Hello readers I'm 61394 here with a spinoff of Flower Princess 11's story the many dates of Danny Fenton this time our favorite halfa will be with the one and only
Kitty Pride
This has been a long time coming to be honest I've been planning this since before the original story was still complete the biggest problem is I had too many other stories and too many ideas about what can be done with the amazing multiverse originally created by Flower Princess 11
"Really that's your only problem number boy" Deadpool says stepping into the authors note "with itallics not to confuse the readers any more than this guys lack of punctuation"
Your early Wade I thought you were trying to get an appearance in Danny and Phantasma
"I am but a little princess told me that YOU were doing a Many Dates spinoff and I had to see it to believe it" Deadpool said "considering you usually stick to that blonde Goku knock off"
Your not wrong I do write alot about Naruto but you forget my mutant friend I started on this site writing about Aang and Danny Phantom before I ever set foot into the shinobi world
"Fair enough guy who has the same name as a oil filter" Deadpool said pulling out a gauntlet with the continuity stone "now if you don't mind I'm going to erase that awful disney spiderman and replace him with Spectacular like I did in Danny and Kim maybe get rid of the baby goblin while I'm at it"
No your not
"And why not Mr number man you wanted to see more Spectacular as much as the next guy"
Your right I did I loved Spectacular Spiderman while I have a soft spot for other versions of the webhead Greg Weismans interpretation of the character is one of the best I've seen animation or otherwise
But I won't let you rewrite them and you won't let yourself do it either because it would break your one rule
"Never eat at Bueno Nacho"
Your other rule you don't kill kids Miles Morales Kamala Khan Riri Willams Anya Corazon they either didn't exist yet or didn't appear in Spectacular you may annoy or fight with kid superheroes but you DON'T kill
plus there's Felicia who honestly I gotta agree with FP the 2017 looks like the only one young enough to date Danny
"Ok you might have a point about me not killing kids but can't I just change Felicia to the Weisman version" Deadpool begged putting his hands together and trying to use Kim Possibles puppy dog pout which doesn't work with the mask
If you can answer one question
"Why do people keep giving Michael Bay money"
How old is Felicia in Spectacular Spiderman
"HA that's easy I'll just go to her wiki and tell you her age is-" a quick wiki search later "unlisted ok so MAYBE she could be too old but you can't name anything else good about the 2017 version" Deadpool taunted
She has her bad luck powers from the comics and was played by Grey Delisle
"Dang it"
Don't worry Wade just for you there's a surprise waiting in the story all you gotta do is let me end this really long authors note
"yeah we've been going at this for 580 words that's more than half of your usual chapter length" Deadpool pointed out "what's left before I get to see my surprise"
Just my new policy and the disclaimer
"Sounds like fun can I do it"
Be my guest
"Great Disclaimer Mr. Oil filter aka number boy aka 61394 aka guy not as handsome as me aka a mutual hater of Michael Bay movies aka-"
Wade get on with it
Fine 61394 doesn't own Danny Phantom whose the brainchild of Butch Hartman and he doesn't own Xmen because they were made by
Comic book LEGEND Stan Lee I miss him so dang much
We all do
Also this guy's brain is wired weird so he doesn't register punctuation
boy I bet that drove your teachers crazy-"
You have no idea
"Anyways this warning is put up for all you grammar trolls to keep your comments to yourself risk getting banned to the people who don't use the internet as a platform for insults if no periods commas or question marks are a turnoff than here's your chance to hit the back button
the rest of you enjoy"
What he said
61394 Presents
After Many Dates Danny and Kitty
It had been a long month one full of amazing adventures and some of his worst nightmares after somehow being convinced by his best friend Tucker had convinced him into trying blind dating now here and after going on thirty blind dates twenty eight of the girls had chosen him as their second date but Danny didn't know who to pick
Until he got some advice from his dad about going for the first girl he thought of when he opened his eyes and now here he was in Cafe Des Fleurs in a second date with the girl he'd chosen as his second date and hopefully girlfriend
The young mutant was wearing a blue dress that reached to just above her knees with black leggings her hair was done up in a ponytail and she wore a silver Star of David necklace around her neck
All in all she looked gorgeous which made Danny even more nervous about what he was going to ask
"Look I think your amazing" Danny said with a hint of nervousness in voice "your so strong so smart and so beautiful I think we have something special between us so what I'm trying to say is Kitty Pryde will you be my girlfriend" Danny asked
He did it he finally confessed his feelings to the special girl he liked now he was waiting for her to answer
'And I thought fighting Pariah Dark was nerve-racking' Danny thought
His date Kitty's smile widened even more a bright blush on her beautiful face and she was looking like she was truly happy right now
"I'd love to" Kitty said looking and sounding so happy
