Hello everyone, we are here with what is the final chapter for this part. I'll be honest when I started this part, I wasn't super inspired to write it but I still had fun writing it. I have two one-shots planned currently, one for the Muramasa Arc and one for the Fullbringers, so keep an eye out. I doubt I'm going to touch on the Quincy arc as it's long and I barely paid attention to it. So, thanks for reading y'all and enjoy!

*Also a reminder to everyone that after this chapter I will not be posting on the full explanation is on my bio but if you're interested in reading any of my future stuff especially for this series I will be on Ao3 (Archive of Our Own) under the same name. Thanks for your support y'all!


The Dangai had always creeped Ichigo out, he wasn't sure what it was, maybe the suffocating feel of the walls around them in constant motion, maybe the consequences of what might happen if you got lost; Ichigo really didn't fancy ending up a thousand years in the past it was like something out of a cheap sci-fi show.

The point was, the Dangai was creepy but it was easier to focus on it than the silhouette of his dad ahead of him, his Shihakusho rippling with every motion as they ran through the Dangai. It was easier than thinking about what was on the other side of the Dangai; what was waiting for him alone.

Ichigo exhaled and closed his eyes for a moment, he had to believe that they could win, that everything they had fought for so far would be worth it, Kisuke's years of planning, all the sacrifices his friends and family had made so they could wind up here with a chance of defeating Aizen. And it all rested on his shoulders; no pressure.

Well, not all of it. Ichigo just had to occupy Aizen long enough for the kido Kisuke had set up to take action. It was a relief that Ichigo wouldn't have the weight of having to kill Aizen on his shoulders. Sure, Aizen was a megalomaniac with plans to kill an entire town just to achieve Godhood but Ichigo was a teenager and he really didn't want to kill someone when there was a government to deal with that an alternate to that; he wasn't judge, jury, and executioner.

Ichigo jerked to a stop as his dad paused in front of him and turned to stare at Ichigo with his arms crossed over his chest. In the heavy shadows of the Dangai, the Captain's haori over the shihakusho seemed blindingly bright. His dad had given up a Captaincy to be with his mom, he had abandoned those under his command, probably left without a word. Ichigo wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel anymore when it came to his dad.

"The Cleaner's gone."

His dad stated and Ichigo glanced around the long endlessly dark hallway and asked, "Aizen?"

"Yes, which means we have a chance. The Dangai compresses time, 1 year out there is 2000 in here."

Isshin responded with a huff glancing at their surroundings with a narrowed eye as if he was intimately familiar with the rather weird time zone difference. Ichigo nodded mostly knowing the information already but willing to listen until his dad said what he wanted already.

"Ichigo I can construct a kido barrier that will give you the time to train without affecting time in the real-world."

"For how long?"

Ichigo questioned, the important question here, running his hand over Zangetsu's pommel; his spirit was silent had been since Hueco Mundo. Isshin frowned and replied, "For as long as my reaitsu lasts, I'd say about 2000 hours."

"3 months in here and an hour outside."

Ichigo replied and Isshin nodded expression grim as he replied, "I'll be useless afterwards, it will be up to you to deal with Aizen. Ichigo there is a technique, one that if used will stop Aizen, at a cost," Engetsu, Isshin's zanpaktou spirit hovering behind his dad was crying the tears burning off of his skin the moment they touched but there nonetheless, Isshin continued, "It's called the Final Getsuga Tensho."

A chance to unequivocally stop Aizen at what cost?

"Thanks dad."

Ichigo said, didn't say whether he was going to try to train to use it or not. He had three months to train to use his Bankai, if that wasn't enough (it had to be) then there might be time to learn the Final Getsuga Tensho.

He settled into seiza across from his dad and with a nod Ichigo let his conscious fall to his Inner World.

A light drizzle, rain against his skin, was the first sensation he felt, followed by the cool press of the glass against his back. Ichigo blinked and opened his eyes staring at the heavy grey sky of his Inner World, sky scrapers edged his vision as the rain fell almost peacefully around him.

Ichigo slowly sat up and glanced at his Inner World with wide eyes, the buildings around him were like something out of an apocalyptic film, missing chunks with shattered windows, some were so destroyed that Ichigo could see the bones of the building sticking out raw and hurt. The vegetation that had once filled his world was lifeless, spots of grey colourless and dull against the backdrop of glass. The water which had lain dormant frothed and seemed every moment to be rising consuming the buildings around him.


