As promised, here is the new chapter in somewhat of a timely manner. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the stuff I create, and to be honest, Disney owns most of the things I love anyway.


Hans barely listens as Yelena takes stock of what was available to the tribe and bringing Elsa up to speed on what had happened in the forest while she was gone and vice versa. His mind drifting towards what he wanted to do Elsa once they were alone. However, his daydream is interrupted by Yelena throwing a stick at him.

"Hey! What was the for?" The tribe snickers as Hans rubs the sore spot.

"If you aren't going to pay attention then you'll find more than just sticks coming your way," Yelena holds up another stick, shaking it at the young man.

"I already know all this stuff though,"

"How much food supply do we have left?" Yelena raises an eyebrow, challenging his words.

"We have a month's supply of dried meats, so we are going to need to go hunting soon. Eiven and I are setting traps later today, so that will get us some small game for the time being. The winter vegetables are growing nicely, so we don't need to worry about that. However, we're going to need to start saving the better stocks to plant them next year," Hans lulls his head back to Yelena with a look that said did-I-get-that-wrong?

"Very well then, Hans, do you have anything new to add to the conversation?" Hans sits back as he thinks about the last two days, but Yelena takes his silence as a sign to move on, "very well, if that…"

"Actually," Everyone's eyes fall on him, "there was something weird that happened at the party. There was this woman named Zilla. She's my brother's new advisor, and…"

"Wait? You were in Arendelle?" Yelena's hands curl into her fist as her anger flares, "we agreed you were to stay here. You could have endangered everyone…"

"It's my fault, Yelena," Ryder pipes up, scratching the back of his head, "I talked him into it,"

"Hans makes his own decisions," the older woman looks between the two men. Elsa takes Hans' hand into hers, looking sympathetically at him before turning her attention to Yelena.

"There was no harm done, Yelena, just two idiots trying to be romantic and elaborate." Ryder and Hans just put on wide grins and nod. Yelena sighs and rolls her eyes.

"Well, Hans, I don't see why your brother's advisor be any concern of mine," Yelena's knits her eyebrows together clearly annoyed with Hans.

"Just hear me out, Yelena. She was arguing with Jurgen in the library while I was hiding from Honey. They were arguing about some deal that she had made with Caleb. Apparently, he plans on giving her Arendelle's throne…" Gasps popcorn around the group, as well as quiet mummers. "Another thing, she saw me and didn't say a word to Jurgen," Elsa's hand grips his hand tightly.

"What?" Elsa's voice is harsh and anger and Hans knows why. He should have told her sooner.

"And then she tried to make a deal with me. But here is the weirdest part, she kept disappearing into the shadows," Hans struggles to find the words, "like she was a part of them. Whenever she was close to me, it felt like she was grabbing at the darkness inside of me. Trying to manipulate me to do terrible things,"

"What was the name again?"

"Zilla. She said she was the Shadow Queen, Queen of Darkness, something like that," Yelena suddenly freezes, her face paling abruptly as she looks to the other elders of the tribe.

"Yelena, what is it?"

"This meeting is adjourned. I need the Elders to the follow me to the community tent, and Hans," Hans stops and looks at her, "you need to come with us,"


"If she is who I think she is, we may have a problem,"

"Elsa interacted with her more than I did." Yelena folds her hands behind her back after she motions them to follow. Both Hans and Elsa exchange fearful looks as they worry about the harm Zilla could bring to Arendelle.

Anna comes out of another successful negotiation, smiling and laughing with the dignitaries of Esmea. However, as soon as the two men round the corner out of sight, her smile abruptly fades.

"There's going to be a twelve percent increase on their exports of cotton, my ass,"

"That's not very queen-like language," Anna nearly jumps out her skin at her fiancée's voice behind her.

"Kristoff!" Anna turns to him, glaring, "you scared me,"

"Sorry," He laughs while quickly kissing her on the cheek, "Grand Pabbie is here. He says that it's urgent,"

"Oh! But Elsa hasn't done anything," The two share a small giggle as they reflect on the last time that Pabbie had come down from the Valley.

"He's waiting for us in the courtyard," The couple quickly start making their way through the maze of castle halls.

"What do you think it is?"

"I have no idea. He wouldn't say,"

"Odd," Anna opens the main door, "you and your family are usually so open,"

"I know. That's what made it so weird that he wouldn't even tell me what it was about," Anna spies the old rock troll, pacing at the front gate.

"Grand Pabbie," the old troll smiles as the two kneel in front of him.

"Anna. Kristoff, how is wedding planning going?"

"Coming along. Thankfully we have until May, but you said something was urgent?" Pabbie nods as he gains a more serious aura around him.

"Where is your sister?"

"She left a few days ago for the forest,"

"Oh dear," Pabbie looks nervously around, but his eyes stop on a figure looking out of one of the windows in the castle.

"Pabbie, what is it? Why do you need Elsa?"

"I have a warning for both of you,"

You better not give away my little secret, Pabbie.

Pabbie's eyes flitter around the courtyard until they fall on the dark figure, now closer, moving in between the columns of the outer walls.

It would be a shame if something were to happen to him.

"Grand Pabbie?" Pabbie's eyes fall on his grandson, the worry radiating off of him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine just weary after my journey. Back to the warning, I suppose that you will have to deliver it to Elsa, Anna," With a wave of his hand, an image begins to dance in front of the couple. Pabbie looks back at the black figure caressing their neck.

Remember what we talked about earlier Pabbie. The shadow laughs before disappearing completely.

Turning back to the shimmering silhouettes of Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff, Pabbie starts his story, "The shadows will rise with the new year. Beware the deal that's been struck," A mass engulfs the figures and forms two hands shaking. Pabbie nervously looks to where the dark figure once stood, "…a…an old foe will return and war will erupt," The silhouettes reappear and the three are seen fighting with Elsa being pulled away by a mysterious hand.

"Oh god," Anna gasps as the visions fade. "I have to tell Elsa at once. She's in danger, you saw that. She is going to be taken away…"

"Anna," Kristoff takes her hand, "you have meetings to attend to,"

"Kristoff, this is important. I have to…"

"Arendelle is important. You're Queen, now, you can't go gallivanting off on a whim anymore,"


"We can leave tonight. It will give us enough time to have everything set up for your departure, and we can be to Elsa by tomorrow afternoon," Anna sighs, turning her face to the sky.

