speak in codes. They didn't want any intervention from certain pacifist sisters. Saphron had the police on standby if the worse were to come. Saphron didn't want anything to turn violent. Their intention of this meeting was to warn Kali that they will turn in her information to the police if she lay another finger on their brother.

Jan nodded as she gripped her stomach. She leaned on the doorframe of the backdoor as she entered inside to the kitchen. Saphron continued nursing Adrian as Jan took a seat at the kitchen table. "How's Jaune?"

"Sleeping, thank Oum," said Saphron. "I went into Mom's drawer and gave him a Prozac and a shot of NyQuil."

"Yeah, good," said Jan. "Hopefully, those can take his mind off of them for a while."

Jan was far from a therapist. She barely passed Psychology in high school. However, she knew that Jaune was experiencing trauma in this particular juncture. Having forbidden relations with Blake's mother and suddenly facing Blake's wrath. Oum knew what provoked Blake to fight her brother. The connection was there. The dots were filled. Blake wasn't a fighter. There was a reason. And she knew that Kali Belladonna was front and center in the runaway train.

Jan paused her thoughts as she turned to Saphron. She could tell from her blank expression as if she wanted to regret their conversation earlier at the connect's apartment. Saphron was an optimist. Like their brother, she always gave everyone the benefit of the doubt. However, after their discussion, Jan knew it made Saphron question herself. There were only a handful of times in which she saw Saphron looking that way - when forced to split from her first love and the divorce of their parents.

People like the Belladonnas think they can boast about their wealth and think we can bow down to them because they were born with silver spoons.

I can't help but to not trust the Belladonnas. Jaune isn't a pet. He isn't a toy. He isn't some accessory that once Blake gets tired, she will cast him aside. And just like your girlfriend back when we were teens, eventually, the parents will become tired of him and cast him to the curb like discarded trash.

When you're rich, you have no friends. There aren't any givers, just takers!

Saphron pursed her lips. Her eyes were focusing on her baby son. Jan reached for an orange and began to peel it. She wasn't hungry. She didn't have an appetite but just needed a feeling that wasn't of anger, sadness, and rage.

"When you are finished breastfeeding, we can go," said Jan. "I don't want to prolong this anymore!"

Jan knew that Kali Belladonna was home. Jan was friends with a livery driver who often picked up rich people like the Belladonnas from airports or exclusive galas. In exchange for some marijuana and a one-night rendezvous, he gave her the whereabouts of Mrs. Belladonna. He had also told Jan that Ghira wouldn't be home. He will be out of town for a few days taking care of company affairs. With the exception of the few servants who reside in the property, Kali was alone. That gave Jan the opportunity to handle her affairs without an obstruction.

"Jan?" Saphron parted her lips. However, she couldn't say furthermore. Never in her thirty-plus years did she feel foolish. She wanted to believe that Kali Belladonna was a doting mother figure, a prime example of all mothers out there, including their own. Saphron was crushed, hurt, and overall disappointed. She didn't want to vocalize it to Jan. As much as Jan can be pessimistic, she can be also quite a realist.

Jan took a bite into her orange. "Look, Chicky! Don't always take my theories into consideration all the time."

Saphron raised her eyebrow. "How did you know?"

Jan lowered her head. "You're my sister. I know you best. Plus, you aren't looking directly at me. Your pupils are darting around like bumblebees on a cool November morning."

Jan to a tee, knowing her negative traits. "Sometimes, I wish you can be wrong about things."

Jan didn't immediately answer. It was met with a sigh. She peeled another orange as she put it in her mouth. "As I said, don't always take my theories into consideration. Maybe I just knew it was her all along."

"If you knew, then why go through all this wild goose chase?"

Jan scratched under her chin. "Sometimes, we think we know the answer but aren't so sure or don't want to accept it." She put another orange into her mouth. "Maybe I wanted to be wrong. Actually, that should have been prime suspect number one." She raised her eyes to her sister. "Like you, I was trying my best to give her the benefit of the doubt. For once, I, too, wish I could be wrong."

Saphron hummed in compliance. She pressed her son's head to breast so he can further suckle.

Jan made another sigh. "Maybe I am envious of the Belladonnas. They came from riches. We came from nothing. When it rains, they are pouring in liquid gold. When it rains, we have mud and make mud cakes."