He whirled around and stared at his spirit, Zangetsu was pale, his hair flowed around his head like they were already under water and his eyes were sad and sorrowful when he glanced down at his chest, Ichigo stared at the Hollow hole there. Surprise and a dull sort of agony filtered through his veins as Ichigo stumbled forward and pressed his fingers lightly against the edge of the hole.


"I'm so sorry Zangetsu, I couldn't protect anyone, couldn't protect you."

The words slipped from his lips in a rush and he glanced into Zangetsu's eyes and watched them widen with surprise before Zangetsu narrowed his eyes and replied, "No it was my fault Ichigo, you were not ready for that battle and still I let-"

"No one let anyone do anything."

Ichigo protested and Zangetsu shook his head with a shadow of a grin as he said, "I know Ichigo. But all I ever wanted was to protect you."

Zangetsu's palm against his cheek was warm in the cold of his Inner World and Ichigo leaned into the contact and let his eyes slide shut for a moment in the safety of his own soul. A moment later he opened his eyes and stared into Zangetsu's mismatched ones.

"Do you think I'm ready?"

Ichigo asked mirroring the words he had said what now felt like a lifetime ago. Zangetsu tilted his head appraisingly and studied Ichigo before he nodded and said, "I think you are Ichigo, you always have been."

"I suppose I have time either way."

Ichigo murmured as he stepped back and watched Zangetsu raise a brow with an amused expression. The sound of footsteps echoed over the hum of the rain and Ichigo whirled around and stared at Ossan who was walking slowly forward his cloak fanning out behind him as he nodded once at Ichigo.

"We have always strived to keep your powers separate Ichigo, to keep your soul balanced."

Zangetsu stated and Ichigo glanced between his two spirits with wide eyes as he questioned, "Hence the separate blades."


Ossan replied with a tilt of his head. Zangetsu frowned and stared into Ichigo's eyes communicating the gravity of the situation as he stated, "To combine these powers that are the antithesis of each others is highly dangerous. It could kill you Ichigo. Are you willing to take that risk?"

"I am."

Ichigo replied, explanations weren't necessary when one was speaking to their own soul. Still, Ichigo knew that the threat of death, even a permanent one, wasn't enough to halt him from attempting to achieve his Bankai. He couldn't fight Aizen without it. And if he couldn't fight Aizen then he might as well lay down and die either way.

"What about…?"

Ichigo questioned the words heavy on his tongue. Zangetsu and Ossan traded a glance before Ossan glanced to the side and Zangetsu shook his head with a frown, "The Final Getsuga Tensho is only achievable after you have got your Bankai. If there is need then we can speak of it."

"Not that you will need it Ichigo."

Ossan commented and he frowned in confusion glancing between his two spirits before Zangetsu rolled his eyes and replied, "Ichigo your Shikai uses predominantly your Shinigami heritage, your Bankai will be everything. A normal Captain's Bankai is a hundred times as powerful as their Shikai."


"Yes oh."

Zangetsu snorted with a roll of his eyes before his expression slipped to something serious and the air around Ichigo was suddenly colder. He was frozen as Zangetsu walked towards Ossan each step seemed slow and weighted as the rain became heavy against his skin.

Ossan stepped forward and with a nod he reached out and Zangetsu took the taller spirit's hand as with a bright flash of reaitsu they were consumed. As the reaitsu began to die down Ichigo sucked in a ragged gasp of surprise at the figure that was revealed.

Where Zangetsu and Ossan had stood was one figure, they had long black hair that flowed around their head, half of a Hollow mask atop their head a horn curving near their face, their eyes were different, one icy blue, and one acrid yellow. They wore a cloak that was pure white and flowed around their form with black around the edges.

In their hands was Zangetsu's Shikai inverted so that the blades were pure white, and Ichigo inhaled and forced away the shock as he materialized his Shikai blades. The figure nodded and in a burst of reaitsu shot forward. Ichigo sunk his feet into the concrete of the skyscraper as the spirit's blades slammed into his. Apparently, glass wasn't a good foothold as Ichigo slid back arms straining against the figure's strength.

"Getsuga Tensho."

Ichigo gasped out and the reaitsu burst from his blade in arcs of black colliding against the figure's white blades. The figure shook his head and released his own Getsuga Tensho, at first it appeared a pure white as it barreled towards Ichigo but as it slammed into his blades, he could see hints of blue, red, and twists of other colours within the white.

As Ichigo slid towards the edge of the building he vaguely recalled a lesson from science on optics, white was technically all the colours of the rainbow, or something like that. Ichigo disappeared in a burst of reaitsu and appeared behind the figure who whirled around effortlessly fast and caught Ichigo's blades on his own.