"You're right,"

"I usually am,"

"Thank you, Grand Pabbie." Grand Pabbie gives the girl a disheartened smile.

"Anytime, your Majesty."

"Have a safe journey home, Grand Pabbie." The troll hugs his grandson goodbye

Pabbie looks into Kristoff's brown eyes full of love, "be safe you two." He backs off, staring at the two before tucking into himself and rolling back to the valley.

Caleb storms down the halls of Arendelle's castle.

"I'll meet with you after lunch or early tomorrow," his voice mocking Anna's as he glares at the approaching doors. "You are going to meet with me now, Anna." He gets to the doors of the council chambers and pushes them in. An echo of gasps and murmurs fall from the lips the Lords and Ladies as they look at Caleb seething in anger at the entrance. Anna stands, rage evident in her own eyes.

"Queen Anna, we have some things to discuss,"

"King Caleb, what do you think you're doing. I told you that I would be with you later,"

"We meet now, I am tired of waiting,"

"Too bad," Anna stands her ground, her own glare matching his, "We are discussing matters of Arendelle, and those…" Anna trails off, her face and the faces of the council members going blank. Zilla chuckles as she steps out from behind the door frame. Black swirls encasing her hand.

"Now, that's no way to talk to a King. We have patiently waiting for your audience, your Majesty, so let's try that conversation again, shall we?"

Anna nods and smiles sitting down, her eyes returning their focus to the agenda in front of her. Zilla snaps her finger, returning the room to its former state. The color seemingly returning to the room and its occupants.

"Queen Anna," Anna's eyes flicker up to meet Caleb's green eyes and she smiles warmly at his presence.

"Ah, King Caleb, Lady Zilla," Anna looks back down at the papers in front of her, "did we have a meeting scheduled?"

"We do, your Majesty," Anna shakes her head as if trying to clear the grogginess from her mind as she shuffles her papers around trying to find something.

"I appear to have forgotten to write it down," Anna looks around the table to address the council, "would you guys mind if we table our previous discussion, so we can address King Caleb and the treaty with the Southern Isles?"

The council looks at one another, murmuring softly among themselves. Caleb feels the frustration coming back, but he puts on his best smile and bows.

"I can come back later if…"

"No, no," Anna gestures for him and Zilla to sit at the other end of the long table, "I know you're eager to get back home,"

"Indeed, I am," Caleb sits, leaning back casually. "Being a new ruler is challenging," The council shift uncomfortably as Caleb pulls Zilla onto his lap with a smile. Anna winces but keeps her smile on as she watches the scene.

"Don't I know it," Anna laughs nervously as she folds her hands in front of her, "now a treaty with Southern Isles is something that I am interested in because I feel like it will be beneficial for both our kingdoms. However, since you seem eager to present, I yield to you, Caleb,"

"Thank you, Anna," Caleb turns to Zilla, "Lady Zilla, could you please brief everyone about what I am willing to offer as King of the Southern Isles?"

"Of course, your Grace," Zilla extracts herself from Caleb's lap before walking around the table handing everyone a detailed outline of their proposed treaty. "This is a detailed list of what the Southern Isles are willing to give to Arendelle. The Isles have become largely an agriculture community, producing more grain in three months than Arendelle can in a year. They also produce more dairy and cream than any of your other trade deals making the Isles a better choice for you to receive those imports from because of their proximity and we are willing to match whatever our competitors are offering you,"

"And then there is, of course, the Isle's black stone. Very valuable," Caleb steeples his hands as he smiles at the table.

Anna's eyes scan over the proposal, "This is very generous, Caleb. Far more than I thought you would ever be willing to offer us,"

"I want to make up for the atrocities that my brother has done to you and your kingdom,"

"I notice that there is nothing on here for what you want in return,"

"Ah," Caleb stands and leans over the table with a smile, "because it is something that I wanted to propose in person,"

"Arendelle can offer textiles or…"

"I want your sister to marry my son," Anna sets down the parchment as her wide eyes lock onto Caleb. Her mouth slightly agape and quivering as she tries to form words but fails. Her council's amazed expression matching hers, all taken aback by his bold request. No one had blatantly asked for Elsa's hand in marriage as part of their negations.

"I'm sorry, what?" Anna finally squeaks out as she stands.

"The Southern Isles has a lot to offer Arendelle, much more than you can ever provide us," Caleb stands straight up, adjusting his jacket. Squaring himself with Anna, "I'm asking for a marriage contract between my son, Vlademar, and your sister. I believe that it is the only way that we can truly mend the bond between our two kingdoms is by a marriage. Joining our two kingdoms into one family. Family is important to the Southern Isles, and from what I have seen in your kingdom, it is important to Arendelle, as well. Therefore, I will provide you with all I have to offer for exchange for a simple exchange of vows to ensure that your family and my family are forever in favor with each other,"

"I hardly think I should be exchanging my sister for trade…"

"Why?" Caleb raises his eyebrow, and Anna feels the fog consume her even more under the Southern Islanders gaze, "kings have been doing it with their daughters for years,"

"She isn't here…"

"Neither were their daughters," Caleb smiles. The menacing nature behind it seems to break Zilla's spell temporarily, bring Anna's senses back to her.

"I'll have to talk this over with Elsa. Unlike the kings of our past, I want her input on it. She is a person, not an object," Caleb and Zilla's faces visibly annoyed with her resistance, "but she has always done what is best for Arendelle, and your trade would bring a lot of prosperity to Arendelle."

Anna sighs. Their offer was tempting. Almost too tempting to not just outright agree to it. "I plan on going to see her tomorrow. I will discuss it with her then,"

"But I will be heading back to the Isles tomorrow, your Majesty,"

"I can't barter my sister without her consent," Anna leans forward, her hands resting on the cool wood, "but as I said, I imagine that Elsa will do what's best for Arendelle,"

"I understand," Caleb forces a smile as he presents his arm to Zilla, who takes it. Wrapping herself around him like a shadow. Anna's blue eyes focus on the grain of the wood, the longer her eyes were off the pair, the clearer her head felt. "When can I expect a reply on your offer?"

"It might take us a while to be able to come up with a proper reply. Elsa and I will talk with the council and come to an agreement,"

"The Southern Isles shall eagerly await your response, Your Majesty." With a quick bow, the two leave and with them the invisible fog that had filled the room.

