She couldn't remember the first name she had, or much about her past self, but she did remember with great clarity the day that her new life began.

It was all very confusing at first, so many voices around her, to the point that at first, she wasn't sure she even understood what was being said.

Her eyes were not opening no matter how much she tried, and she felt strangely small and fragile. Something warm and soft wrapped around her body, and she could feel herself moving, although no effort was being done on her part for that. The first thing she actually remembers hearing and understanding gave quite a lot of context to the situation.

"Why isn't she crying? Aren't they suppose to cry quite a lot when they're born?" The voice was clearly from a man, and other than the British accent that she detected, the clearest thing was that his tone was nothing short of complete panic.

She didn't register the answer given by whoever the poor frightened man had directed the question to, since her mind entered a state of disbelief after processing the words since she quite clearly was not a newborn baby. Or least she wasn't before.

"Give her to me, please." A new voice sounded, tiredness intertwined with a sense of excitement, and it didn't take long for her to feel gentle arms holding what she now knew to be her body in the form of a newborn. "Oh, she's gorgeous."

It was then that all the effort she'd been putting in opening her eyes gave result, and the sight that greeted her was more then enough to quench any doubts about her current situation, even if it was a bit blurry.

The woman holding her smiled brightly at the sight of her daughter's eyes, and tears gathered in her own.

"Hello, my dear Gardenia."

It was at that moment that she decided to react in the only way she could, a definitely ineffective way to deal with the situation but unfortunately all she had at the moment, and a small part of her also wanted to somehow calm the man that was still panicking about her lack of noise.

She, now apparently Gardenia, after getting as much air into her small lungs as she possibly could, cried with everything she had.

Adjusting to her new life was relatively easy, and to anyone who looked, she was an angel of a child. Always easy to manage, never waking at night and effectively ruining her parents' sleep, only crying when she needed something such as a diaper change or food, and sometimes when her father looked like he was about to cry from the lack of crying she did.

Said man, apparently named Jake, or possibly Jacob, she wasn't completely sure yet, was at rather a loss when it came to how to be a father, so Gardenia decided that whenever he looked too unsure of himself, she would cry. Sure, at first he entered a rather alarming state of panic, but by the fourth month of her existence, the fact she settled down rather quickly after he picked her up gave him a certain level of confidence in his parent skills.

Her mother, a woman that was certainly less spooked by the prospect of parenthood then her husband, was either named Love or Lucy (there was a great possibility the former was simply an endearment, however, it was the only thing she ever heard her being called for a few months) and Gardenia sometimes even forgot her reality of not being mentally a baby when the woman held her and sang nursery rhymes with a voice so soothing and beautiful.

Gardenia wasn't sure of the whys and hows of her current situation, but being a baby incapable of doing much gave her tons of time to think about it. She remembered a bit more about whatever life she had before then she did when she was first born, but not a lot. There was a high chance of her name also having been a flower, she found this to be a bit of wonder, and she was pretty sure as well that she had died. The reason for this was that she vividly remembers doing such, or at least of a situation that couldn't possibly have ended well for her.

There was a possibility she was insane, but the baby situation put a damper on that since she was quite sure babies are, even if insane, not supposed to have the level of maturity or thought process she currently possesses. The other option was that all babies remember past lives and just forget as they grow up, but this scenario unnerved her greatly and after recounting how babies generally act, she came to the conclusion the is indeed the odd one.

All of this rationalization when out the window though, when one day while she was simply sitting in the living room playing with a doll, or rather holding it and moving it around in pretense while her mind wandered, a person came out of their fireplace, and suddenly Gardenia realized that wherever she was, it was not the same world she had come from.

This left her with a surprised expression that she wasn't even sure babies could have, and perhaps her face was making another type of facial expression entirely, but nothing, not even finding herself reincarnated, prepared her for the fact that she had reincarnated somewhere where magic was real.

This time her tears were not simply to reassure her father of his abilities, and it can be said that when she did not cease after a whole five minutes of him holding her, the man was also in the brink of tears.

She did not make the connection of magic and the fictional world of a book series she had once read until a while later, much to her embarrassment.

After settling down, which did take a bottle of warm milk, Gardenia was privy to a very interesting conversation, one that not only gave her a perspective of the world she was currently in but of who her family was.

"Are you absolutely out of your mind? Did you not think before Flooing here and giving Nia the fright of her life?" After having only seen the woman in a state of calmness and smiles, it was quite a shock to hear the scolding tone in her voice as she berated the man that appeared magically inside their house.

"I'm sorry about that Lu, I had no idea a baby could be that freaked out about this!" He did sound apologetic, but Gardenia was paying more attention to the man's physical appearance. Bright ginger hair that reached his ears before curling slightly, blue eyes that she swore sparkled, and wearing weird clothes. It tickled her memory, the way he looked, but maybe as collateral of all her knowledge being made to squeeze into a baby-sized brain, she could not remember what he reminded her of. "She is adorable you know, I love my nephews but she has got them beat by a long shot in the cuteness department."

That seemed to appease the woman she knew as her mother a bit, but she was still slightly glaring at the redhead.

"Not that I don't appreciate your company Gideon, but would you mind explaining why you came here unannounced in the middle of the afternoon?"

"Oh yes, I would've told you in advance if this hadn't been sprung on me at the last minute, but I'm here as a messenger for my dear sister. She invites you, your lovely wife," he winked at her mother with mischief in his eyes, and even tough Gardenia couldn't see her face, she could swear she rolled her eyes at his antics. "And your adorable daughter for the birthday bash of her eldest."

It was all spoken with quite a bit of flair that given the reactions of her parents, was quite common for this man named Gideon. Her father was somewhat amused, but from the look in his face, it didn't seem as he was inclined to agree to the invitation.

"I'm not sure that would be wise, Gardenia is still so small, Lucy and I have been avoiding leaving the house with her, and after the last big gathering we attended before she was born ended the way it did," his voice sounded heavy as if remembering just what had happened, and her mother's arms tightened just a fraction around her. "I don't want to risk it."

It seemed as if Gideon expected this answer because it didn't take him long at all to try and ease their worries. "Trust me, I'm aware of the dangers out there, especially when we consider Lucy's blood status, but we have taken precautions against anything bad happening. Fabian and I are Aurors, don't you forget, and we made sure to ward the place with everything we know." That seemed to make his audience contemplate the matter, but apparently, Gideon wanted them to really have no excuse for not coming because he went in with the killing blow. "And to be quite honest with you, Molly would be devastated if all her efforts to make sure little Bill has a normal birthday amongst all of this chaos were for nothing. Besides, has your daughter ever seen, much less interacted, with another child?"

And so it seemed that they were convinced, and Gardenia would attend her first-ever birthday party. Well, first in this life.

It was moments after their guest had left, which he did by taking a handful of some sort of powder, getting inside their hearth, and saying with clarity the Burrow, that she joined all the pieces of the puzzle in her mind.

She had been reincarnated into the world of Harry freaking Potter.

It made her father quite distressed when she started crying all over again.

So, this was not something I expected to do, but this story came to me and it seems that whatever crazy muse that inspired me to write this would not leave me alone until I actually wrote it and publish it, so here it is.

I have two more chapters ready to go, but after that is just a question of whether this is even interesting enough for anyone to actually read or not, so if you're here and actually liked what I wrote, please consider leaving a review.

Thanks for reading and hope you're having a nice day wherever you are sz