"Getsuga Tensho."

The figure stated with a smile in a monotone voice and reaitsu consumed the sky as Ichigo was flung back. He collided with a skyscraper and muffled a groan of pain as his clambered out of the rubble. The figure reappeared a moment later, the only indication the whistle of wind as Ichigo slammed his blades up.

With a shriek of metal and a flash of sparks, their blades clashed against each other. The figure was fast, faster than Grimmjow, than Ulquiorra, and probably Gin too. Ichigo was doing everything just to keep up as they flew through empty office buildings and Ichigo crashed through the glass.

Ichigo panted for breath as he glanced around the desks scattered around him as if they had been abandoned in a hurry. The wind whistled around him and Ichigo whirled around catching the spirit's blades against his own, Ichigo stared into the spirit's mismatched eyes and had a moment of realisation before the spirit called out, "Gran Ray Cero."

Half of the skyscraper was consumed in a blast of reaitsu and Ichigo freefell towards the waters below staring at the skyscraper with wide eyes. Suddenly, something twisted in Ichigo's gut and he jerked to the side as a Quincy arrow sword sliced through the air. Ichigo cursed aloud and as another sword made of glowing blue reishi hurtled towards him Ichigo cut it in half and summoned his Hierro and Blut vein as a Cero followed the sword.

Ichigo crashed into the water as the Cero exploded overhead biting into his skin but without pain. The water was ice cold around Ichigo and he sucked in a ragged breath as he glanced at the water, for a moment all he could see was murky darkness but then his eyes adjusted and the world around him became clear.

Skyscrapers loomed from the darkness around him, wrecked and shells of buildings, sunken into the darkness below; it was a graveyard.

A blur of white appeared like a halo above and Ichigo squinted confused for a moment before he slammed Zangetsu's blades in front of his chest and tried to brace himself; water was not a very bracing substance.

Ichigo flew back as the figure's blades crashed into his. Ichigo collided with a skyscraper and tore through the building unable to stop. Oh duh. Ichigo solidified reaitsu beneath his feet and rose shakily to stare at the figure who had nodded once in approval.

Then they were fighting again. Back and forth like some endless stalemate where the figure could clearly end it at any moment but was waiting for Ichigo to do something. Blood drifted heavy through the water with each strike of the figure's swords but the wounds weren't deadly as Ichigo adjusted to the strange sensation of breathing underwater.

Days blurred together without exhaustion, or hunger, just the crack of sword against sword until it felt like that was all Ichigo had been, all he had ever known.

A Gran Ray Cero exploded from Ichigo's hands and he burst through the reaitsu, Hierro and Blut Vein protecting him from his own attack as his brought Zangetsu's larger blade down against the figure's. With the smaller blade, Ichigo manifested a Quincy sword the reaitsu glowing eerily in the water. The figure cut through the reishi attack, and released a Getsuga Tensho. Ichigo cut through the attack and shot forward.

The figure rushed to meet him and their blades clashed a battle where they knew their opponent so well that attacks were blocked before they could begin. Ichigo fended off a Getsuga Tensho only to be sent flying back as a Cero crashed into him.

He had been fighting Zangetsu for days, weeks now, maybe even a month and he still hadn't achieved his Bankai. What was he missing? He had adapted, could use all the aspects of his power, could fight the figure on an almost even footing.

What was Bankai?

It was the ultimate peek of a Shinigami's power and experience. It was supposed to be the culmination of years of work, the ultimate experience of being known. Ichigo had been working for years, didn't he know his soul? Did he know who he was?

He just wanted to protect his friends and family.

He couldn't hesitate, wouldn't stop, had to keep moving forward.

The spirit appeared and Ichigo lifted Zangetsu's blades newly determined, he needed his Bankai, needed to protect his friends and family. Their blades clashed and Ichigo pushed the offensive for a moment and watched the spirit's reaction.

The words slipped through his mind unbidden, "All I want is to protect you Ichigo."

Ichigo hesitated and the spirit took the opening and his blade sunk through Ichigo's chest. Blood drifted through the water, nearly transparent and drifting in strange patterns. Ichigo's fingers grasped at the blade and he reached out with one hand to settle his fingers against the spirit's jaw, against Tensa Zangetsu's jaw.

"Tensa Zangetsu."

