Note: this is an alternate universe about what might have happened if Bex and Bowie has slept together on the night of the indoor picnic on the episode Best Surprise Ever, leading to a surprise pregnancy. This chapter contains some smut, so read at your own risk! Enjoy!


Bex Mack took Bowie by the hand. All around them, candles and fairy lights flickered in the darkened living room. He held her close as they playfully slow danced, showing off their moves for their daughter. It had been a very long time since she'd been in his arms, but not even time could take away the connection between them.

Andi had gone off to bed, but they'd barely even noticed her leave the room. They were a million miles away and thirteen years in the past, in their own little world.

Bowie spun Bex and expertly dipped her. He was still so charming. She smiled up at him, and as she rose back to her feet, their eyes locked on each other. Bowie pulled her closer to him, holding her in his arms. She embraced him, laying her head on his chest as they moved to the music.

When the song finally ended, they reluctantly parted. Bex was almost sad it had to end. She could have danced with him all night, as long as the music lasted.

"I have something for us," Bowie smiled, dimples forming in his cheeks. His eyes sparkled. "I was waiting until Andi went to bed to break this out," He went to the fridge and took out a bottle of chilled red wine.

Bex smiled. She could see what was going on a mile away, from the second Andi had asked Bowie to play the song he'd written for her in high school, and she hated to admit how much it was working. "Bowie, that's sweet, but I don't really drink anymore." She had a history of getting drunk and making bad decisions, and that was something she couldn't afford to do anymore, now that she was a full-time mom, and on thin ice with her mother.

"One glass won't hurt," he told her, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "We're celebrating tonight."

She sighed, with a small smile. "I guess one glass would be fine." She went to the cupboard, and took out two fluted glasses. Bowie cracked the bottle open and filled them.

"So, what exactly are we celebrating?" she asked, sitting down on the couch.

He joined her, and handed her her glass. "Andi," he smiled. "Our amazing, beautiful daughter."

Bex raised her glass. "To Andi." The glasses clinked together. She took a sip of wine. Suddenly, she burst out in a giggle.

"What?" he asked, looking at her quizzically, a smile playing on his lips. "There's no way you can be drunk on that."

"This just really takes me back," she laughed. "Do you remember my sixteenth birthday, when we stole those wine coolers from my parents' liquor cabinet and drank them on the roof?"

Bowie nodded, chuckling. "Oh yeah. I almost forgot about that. You missed your own birthday party."

"We were such little punks," she laughed. "Ugh. I hope Andi is easier on us in her teen years."

"I know I haven't known her very long," he offered. "But it's not hard to see that she's a great kid." He reached out and tentatively took her hand in his. "Thank you, Bex. For letting me be a part of her life. You have no idea how much it means to me." His eyes sparkled in the candlelight.

Bex smiled. "It means a lot to her too, having you in her life." She took another small sip of wine.

Minutes turned to an hour, as they reminisced about the past, and all the crazy stunts they'd pulled as teenagers. Bex's ribs ached from laughing so hard. It had been so long since she'd had as much fun as she was having that night, from the indoor picnic, to that very moment.

Bowie cocked his head to the side, studying her.

"What?" she asked, suddenly self-conscious.

"You know," he said. "I think you're even more beautiful now than you were in high school."

She felt herself blush. "Oh, stop."

"I'm serious," he smiled. He caressed her knuckles with his thumb. "You look incredible, Bex."

"I could say the same for you," she admitted. It was true. Bowie had grown from a baby-faced teenage boy into a handsome, no, gorgeous man. Since he'd come back into her life, she had found herself staring at him more often than she probably should. It was just so hard to look away.

Their eyes locked again.

"I never stopped thinking about you," he admitted. Suddenly, he looked nervous. "Have you ever, you know, thought about me?"

Only every day for the past thirteen years. "Yes," she confessed. "I have." She smiled shyly, fidgeting with her glass.

Bowie was still holding her hand in his. Something had changed in the atmosphere of the room. Bex could feel it. He moved closer to her, and she didn't pull away. He reached up and tenderly stroked her cheek. Then it happened. Their mouths moved closer and closer together. Instinctively, she tilted her head. Finally, their lips met, with a spark of electricity.

When their bond broke, Bowie gave her a sheepish look. "I'm sorry, Bex. I shouldn't have done that."

"Don't apologize," she said. "I liked it."


Instead of answering, she leaned in and kissed him this time. He seemed taken aback at first. She kissed him again, longer and more passionately, to prove herself.

Bowie stroked the back of her head. Their lips met over and over. She tangled her fingers in his hair. Her heartbeat sped up as he moved his head down and kissed her neck. She mumbled his name softly.

He looked up. His lips were pink and swollen. "Do you want to- keep going?"

She bit her lip, excitement pulsing through her. "Do you?"

"I want to, but only if you want to."

She took her face between her hands, looking him in the eye. "I want this," she decided. "I need you now, Bowie."

