A/N: Holy smokes, you guys... We're here! I'm so thankful for everyone who has read, reviewed, favorited, and followed this story. No matter how you came across it or at what point (even future readers!), I appreciate you being here to take this wild ride with me! I hope this ending does the story justice because HOLY MOTHERFORKING SHIRTBALLS this was harder to write than I ever imagined it would be!


Alpha love to honeysweetcutie

Forever unbeta'd

FB group: madrose_writing


The building across the street from where they stood wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Much like the last time she had been inside those walls, had she not known what went on behind closed doors, she wouldn't have given this place a second glance either.

Draco's grip tightened on their joined hands from where he stood at her side. "We don't have to go in there, you know."

"I know," she replied, bringing up her other hand to rest it on his forearm as she leaned against him. "But I want to." She looked up at him through her lashes, a smile curving her lips. "Don't you?"

"I want whatever you want."

Hermione swallowed hard and turned her attention back to the building across the street. It had been a surprise to find that Elysium was still in the same place. She wasn't sure why she thought it would be something that changed location, but she couldn't help but feel the shock upon walking up to the building a few months prior to this moment. She hadn't told Draco that she had been here before tonight. That she had spoken to Mistress Persephone in preparation for tonight.

To anyone else, the Fifth of November was just another Saturday. To the people inside Elysium, it was a Preview Night; a night that used to be her favorite. But to Draco and Hermione, it was their anniversary. Their first one as a married couple. And in honor of that, Hermione had something special planned for Draco, something she had been wanting to do for the longest time.

A shiver coursed through her at the thought of her plans and she tugged on Draco's hand. "Come on," she said, looking both ways before leading him across the street.

He knocked on the door after they ascended the few steps to the porch and crossed that as well. The little wooden window in the door slid open and a pair of violet eyes peered out at them. Draco's voice was firm as he delivered the password to gain them entry. "Himeros."

The eyes blinked and then disappeared as the window closed. A moment later, the door opened and they stepped across the threshold. Once inside, they signed their consent forms and were each handed a mask. This time, theirs were matching royal blue instead of black and white, a symbol that they were guests for the evening. That they were there to watch, but not to participate. Hermione's heart rate increased as she secured the mask around her face and took Draco's hand once more.

Together, they crossed the wards into the front of house where the Preview Night was already well underway. The sounds of both male and female moans echoed around them. Hermione's immediate attention went to the center of the room where a woman in a white mask was reclined on a narrow bench. It brought back the memory of the night she had attracted the attention of Kratos. Of Draco.

As the girl crested, crying out a series of thank you's to the man and woman pushing her over the edge, Hermione felt her own knickers dampen. It was strange to think that once upon a time she had been that girl. The one begging for someone, anyone to let her come. To make her lose control of her mind and shut off her thoughts. But now, she was just an onlooker, one of those that would help heighten the experience of the woman currently crying out for more.

Draco's hand tightened its hold on hers as they continued to mosey around the room, taking in all the sights and sounds. It wasn't long before they let go of another's hands in favor of letting their touch wander. Hermione had introduced Draco to the Muggle internet and the large stash of pornography that it contained. They had watched their fair share of it together and she knew from that experience that he was close to finding a quiet corner and adding their moans to the others in the room.

Knowing this, she gently extracted herself from him and told him she was going to use the loo. Once out of sight down the hallway she found Mistress Persephone waiting for her. She followed her lead and into the room next to the one she and Draco used to use as Hedone and Kratos. The room where Draco would be escorted to by Mistress Persephone in just a few minutes. Hermione smiled and let out a slow, nervous breath as she began to exchange her current attire for what she had chosen weeks ago for this very moment.

Finished, Hermione turned towards the full-length mirror and stared at her reflection. A faint smile curved her crimson lips up at the sight. There wasn't a single drop of submissive anything about her look tonight. Everything about the woman staring back at her screamed power and dominance. From the deep red corset lifting her breasts and making them fuller to the way they pulled in her waist and rested on her hips. The way the black swirling lace added just enough femininity to balance her out. Her knickers matched and she had made sure that they left some of her ass cheeks exposed; something she knew would drive Draco even more crazy. The bottom of her corset was strapped to the tops of sheer black thigh high stockings that did wonders for her otherwise short legs. To complete the ensemble, she had gone with a pair of basic black stilettos with a matching red sole.