Ichigo whispered as he leaned his head against the spirit's, a smile drifted across the spirit's face as he curled his fingers around Ichigo's hand and replied, "Yes. You understand now Ichigo the Final Getsuga Tensho-"

"Is final because it is the end of everything."

"Do you still wish to learn it?"

"I want to protect you too Tensa Zangetsu."

Ichigo whispered and reaitsu began to glow and filled the air surrounding the blades in Ichigo's hands as he smiled at his zanpaktou spirit. Tensa Zangetsu stared back with a shocked expression before he nodded and the world exploded.


Ichigo set his dad down gently and out of the way as his eyes observed Karakura, it was still a ghost town utterly silent and it unnerved Ichigo after the endless noise of his Inner World. His eyes narrowed as he felt Aizen's reaitsu and that of another Shinigami, Ichimaru, in the distance.

With a burst of shunpo Ichigo appeared in the middle of a street, Zangetsu was silent as he materialized his sealed blade. There, in the distance he could see flashes of white, almost unnaturally white. Ichigo appeared in the middle of the battle with a burst of shunpo, Gin was behind him, blood trickling from a half a dozen wounds as he stared at Ichigo with wide eyes.

The thing in front of him might have been Aizen once, the Hogyoku had clearly taken ahold, almost parasitic in nature (hadn't Kisuke mentioned once that it desired to be used?) off white with limbs like wings dripping from his spine. Aizen smiled, it stretched around his face as he tilted his head at Ichigo and said, "You think you can defeat me now? You aren't even on my level; I have transcended above you Ichigo Kurosaki."

Right, sure. Ichigo didn't dignify the maniac with a response and instead turned to Gin with narrowed eyes as he said, "Go find Rangiku."

Gin looked like he might protest, the idea of an honourable death probably far more appealing than the pits Soul Society called a prison. But others would speak for Gin and with the way the Soutaicho ran things it was far more likely that Gin would be on probation of some sort.

"Good luck kid."

Gin said after a moment and with a burst of shunpo attempted to disappear. Aizen obviously wasn't for it as he tried to follow. Ichigo shook his head and appeared in front of Aizen catching his blade on Zangetsu's. Through the clash that rang out and disrupted the street Ichigo could hear a woman screaming, feel that strange emotion from before.

Ichigo narrowed his eyes at the destruction around them and made a decision. Without a backwards glance Ichigo turned and in a burst of reaitsu left Karakura making his way towards the deserted outskirts of Soul Society. He grinned when he felt Aizen follow.

He touched down in a barren landscape that reminded him of Sunday morning cartoons, the wind whistled through the air and Ichigo watched as Aizen approached. He touched down explosively and the ground around him shattered; if it was supposed to be an intimidating show of power it accomplished neither.

"I have ascended Kurosaki you could not hope to defeat me."

"Maybe before. Now?"

Ichigo shook his head and a furious expression stole over Aizen's distorted features (which were definitely the stuff of nightmares) and he launched forward. Aizen's blade slammed into Zangetsu once more and this time Ichigo didn't hold back as the landscape around them changed with one stroke. Is this where the legends of Gods had come from?

"Wrong, I have destroyed the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow, I am the pinnacle of evolution."

"Then why do you look like that?"

Ichigo asked blandly as Aizen's blade, still screaming, slammed into his. Aizen's strikes were slow compared to the speed of Zangetsu, even to that of Ulquiorra and Ichigo blocked each strike with ease studying the man in front of him; if he could even be called that anymore.

"This form is the pinnacle of evolution."

"It looks more like something has gone wrong. After all, can you not hear your zanpaktou?"

Ichigo questioned as he batted aside Aizen's blade. Aizen's eyes narrowed at Ichigo, rage pulsing thick an acidic through the air as Aizen began to cast a Kido. Ichigo rolled his eyes and with a sweep of his blades they split into his Shikai and he released a Getsuga Tensho.

The attack slammed into Aizen and consumed him in a burst of heavy black reaitsu. Ichigo waited patiently eyes narrowed as the reaitsu cleared and revealed Aizen with a gaping cut on his chest, blood dripped onto the ground heavy in the silence around them.

Aizen started to laugh.

Ichigo raised a brow and watched as Aizen's reaitsu began to soar, a dark purple in nature and similar to the feel of erosion and nothingness surrounded Aizen's form and Ichigo watched with narrowed eyes as blood spurted through the air and Aizen with a scream shifted.

The wings that had once adorned Aizen's back were larger and had increased in number, the skin of his face had peeled back near completely to reveal skin like hardened obsidian; that was not how human biology worked. Only vaguely did Aizen's new form resemble a human; in other words, pure nightmare fuel.

