Of course it couldn't just be a normal Monday.

She should have known better. It's not like he hasn't told her a thousand times how strong his sense of smell is. It honestly just should have dawned on her a long time ago.

But no, it hadn't. So now Lucy is sitting here, holding her breath at the earth shattering revelation that Natsu had just revealed to her. On accident of course.

"Excuse me?!" She seethes through clenched teeth, just loud enough that only the pink haired man could hear.

She sees Natsu freeze at her angry whisper, spoon half way to his open mouth. Slowly he shifts his gaze to meet hers.

Lucy can tell he didn't think she'd heard him. In fact, he probably thought she was too busy listening to Happy talk about his latest fishing achievement.

"What?" He asks in a slightly nervous tone while he lowers his spoon.

Lucy feels anger and embarrassment rush through her. She clenches her right hand around her own spoon and with her other snatches a handful of his soft scarf. He lets out a slight yelp as she tugs him close only leaving a few inches between their faces.

"Don't 'What' me!" She snaps. "You've been able to smell...THAT this whole time?!" Lucy feels her face heating up. Not only at the topic of conversation but at her own idiocy of bringing his handsome face closer to hers in her anger.

Natsu being close equals a nervous flushed Lucy.

She can see the gears turn in his head as his green eyes widen. Lucy flushes as he breathes out a "Shit" and his warm breath tickles her lips.

Natsu tries to pull back but the hold she has on his scarf won't let him get far. "Uh Lucy, you think we could talk about this later?" He whispers back nervously. His warm hand curls loosely around her wrist as he tries to pry her off his scarf.

Lucy glares at him knowing he's trying to get out of it. He says 'later' but in reality that means never. If she doesnt get him to talk now, he never will. "Not later," she tells him. "Now!" Lucy demands, voice still a whisper. She knocks their foreheads together to reinforce her point. Lucy wasn't going to let him get away.

She shivers a little when Natsus eyes seem to darken and he lightly growls, a frown growing in his face. "Luce," he rumbles out.

Lucy opens her mouth to demand he tell her but stops when she feels him stiffen. His eyes glance off the side. She follows his gaze and see he's looking at Erza and Grey. Both have stopped eating and are looking at them curiously.

"Don't stop on our account, what did Flame-Turd do now?" A shirtless Grey asks smirking and pointing his fork at Natsu, hoping to see him get a Lucy Kick for whatever it was.

Erzas features sharpen and she sends a chilling look to the pink haired mage. "Natsu, what have you done that has caused Lucy to be upset?" She demands loudly.

Natsu tries to squirm away but Lucy doesn't let go of his scarf. "I-I haven't done anything!" He stutters out. "Tell 'em Lucy!"

Lucy almost outs him right there. But one look to his face and she knows she can't. His pleading green eyes and the slight tremor of his bottom lip. Erza would skin him alive if she knew. Natsu would no longer be among the living. She gives him a slight smirk as an idea pops into her head. Natsus eye pinch together when he sees it and she sees him swallow.

Lucy turns and smiles innocently to her friends. "I just remembered Natsu OWES ME for a favor I did for him," she hears him snort next to her and the blonde tightens her hold on his scarf. She smiles wider when she hears him choke a little. "It's time he pays up! Come on Natsu!"

The blonde stands and yanks him along behind her as she leaves the guild. He fights her half heartedly, making a show of whining and dragging his feet. But she knows that he knows if he doesn't go with her, Lucy could spell his doom with just a few words.

Once outside the grumbling dragon slayer stops dragging his feet. Lucy smiles as he falls in step with her. His hand comes up again and loosely tries to pull her off of him.

"You can let go now," he rumbles grumpily.

She looks at him and scoffs. "Yeah right, the second I do you'll run off. We're having this discussion and there's no if ands or buts about it!"

Natsu groans and lets go. He shoves his hands in his pockets and frowns. She snickers and continues to pull him along until they reach her apartment.