"We didn't have it all, Jan. C'mon! Back in school we were Arc trash according to our classmates," said Saphron. "Nevertheless, I can understand. I, too, wanted somebody in that circle to view us as more than just accessories." Saphron pulled Adrian away from her breast. She began patting his back as she tried putting him to sleep. "Mom has always told us to be humble and to never judge no matter what. If we had lemons, we made lemonade. C'mon, remember what Dad told us?"

Jan nodded in compliance. "You know, sometimes I think Mom was only saying these things so we can look at the rose-colored glass." She pointed her finger to Saphron. "Especially you!"

"I am no different!" Saphron slammed the table. "We all ate from the same pot. Sugar water and syrup sandwiches on our worst days. Days in which we had no water and used rainwater to bathe. Then, reboiling the dirty water to use again."

"Saphron, you were the first to go to school and finished," said Jan. "You have always been the leading example in this family. Mom talks about you every waking moment! Hell, Mom doesn't even condemn you about being gay but condemns me for my lifestyle. No offense!"

"None taken," said Saphron.

"Saphron, the world is cruel and all of my life, I have always braced for the worst," said Jan as she stared at the transcripts on the table. "Knowing that Kali is responsible for this makes me confirm my feelings." She raised her eyes at Saphron. "But it doesn't mean it has to affect you."


"I wish Kali would have been different. I actually envied Jaune because of the amenities. All he does is talk about Blake. Do you remember that day at the merry-go-round?"


"Jaune just came back from spending holiday at a luxurious beach resort in the Netherlands," replied Jan. "Did you know how jealous I got whenever he went to places we can never go. Kali gave him clothes. Ghira bought him a bike. I became jealous." She wiped the sweat from her brow.

"We were kids, Jan. We didn't know any better. We had our moments. It wasn't like we had the proper guidance. Mom half the time was tucked away in her shell or high on some psychotropic meds. C'mon, we went that day without Mom's permission." Saphron knew she was deviating from thought. She returned her mind with Jan on Jaune.

"Jaune always talked about how much Ghira did this for him or Kali did that for him. It was pissing me off, sis. When he came back, it was decided to use that "tough love" on him. But it wasn't out of fun. You looked at him as joking. C'mon, we were rough kids. That day, I wanted him to hurt. We were laughing, we were having fun but within, I was pissed. I was pissed at him for thinking he was better than me."

Saphron looked down and turned away. "When you put it like that, Jan." She looked at her sister as her eyes began watering.

"When he is with Blake, he is always happy," said Jan while sniffling. "I know I gave him a hard time and I am very rough with him but that is my way of showing my love." She tucked in her eyes, trying her best to fight the tears. "Maybe I wish I can be in your world or in his world. Maybe I wish I can be as happy as you guys are. Look at you, you're married and living lavishly with a child. I am barely making ends meet. I lost my kid to the system. I had abortions. I am on drugs. Our sisters are afraid of me. Mom thinks I am trash. And Jaune..." She couldn't fight the tears as it slid down to her cheeks. "Seeing this woman doing this to my brother hurts me, Saphron. It is like I failed my brother. I have a hard time trusting people. Especially since our father left us."


"For once I want to do right. I want to do something right for once, Chicky," said Jan while still crying. "Right now, I am so lost and angry." She slammed the table. "I am angry, Saphron! I am so fucking angry!"

Saphron called their sister, Joey, to come and take Adrian to bed. Joey rushed into the kitchen as she took hold of Adrian before departing back out. Saphron came around the table and hugged her sister.

"It's okay, Jan," said Saphron.

Jan sniffled. "I hate myself for this."

"Shh! You don't mean it, Jan. I know you are in pain. You are hurt. I am hurt as well." Saphron kissed her sister on the cheek. She knew Jan has been holding it in. Jan was the tough woman of the bunch. However, at the end of the day, she was as vulnerable as any other woman. "It's okay, Jan! It's okay! No matter what, we love you!"

Jan nodded in compliance. Feeling her sister's touch confirmed it. Saphron kissed Jan's forehead and rubbed her shoulders. "Jan, I know your heart and within, it is true blue. You know you are loved."

"I know, Chicky! It feels good to have reminders."

The clock on the wall displayed its hands at the tenth hour. Silence resumed in the kitchen as both eyes laid upon the clock. Jan looked over to Saphron. "We need to go. Let me go to the bathroom first and clean up."

"Sure," replied Saphron as she loosened her grip. Jan stood as she walked out of the kitchen and into the restroom.

