Beep boop. Here's the next chapter. I did my best, and that's all I can do.

marsolino: Yes! So Alia is 19 when she is turned. So, this is the summer after her first year of university.

TaTa B-P: Thank you so much! Mental health is really important to me, as someone with both depression and anxiety. This chapter has some more elements of that!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter. After 26 chapters of build up, it's finally here! The moment you've been waiting for!


After assuring Carlisle she would be calm, and having a hurried conversation with Alice, who had clearly seen what would result from her decision (though her new sister didn't answer any questions and bounded away with a giggle), she marched up to Edward's room. She heard him breathe in sharply, before he opened the door to stare at her with wide green eyes. "Edward. Let's talk. Outside? Bring the letter I wrote, cause I know you still haven't read it."

Alia stode out of the house with confidence that surprised even her. She hummed to herself as she walked, pleasantly surprised that becoming a vampire had made her singing voice so much more tolerable. She idly wondered if any celebrities were vampires and heard Edward snort from behind her.

"C'mon, you know it could be true." she said, stopping at what she realised was a familiar oak tree. It looked so much smaller than she had remembered it. She didn't climb up its branches, but stood in front of it and turned around.

Edward stood there, looking as if he was preparing for a battle. Alia sighed and began to talk, before he could get everything from her mind.

"I'm still pissed." she said bluntly. "Really pissed. I thought about the best way to get back at you and I've decided." she grinned dangerously. "I forgive you."

"What?!" Edward blurted out, almost before she even got the words out.

"You heard me." Alia said, her speech moving faster from passion and nerves. "I'll never forget the way you acted, but I'm choosing to forgive you anyways. You don't get to be the sad, misunderstood villain in this story, okay. We are going to communicate and heal our relationship. No more running away. You have to deal with your shit... but you don't have to do it alone."

He was staring at her with his mouth agape, as if she had just told him that she was an alien. But with his gift, there was no way for him to take her the wrong way. "You're serious." He finally said weakly. "How are you serious? After everything I've done…"

"What I don't get Edward…" Alia snapped. "Is what you think you'll get from pushing me away, even now. It won't fix the pain you caused me… or the pain you caused yourself. You turned me into a vampire, so you gotta deal with the consequences."

Alia smiled at him smugly as she watched him process all of that. What she actually found satisfying was that she didn't need to censor herself or her feelings knew them all anyway, so she could say them all out loud. It was freeing in a way.

She waited for him to say something. He finally did, fixing her with a disbelieving look. "I… I don't understand."

"Okay, I'll spell it out for you. Either tell me you hate me and don't want to be around me anymore, or actually fucking earn my forgiveness."

Edward laughed then, and Alia found herself grinning too. It had been so long since she'd heard that sound. "Alia… you're too good to me."

"Someone has to be mature here." she said.

"You're right." he said. "Honestly… I didn't expect this. I knew you were reckless, but I didn't expect you to ever talk to me again. I don't know where to go from here." And he had such a hopelessly confused look on his face, that Alia couldn't help but laugh again. He smiled too, but it was in a nervous way as if he expected her to change her mind.

"Edward…" Alia felt her breathing hitch. It was nice that even as a vampire, she could still feel nervousness so humanly. "Hand me that letter. I wanna read it to you. Actually no. Read it yourself, I'll wait."

He hesitated before he drew the envelope from his jacket. It was still immaculately sealed, and Alia could detect a faint trace that had her confused and hungry at the same time. Her own scent. Her own human scent lingered on that letter. But maybe because it was her own scent, it didn't provoke that blood frenzy she'd felt around the deer.

She watched him read the letter, watching the expressions that flickered across his face, trying to read them the way he read her mind. When he was done, he looked at her, emotion swimming in his eyes. The letter fluttered to the forest floor. "Alia—"

"I still mean it." she said, summoning all her courage. "I love you, Edward. Still, even after afterything. There are no conditions, kay. I'll love you as much as you let me, and I don't need anything back."

He grabbed her hand tightly, and Alia felt the smallest stirring of hope. "Can I talk now?" she nodded hurriedly, and he let out a breath. "This whole time you've been thinking… even now, you think that we're leagues apart. You're right in a way. You've always been too good for me to even think of… of wanting."