Lucy has to use extra force as the pinkette purposely drags his feet grumbling again on the way up the stairs to her door. "Come on Luce, it's no big deal! I'm starving too why couldn't you let me finish," He whines.

She almost whirls on him right then and there but instead uses the extra anger to drag him faster along. Expertly she unlocks her apartment and yanks him inside. He stumbles as she lets go and Lucy can't help but laugh as he face plants into her couch.

"That's not nice Lucy," he glares at her as he lifts his face out of the cushions. She can't help but snicker some more at his pout.

When he sits up, drapes his left arm across the back of the couch, and relaxes, Lucy walks over. She sits down on the opposite end of the short couch. After a moment he seems to slouch down and she shoves at him when his warm leg pushes up against hers. "Stop hogging the couch Natsu!"

But he ignores her and slouches down more. Flushing she shoves his leg again but it just remains invading her space. She huffs. Why does he have to be so damn childish?

"I was here first," he snickers giving her a lazy gaze as he presses his leg against her purposefully. His left hand taps rhythmically against the back of the couch. Lucy's flush deepens as it always does under his attention.

She glares back, "It's my couch!" Her hands push at his leg harder but it doesn't budge. She curses him and his stubbornness in her head. Suddenly her hands stop pushing him as Lucy realizes that he's trying to distract her. Doing something to annoy and aggravate her to get out of real trouble is his specialty.

Letting go she sees him frown. Lucy thinks 'two can play this game'. She leans back against her side of the couch and throws her legs over his and into his lap. Warmth spreads along her skin as she feels his body heat against the back of her legs. She does her best to ignore it and his raised eyebrows.

The blonde settles herself some more and crosses her arms under her breasts. "I'm not falling for that Natsu. Spill, now." She demands face still heated. "And you owe me now, so rub my feet for me." Lucy smirks.

Natsu groans and lets his head fall back. "Can't you just let it go?" He pleads. Lucy tenses and her gaze snaps to his right hand. The one not tapping against the couch and the one now grabbing her calf massaging it, not her foot like she said. Her breath stutters out of her. "Ticklish here Luce?"

Lucy snaps her eyes up as he raises his head and gives her a devilish smirk. She huffs and forces herself to relax in his hold not wanting let him win. "No, Natsu we can't let it go!" She snaps at him.

They sit staring at each other for a moment before Lucy softly asks "Can you really smell it? Even before it starts?"

He sighs and runs his left hand through his hair. "It's not like I want to okay? But yes...even before." Natsu looks away and stares at the carpet. His fingers on her calf begin to idly stroke her skin.

She bites her lip, feeling a bit bad for him. "Have you always been able to tell?"

He snorts. "Yes."

"So you," she begins but pauses when he glances up at her. "You can smell when girls are close to their periods? Doesn't that get a bit...weird?"

Natsu sighs again and lets his head fall back. He squeezes her leg once before returning to stroking her calf. Even though it's nerve wracking to have him touch her like this, his warm hand feels wonderful as it massages her leg. She stretches and wiggles her toes a bit and sees him smile softly as he feels her leg flex. She shivers.

"Like I said, it's not like I want to Luce. It's kinda helpful though. I know when to avoid pissing you girls off," he chuckles and lifts his head, this time he looks down at her legs lying across his lap. Lucy sucks in a breath when he uses both hands to begin massaging her leg. She shivers again and sinks lower onto the couch at his warm oddly gentle touch.

"W-" Lucy stutters as he switches his attention to her other leg. "What else can you smell?"

That makes him pause but only for a moment. Her partner huffs a laugh and she can see a mischievous smile form on his face.

"Lots of things Luce," he begins. "I can smell when Grey forgets to wash his underwear. Or when Master farts across the guild hall."

Lucy crinkles her nose up at that one. "Gross!"

Natsu just laughs. He explains he can smell when two people have been getting busy together because their scents mingling so closely, Lucy thinks it's a good thing Mira hasn't found that out yet or she'd torture the information out of him. Natsu makes a few jokes about some of the more unpleasant things he can smell. Lucy relaxes fully, laughing at his silliness. All the while Natsu continues to massage her, currently his warm hands are doing wonders on her foot.