Saphron bit into her lip. It wasn't easy being the eldest Arc, let alone the strongest. As she embraced her sister, she knew Jaune and Kali wasn't the only thing troubling her mind. Although she looked at the world through a rose-colored glass, she still felt the texture of a weapon. Saphron didn't want to argue or to persuade Jan out of it.

Jan grabbed her jacket from the table as she entered Saphron's sight. "Ready to go?"

Saphron tossed Jan the keys to the car. "You drive."

"I am on a suspended license."

"Just do it, Jan." Saphron announced to the other sisters that they were heading out and to one of them lock the door. "Do you know where Mrs. Belladonna lives?"

"Certainly! I did pay attention to that," answered Jan.

"And Jan?"


"If you are cooling where it isn't safe, be aware of the repercussions," said Saphron as her eyes aimed at Jan's waist. "Just wanted to let you know about it."

Jan didn't answer. Gripping hold to the keys, she and Saphron walked out to the backyard when it led to Saphron's vehicle.

Jan turned and gave the home of her entire life one final look.

She was unsure if the worse-case scenario happens, would she be able to come back home? Later? A few years?

Or never?


Kali sat alone in the study. Its walls were hung with fine grey canvas, it had a large, silvery grey, silky carpet, and the furniture was covered with dark green silky material. Into this reticence pieces of futurism, Omega cushions and Van Gogh-like pictures exploded their colours.

Rain was in the forecast as she heard the rattling of thunder from her window. Unsure it was an old Faunus wives tale, but she remembered her mother telling her that when thunder rattles the window, it means a warning comes before destruction.

A glass of pinot was steadily stirred by her revolving hand. The only sounds that filled the room was the crackling of the fireplace and the record player playing its tune. "Bittersweet Symphony" was the soundtrack that was serenading her. The Verve was one of her favorite bands. She remembered when she and Ghira were a young couple when he gave her tickets to the concert. She was happy, excited, free like a butterfly out of its cocoon. Those were the old days. Days she would rather not live. Matter of factly, she wasn't sure if she was actually excited to go see the show with Ghira. She loved the concert, lingering to every verb, every syllable as if the group were writing a story about her life.

She was on her fifth glass. She could handle her liquor like a gentleman. She learned to properly handle her liquor whenever she was with the elite. Company that promised her husband and the White Fang hundreds of millions of dollars to keep their business running like a train. That never made her happy. Kali Belladonna honestly couldn't care less about the wealth. Love was always in her forecast. It was never money that moved her. Anyone can have money. It was only a piece of paper.

What Kali wanted was something more than what money can buy. What she wanted, she couldn't have. Nevertheless, she couldn't care what the laws or the good Oum believed. What Kali wanted, she would get. No money, no lifestyle, no Ghira, and no Blake would stop her when it came to the biggest factor of all - power.

Kali was hungry for it. The power to dominate. This wasn't a Faunus thing. This wasn't a human thing. Apex was in her vocabulary and she was hungry to use it at anything or anyone. Unfortunately, she knew Ghira had the skills and the apt to keep Kali in her place. Despite being against the idea of having money, it was the power of money that kept her in this relationship. If she didn't have Ghira, then where would she go? Kali didn't have a family. Or at least, a family that wouldn't claim her.

Along with power came pride and arrogance. Despite Kali humble beginnings in a settlement that might as well be a decrepit chicken coop that not even a squatter would even settle down, Kali was above that. She couldn't care. It came with the territory of being married into money - hypocrisy.

She knew by marrying Ghira, insurance was necessitated. It wouldn't be a done deal without having the baby. That was how Blake came into the equation. Kali did the necessary things that a mother should do. Other than that, the maids and the babysitter were responsible for the other kind of roles. Kali always considered herself as an actress. If Ghira had let her, she could have been a studded sensation in all of Vale and Remnant. However, she had to play as his right hand woman. The polished and alluring trophy wife that no one could touch.

Kali never kept her vows. Any chance she got, she took a chance to find a boy. She wanted someone who wouldn't question her motives. A boy who sought guidance as they were lacking from home. A doting mother figure.

