You Can't Change The Past
By Emily Carol
Ch. 9
Back At The Airport
Disclaimer: Nope, don't think I own Gilmore Girls, nope, I don't.
Summary: Future Fic. Rory's life is going along fine. Then a man from her past and the man she never stopped loving return. And so does the daughter she gave up.
Rating- PG-13
Spoilers- Nope. Not really.
A/N- Well, it's the last chapter. I don't have anymore ideas really and I think this is a good place to end it. R&R please and ENJOY!
Rory, Lorelai, and Luke stood anxiously at the gate. The plane Lor was on was due in any minute now.
Jess had left the day after Rory told him the news. And the only thing keeping Rory going now was the fact that Lor was coming home. She didn't know why she'd stopped Jess. But she had. And now she completely regretted it. What if it was another eight years before she saw him again?
What if she never even saw him again?
Luke shook Rory's shoulder. She looked at him and he pointed to the gate. A policeman was getting off the plane holding Lor's hand.
Rory ran forward and hugged her daughter. "Lor," Rory said. "You're back."
"Are you Rory Gilmore," the policeman asked.
"Yes," Rory said.
"Hello," he said. "I'm Officer Wilkins. I was the same man who arrested William Rains."
"Oh," Rory said. "Thank you, thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to me."
"It's all in the job," Officer Wilkins said. "Now if you excuse me I need to get on the flight back."
Rory nodded. "Thank you again."
"Bye Officer Wilkins!" Lor yelled after him. Rory pulled her into a tighter embrace. She didn't notice Lorelai and Luke walk up behind her until Lorelai pulled both Rory and Lor into a group hug. Even Luke joined in.
Jess sat in the Hartford airport. His plane back to New York came today finally. He'd been in a different hotel until today. He didn't want to be anywhere near Rory. Because she'd made it clear that she didn't love him anymore.
Just then Jess saw four people walking across the airport, three of them he knew. But he could guess who the fourth was.
Luke looked his way. Luke waved and started over. "Jess!" Luke said. "I thought you'd left already."
"Guess I haven't," Jess said.
Rory came up behind Jess. "Jess?" she said. "Jess, could I talk with you."
Jess shrugged and they walked a bit away to talk.
"Jess," Rory said. "I'm sorry about the other night. I don't know what came over me. You were right. William is arrested and I have nothing to worry about. And-"
Jess cut her off. "But you don't love me," Jess said. "So William being arrested and you having nothing to worry about has nothing to do with it."
"No Jess," Rory said. "You've got it all wrong."
"What?" Jess said.
"Because Jess," Rory said. "I do love you, with all my heart."
And Jess reached over and kissed her as hard as she'd ever been kissed.
By Emily Carol
Ch. 9
Back At The Airport
Disclaimer: Nope, don't think I own Gilmore Girls, nope, I don't.
Summary: Future Fic. Rory's life is going along fine. Then a man from her past and the man she never stopped loving return. And so does the daughter she gave up.
Rating- PG-13
Spoilers- Nope. Not really.
A/N- Well, it's the last chapter. I don't have anymore ideas really and I think this is a good place to end it. R&R please and ENJOY!
Rory, Lorelai, and Luke stood anxiously at the gate. The plane Lor was on was due in any minute now.
Jess had left the day after Rory told him the news. And the only thing keeping Rory going now was the fact that Lor was coming home. She didn't know why she'd stopped Jess. But she had. And now she completely regretted it. What if it was another eight years before she saw him again?
What if she never even saw him again?
Luke shook Rory's shoulder. She looked at him and he pointed to the gate. A policeman was getting off the plane holding Lor's hand.
Rory ran forward and hugged her daughter. "Lor," Rory said. "You're back."
"Are you Rory Gilmore," the policeman asked.
"Yes," Rory said.
"Hello," he said. "I'm Officer Wilkins. I was the same man who arrested William Rains."
"Oh," Rory said. "Thank you, thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to me."
"It's all in the job," Officer Wilkins said. "Now if you excuse me I need to get on the flight back."
Rory nodded. "Thank you again."
"Bye Officer Wilkins!" Lor yelled after him. Rory pulled her into a tighter embrace. She didn't notice Lorelai and Luke walk up behind her until Lorelai pulled both Rory and Lor into a group hug. Even Luke joined in.
Jess sat in the Hartford airport. His plane back to New York came today finally. He'd been in a different hotel until today. He didn't want to be anywhere near Rory. Because she'd made it clear that she didn't love him anymore.
Just then Jess saw four people walking across the airport, three of them he knew. But he could guess who the fourth was.
Luke looked his way. Luke waved and started over. "Jess!" Luke said. "I thought you'd left already."
"Guess I haven't," Jess said.
Rory came up behind Jess. "Jess?" she said. "Jess, could I talk with you."
Jess shrugged and they walked a bit away to talk.
"Jess," Rory said. "I'm sorry about the other night. I don't know what came over me. You were right. William is arrested and I have nothing to worry about. And-"
Jess cut her off. "But you don't love me," Jess said. "So William being arrested and you having nothing to worry about has nothing to do with it."
"No Jess," Rory said. "You've got it all wrong."
"What?" Jess said.
"Because Jess," Rory said. "I do love you, with all my heart."
And Jess reached over and kissed her as hard as she'd ever been kissed.