Lucy, deciding to be brave asks him something shes become curious about. "What's it like?" She asks vaguely.

Natsu looks at her and raises a curious eyebrow. "What's what like?"

She flaps her hand at him to hide her embarrassment. "You know!"

But he continues to just look at her not getting it. She huffs and drags her hand across her too warm face.

"Periods Natsu, how can you tell? What's it smell like?" she flushes and glances at him. His face shifts to understanding and his mouth makes an 'o' shape. He snorts and looks back to her feet deciding to switch again. She sighs as he begins his massage on the other foot.

"For starters you girls start to smell a bit funny for a few days. Then it goes away. Few weeks later your scent changes again, it's uh, thicker? Yeah, and that means do not anger at all costs," Natsu moves from her foot back up her leg when he's done explaining.

Lucy lets out a small pleased noise as his warm hands continue to move across her shin and calf. She hears him snicker and digs her foot into one of this thighs in retaliation. Her eyes widen though as what he said sinks in. "Natsu," Lucy licks her lips, face turning red again as embarrassment creeps up. "You can smell when a girls ovulating?"

"Ovy what now?" He asks face crinkling in confusion.

Lucy grabs every ounce of courage she has, not sure why she's having this conversation with him. But it's too late now. "You said that, first that girls smell funny for a few days or so and then it goes back to normal. Before they uh, you know," she swallows and waves her hand around shyly.

Natsu looks up at her and blinks flushing a bit. "Yeah, what about it?"

The blonde chokes back a wheeze as another wave of embarrassment slams into her. "It's when a girls most fertile Natsu, like, when there's the highest chance she could get pregnant." She looks away from him as her face feels like it's caught on fire.

She hears him choke a bit and his hands stall on her leg. Natsu breathes out a stuttering breath and resumes his slow massage. Lucy looks shyly at him but sees his gaze focused back on her leg. She also notices his a bit more flushed now himself.

Natsu mumbles so softly she almost doesn't hear it. But it makes her breath catch and send a whole new wave of heat through her. "You always smell really sweet, like French toast or something."

Lucy covers her face with an embarrassed groan trying not to believe she'd just heard that from her partner.

"I meant what I said though," Natsu continues on. Lucy peeks between her fingers at him and gives him a questioning look. "By smell alone I'd say Erzas probably a few days away from being a rage monster."

Lucy remembers what he had said in the guild when Erza snapped at him for the piece of food he'd rocketed across the table, 'Smells like that time of month' and snickers. "That's not nice Natsu!"

He huffs. "It's true! I bet you that I can tell exactly when yours will be!" He pauses tilting his head. "Give or take 1-2 days, and if I'm wrong I have to pay your rent for a month!"

Lucy flushes and squawks. "Natsu that's rude!" She crosses her arms in embarrassment, almost sure that her cheeks are going to melt off at some point.

"You scared I'll win?" The man challenges with a laugh and sends a daring look her way. Lucy glares at him. He knows she doesn't like to back down from a challenge.

"Fine," She says, his eyes glitter and his smile widens. "You pay my rent for 2 months though."

Natsu pauses and smirks. "Deal."

The blonde squints at him. He's oddly confident. But no one knows Lucy's body like she does and she know how irregular she is. She smirks back. "So, Mr. Confident, if you win, which you won't. What do you want?"

The hairs on the back of Lucy's neck stand up in a warning as the smirk on Natsus face deepens. "You have to spend a whole day with me. Just me. Doing whatever I tell you to."

Lucy snorts. Imagining him making her clean his house or dragging her on some awful mission. Not like that hasn't happened before.


Natsus smile turns childlike as he begins actively tickling her. Lucy's leg jerks as his fingers wiggle over her feet making her laugh. She tosses her head back at the onslaught and tries to wiggle away from him but he's holding her in place. Lucy tries to push him away but it's no use as he doesn't budge.