"Queen Anna," Anna turns to see Lord Peterson looking at her with concern, "I hardly think bartering Princess Elsa's future is worth a trade deal,"

"I don't…" Anna feels the fog still rolling around in her head, "I need to go see Elsa." Anna quickly storms out of the room, tears forming in her eyes as she makes her way out to the stables where Kristoff was tending to Sven.

"Anna, what is it?" Kristoff takes hold of her arms, concern etched on his face as he looks at the frazzled appearance of his fiancée.

"I need to see Elsa," She tries to make her way to Sven, but Kristoff's grip stops her.

"We're heading there later, remember?" Anna nods her head, her stare still distance. "Anna, what happened at the meeting?"

"Caleb offered us a trade,"

"Wait, what?" Kristoff turns her head towards him, "I thought you were meeting about Arendelle's exports, and you were setting up a meeting with Caleb tomorrow,"

"No, his meeting was today,"

"You literally told me earlier that you were going to make it for tomorrow,"

"Kristoff, that isn't the point!" Her voice gets harsh as she glares at him.

"You're right, I'm sorry," Kristoff pulls her towards the bench, guiding them both down onto it. "So, what happened?"

"He offered Arendelle a lot,"

"That's good, right?" Kristoff smiles at her but it fades when he sees the tears welling up in her blues eyes, "not good?"

"Caleb is willing to give us so much, and all he wants in return is a marriage. A marriage between Vlademar and Elsa," Anna wipes away some of the tears, "and I almost accepted his offer without even talking to her. I promised her yesterday morning that I wouldn't do anything like that,"

"I mean, anyone can get caught up in a situation that is too good to be true and lose their heads. Don't beat yourself up…"

"Except it wasn't my head I was losing, Kristoff! It was Elsa's!" Anna stands up and puts her head into her hands as she paces the stables, "Elsa has the right to be on that sort of conversation, and I almost stole that right away from her without batting my eye,"

"It's okay, Anna, we'll go talk to Elsa, and then you won't have to worry," Kristoff places a gentle kiss onto Anna's hairline, "now get everything ready to go and we'll leave as soon as we get some rest. We'll be to Elsa by tomorrow afternoon." Anna nods, kissing her fiancé tenderly before heading back into the castle.

Elsa and Hans look around at the five members of the elders, shifting nervously in their seats.

"Elsa, Hans," Yelena's voice is soft, very uncharacteristic for the older woman, but it causes the young blonde to look at the array of people in front of her, "what can you two tell us about this Zilla?" Hans nudges her, urging her to go first.

"Well," Elsa shifts forward slightly, "She was introduced to me as Hans' brother advisor. She's very…" Elsa searches her vocabulary for a word to describe the woman. "I don't know how to describe it. There was just something dark about her. Almost magical,"

"She kept disappearing in a puff of smoke, but like not smoke," Hans flurries his hand, "shadow, but that doesn't make sense. She kept doing moving around like though when she was trying to seduce to me into a deal," Elsa's face immediately tenses and her eyes narrowing at his words.

"Seduce you? You didn't think to mention that?" Hans chuckles nervously as he turns at the blonde.

"Elsa, we were," Hans' eyes flick to the elders, "we were, um, kind of occupied. Didn't seem like a good time to talk about it," Elsa's arms cross in front of her chest as she scoots away from him, her face still holding a sour expression. Hans sighs as he opens his mouth to speak to her again, but the elders cut him off.

"If you two are done," Both their faces fall into those of scolded children as one of the elder's stern voices echoes through the tent, "now what was she doing, Hans?"

"Oh, um, she was trying to make a deal with me,"

"What sort of deal?"

"She said she would make everyone forget," Hans looks at Elsa, who is still not looking at him. Her lips pursed and her eyes facing forward with a slight scowl. "She would make everyone forget what I did to Elsa and Anna four years ago," Elsa turns to him, her expression softening at his confession. "That way I could be with Elsa without the burdens of my past. Our past. It was tempting because there is nothing that I want more than to be with Elsa without causing any problems,"

"Did you take her offer?"

"No! God no!" Hans looks back at the elders and clears his throat, smiling softly at them, "no, I didn't. Though her offer was tempting, I wasn't willing to pay the price for it,"

"It required a price?" A soft murmur begins going through the tent as the elders discuss the implications of something like that. One of the elders, Amata, gets up and goes over to a basket filled with old scrolls, rummaging through it. Her focus trained on the piles of scrolls when Hans continues.

"Yea, she wanted for me to…um…" Hans blushes and murmurs, "to bed her whenever she wanted. She said she found me more desirable than my brother and would let me have whatever I wanted as long as she could have me whenever she wanted," Elsa's ears perk up at the statement and her anger returns in full force, but not at Hans this time, but Zilla.

Amata comes back to Yelena and the others, handing them a scroll. "If this is who I think it is, she frequently seduces men she finds desirable to help strengthen the hold she has over them. I'm amazed you were able to resist,"

"Well, when you have someone like Elsa," Hans takes her hand into his, tenderly stroking her silky skin with his thumb, "no one else compares,"

Elsa feels a blush start blooming on her cheeks, but Yelena clearing her throat causes the couple to return their focus back to the elders. "If you two are quite finished, can one of you describe her to me?"

"Dark hair, gray eyes," Elsa's eyes daze off as she attempts to recall the woman's features, "she has a scar over her one of her eyes. She was so mysterious. I feel like I only ever saw her talking to Caleb after our initial meeting. I'm sorry the details around her are all a little fuzzy,"

"Did she look like this?" Yelena turns the scroll from Amata around, and there in front of them was a picture of Zilla, clear as day.

"Yes!" Hans and Elsa shout simultaneously.

"Her name is Zilla, Queen of the Shadows," Yelena sighs heavily, it was just as she feared. "It's unclear where she comes from, but the story goes that she has been here since the world began. She is the evil of the world, bending all the darkness to her will. Not just the physical darkness we can see, but the darkness deep within us. She can cause people to do terrible things,"

"What would she be doing here?" Elsa scoots closer taking the scroll from Yelena, tracing the lines of Northuldran script.

"Her powers are unlimited to those who summon her, but the locks around her neck," Yelena points to a small excerpt about her deals and the picture of Zilla's locks, "they bind her to whoever she makes a deal with and our world until she completes all of them,"

"Caleb," Hans clenches his fist. His anger boiling at the thought of his brother, but Elsa's cold hand on top his causes the rage to slowly recede.