Ichigo frowned and waited eyes scanning their destroyed surroundings and wondering if his Uncle was watching, wondering how much longer he needed to occupy Aizen. Speaking of, the man flew forward and his blade crashed against Zangetsu's Shikai as a wide grin split Aizen's face.

Reaitsu built in the air and Ichigo's eyes widened as he tried to evade the attack only for the heads attached to Aizen's wings to open their mouths and a torrent of purple reaitsu rained down on Ichigo. He blocked the attack with his arm and hissed as blood dripped from his arm and his skin was red and tender with the burn.

Ichigo placed his fingers gently on the burned skin and with a pulse of reaitsu cast a healing kido keeping an eye on Aizen who was beginning a kido incantation. Before Aizen could finish the incantation Ichigo shot forward.

Aizen grinned and released the Kido, it was one of the higher ones, like really high, but Ichigo had more experience with those than most people. The dark prison of reaitsu surrounded him and with an inhale Ichigo tilted his head and considered it.

He could wait still.

Summoning his reaitsu Ichigo released a combined Getsuga Tensho and Gran Ray Cero, the reaitsu a deep black threaded with red destroyed the Kido around Ichigo and hurtled towards Aizen whose wide eyes were the last thing Ichigo saw before the attack consumed Aizen's form.

As the attack cleared with a gust of wind Ichigo narrowed his eyes at Aizen who was standing completely still staring at Ichigo. Suddenly, his reaitsu soared again and Ichigo bit back a curse as all along Aizen's wings hundreds of eyes burst into existence and opened, the zanpaktou in his hands shattered with a final scream.

Ichigo lurched forward a scream of his own trapped in his throat and tears spilling from his eyes as he felt the Zanpaktou spirit's agony and final moments. To be betrayed by one's own wielder, God Ichigo wouldn't wish that pain on anyone. Yet, Aizen had done it to himself.

Fuck there was no choice not anymore.

"Are you ready Zangetsu?"

"Yes Ichigo."

Zangetsu replied and Ichigo nodded with a touch of a giddy smile stealing across his lips, he couldn't help it.

Ichigo closed his eyes and brought Zangetsu's blade in front of his chest, carefully he fitted the smaller trench knife into the hollow of the larger blade as his reaitsu built. The ground crumbled beneath his feet and he opened his eyes as he announced, "Tensa Zangetsu."

The blades in his hands became one double edged blade, a chain wrapped itself around Ichigo's arms extending from the left to the right as the blade settled heavy in his hands with a long thin hollow in the centre, the hilt in his hands took on the shape of medieval swords and Ichigo glanced at his Shihakusho which had lost all hints of white and was now an all consuming black with plates of thick armour that banded themselves around his legs, arms, and chest in shades of grey, his skin when he glanced at his hands were pale white though he knew there was no Hollow hole in his chest. His head felt heavy with the weight of the horns of his mark curling down towards his cheeks, his hair had remained the same length as before and for that Ichigo was at least a little bit grateful.

The transformation was still strange to him even after practicing with it for so long.

But the harmony that sung through his veins the feel of three becoming one was one he hadn't known he had been missing. It was the comfort of his mother's arms, the feeling of nothing wrong, a savoured moment.

As the dust cleared Ichigo stared at Aizen who had a shocked expression all of the eyes on his wings were wide open. Suddenly, Aizen tilted his head back and began to laugh, the sound was jarring and dual toned as he stated, "What is this supposed to be? Another foolish transformation. You are beneath my notice Ichigo Kurosaki, like a bug that I will squash beneath my feet."

Oh, so he couldn't feel Ichigo.

"Look at yourself, look what you did to your Zanpaktou."

Ichigo stated with a shake of his head, all the hatred that had burned in his chest for this man was replaced suddenly and coldly with pity. When their blades had clashed Ichigo had finally recognized what that feeling was; loneliness.

Aizen was so intensely lonely and to try and escape that he had destroyed himself. Ichigo didn't know loneliness closely, not truly, he had always had friends and family he could turn to. Aizen had never had that, Ichigo could tell with a grim certainty, he had surrounded himself with accomplices he couldn't trust, people who didn't care about the man.

He felt sympathy but the dude was still trying to destroy the whole entire world.

Aizen tilted his head studying Ichigo with narrowed eyes before he questioned, "My Zanpaktou? That was a weakness, I have ascended the boundaries of Shinigami and Hollow what use could I have for a Zanpaktou?"