The blonde squawks as his fingers lightly touch the underside of her knee making her squirm with something other than the ticklish feeling he had been giving her.

Lucy freezes and flushes at the noise she made. With wide eyes she meets Natsus gaze. She gulps when she sees how dark his eyes are and a smirk growing on his face.

"Natsu don't you da-" she squeals as his hand tightens on her knee and she's yanked done the couch. She flushes and her hands spring to her skirt trying to hold it down as her butt hits his thigh.

Lucy glares at her best friend. Natsu just cackles and lightly tickles and strokes her knee again. Her leg jerks and she swats at him. "Stop it you jerk!"

He snickers at her, dark green eyes glittering with mischief. "Relax Luce, I'm just making sure you're more comfortable." He rasps.

"It's not funny!" She squirms in his hold he just laughs at her again. She squeaks when he begins massaging her knee and a bit of her thigh with his right hand. Natsus left hand plants itself next to her right hip, between her and the back of the couch for balance as he leans over her a bit to continue his massage.

Honestly she's a bit stunned. She'd only asked him to massage her feet but here he is, willingly doing more. Which is why she stays put instead of Lucy Kicking him into next Tuesday when his hand slides further up her leg and brushes the edge of her skirt before massaging back down. It has nothing to do with how much she enjoys having his big, rough, and too warm hand sliding up and down her thigh. Nope.

It becomes quiet for a few moments, Lucy relaxes as he continues, slowly. She sighs and brings her arms to her stomach and relaxes them there. Trusting him not to push any further when he looks up and gives her a sweet smile before looking back down and focusing.

She shivers though as his thumb slides along the inside of her thigh, up and down, up and down, stroking his thumb in small circles as he massages her. Her breath comes out a bit quicker when on one stroke up his hand sneaks just under her skirt sending a pulse of heat through her.

Lucys heart pounds loudly in her ear and she's unsure what's happening right here, right now, with her best friend. She squirms a little as heat slowly runs through her body pooling in an area close to where his rough hand is currently 'massaging' her. She resists clamping her thighs together and stares at Natsu. His face is set with concentration and his nostrils flaring just a bit as he breathes.

Shivering as a light rumble comes out of him. She calls his name softly when his hand stops and he just breathes in and out staring at her leg. Lucy becomes suddenly very aware that her best friend, partner in crime, and dork of all dorks has his hand up her skirt.

His voice comes out quieter than usual, almost as if he's telling a secret. "I can also tell when someone is," the pink haired man pauses. He peeks up at her face before quickly looking back down. Lucy hears and sees him take a deep breath in. Natsu's chest expands and his hand lightly squeezes her thigh.

Lucy swallows in anticipation, she wiggles her leg a little and twitches when he slides his hand up just a bit more. "When what?" She prompts, panting just a little.

Natsu looks up at her slowly, dark eyes shining. A wide smile slips on to his handsome face as he leans forward just a bit closer to her. Lucy flushes as a couch spring makes a noise from his hand pressing down more firmly with his weight. The heat of him so close making her sweat just a little.

She can see his sharp teeth and Lucy jerks when his hand slides all the way up her thigh. Lucy sucks in a sharp breath when his thumb just misses her core, instead sliding along the outline of her panties.

Her heart pounds and she shudders as Natsu's hand bunches her skirt up when he grabs her hip and squeezes. Lucy feels hot as she squirms. Her thighs press together, boldly pulsing with a need and she stares wide eyed at Natsu.

"I can tell Luce," Natsu rumbles grinning down at her. "When you're wet."

Lucy gasps at his vulgarity but before she can do anything Natsu pulls completely away cackling. "You should see your face!" He laughs running to the window. Which is smart.

Because Lucy is going to kill him. She quickly recovers, embarrassment fueling the rage inside her as she chases hot on his heels ready to murder the pink haired jerk.

Lucy barely misses grabbing the tail end of his scarf, hoping to strangle him, as he slides out of her window and lands in the ground outside.