"Probably not. She has to be summoned by the means of a magical creature," Yelena points to another section of the parchment, "but if someone else had already summoned her, anyone can,"

"What do you mean by the means of a magical creature?" Elsa unrolls the script more, reading over the incantation to summon the unholy queen.

"Someone of magic is someone like you or those trolls from the Valley of the Living Rock," Yelena lets out a heavy sigh, "and I can only imagine the consequences if they aren't,"

"What do you think they would be?" Hans looks over the picture of the woman since he was barely able to read the script next to it. Her image causing him to flashback to the Arendelle castle's library, the predatory look in her eye engrained in his mind forever.

"More than likely the summoner would be killed as a sacrifice. However, as long as she has locks that are fixed to her neck, she is tied to our world, therefore, accessible to all,"

"Well, Jurgen might be our family's magic expert but he isn't magical," Hans looks back up to the group. "Caleb would have asked him to summon her, and considering he was at the party, they either got someone else to summon her or she was already here,"

"Did she have any marks on her shoulder, Elsa?" Elsa searches the depths of her mind, trying to sift through the fog surrounding her memories of Zilla.

"Yes, I do believe so. I think that she had two,"

"What did they look like?"

"They were a line and a dark circle in the middle," Elsa starts tracing them on the paper with her finger, "with two crescent moons facing opposite directions,"

"I'm afraid that means that she has completed two deals already in this summoning,"

"And she has two more," Elsa looks at Yelena, worry in her eyes, "I remember her having two locks around her neck, and apparently, one of those deals is for Arendelle,"

"Jurgen said she had something to do with our father's death, so I imagine that Caleb made a deal to ascend to the throne,"

Yelena sighs, taking the scroll from Elsa, "She is not a person to take lightly, you two, so I would advise talking to Anna and cutting off ties to the Southern Isles until Zilla is gone,"

"Won't be that hard to convince her." Hans mumbles under his breath causing the younger two to giggle. Yelena clears her throat causing both of them to instantly stop laughing.

"Now, I would advise everyone to not start panicking. We are well protected here in these woods. So, until we know how she plans on getting Arendelle's throne, there is no need to cause alarm to anyone here or in Arendelle,"

"I will head back to Arendelle…" Elsa goes to stand, but Yelena stops here.

"No, you will stay here. The woods are safe and protected, and we can't risk losing you, Elsa," Elsa is touched by the older lady's concern, but she sinks back into her seat.

"Then I will write to Anna tomorrow. The last of the dignitaries, including Caleb, should be gone by then and she'll have less to worry about." The elders nod in agreement.

"Thank you two for your information. We have much to discuss, so if you could please leave." Elsa and Hans nod as they rise, leaving the elders behind in the tent.

Hans opens his mouth to say something to Elsa but finds that she is already walking in the opposite direction. "Elsa!" Hans runs after her, trying to take her hand but she shakes him off, "Elsa, what…?"

"Did you not think it would be a good thing to tell me about her trying to seduce you?" Elsa whips around causing Hans to stumble under her glare.

"Elsa, we were doing other…"

"You could have said something,"

"Yes, because talking about how another woman was on top of me trying to get into my pants is exactly what I want to talk about while I'm with you,"

"Oh!" Elsa feels the unfamiliar feeling of jealousy crawl threw her skin, "so she was on top of you? Touching you as I did?"

"Yes, but…"

"Disgusting," Elsa goes to the storm off, but Hans catches her hand, holding it tightly.

"Oh no, you don't. You don't get to run away from us again," Hans pulls her over to his tent while she tries to get herself free. He tosses her into the structure before closing the door behind them.

"How dare you!? You have no right," Elsa tries to push past him, but he stops her.

"No, you're getting mad for no reason and I don't understand,"

"No reason?!" Elsa's mouth drops as she looks at him, "no reason? You were with another woman before crawling into my bed,"

"That's what you think?"

"You said she tried to seduce you, and that her offer was tempting,"

"Yes! Of course, the deal she was willing to give me was tempting! A fresh start with you, with Anna, with the people of Arendelle…of course I want that,"

"So, you would take her deal?"

"No!" Hans pulls her close, his hands tangling in her loose blonde hair. Her hands reflexively wrap around his waist, her eyes fluttering shut at his warmth and the pressure of his forehead on hers. "Elsa, whose bed was I in that night?"

"Mine," Elsa takes a deep breath trying to get rid of the awful green monster inside of her.

"Because that's the only place I want to be," His lips place a tender kiss on her forehead, his beard tickling her skin, "with you. No deal would be worth taking one minute away from you. Plus, she scared me. I don't think my dick would have worked with her even if I had taken the deal," the couple let out a snort at the idea.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you,"

"I don't know," She feels him smile against her, "I like jealous Elsa. It's kind of attractive to see you be so possessive,"

"Are you saying you wouldn't be?"

"Of course, I would be," Hans captures her lips with his, "but I know that I'm not worthy of you, so I can't get possessive because I know one day that you'll wake up and go marry some prince,"

"Hans, you are a prince," Elsa pulls back to look into his eyes, framing his face with her pale hands, "and I've chosen you because you are worthy of me,"

"I'm the wicked prince though, remember? And sooner or later, the princess realizes that,"

Elsa brushes one of his hairs out of his face, "I prefer to think of us like La Belle et la Bête,"

"The beauty and the beast," Hans smiles as he looks into her eyes.

"It's a reminder that love can tame the most wicked of princes." Elsa kisses him one last time before going to exit the tent. She smiles one last time before heading out to continue with her chores for the day. Hans follows suit, heading off to meet up with Eiven to do some hunting.

The next day, Hans finds Elsa joining him as he checks the traps since the spirits seemed to be calmed with her return to the forest, and she found herself with nothing to do. Hans was glad to have her company, though, trap checking was quite boring.

"Okay, so," Hans holds Elsa's hand to keep her steady as she balances on a log during their walk, "did your brothers really ignore you for three years?"

"Not all of them," Hans feels a little pang of sadness he reflects on his past, but he knew Elsa was just trying to understand how he got to the point they were at now. They'd been discussing her childhood for most of the morning, it was only natural to talk about his, too. "Just Rudi, Runo and Rolf,"

"Now, they're brothers eight, nine, and ten, right?"