"Don't say that." Alia couldn't stop herself from interrupting. "No more self-deprecation."

"I can't help it." Edward let out a laugh that sounded half-crazed. "That's the way I've always thought. But I have to clear this stupid misunderstanding. I love you too, you idiot. How could I not? I've loved you just as long, if not longer. I want you just as badly."

Alia felt like crying, but no tears came. Vampires couldn't cry, she reminded herself. "Even though I love you Edward, I hate you so fucking much. Why the hell did we waste so much time?"

Before he could offer an explanation, of why he wanted to protect her soul or some bullshit, she pulled her hand from his, grabbed his face with both hands and kissed him. He was frozen against her lips, and she was half-afraid, when she pulled away, that he didn't want it. "Wrong again." he said breathlessly, pulling her to him flush and kissing her furiously. She should have been dizzy, but only felt every sensation acutely. "Idiot." he muttered against her lips.

"Moron." she retorted.

"My love." she was struck speechless at that and Edward grinned at her in a way she hadn't seen in so long, that crooked grin. Alia threw her arms around him again, and held him close. He held her just as tightly. Alia could have stood there forever. It felt completely right, being held by Edward and holding him back in a way she'd never dared to before. Mine. I can't believe he's mine.

Edward shook against her, and she realised it was laughter. She tightened her grip, and he breathed in sharply. "Uh… Alia? Could you…"


"Well… uh… you're stronger than me right now, love."

Alia jumped back. "Sorry! Sorry!"

But Edward was smiling at her in a way that told her he wasn't mad. They sat themselves down by the tree and basked in each other's company in relative silence, holding hands, and occasionally stealing kisses.

Finally, Alia spoke, even though she was loath to break the peace. "So… If we're gonna be together, I have two conditions. But uh, using the word 'condition' feels weird. Like they aren't dealbreakers or anything, but I think they're important moving forward. I mean that's assuming you even want to..."

Edward kissed her hard, halting her doubt in its tracks. "Okay." she smiled stupidly. "Okay. First. You need therapy." Edward opened his mouth to protest, but Alia covered it with her hand. He glared at her in a way that was completely endearing. "You have issues, Edward. You know that better than anyone. You helped me get help, right?"

"It's not the same." he said, when Alia pulled her hand away.

Alia shrugged. "You're right. We have different problems, but they aren't less important than each other. Just cause you've been dealing with it alone for so long doesn't mean you have to forever. Could it hurt to try?"

Edward looked away, and Alia took his hand. "I'm not gonna force you, obviously. I'm telling you this cause I love you." It still felt good to say. "You said I wasn't stupid for getting help, right? Why can't the same apply to you? It's okay if it takes time, I just want you to try caring about yourself."

He was silent for a long minute. Alia could see him thinking and wished she had his ability. She breathed a sigh of relief when Edward nodded. "I'll give it a shot. I aim to be worthy of you, but I can't promise I'll ever be pleasant to be around."

She gave him a look at that, and he smiled, kissing her hand. "Sorry. What's the second condition?"

"The mind reading." Edward's smile fell and she squeezed his hand to reassure him. "I'm not going to pretend it doesn't make me uncomfortable. It'll take some time for me to get used to it. I've been thinking… since I know you can't really control it… all I can ask is that you don't hold my thoughts against me."

Edward looked at their hands, and was quieter when he spoke. "Of course. With reading minds, I know better than anyone that the first thought through someone's head doesn't necessarily represent them. And I could never hold anything against you, after all you've given me. Your mind is one of the loveliest I've ever known."

Alia couldn't help but wince. "Yeah… but I don't wanna feel any more self conscious than I already do about my thoughts. If I need my space, will you give me it?"

"Of course." Edward said solemnly. "I'm sorry."

"No more apologising." Alia grumbled, nuzzling against him. "There's no need. Not between us."

"Is that a third condition?"

Alia kissed him to shut him up.


It's very rare that I'll write a romantic story and actually make it to the 'getting together' part because I just draw out the slow burn infinitely. But I did it! They kissed, so that's an accomplishment lol! There will still be more after this, because everything's obviously not resolved yet. Tell me your thoughts. I love to hear them :3

Also, I thought about writing out the letter, but I didn't want to. I think you can get a sense of what it said from their reactions.