A small knock at the door let her know that Draco was situated in the room and her heart skipped a beat. She swallowed hard and took one last deep breath before taking her leave. The few steps from her current room to the one Draco was waiting for her in felt longer, but with each one she took, she felt her confidence slowly coming to her. It wasn't until she was in the room with Draco in her line of sight that she felt the rest of her nerves fade away.

"Hermione?" he called out, his voice cautious.

"You'll be addressing me as Mistress tonight," she corrected, surprised at the commanding tone of her own voice.

He turned his head towards the direction of her voice and she saw his brow quirk over the edge of the blindfold Mistress Persephone had placed over his eyes for her. A thrill went through her, dampening her lacy knickers at the sight of him before her. His state meaning he had agreed to the vague consent forms she'd created. She had tried to keep the mystery of what she planned, but wanted him to know what he was consenting too as well. The fact that he trusted her with so little to go on gave her confidence for this a boost.

Like she had done plenty of times for him, Draco was kneeling in the center of the room facing the door. And just like all of those times she had arrived early to wait for him, the only thing he wore was the blindfold. She wondered if he experienced the same sort of power each time he had arrived to find her naked and ready to be taken. The sight of him in such a submissive state made her mouth water and her skin prickle with gooseflesh.

"I thought we could do something different tonight. That this time I could be the one to make you lose control."

He nodded immediately. "I'm yours to command, Mistress," he purred.

She approached him with her hand out, a thick piece of matte black leather appearing in her hand. His body gave a slight jerk as the tips of her fingers brushed against his jaw before tipping it up. She placed the collar around his throat and then stepped back to admire the sight. "Much better." She raised her wand as a pair of matching leather cuffs came floating over to her. "Hands behind your back."

He obeyed her without hesitation and as soon as they were behind him, the cuffs fastened themselves around his wrists to keep him from being able to touch her. Her smile widened as his cock twitched and hardened from being restrained. She had wondered about him not liking this despite having talked about it for months.

"Safe word?"

"Nimbus," he replied, a faint smirk appearing on his face.

"The rules you consented to?"

"I will not speak unless asked a question first. I will address you only as Mistress." He cleared his throat and Hermione watched as moisture wept from the tip of his cock. "I will not come unless you allow me to."

Hermione hummed in approval and with a flick of her wrist, the blindfold fell away. Since she had never worn anything remotely like this, she had expected his reaction to be spectacular, but she hadn't counted on rendering him speechless. His eyes had darkened considerably as he took in the sight of her. Slowly, his gaze raked over her from head to toe several times. He even dragged his bottom lip between his teeth and squirmed once his gaze settled on hers.

"Fuck, Hermione. You can't wear that and expect me to-"

Another flick of her wrist had the sound dying on his tongue. "I believe that's two rules broken." She clucked her tongue at him and placed her hands on her hips. "And so early too."

His eyes blazed as he squirmed again, his cock turning red from being hard and strained with want. She held out her hand and a riding crop appeared in it. She gently placed the end of it against the center of his chest and smiled down at him. "You must be desperate for a punishment."

His eyes narrowed and a small moan escaped his lips as she gave a small test strike to his chest. She removed the spell that silenced him and then stood with the crop lightly swatting over her own palm. "Bend over the edge of the bed," she demanded.

"Yes, Mistress," he replied, a storm building in his darkened gaze.

She watched as he rose to his feet and put himself in the position she had asked for. When the pale flesh of his rear was turned towards her, she advanced. She gave him no warning before cracking the crop across his backside, twice on each cheek. He hissed at the initial contact, but when she stopped, he let out a groan of pleasure.

Her free hand came out to smooth over the welts. "Turn around and sit."

He winced a little as he sat on his freshly reddened cheeks; a feeling she was familiar with. She smirked and held his gaze as she knelt before him. She reveled in the way he shuddered when she wrapped one small hand around his cock. She gave a few idle strokes before leaning in and taking him into her mouth. She felt his body twitch as if meaning to reach for her and she smirked around him at the frustrated whine that left his throat.

Hermione continued to please him, taking her time and doing the opposite of what she knew would get him off. She wanted to drag this out, to keep him hard, but let his release build nice and slow. Every time he thrust into her mouth, she would pull herself off of him and shake her head, earning another frustrated groan. When she had him nearly begging for release, she pulled away completely and got to her feet again.