She couldn't forget the first boy. It wasn't that she didn't want to have affairs. She did care for Ghira. However, she never liked feeling that she couldn't. Ghira might be a force but Kali was the gravity that created the torque. She only picked the boy because he was carrying baseball cards. Kali was an avid collector of baseball cards. With the promise of sharing and trading cards, she brought the boy to her home. She took him to her bedroom with the promise of showing her collection. Instead, she did something more than trading cards and instead trading his virginity for mature flesh.

The first boy was a one-time thing. The boy was afraid to return and Kali threatened him if he were to tell his father. One would think that after the first boy, she would have stopped. She didn't. The power of domination was boiling in her veins. She wanted more. She couldn't get enough.

The second boy was more compliant. He grew up in a single-parent household. There wasn't a mother in the picture and his father was always busy at work. They lived in the same apartment complex. The boy was always friendly whenever he encountered Mrs. Belladonna. What appealed to the boy was his smile and his freckles. If only the boy knew that he was a walking target as she was observing his vulnerability. After observing him for a few weeks, fate made its turn when the boy knocked on Kali's door. The boy forgot his house key and asked if he could stay with her until his father returned.

She didn't turn him down and let him in. The second boy was nubile, naive to the world. The kid was obviously sheltered. To think he was in high school and didn't know much about the birds and the bees. It was in the shower where they consummated their relationship. With Blake at her grandmother's and Ghira working as usual, she had the entire day with him. Unlike the first boy, the relationship lasted for nearly a year.

It came to an end after Ghira walked in on them having sex.

The boy and his father were offered a settlement to keep things quiet. Kali was presented with an opportunity to receive counseling. Ghira was deeply upset. However, he never had the nerve to strike a woman. Instead, he decided to separate for awhile until Kali got to her senses. During her time in rehab, it stirred anger. The dominance of power was returned back to Ghira. Kali sat in rehab for weeks, taking unnecessary classes and forcing to tell therapists about her truth. In the end, the only thing rehab did was wanting more to dominate. The power of using her prowess for control.

Shortly after leaving rehab, she and Ghira worked on renewing their relationship. Of course, it didn't come without some ground rules. Ghira was very comfortable about Kali's infidelity. He had his fair shares of women on the side. They did what they had to do. However, what upset Ghira was her relationship with younger men. The risk and the embarrassment that came with it. With men their age, he could get past that. But, teenagers were a no-go. Even as Ghira explained to her, Kali was in a different world. No one was going to tell her what to do.

Mommy! I want to introduce you to my new friend! His name is Jaune Arc!

It was about a month after she and her family moved to the village. It was Ghira's business partner that recommended him to move to the new place. It was supposed to be a fresh start for the three of them. Ghira was working his hardest on spending time with Kali and Blake. He had hoped to end the affairs as long as Kali would do the same.

Hi, Mrs. Belladonna! My name is Jaune Arc! I hope you can treat me well.

Pressured stirred in Kali's stomach when seeing the young nubile boy entering the room. Although he was a teenager, he had the aura of a man. It stirred a familiar appetite in the curd of her loins. A fever that can never be treated. Nevertheless, just like an almond tree, she had to wait until it was ripe enough for maturity.

Jaune Arc was in her strike zone. He was the only boy in the house of women. He didn't have a father figure. His mother was a manic depressant. She knew Jaune visited their home often. Coming from a poor family, the amenities of their home were going to be overwhelming for the boy. As much as she could, she would groom him until he became the perfect mate for her. Jaune never said no to any of her requests. He was a good boy for her and the family. Ghira adored the kid and treated him like his own son. Her daughter Blake loved him and saw him as a best friend. She was still cautious with Blake. Blake was a torn cloth of her former innocent adolescence. If there was a boy she liked, she wasn't going to let go. Even as of now, she was always cautious as she and her daughter liked the same boy.

Mom, how can I tell a boy that I like him?

Blakey has a crush? My, my, well it doesn't surprise me. You have that charm? Is he another Faunus like you?

Actually, Mom, he is human!

Nothing wrong with that, dear. We have taught you to love whomever you like. You know I am not fazed with you loving boys and girls.

Yes, ma'am. The thing is that I am not sure he likes me back. Well, he likes me as a friend. I want him to like me-like me.

Sweetheart, boys are weird and fickle. Does he treat you well?

He does. He is sweet as a peach! Always caring and considerate. Well, Mom, you know him.

Do I? What is his name?


And when realizing that, she had to strike before Blake would.