As he said this a sword sprouted from his fists it was pure white and looked as if it was made of the same bone-like substance as his wings. Ichigo pressed his lips together with a shake of his head silently mourning Kyoka Suigetsu; no enemy deserved that fate.

With a burst of reaitsu Ichigo appeared in front of Aizen and slammed Tensa Zangetsu's blade into Aizen's. The world around them erupted with the shockwaves as Aizen staggered back. Suddenly, the man grinned and the eyes that dotted his wings began to glow an ominous purple.

Reaitsu burst in sharp beams and Ichigo frowned and spun Tensa Zangetsu's blade in front of him using the chain that wrapped itself around his arms. Tensa Zangetsu had used the technique against him until he had picked it up. The purple beams were cut in half scattering and peppering the landscape around them.

Aizen rocketed forward in the aftermath of the attack and Ichigo lifted Tensa Zangetsu's blade with a slow inhale and gathered his reaitsu around him. Ichigo grinned and watched as Aizen faltered before he stated, "Getsuga Tensho."

Black reaitsu swallowed the sky and their surroundings. Ichigo waited wisps of reaitsu drifting from Tensa Zangetsu's blade as he narrowed his eyes at the darkness that surrounded them, he could still feel Aizen.

"Is that all you have Kurosaki?"

Aizen asked as the dust cleared and Ichigo raised a brow at the figure that was revealed. Aizen was nearly cut in half black blood spurting from the large gash through his chest as blood bubbled from Aizen's lips. He was tempted to respond sarcastically, but Ichigo pressed his lips shut. Aizen still believed that Ichigo couldn't sense his reaitsu and Ichigo was happy to leave him with that misconception if it meant the battle ended sooner.

Reaitsu gathered around Aizen once more and Ichigo prayed that this was the last transformation the man would ring out of the Hogyoku. Ichigo could only maintain his Bankai for so long and keep it in balance, already he could feel the more Hollow aspect of his soul itching to fight and kill, the Quincy aspect was of course unhappy with that and the Shinigami part of his powers was attempting to keep the peace; balance was hard.

The purple reaitsu that gathered around Aizen enfolded him and with a burst cleared to reveal a figure terrifyingly more monstrous than the last, it sent Ichigo's blood boiling and his skin crawling. It was something Lovecraftian, something ancient before everything had settled and that was all Ichigo could summon to describe it. Blood dripped and sizzled onto the dry dirt and Ichigo inhaled and centered himself before he lost control of his balance.

"You are no match for the might of the Hogyoku."

Aizen announced mightily and flew forward reaitsu exploding from the eyes scattered everywhere. Ichigo raised Tensa Zangetsu and intoned, "Getsuga Tensho."

The sky once more was swallowed by pitch black reaitsu and Ichigo waited with narrowed eyes watching his surroundings. If the battle continued to drag on for too long Ichigo feared he would be forced to use it. He had to believe that Kisuke's kido would take effect soon.

The dust cleared and Aizen's laughter rang out through the air as he stepped out of the darkness, blood dripped from the wound across his chest as it healed immediately. Ichigo frowned and then Aizen appeared in front of him finally faster than Ulquiorra.

Ichigo carefully blocked each strike and watched frustration sprawl itself across Aizen's distorted features as Ichigo apparently effortlessly blocked each strike. There actually was quite a bit of effort involved. As their blades strained against each other the heads attached to Aizen's wings opened their mouths glowing circlets of purple like crowns before they exploded.

The attack bounced unharmed off of Ichigo's arm as he activated the combination of Blut Vein and Hierro, which as of yet didn't have a name, it was kind of unprecedented considering Ichigo was the first to be a mixture of all three races. Aizen stumbled back as Ichigo stepped out of the crater and he asked, "How?"

"Can you feel my reaitsu Aizen?"

Ichigo asked as he flicked Tensa Zangetsu to the side, the nearby mountain shattered with the unheeded force of his swing. Aizen furrowed his brow and when he couldn't his expression widened and he stated, "Impossible, how could you a mere child rise above me? I have ascended the boundaries of Hollow and Shinigami!"

"You helped create me Aizen, what happened to that intellect of yours?"

Ichigo questioned honestly confused as he took a step forward reaitsu thick on the air, the effect of their battle would likely linger on the landscape for years to come. Aizen narrowed his many eyes and instead of replying shot forward.

Ichigo caught his blade and asked, "What do you truly want Aizen? To destroy the world? Or an opponent who could match you, isn't that why you helped create the circumstances of my birth? Interfered in my life? Challenged me and not the Soutaicho supposedly the strongest man in the world."