Happy enough that she pulled him in for a hug before he smiled widely and hugged her back once she pulled away she kissed him on the cheek which burned from her touch
Danny blinked
"You mean it" Danny said in disbelief the mutants girl only reply was to give him a chaste kiss on the lips thus time
"Yes" Kitty said to the dark haired boy who now had a lovesick look on his face obviously affected by the unexpected but totally NOT unwanted kiss
'Kitty Pryde is my girlfriend' Danny thought in a smitten way
She's his girlfriend now and Danny had a feeling this would be the start of something special
Danny and Kitty were pulled out of their moment by applause from the other patrons in the restaurant Danny and Kitty blushed in embarrassment
"Excuse me" an large Asian man in a suit who kind of looked familiar to Danny for some reason said stepping towards the couple "I'm Lewis Park I'm the owner of this establishment and your meal is on me" he said Danny's eyes widened sure Cafe Les Fleurs wasn't too expensive but it wouldn't be fair to not have to pay for lunch
"You don't have to do that sir" Danny said "I can pay"
Mr. Park shook his head "nonsense I insist I'm an old romantic and the moment you had with your girlfriend reminded me of when I was a younger man in Paris with my one true match" Mr. Park pat Danny on the shoulder "besides I've taken plenty of money from you over the past month D Fenton" Mr. Park said with a laugh "now please enjoy your lunch and feel free to order dessert"
Danny and Kitty looked to each other and decided to accept Mr. Parks offer thanking him for his generosity Danny looked at the restaurant owner for a second there was something about the man that seemed familiar
Danny shrugged he probably saved the guy during a ghost attack as Danny Phantom or maybe during his disastrous date with Katie Kaboom best not think about that
After lunch Danny and Kitty walked around Danny showing Kitty some of the sights of Amity Park everything seemed better to Danny with his beautiful girlfriend by his side
But what comes up must come down as Danny's ghost sense went off
"Oh no" Danny said
"Danny what's wrong" Kitty asked Danny sighed "there's a ghost nearby I'll be back soon I promise" Danny explained Kitty nodded
Danny ran into an alley transforming behind a dumpster flying into the air Danny searched around
"All right where are you" Danny demanded "your cutting into my time with my girlfriend"
An ecto blast hit Danny in the back knocking him down several feet Danny turned looking up to see Skulker in a armored battle-suit more high tech than usual with a glowing green core in his chest
"I'm more than prepared for you this time welp"
Danny shook his head flying up and punched Skulker in the head Danny winced his fist hurt against Skulkers armor Skulker grinned "do you like that welp" Skulker taunted "I've reinforced my suit to withstand a punch from your girlfriend" Skulker held out his a laser popped out of his wrist Skulker fired another ecto blast hitting Danny in the chest followed by a barrage of missiles at Danny
Danny made a shield to block the missiles Skulker flew at Danny punching through Danny's shield with a second punch Skulker hit Danny in the stomach sending him crashing into the ground leaving a crater in the street Danny got out in time to see Skulker flying above him
"Give it up welp with this Kryptonite powered super armor you and your girlfriends pelts shall hang side by side on my wall"
Danny looked disgusted "ok still gross" Danny said feeling grossed out "wait you said Kryptonite powered Ka- I mean Supergirl's not my girlfriend" Danny said almost slipping and revealing Supergirls identity
"Wait she's not" Skulker said in confusion "that can't be right I calculated a 61% chance you would end up with the girl of steel if not her who did you pick"
"That would be me" Kitty said reaching into Skulker's chest with pulling out a chunk of Krptonite Skulkers suit powered down falling to his knees a little hatch in the back of Skulkers head as the actual Skulker flew out
"I'll get you for this welp" Skulker vowed in his high pitched voice before Danny pulled out his thermos sucking in the Ghost Zones 'Greatest' Hunter Danny grinned putting the cap back on the thermos
Danny looked up seeing Kitty in her costume Kitty was wearing a blue jumpsuit with yellow padding on the chest and shoulders her gloves and boots were the same color a black belt with a red X on her belt buckle
"Wow" Danny said
Kitty grinned "you like" she asked modeling her costume "I didn't have it with me on our first date"
Danny nodded dumbly "uh huh"
Kitty smiled before she looked down at Skulkers abandoned armor "we should get rid of that" Kitty looked to the Kryptonite in her hands "and especially this isn't Kryptonite super dangerous to handle"
"Only if you handle it for a long time like Lex Luthor" Danny looked at some of the people who came out of hiding since the fight ended some had phones out "we should leave before the morons in white show up"
Kitty nodded Danny grabbed Skulkers empty suit with one hand and picked up Kitty bridal style with the other flying into the sky
Danny and Kitty landed on a roof away a few blocks away once Danny put Kitty down Kitty looked at Skulkers empty suit "I know some guys at my school who'd love to get their hands on that suit"
Danny shook his head "last time someone got their hands on one of Skulkers suits it caused a lot of trouble for me" remembering the time the Guys in White got their hands on Skulkers armor