He pulled her into his arms and kissed her again.

They went upstairs. As soon as they were safely inside Bex's old bedroom, Bowie took her back in his arms and kissed her, pressing her against the door.

Bex breathed heavily as her fingers slipped under the hem of his shirt. She lifted it over his head and ran her fingers down his toned chest, sprinkling kisses across his pecs.

He reached under her sweater and unhooked her bra, cupping her breasts in his hands, teasing them. "You're still sure you want to do this?" he whispered again.

She nodded. There was no going back now. "But we have to be quiet, so we don't wake Andi."

"I can do that," he smiled.

Frantically, they peeled the rest of each other's clothing off, letting each piece drop to the floor. Bowie lifted her onto the bed and climbed on top of her, kissing her thoroughly.

"Do you have a condom?" she whispered.

He groaned softly. "Yeah, I've got it." He got up and rummaged through his crumpled jeans until he found his wallet. He took a foil packet out, tore it open with his teeth, and went back to her.

Soon, he was inside of her. Warmth spread over her body as he began to move inside her. It had been so long since she'd been loved by a man, and no man had ever done it for her like Bowie. He was the first and only guy she'd ever truly loved. She'd always love him. She ached for him.

Her body tensed, and the warmth in her belly spread to her fingertips. "Bex, I'm close," Bowie whispered.

She squeezed her eyes shut. She wrapped her thighs around him, pulling him closer as the world exploded around her.

"That was nice," Bowie said, lazily drawing his fingers up the length of Bex's arm. "Being together again. I've missed it."

"It was nice," she smiled. They were curled up under the covers, so their foreheads were touching. Being with Bowie, it felt like they'd never been apart. Like they were still high school sweethearts. It felt right.

Their lips met in a soft kiss. "What does this mean?" he ventured. "Are we- back together?"

Bex sighed, as panic crept into her thoughts. "Oh, Bowie. I don't know-"

"You don't have to know right now," he said, turning to face her. "I don't want to pressure you."

"Bowie, tonight was fun," she said. "It was great. It brought back a lot of good memories. But I think it meant more to you than it did to me." She propped herself up on her elbow. "It was just sex. Nothing more."

His eyes filled with sadness, although he tried to hide it. "I understand."

"I'm not trying to hurt you," she told him gently. "I care about you a lot, Bowie. You know I do. But I need to think about Andi's well-being first."

"What's better for a kid than having her parents together?" he asked.

"We don't have to be together for you to be involved in her life," she told him. "I want you to always be in her life. But I don't want a relationship right now. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to say any more," he said quietly. "I understand, Bex." He reached down and grabbed his shirt. "I better go. It probably wouldn't be good if Andi found me here in the morning." He hastily began to dress.

"Bowie," Bex said, her heart dropping. "I didn't want to ruin tonight. I loved tonight." She reached out and put her hand on his shoulder, feeling close to tears. "Are we okay?"

He looked up, giving her a small, pained smile. "We're okay," he said. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

"Will you call me tomorrow?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "I will." He bent down and kissed her one last time. "I can let myself out. Goodnight, Bex."

"Goodnight," she said, suddenly feeling empty inside.

He left, and she was alone again. With a sigh, she got out of bed and quickly put on a pair of pajamas, then crawled back under the covers. Tears filled her eyes as she looked up at the ceiling. Why did she always have to push the people she loved away?

Bex was roused from her sleep by a knock at her bedroom door.

"I'm sleeping," she groaned, without looking up.

That didn't stop Andi from barging in anyway. "What happened! What Happened!" Her daughter jumped up on the bed, shaking her. "What happened?"


"Last night," Andi said. "The dancing, the looking, the smiling." She her sweet, adorably crooked smile.

"With who? Bowie?"

Andi rolled her eyes. "No, the African Violet! Yes, with Bowie!"

"Andi," Bex sighed. "It was just two old friends, hanging out. With their no-longer-secret baby."

"It was more than that!" Andi insisted. "I was there! It looked like you two were getting back together." The young girl was practically bubbling over with excitement.

"I know that's your fantasy, little Cupid," Bex said, whacking Andi with a pillow. "But it's not gonna happen."

"Why not?" Andi challenged. "You two clearly still love each other."

Bex nodded. "You're right. I do love Bowie. I always will." It was the hardest thing she'd ever had to admit to herself, let alone anyone else.

"I knew it!" Andi cried. Bex knew Andi was already planning their wedding in her head.

"But we're not getting back together." She watched Andi's face drop. "We'll never get back together."

Six weeks later:

Bex paced back and forth in the small bathroom, nervously picking at her nails. The timer beeped on her phone. She took a deep breath, and forced herself to look at the test on the counter.

It was positive. She was pregnant. And the baby could only belong to one man.

Her head spun. How had this happened? She picked up her phone, and dialed Bowie. "Hey, can you come over? Like, right now? We need to talk."