"Good job, Your Highness," Elsa laughs as she hops off the end of the log, lacing her fingers with his as they continue through the forest.

"I made it a point to study your family after…" Elsa trails off, looking sheepishly at the ground.

"After I tried to kill you," Hans squeezes her hand, "we can't avoid it. It happened, all we can do now is grow from it,"

"You're right," Elsa smiles up at him, leaning against him, "it's odd when you think about it. About us. Where we were, how we started, and where we are now,"

"We don't have the most traditional romantic story, do we?"

"No," Elsa kisses his cheek as he lets her go to go check on one of the traps, "but that's why I like it. However, if we are competing, I've got them beat on the whole years of ignoring a sibling thing,"

"Elsa," Hans lets out a huff as he looks back at her, rolling his eyes. "That wasn't your fault. You did it because you didn't want to hurt Anna, where my brothers did it because they are just assholes,"

"I suppose," Elsa reaches out her hand for Hans to take, which he gladly does, "they were terrible, weren't they?"

"Between them ignoring me, them throwing things at me, and just all-around bullying, they were all pretty awful. There was one time that they convinced me that I had to run around the castle naked to save Henrik, who had been kidnapped. I think I was four,"

"That's awful,"

"Yea, Henrik hadn't even been kidnapped,"


"Elsa, it isn't the worst things that they've done," The two of them walk in silence at the off-handed comment about his punishments.

"Were all your brothers cruel to you?" Elsa's voice is barely above a whisper.

"No, Lars cared for me."

"Caleb, I'm not doing it," Lars pulls the book from the library's wall, thumbing quickly through the pages but puts it back just as fast. His blues eyes are hidden behind glasses while his light-colored hair is pulled back into a ponytail.

"It's your duty as a Prince of the Southern Isles, Lars," Lars grabs another book, looking through it, too.

"Hans has been through enough," Lars snaps the book shut and glares at his older brother, "nine other tortures, two in the presence of others. Over three-in-a-half years of servitude. I believe Runo is up to nine hundred and fourteen cuts on his thing. I don't want to punish him anymore. He's paid his dues,"

"I decide when he's paid his dues. Not you," Caleb jabs a finger into his brother's chest, "you were always soft on him like Mother,"

"Someone had to be," Lars sits at his desk in the library, placing the book beside him and picking up his quill, "between father and the rest of you, Hans never stood a chance,"

"He tried to kill the Arendellian royals, Lars," Caleb circles around his brother, leaning down to whisper in his ear, "he needs to be punished,"

"He's already been punished enough,"

"He hasn't!" Caleb's hand slaps down onto the hardwood, "and you need to do your duty as a Prince of the Southern Isles and punish the bastard thirteenth prince. If not, you will join him in the dungeons as a co-conspirator for regicide,"

"That's unfair, Caleb," Lars looks up in horror at his brother, "just because I think Hans has received enough punishment doesn't mean that I agree with what he's done,"

"Then punish him." Caleb quickly stalks out of the library without so much of a look back at Lars.

Lars descends into the dungeons breathing a heavy sigh as he looks at the cold stone hallway. As he nears the cell door, the guards step aside as he walks into Hans' small cell. Lars' heartaches as he looks at his brother's pale form.

"Lars," Hans' eyes light up at the sight of his brother, and Lars opens his arms. Hans gratefully runs into his arms, happy to have human contact. "It's good to see you,"

"You look…well, Hans," Hans cracks a smirk.

"Don't lie to me. I must look like a fright," Hans turns towards the small window in the cell, basking in the low light of the setting sun. "It's your turn to punish me, is that why you're here?"

Lars sighs and sits on Hans' cot, "Yes,"

"What do you have planned?"

"Nothing," Hans looks back over to his brother, whose eyes are shut as he leans against the wall, "I hadn't planned on doing anything, but Caleb threatened to throw me in here with you if I didn't comply,"

"So, you're going to do it?"

"I have to,"

Hans scoffs, "Figures. I thought you were different, but I guess I was wrong,"

"Hans, I have Helga to think about and my two boys," Hans feels his anger fall at the mention of his nephews, "I can't leave them,"

"I know," Hans sinks down next to his brother, "I'm sorry,"

"I think I'm going to put you in the pillory. It won't hurt, but Caleb will get what he wants,"

"My humiliation for the exchange of your freedom. Seems fair,"

"For what it's worth Hans, I think you've learned your lesson, and sometimes I can't help but think that all of this was my fault,"


"I'm the one who told you to pursue Queen Elsa, after all,"

"You didn't tell me to try to kill her though, Lars,"

"But I feel like none of this would have ever happened if I hadn't given you the idea,"

"Well, we can't change the past,"

"No, I guess we can't," Lars gets up and heads for the cell door, "I'll let Caleb know about the punishment,"

"Thank you," Lars is taken aback by the words.


"Because," Hans smiles at him, "you were always the one who made sure I got looked after when we were younger, and even though I'm twenty-seven and considered an adult, you still are. So, thank you for always taking care of me,"

Lars smiles softly, "Your birthday is in two months,"

"Are you going to throw me a party?"

"No, but maybe I can sneak down you one of Missus Corren's pastries."

"I'd love that." The brothers exchange one last smile before Lars leaves Hans alone in his cell.

"Did he get you the pastry?"

"On September twenty-first, Lars came down with two apple tarts, and he stayed and talked with me for a while. It was nice,"

"I think I like Lars," Elsa lays her head on his shoulder. "I never thought I would ever say that about one of your brothers,"

"Yea, Lars was the only good one,"

"Wait…September twenty-first," Elsa looks up at him, "that's the Autumn equinox, isn't it?"

Hans nods with a grin, "It is, Miss my-birthday-isn't-the-only-special-one," the couple laugh as they exit the forest, "my mother used to say I was born on that day because I brought balance to the world. Jokes on her, I ended up going to the darkness,"

"That's not true," Elsa kisses the tip of his nose, "you just got a little lost in it, but even in the darkest of places, there is a light. You have good in you, Hans,"

"Only because of you," Hans leans down, placing a tender kiss on her lips. Elsa smiles into the kiss, but they break away when a mocking vomit sound comes from next to them. A yelp causes both of them to turn to see Honeymaren elbowing Ryder in the stomach.