"NAAAATSUUUU!" She screams as he smirks evilly at her.

"Next Friday!" He shouts walking backwards grinning like a mad man. In the light she can see a sprinkled of red across his cheeks.

Lucy pauses and glares at him. "What?" She yells.

He puts his hands behind his head and gives her a smoldering grin. "The bet Luce, I bet it hits you around next Friday, give or take a few days."

Lucy flushes and knows she's as red as a tomato. "Shut up Natsu! Get back here so I can kick your ass!" She rarely cusses but after what he did she thinks he deserves it.

The pink haired man just laughs and turns around. "See ya tomorrow Luce!"

The next day Natsu was kicked hard across the guild by a furious Lucy. In fact, it was so hard he didn't get up for a good 30 minutes. The blonde didn't even feel bad about it.

The rest of the week goes by in a flash. The gang had gone on a 8 day mission. It wasn't particularly tough but the train rides back and forth to a few places took up quite a bit of their time.

Lucy never forgot about their bet though. By the time Thursday morning of the next week comes shes smirking to herself in the bathroom. She knew she'd win this. Normally when it comes to that time of the month for her, her body warns her with a few early cramps, fatigue, and even some minor cravings.

Not a single thing pointed to her having to suffer womanhood this week. Looks like she'd get some extra spending money soon, with Natsu paying her rent and all.

Thinking of Natsu, the man had taken to being even more of a pain for her. Regularly he would blatantly sniff at her and smirk. Or that little bubble of personal space she HAD been allowed? Well that was all but destroyed. He seemed to enjoy flustering her even more now. Doing so every chance he got. His level of comfort with her had grown. Substantially.

At least 3-4 times a day his blazing rough hands would find some part of her to squeeze, or he'd find any excuse to plaster himself to her. Making her hot under the collar at any given moment. Needless to say she was a bit frustrated and more than ready to strangle him.

When they had gotten home yesterday she kicked him so hard he bounced like a skipping rock across the road. As the train was coming to a stop Natsu, who had his head in her lap the whole time, nuzzled her legs before LICKING her and NIPPING her thigh. She was so shocked that he was able to make it onto steady land for about 10 steps before she'd kicked him into oblivion.

Lucy shivers and flushes as she looks in the mirror at herself remembering the feel of his tongue and teeth on her thigh. She raises her hands and slaps her cheeks a few times to gain her composure.

By the time she makes it to the guild shes all but forgotten the events of yesterday afternoon. At least she tells herself that.

Confidently she heads inside and is greeted by her fellow guild members. A brawl was already on going and she smiles. 'It's good to be home.' Lucy thinks.

It was honestly a nice easy normal day. Natsu only sniffed at her once before grunting, in what she thought was disappointment. Smiling Lucy made her way home that night and as she went about her nightly routine of taking a nice bath she froze. She stared at her panties in disbelief. There, on her underwear was a sign of something that wasn't supposed to be.

Furious she checks for herself.

Later, while in the shower she groans and wipes her face in agitation, there were NO signs whatsoever. It's not like it hasn't happened before but seriously? Now of all times? She shouldn't have underestimated him. Him and his damn nose.

How she's going to face him now Lucy isn't sure. This wasn't something one normally talked about...especially with guys and she'd made a damn bet with one on it!

When she was dry, dressed, and had her teeth brushed Lucy stepped out of her bathroom with a sigh. The blonde planned to spend the night with a bowl of ice cream and a book to wash away the annoyance of her partner winning this stupid bet.

But life is cruel and likes laughing at her.

Sprawled across her couch is Natsu. He's eating her leftovers from yesterday's dinner with a huge shit eating grin on his face.

Lucy glares at him before she decides to just ignore him. So she goes about continuing her plans. Ignoring the green eyes staring at her back she enters her kitchen to get herself some water and a bowl for her ice cream. As she sets the bowl down the hair on the back of her neck raises.