Aizen stumbled back, wings tripping his movements as they folded themselves against the Earth. Ichigo narrowed his eyes and added, "You've already lost to the Hogyoku."

"No, I have ascended!"

Aizen protested and charged recklessly forward reaitsu billowing around them. Ichigo carefully dodged each strike as Aizen grew faster and stronger reaitsu rising and rising like the moment before eruption.

Reaitsu burst into the air as Aizen's eyes opened and Ichigo blocked the attack with a careful swing of his sword. Aizen appeared behind him and Ichigo whipped around and blocked the attack only for Aizen to summon another blade and attempt to stab Ichigo.

The blade was halted by the armour binding his chest and by his Hierro. Ichigo reversed Tensa Zangetsu and with as much reaitsu as he could pump into the attack, knowing it had to be the final one, he separated the two halves of his blades, they were even in length and make with a thin hollow on the inner side. Ichigo grinned and called out, "Getsuga Jūjishō."

Black Reaitsu swallowed the sky and Ichigo stepped back and carefully breathed out still holding onto control as much as possible, the moment balance was lost was the moment it became dangerous and he was already tilting from one side to the other.

The sky cleared and Aizen walked forward injuries already healing with a sizzling spit of blood. Suddenly, Aizen paused and Kisuke's reiatsu appeared in bright swords of green that stabbed themselves through Aizen's spine forcing him to the ground. The Kido wrapped itself around Aizen until he was a bound figure only his head remained visible and that was when Kisuke appeared.

He popped out from behind a rock and walked forward his geta clacking against the hard-packed Earth he nodded once at Ichigo and approached Aizen likely to speak of what was going to happen next or maybe just to gloat. Ichigo didn't care, it was over.

Ichigo inhaled and exhaled, the difficult part was letting go of his Bankai properly. Slowly, in fractions and little increments Ichigo began to separate his soul once more. Now that it had become one it was rather resistant to the idea.

An unknown amount of time later Ichigo opened his eyes in his hands his blade was sealed and he could feel both Zangetsu and Ossan dormant with the after-effects of his Bankai. Already Ichigo could feel exhaustion tugging at him, darkening the edges of his vision.


Kisuke called and Ichigo's head turned slowly towards his Uncle who was running towards him. Why? Suddenly, Kisuke was in front of him staring at Ichigo with narrowed eyes, when had that happened?


Ichigo questioned roughly, swaying on his feet as a wave of dizziness hit him. Kisuke frowned hands steadying on either side of Ichigo as he replied, "Defeated, you don't have to worry, you did it, Ichigo. Your friends are coming now. Are you okay Ichigo?"


Ichigo replied relieved that it wasn't all for nothing. Kisuke nodded and carefully guided Ichigo towards the ground as he stated, "You can rest now Ichigo. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Kisuke."

Ichigo murmured the words heavy and slow as he let his eyes slide shut. In the distance he could feel his friend's reaitsu coming closer, and that of the Captains and Lieutenants. Everything would be okay.


Okay was maybe not the best word to describe everything. The aftermath of the battle was still a blurry rush at the edge of Ichigo's conscious as he was confined to bed rest by an exasperated Uryu and a worried-sick Orihime. It turned out using his Bankai would put him out of commission for a few weeks (a coma was a possibility and he had been lucky), and Ichigo doubted he would be up to par for a proper spar for a month or so. But he was alive, they all were, even Gin who as far as Ichigo could gather was on probation of some sort.

Ichigo was so bored and only Chad's constant byplay of what was happening through texts along with Orihime's somewhat nonsensical messages in the group chat kept Ichigo from utter boredom, that and all the homework he had to catch up on. Apparently, he had been sick with some incurable disease, thanks dad.

Yuzu came in to check on him every day bringing one of their mom's recipes (and Ichigo was half-certain Yuzu had learned how to infuse food with reaitsu), she would help him brush his hair which was way longer than he was use to (there were no scissors in the Dangai who would have thought). Karin would come by later and talk to him about school and then about training with Kisuke and if he ribbed her long enough, she would talking about Toshiro who she had apparently met when they were stationed in Karakura Town; Ichigo mentally edited his shovel talk every time.

It all felt strangely normal, as if everything had been in fast-forward mode and suddenly ground to a halt. There were suddenly no more battles, no more enemies in the streets, or the need to train harder, faster, and be better.

Just normal life.