"Oof! Honey, that hurt." Ryder looks at his sister, pouting. Hans raises an eyebrow while Elsa covers up a giggle. He turns back to the couple with a deadpan look, "is this whole lovey-dovey stuff going to become a normal thing now? You two do it all of the time, and like, I want to protest,"

"Ryder, be quiet." Honeymaren hisses at her brother as she walks away throwing a sympathetic smile at the couple, but Hans and Elsa can't help but burst into laughter. Elsa snuggles deeper into Hans' embrace, capturing Hans' lips in a soft kiss.

"Seriously, get a room," Ryder glares at the two of them.

"Better get used to it, Ryder, it's only going to get worse." Hans snickers over at the man, dipping Elsa to give her another kiss.

"Great," Ryder rolls his eyes, "look I know I made this all possible but I'm regretting it. The last two days have been nothing but a nauseating stream of displays of affection,"

"I thought you loved love, Ryder." Elsa chides the young man with his own words as Hans pulls her back upright.

"Not when it's my brother, and not when it's on full display in front of me," The young man crosses his arm and looks away.

"Well, at least for the next few hours, you won't have to see it," Hans sticks his tongue out at the younger man.

"Wait, why?" Elsa feels particularly offended by the statement.

"I'm planning on going to soak in the hot spring, my body needs it," Hans nuzzles into the side of her face causing the blonde to giggle.

"Gross," Ryder turns and starts walking away. "Just keep it in your tents." The couple is sent into a fit of giggles again.

"So, can I come with you to the hot spring?" Elsa starts plucking at the ends of his tunic, biting her lip as she looks up at him.

"You know you act like an animal in heat at the mere thought of us being in any state of undress," Hans kisses the top of her head.

"You weren't complaining last night when I did that thing with my tongue," Hans' eyes go wide at her comment, a blush starts drifting up his cheeks.

"What are you going to be like when we actually have sex? I think I'm slowly unleashing a monster,"

"Who knows, but I know right now all I want is to go with you up to the hot spring,"

"You're going to be the death of me, woman."

"That settles it!" Elsa grabs his hand and starts pulling him in the direction of the hot spring, "we're going together."

Hans slowly peels off his clothes before sinking into the hot water of the springs. Sighing as he feels the tension in his muscles slowly leave him. A soft giggle from the side of the pool causes him to open one of his eyes to peek at Elsa. She's sitting on the edge of the pool with a smile on her face and her outfit, to his annoyance, still intact.

"You know, Elsa," Hans sinks further in, closing both of his eyes again, "the point of a hot spring is to be naked,"

"Oh? I had no idea," Her hands busy themselves with her hair, pulling it up into a braided bun. Hans sighs and swims up to her, pulling his torso up out of the water to surround her with his arms. He chuckles as her eyes watch the water droplets slide down his body.

"You're staring," Her eyes immediately meet his, widening in horror. His smile widens as he pulls her in, the icy fabric of her dress melting away in the heat of the water. His eyes roaming her body as her skin reveals itself to him.

"Now, who's staring?" Elsa quirks a smirk, pulling him down for a kiss.

"Me, I'm staring," Hans runs his hand over her hair, staring lovingly down at her. Showering her in tender and quick kisses, "how can I not? I have a goddess in front of me,"

"Hans," Elsa blushes, hiding her face in his chest.

"Don't chastise me for speaking the truth," He goes to sit, pulling her back into his chest allowing her to recline against him. "Now, Snowflake…"

"Are you going to call me that forever?"

"Oh, yea. It's way too fitting," The joking nature of his reply causes Elsa to chuckle as she traces some of his scars on his arm and hand, "but, Snowflake, we need to talk about your party and my brother…and my nephew…and your sister,"

"Can we not?" Elsa cranes her neck to look at his face.

"Elsa…" His tone is a warning, and it causes Elsa to let out a huff as she rolls her eyes.

"I know. I just want to enjoy this for a little while before other people ruin it."

"Fine," Hans lays his head on top of hers, "just a little while longer." Elsa closes her eyes and lets the warm water lull her into a state of comfort.

Anna feels a sense of relief wash over them as the Northuldran camp comes into view.

"Finally, I can see Elsa," Kristoff laughs at his fiancé's blissful expression.

"You just saw her three days ago, Anna," Anna looks at Kristoff, a mocked expression of hurt on her face.

"Excuse me? Are you saying that I don't deserve to see my sister every day?" Kristoff grips Sven's reigns harder as he looks at Anna, panic rushing over him until he sees the slight smile at the corner of her mouth.

"I mean you see me every day, so why would you need to see Elsa? I'm much cuter to look at," The blonde sticks his tongue out and Anna quickly retorts back with her own, "that is also not very queenly behavior, Your Majesty,"

"Well, it's a good thing that we aren't in Arendelle," Anna smiles as the wagon enters the circle of the camp. The two quickly disembark, heading for Elsa's tent, but they find it vacant. "Weird, where could she be?"

The giggling of children pulls Anna and Kristoff's attention back towards Sven, who is trying to play with the children. Kristoff goes over and unhooks the excited reindeer.

"Go on, buddy." Kristoff turns back to Anna, "maybe we should ask someone if they know where she is. It's not like Elsa to disappear and not tell anyone,"

"Anna! Kristoff!" Both turn to see a very excited Karena coming towards them.

"Karena!" Anna hugs the woman tight. "It's good to see you,"

"It's good to see you, too. I'm sorry I couldn't make it to the party," Karena gestures to the children, "but someone needed to stay here,"

"You were missed," Anna looks around trying to spot the platinum blonde locks of her sister, "but hey, Karena, have you seen Elsa anywhere? Or know where she is?"

"I think I heard something about her heading to the hot springs," Karena gestures towards the springs, "they are about a ten-minute walk North, you can't miss them." A sudden crash causes the women to turn towards the children to see them holding a broken bowl with guilty smiles on their faces. Anna can't help but laugh as Karena starts yelling in Northuldran while walking towards the children.

"Kristoff!" Anna runs over, taking Kristoff's arms, "she's at the hot spring, so we should…"

"Oh no! I know what happens at hot springs and I don't want to see your sister like that, so you can go alone,"


"Nope!" Kristoff holds up his hands, backing away, "Sven and I will stay here, right?"

"I don't wanna go anywhere near those hot springs, there are no carrots there." 'Sven' says with Kristoff moving his head side to side.