Turning around she comes face to face with Natsu, or rather his chin hitting her forehead. "Ouch Luce watch it!" He grunts taking a small step back and rubbing his chin.

Lucy glares at him. "You watch watch it! You're the one sneaking up on me!"

Natsu smirks down at her and it makes her flush with anger, damn him and his height. "Nin Nin!" he says and makes the hand sign.

The blonde rolls her eyes and turns back around. Deciding she's going to go back to ignoring him.

She shouldn't be surprised then, when he does exactly as he pleases anyway. Ignoring her ignoring him.

Lucy's breath stutters as he presses close to her. His naturally high body temperature making her flush and shiver as she feels his hard chest press against her back. His chin rests on her right shoulder and she squeaks when his hands find her hips and squeeze.

She shudders as his breath tickles her ear and he rumbles against her back. Lucy flushes when she hears him take a deep inhale through his nose, his rumble getting louder.

The blonde squirms and shivers again when Natsu burrows his face against her neck and breathes deeply. "Na-Natsu stop it!" Lucy demands trying to wiggle away from him.

She gasps when he holds her even tighter against him.

"You smell like a lost bet Luce," Natsu chuckles and nuzzles into her neck.

Lucy shutters but doubles her efforts to get him off, she's not in the mood to be teased even though in all honesty she would have teased him for losing a bet just as much.

She tries to pry his hands off of her but instead of moving off, they wrap around her in a tight hug. "Let. Go!" She grunts.

Natsu nuzzles her again and rumbles. Lucy can hear her heart pounding hard and fast and knows that if his sense of smell is so strong, his hearing must be just as. Another wave of heat travels through her paired with embarrassment. He knows and has known exactly what's he's doing to her. The jerk.

Lucy's knees buckle when she feels him open his lips against her throat and nip lightly at her skin. She makes an embarrassing noise when he licks her and sucks on the spot right after. Her mind wanders to the feeling of his mouth on her thigh and she shudders.

Lucys thighs come together when he presses his hips to her ass, she can feel him. All of him as he presses tightly to her. A deep rumble vibrates through him and against her back making her gasp and close her eyes.

Then his arms are gone. She barley manages to catch herself on the counter in time to stop her falling. She pants and spins to glare at him but freezes as she takes him in.

Natsu is breathing heavily, his face is slightly flushed, and his hands are clenching and unclenching at his sides. His eyes are dark and smoldering as he gazes at her.

Impossibly Lucy flushes again when he takes a deep inhale through his nose and his dark eyes roll back. Natsu grumbles to himself before opening his eyes and locking his gaze with hers.

"Don't forget Luce," she jumps when he rasps. "You're mine for a whole day whenever I choose."

Lucy shudders at the implication and a small whine comes out of her when he licks his lips. His sharp teeth showing through his smile.

He backs up and Lucy squeaks when she glances down, seeing exactly what he had been pressing against just moments ago standing proudly in pants. Heat scalds her cheeks and he chuckles at her reaction.

"Just so you know, this," he waves pointedly toward his crotch. "Isn't because you're starting your rage thing. I'm not a pervert." Natsu grins. "You just make really interesting sounds and smell really good when you're turned on." She notices him flush deeply, almost looking like he hadn't meant to say all that.

Lucy blinks owlishly are him and feels her whole body light on fire, or at least what she thinks it would be like. She knows she probably redder than Erzas hair. "N-Natsu wha-"

"Also, you smell fucking fantastic during that ovy thing you told me about," He cuts her off and growls out the last bit with a heated look and then he's gone.

Lucy stares slack jawed and embarrassed at the empty space he had just been in. What the hell was she supposed to do with that?

A/N: Hello! I wrote this while being super sleepy so I hope it comes out okay. I may re write it or just edit it depending on how bad it is when I wake up in the morning lol. I plan a chapter or two more for this, one at least in Natsu's POV. Anyway, thanks for reading! Come find me on Tumble at Keyvan-FireDrake. I need friends! I also like any feedback so I can improve.