She summoned one of the cock rings from the table of toys off to the side of the room and slid it down the wet length of his shaft and then placed the other part around his balls. This way, he would stay hard and it would be harder for him to come. He would really have to work at it. She removed the cuffs from his wrists and sent them away. "On all fours," she ordered, watching as he did so, grunting with effort and panting from being denied sweet release.

As he crawled into position in the middle of the bed, she summoned more items. One being a small tube of lubricant and the other a strap on. After situating herself in the latter, she knelt on the bed behind him; one hand reaching down between his thighs to stroke his still hardened cock and the other applying some of the lube to his ass. He jumped and hissed at the cold feeling, his head turning to try and look at her over his shoulder.

He puckered as her index finger traced the rim and his cock pulsed against her other palm. "Does the thought of me fucking you like you fuck me turn you on, Draco?"

"I'm yours to do whatever you want with, Mistress," he replied, his voice raspy with need.

"Tell me if it's too much," she insisted, letting her finger slip inside of him. He tossed his head back and groaned; his body clutching around her finger as it acclimated to the intrusion.

"Fucking perfect," he muttered. "Mistress." She smirked at the way he said it as an afterthought.

She took her time in preparing him for what she wanted to do next. While it wasn't the first time she had touched him like this, it wasn't something they did often. Whenever her curiosity flared, he let her take the reigns, but she had always held back. Until tonight. She added another finger, enjoying the way moisture seeped through the fingers wrapped around his cock. He shuddered when she withdrew her hands from him so she could apply the lube to the shaft of her strap on.

"Beg me to fuck you," she demanded as she moved into position, pushing the tip of the toy to his entrance. "Beg me to make you come."

"Please, Mistress. I want you to fill me up. I want you to pound into me so hard I forget my own name."

Hermione nearly forgot she was in charge for a moment as a whimper escaped her own lips. She swallowed hard and shook her head as she took charge again and slowly pushed forward. Draco tried his best to relax, but she could tell he struggled. She remembered what the first time he had taken her this way had felt like and made sure that she didn't do anything to hurt him. On the third attempt, the toy slipped in and she did a few test strokes to make sure he was adjusted. After a little bit of trial and error, she found a rhythm that worked and gripped his hips so she could thrust hard and deep.

In no time at all he was pressing his face against the bed, groaning fiercely and begging for her to let him come. Too caught up in the moment to tell him yes or no, she continued to rock her hips against him, thoroughly fucking him until he came so hard he cried out for her. She slowed her pace, extending his release for as long as she could. Only when he collapsed on his stomach did she pull away from him and remove the toy from around her hips, shimmying out of her knickers in the process.

She gave him a few moments to recover before she guided him to lie on his back. He was still hard due to the ring around his flesh and her eyes widened at the sight of the mess he had made. He definitely hadn't come that hard in the past and it made her confidence soar to know she had been the cause. Carefully, she removed the device from around him and then crawled over him. He shuddered beneath her as she reached between them and lined his cock up with her core. They groaned in unison as she sank down on him, not stopping until he was fully seated within her.

Using her magic, she forced his arms over his head and used a sticking charm to keep them there. She smirked down at him as she began to flex her hips. She kept her pace slow at first, wanting to draw out both of their pleasure for as long as she could. When it got to the point where her own need for release was too hard to ignore, she leaned forward to rest her palms on his chest and rode him until she shattered.

It wasn't until she came down from her high that she realized her magic had withdrawn and he had taken advantage of the moment to roll so she was beneath him. Her legs immediately wrapped around him as her hands went to his shoulders. His head dropped to the curve of her neck as he pounded furiously in and out of her. When they came, they came together. One loud, indistinguishable cry that sounded around the room and caused their ears to ring long after the sound had stopped.

Draco collapsed on top of her as they panted for air. When she was no longer just a pile of boneless flesh, she adjusted so she could bury her head in his chest and wrap herself around him. "Have I told you that I love you?" he asked with a chuckle.

"I love you too," she laughed in return and tightened her hold on him. Thinking of all their other encounters in this very room, she was happy that not only had they come full circle, but that everything had changed for the better. "Happy anniversary, Draco."