"See even Sven doesn't want to go. So, he and I will stay here, and you can go get your sister."

"Okay, but I'll be back as soon as I can." Anna quickly dashes off in the direction that Karena had pointed out, a smile on her face as she thinks about seeing Elsa.

"Okay," Elsa turns herself around, straddling Hans, "so was growing up in the Southern Isles as bad as you've made it seem?"

"I mean if you factor out all my family except Lars and my mother," Hans buries his face into her chest and mumbles, "yes,"

"You can't tell me one happy memory?" Elsa pulls him away from her.

"There is one," Hans adjusts her, so her body is even closer to his. His arms wrapping around her waist, "But it has to do with Lars, so I guess it isn't a Southern Isles thing, but I think I was about five and Lars was nineteen when this happened. He was about to set sail on his first patrol, and he knew how much I loved ships. So, he wanted me to see that ship that he would be sailing on for his trip. He took me to the ship, and he showed me all the things he was going to have to do while he was on the voyage. Before we headed back home though, he took me to the ship's wheel and put a box next to it so I could pretend to steer the ship. As soon as I looked over the wheel into the open water and held the wood in my hands, I knew that I wanted to be a sailor. I wanted to sail the world and get away from home. I often think what would have happened if Lars hadn't taken me out that day, but I think that was the happiest I had ever been until…"

"Until what?"

"I held you for the first time." Elsa's face splits into a grin, and she captures his lips in a heated kiss. Hans' arms wrap around her, caressing her skin as her hands tangle into his wet locks. Elsa rocks against his body, and Hans feels the blood start to head to his lower extremities. They're both are so enraptured with each other that they don't hear the approaching snap of twigs.

"Elsa, I have to…" Anna looks over to see that her sister isn't alone. "Elsa?" Elsa freezes. Her eyes go wide at the sound of her sister's voice. She looks down to see Hans' expression is just as fearful.

"Anna," Elsa turns slightly, trying to obscure both herself and Hans, "um, hi,"

"Hi back," Anna raises an eyebrow but can't help but laugh at her sister's obvious embarrassment, "this is unexpected,"

"Yeah," Elsa nervously returns her sister's laugh, "Let me just get dressed and I will…" Anna's face falls when she sees a flash of red behind her sister.

"Elsa…" Anna steps closer, "who is that?"

"Anna, please, just leave…"

"No! Who is that?" Anna steps forward again. Elsa looks down at Hans, tears filling her eyes as she begins to panic.

"We don't have time," Her whisper is harsh and broken as Elsa presses her forehead to his, tears silently falling. Hans cups her hands around her jaw, whipping away the tiny droplets. He smiles warmly as he tries to remember this moment before their peaceful bubble is broken.

"No, we don't." Anna's blood goes cold when she hears his voice, her own heart picking up speed. Elsa takes a deep breath before revealing Hans to her sister. Anna's blue eyes look him over. He looks different than when she last saw him, four in a half years ago. Gone are his sideburns now replaced with a full beard. His hair is longer, but it is still its unique red. His once clear skin is now covered in scars and burns. He looks almost broken. However, despite his ragged appearance, Anna feels the rage boil inside of her. She quickly turns and runs from the spring.

"Anna!" Elsa extracts herself from Hans' embrace and climbs out the warm water, conjuring a dress and shoes before running after her little sister. Hans looks pensively into the spring, reflecting on the words that Zilla had spoken to him in the library. If you want to be with your little Queen without causing the biggest rift this kingdom has ever seen, I would take my deal. For a mere second, Hans wishes that he had.

"Anna!" Elsa catches up to her sister's retreating form. "Anna, wait!" Elsa grabs her hand, but Anna quickly snatches it away and brings down her other hand onto Elsa's cheek, slapping her. The sound echoing through the quiet forest. Elsa clutches the side of her face in shock as her pale skin turns bright red.

"Hans, Elsa!" Anna, however, is undeterred by her sister's tears as the anger burns inside of her, "of all people, Hans?!"

"Anna, you don't understand…"

"I don't know if I want to understand, Elsa," Elsa feels the tears start to fall again as she feels the utter hatred roll off her sister. "I don't want to understand why I just saw you cozying up to a man, who tried to kill not only you but me, too! I don't get it. I don't understand in what world you think that it's a smart idea,"

"He's learned from…"

"You said he was an irredeemable monster a year ago. There is no learning for people like him,"

"I was wrong. He's not irredeemable. He's a better…"

"He's only better to seduce you into bed," Anna scoffs as she rolls her eyes, "and you willingly went. I wonder how long this new personality will last once he's had his fill of you?"

"Anna…that's not…"

"Not what, Elsa? Fair? You know what isn't fair, Elsa," Anna steps forward, pushing Elsa backward, "that you would look at that man and think, hmm," Anna shoves her again, "Sure he tried to kill me and my sister, but he's handsome so whatever,"

"It's not like that. If only you would…" Another shove causes Elsa to trip over an unearthed root.

"And another thing, if you want to forgive him for what he did to you because he makes you feel special and pretty or maybe he's good in bed. Fine, whatever, that speaks to your character, but forgiving him for what he did to me…I can't believe you would forgive him for that. I thought you loved me,"

"Anna, I do love you. I haven't forgiven…" Elsa picks herself up off the ground, keeping her eyes trained on her little sister, silently pleading for her to understand.

"Elsa!" Anna gestures to the direction of the hot spring, "you were in a hot spring with him. Laughing. Kissing. Having a grand ole time. You've forgiven him whether you've said it or not,"

"Anna, please, you have to…"

"I don't have to…"

"Will you just listen?!" Anna stops as Elsa finally yells. Anna is taken aback by her usually so quiet older sister raising her voice, "can you just listen?"

"Why should I? He doesn't deserve another moment of my time,"

"But don't I? I know you don't like what I've done, but I'm still your sister so don't I deserve a moment of your time?" Anna crosses her arms and glares at Elsa. Elsa takes her sister's silence as a signal to keep going, so she takes a deep breath. "Anna, he's changed. Please believe me. Ask anyone in the settlement," Elsa points to the huts in the distance, "they'll tell you what kind of man he's become. He isn't perfect, Anna. He has his demons, but he's working on them. He's a better man,"

"He tried to kill us, Elsa!"