Throughout the years, whenever Kali studied with him or was alone with him, she made subtle hints. she would rub against him or rub his back affectionately. His eyes lit like a Christmas tree. He should have known that she was coming on to him. But that was the farthest that she went. She knew Jaune wouldn't resist as it wasn't in his blood. She loved that fact that Jaune was the yes man. She would do anything to please and appease his surrogate mother. Everything was calculated and planned.

It was only a matter of time before Jaune Arc was ripe for the picking.

"Forgive me, darling, but I must do this."

"My husband loves when I do this. I hope you do, too."

"I knew I was making you feel good. Thanks, Jaune."

"I want you to close your eyes, and relax. I promise you that you will feel good things."

"That's it, sweetie. Dwell with your desires, with our desires. My dear sweet, sweet darling."

"Mistress Belladonna?"

Kali remained unmoved. She recognized the raspy sound of her maid. Even as she watched the embers burn the charcoal, she knew her calloused hands of the old Faunus were wrapped tightly around the doorframe. Kali drew her eyes to the pinot. It was nearly empty. She placed the glass on the table and drew her attention to the short and portly maid.

"I know you don't like being disturbed at this hour but you have visitors," said the servant.

"Visitors? At this hour?"

The maid nodded. "Yes, madam. I believe you are familiar with them. They are Jaune's sisters - Lady Jan and Lady Saphron."

The Faunus didn't immediately answer. She returned to her pinot. Seeing whatever liquids were left in the glass, she drained it into her mouth. She used her handkerchief to wipe her rosy cheeks. She puckered her lips, feeling the contents around her lips. She looked at the empty glass before placing it on the table.

"Have the girls wait in the drawing room. Tell them to give me five minutes."

"Shall I offer them drinks?"

"Does a bear defecate in the woods?"

"Forgive me, mistress?" The servant made the nod as she backed away from the room.


"Yes, dear?"

"Never refer to those girls under any circumstances with that title." Kali placed her hands together. "A lady is of modesty, elegance, and grace. Not from those pauperized little tramps." She scoffed under her breath. "Don't ever let me hear you say those words about them ever again." She snapped her fingers. Her voice perpetuated a yelp from the maid. "Do I make myself clear, Reina?"

"Understood, mistress!"

"Good! Now, make yourself scarce!" The heavy footsteps followed Kali's command as she left for the drawing room. With the Faunus wife alone in her study, she looked onto the fireplace. The fireplace is her tiny sun for the evening, casting long shadows over the rug. The flames curl and sway, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood.

Kali looked at herself in the mirror. It was time to go into character.

For the fireplace wasn't the only thing heating up in this home.

To be continued….

GOTA: I am getting chills for the next chapter. I know we've written this, but I am still getting chills.

BD: Same, baby! I am getting nervous on the incoming chapters I have prepared to write.

GOTA: Reminds me of "These Grey Skies" you wrote back in 2016.

BD: Man, that was nearly four years ago. It is a sharp contrast. GoGo was physically and sexually abusive to Hiro whereas Kali is more emotionally dominant towards Jaune. Instead of Wasabi investigating to save Hiro, it is Jaune's sisters instead.

GOTA: True but what strikes me is whenever some people get offended about Jaune's character and his current position as being a wimp.

BD: Jaune represents a minority of men who undergo the same situation as women. However, some men don't like it as it addresses insecurities (e.g. toxic masculinity). If this story was the other way around in which the women were victims, this wouldn't be a discussion. However, what we haven't done yet is giving Jaune his full side of the story, which we will explore at some point.

GOTA: I feel no matter what we write, people will have something to say. Good or bad!

BD: If everyone loved all of our works, then we are doing something wrong. In fact, it should be a compliment that their responses incite something out of them. Oh yeah, speaking of responses (In my G Herbo voice) 'Out of Character (Part V) from my "Izuku's Sisters" series is coming soon. I know you have been waiting on it (since 2018) but be patient.

GOTA: True and can't wait on finishing this story. Anyway, this story is becoming very realistic. Why is that?

BD: I want to challenge myself in writing serious stories. Not every story is going to be harems, sexual orgies, and the like. When I first started writing in 2016, stories like these were my goals. Granted, I don't regret any of my harem stories and my anthologies but stories like these are my heart and my soul.

GOTA: Yeah but the fact you are doing this for free and getting nothing in return shows you love it. And I love your dedication.

BD: Same for you, baby. Anyway, in the next chapter, you will see things in Blake's perspective. Stay tuned!