Normal life was kind of boring in all honesty. The daily routine, the unchanging simple nature of day to day life but Ichigo could honestly say that he preferred it to constantly fighting. Ichigo like the adrenaline rush, testing his skills, but that was what sparing was for and Ichigo was more than happy if it meant his friends and family were safe, that they weren't worried for his life and each other's.

And maybe, Ichigo was tired of war. At night, a different kind of war waged inside his head filled with memories of the past, of dying, of the all-consuming fear, of Aizen and all that entailed. Ichigo had read a couple stories in class about history to recognize what it was and his dad had a few medical textbooks that only confirmed what he already knew. Ichigo had wanted to keep silent maybe pretend that he could sleep at night and that he didn't flinch when people touched his chest but he couldn't.

He spoke to Kisuke watched the guilt and understanding flicker over his Uncle's expression. He got angry, it burned a mixture of shame and fear bubbling over until he yelled at Kisuke blaming him for their involvement in the war, the weight that had been placed on his too young shoulders.

"I know. I'm sorry."

Kisuke had apologised and Ichigo had broken down and sobbed in his Uncle's arms wishing that maybe the war had never happened and glad it was over.

It was a slow process over all talking about it helped though. Chad held him through the panic attacks and the memories, Orihime rested her head on his chest whenever she got the chance, Uryu pressed his fingers to his pulse, and Tatsuki would talk until he was distracted and able to push it away. It wasn't enough but it worked.

They didn't hear from Soul Society for a while. There wasn't even a Shinigami stationed in Karakura with the sheer density of people capable of dealing with Hollows in the area. The Hollows were also less in number, similar to how it had been during Ichigo's childhood before he had been kidnapped.

Then one day Rukia stepped into the Shōten with a shy grin and before she could hit him on the head for being foolish, he enfolded her into a hug. She pressed into the contact and Ichigo's chest settled a little bit more as he pulled back.

She talked about the recovery efforts, training to prevent another 'situation'. Ichigo couldn't help but gape when he heard that the Soutaicho was actually retiring and in his place Kyroraku-taicho was stepping up. It meant a lot of changes (but no miniskirts). Rukia with a grin told him, "When you feel up to it Kyroraku-taicho wants to speak to you about how we can pull Soul Society into the present."


Ichigo agreed with a grin and even accepted Rukia's explanation that he probably wouldn't see her for a while but he was always welcome to come and visit.

Life continued on at a strange pace Ichigo visited the Vizard who had decided to remain in Karakura. Shinji was sprawled across the couch with Hiyori leaning against his side the two were quiet for once, Hachi was in the kitchen his humming audible in the living room, and Ashido was fiddling with the tv trying to fix what Love always fixed. On the other couch Starrk and Lilynette were lounging together, well Starrk was sleeping.

One blue eye slipped open and Starrk grinned wolfishly at Ichigo as he settled onto the couch squishing Lilynette who shrieked and wrapped her arms around him. Starrk reached over and ruffled Ichigo's hair as he stated, "You still owe us a visit."

"I keep my promises."

Ichigo had responded and Starrk replied simply, "I know."

Apparently Harribel, the blond Espada, had taken over the remnants of Los Noches and was governing the desolate lands with a fair but iron fist, Nelliel said hi and was her lieutenant along with Grimmjow and Starrk who were just helping.

Ichigo did visit eventually and met Harribel who was ice cold but protective of her subordinates which Ichigo could respect. He sparred with Starrk and Grimmjow, talked with Nelliel about what had happened; it was nice.

His life settled into a strange rhythm of school (and trying to choose a career path, maybe something healing) and spending time at the Shōten, or the warehouse, or visiting Hueco Mundo or Soul Society. Training with his friends eating with his family.

Before the last battle Ichigo had wondered if he would ever be content with what would happen after the war, if things could get better. They had, it was normal life and Ichigo wasn't taking it for granted. There would still be problems, people who had beef with Soul Society, Hollows that were destined for Hell, remnants of Aizen's legacy. But Ichigo was ready to face it, ready to move forward, he was okay.


Thank you all for reading! I hope you enjoyed this last chapter and that the epilogue wrapped things up well, I didn't go into too much detail cause I still have two little one-shots planned, and also this way we don't have to deal with the dad haircut and the like. If y'all have any questions about it though send it my way, I personally think Ichigo either chooses to be a doctor and opens a veteran's clinic, or he becomes a surgeon, something about saving lives *shrug*. Anyways, reviews/comments are always appreciated thank y'all for reading!