"Do you think I don't know that?!" Elsa brushes away the traitorous tears, "do you think I wasn't hesitant when he showed up at the settlement? He was broken, Anna. He was broken and bruised and hurting. What kind of person would I be if I turned him away?" Elsa looks at her hands, "he was dying. I didn't want to be like him. I didn't want to make the same choice that he made, and therefore, I couldn't leave him to die,"

"He looks fine now! He can leave,"

"This is his home, Anna," Elsa looks at her sister with desperation.

"No, he isn't Nothuldran, so this is not his home,"

"The tribe has taken him in. He is just as Northuldran as you and me. He is home here,"

"His home is in the Southern Isles, and I will be sure to let Caleb know that he is still very much alive and not dead like he things," Anna turns to storm off again.

"No!" Elsa takes Anna's arm pulling her back, "you can't do that!"

"And why not?"

"That's why Hans was in the Dark Sea," Elsa's grip on Anna's arm tightens, "dying was supposed to be his final punishment,"

"He deserved it,"

"Anna…he's been punished for his misdeeds against us. He suffered for four years. He's done his penance. Please, Anna, please for me…don't tell Caleb or anyone that Hans is here. They'll kill him,"

"He tried to kill us and if the Southern Isles thought death was a suitable punishment, who am I to stop them?" Anna turns her gaze away from Elsa's, balling her hands into firsts. Trembling with anger. "He's a monster, Elsa!"

"He's not a monster, Anna!"

"That's what I thought in the beginning," Anna's eyes dart up to her sister's, "and look where that got us? One of us frozen and the other nearly beheaded, I thought you were smarter than this, Elsa,"

"Anna…don't forget I was the one who froze you, not him." Anna turns and marches back to the settlement.

"I guess that makes you both monsters then. Enjoy being his whore." Elsa watches as her sister leaves her in the snow-covered woods. Once she is out of sight, Elsa feels her legs give way, sobs wracking her body.

"Elsa?" Elsa tenses at the sound of Hans' voice, the bitterness of Anna's words still prevalent in her mind. "Oh, Elsa," the crunch of the snow beneath his boots stops next to her. His hands reach down to comfort her, but she moves away from him. Hans sighs, taking a seat next to her making sure that he is far enough away to give her space, but close enough to provide comfort if she wanted it. His heart aches as he watches the sobs leaves her body. He wasn't supposed to cause her this much pain. He was failing at the most basic thing a man was supposed to for his woman.

Elsa looks over at him, her blue eyes rimmed red. Another sob echoes through the forest as she flings herself into his arms. Hans holds her close, drawing soothing circles into her back, letting her tears stain his tunic. "It's okay, Snowflake, I'm here. I'm right here."

Anna storms into the camp, eyes focused on Kristoff and the wagon.

"Oh, Anna!" Kristoff turns and smiles at her, but it quickly fades when he sees the anger in her eyes, "Anna, is everything okay? Did you tell Elsa about Caleb?" Honeymaren and Ryder quickly run over the couple, surprised to see them there.

"Wait," Honeymaren's eyes go wide as she and Ryder look at each other with nervousness, "you went to find Elsa?"

"Oh, don't worry, Honeymaren," Anna's words dripping with disdain as she glares at the two siblings, "I found her, and no, Kristoff, we didn't have time to talk about Caleb,"

"Anna, we can explain," Ryder apprehensively starts to explain as he looks between everyone. "You see…"

"Wait, what's going on? What's wrong with Elsa?" Kristoff holds up his hand to stop Ryder.

"Oh, nothing, other than the fact that she's gone completely mad,"


"Hans is here with the blessing of the whole tribe!" Anna's venomous glare darts to her fiancé.

"Ryder? Honey?" Kristoff turns to his two friends, who look bashfully away from him.

"I found him two months ago in the Dark Sea," Ryder starts quietly, "none of us knew who he was. He was freezing and barely breathing. I couldn't leave him,"

"When he brought him back here, Elsa and I were tending to him when she realized who he was. She freaked out, which is understandable. However, over time he found his place here. He's still healing," Honeymaren looks up to be met with Anna's furious stare, "he's a good man, Anna,"

"He tried to kill me! He tried to kill Elsa! You guys are letting him stay here after she told you everything is terrible. Do you not even care about…?"

"Elsa decided to let him stay," Yelena walks over to the group, her head high, "he hadn't wronged us. We saw no reason to turn him away especially when we had the means to save him, so we left it up to Elsa on what to do when he was healed,"

"Hans isn't worth saving, and even if you felt the need to save him. He's not worth keeping around. He's a snake. A villain,"

"I don't agree. He's been a great help to us, and he has become a part of this tribe. No one sees a reason to turn him out,"

"Besides the obvious reason,"

"As I said, I left his fate up to your sister. She decided to let him have a home here and to have his second chance,"

"Irredeemable monsters don't deserve second chances." Anna glares at the group. "Come on, Kristoff. We have a kingdom to attend to."

"Anna…please," Anna looks at Honeymaren's pleading eyes, "he loves her. She loves him. He's trying to be better for her, he's trying to prove his worthiness of her,"

"He isn't worthy of her, but if she wants to lay down with the scum of the Earth, that's her choice,"

"Whatever past you three have, put aside for Elsa. Isn't her happiness worth something?"

"Elsa is a fool for thinking that that monster could make her happy, and how dare you?" Anna stands toe to toe with Honeymaren. "You don't know anything about what he is capable of. I thought he loved me, and look where it got Elsa and me? I was frozen and he nearly beheaded her,"

"He isn't that man anymore,"

"He will always be that man, and if Elsa wants to lie in bed with wolves…I'll let her,"

"And if she asks for you to help her out?"

"She made her choice. She knew what she was getting into." Anna turns quickly heading back to the wagon and Sven. Kristoff turns to follow her, his head still reeling for the turn of events.

"Kristoff," The blonde man turns to Ryder. "Please. I know that you and Anna can't see it right now, but the only person getting hurt in this is Elsa. She loves you two,"


"Don't make her choose. It will break her." Kristoff nods silently before following his fiancée. The three Northuldrans look at each other as the two royals disappear into the distance.

What? Did you think the Hans reveal wasn't going to be full of angst? Oh, you silly person. Our angsty boy needs his angst, and I like to hurt myself when I write. I know there wasn't a whole lot of smut in this chapter, but I promise more is coming because…I love me some smut.

So, until next time…