Danny didn't want to know what they could do with Kryptonite powered battle armor or the green rock that powered it
"So" Kitty said with a pause "you dated Supergirl"
Danny nodded "it was part of the service" Danny admitted
Kitty smiled "and you still picked me" Danny nodded with a small smile on his face Kitty stepped forward placing a kiss on Dannys lips Danny kissed back the two stayed together for ten seconds before separating
Danny waited on top of Fentonworks a frown on his face as he waited "I hope mom and dad don't notice one of their lead containment units missing" Danny said
"I think you'll manage" a familiar voice said Danny turned to see Kara Kent more commonly known as Supergirl land on the roof of the OP's center Danny sighed
"Hi Kara" Danny said awkwardly
"Hi Danny" Kara said just as awkwardly looking at Danny "so the second date went well"
"How'd you know" Danny asked Kara pointed at her eyes "super vision there's microscopic remains of lipstick on your lips" Kara explained "so is she the one your perfect match"
Danny nodded "I think so" Danny said "she's something really special"
"I had my second date too his name's Virgil he's a great guy" Kara said with a blush Danny didn't know that Kryptonians could blush
"So the service worked for both of us" Kara said with a grin before shaking her head "but I don't think that's what you called me about"
Danny handed Kara the container "remember Skulker he thought you and I were on a second date so he made a kryptonite powered battle armor" Danny kicked Skulkers empty suit "all to have our pelts hanging side by side"
Danny and Kara shuddered in disgust
"That's so wrong" Kara said "so what do you want to do with it" she said looking at the armor
Danny punched his palm "want to see how many hits it'll take before it breaks"
Kara grinned "gladly"
In Quahog Rhode Island a certain person in red and black walked up to Peter Griffin's door he turned up to the sky
"You rock Number boy" Deadpool said "I'm going to really enjoy this"
Me too Wade
Deadpool began knocking on the door on the other side Deadpool could hear some overgrown man baby slap a teenaged girl her shout of pain made Deadpool even angrier the man baby's laughing got louder before the door
"Who the heck are you" Peter Griffin demanded
Instead of answering a punch to the nose was what Peter Griffin Deadpool stepped in and kicked Peter in the stomach
"Peter oh my god" Lois said before trying to run before Deadpool drew a dart gun shooting Lois in the shoulder knocking her unconscious Deadpool pulled out an 'Easy Button' pushing it "That was easy" played through the Griffin house Deadpool grinned "I love this thing"
Putting the easy button away Deadpool put a hand into his pocket and pulling out handcuffs
"Oooh kinky" Deadpool said
Keep it PG Wade
"Fine" Deadpool bent down handcuffing the fat lump of a man "Killjoy" Deadpool whispered
I heard that
"Peter Griffin your under arrest for abuse drug possession owning an unregistered weapon shooting a kid with that weapon property damage animal abuse and god knows what else you've done I don't watch this show"
Peter sobbed "you can't do this to me I've got kids" Peter wailed
"No dad you don't" Meg said with an arm around Stewie and Chris protectively "you treat us like crap especially me honestly you and mom are probably should never have even had us" Meg said "it's why I hired him"
Peter growled running at Meg with his hands behind his back "you ugly ungrateful brat I'm gonna rip you apart"
Deadpool grabbed Peter and threw him into a wall he was barely conscious when Deadpool walked over and grabbed him by the collar
"No you and your trash wife don't get to use the parents card your supposed to look after your kids not use them as your personal punching bags or someone to frame your crap on when you get in trouble" Deadpool "and seriously what's with everyone calling her ugly she looks beautiful easily an 8 and a half
Deadpool tossed Peter Griffin through the door into the back of a police vehicle he tossed Lois in too already in the vehicle were Herbert Quagmire Lois's parents and a few others who were just garbage in this town
Meg walked out into the front yard with an envelope "thank you for doing this here's the payment I owe you"
Deadpool waver her off "keep the money this one's free"
Meg nodded "do you really think I'm beautiful"
Deadpool nodded "are you secretly some kind of snarling man eating alligator woman"
Meg shook her head
"A decayed brainless zombie"
Meg shook her head
"A supervillain"
Meg looked nervous "I hacked into a dating service to freeze the accounts of guys I dated who didn't like me"
Deadpool shrugged "meh who cares you should see some of the stuff on my rap sheet" Deadpool said "you eighteen"
Meg nodded
Deadpool snapped his fingers a piece of paper with a phone number on it ended up in her hands along with some official looking papers the deed to the Griffin House guardianship of Chris and Stewie plus a bank statement saying she now was a VERY rich woman
"Call me sometimes we'll get Chimchangas and watch Frozen" Meg grinned hugging the merc with a mouthkissing Deadpool on the cheek "sounds great"
Looks like Meg Griffin found her perfect match after all
Just as the police were pulling away Brian pulled up in a taxi the white lab stepped out with a bag of groceries he looked at Meg with her arms around Deadpool and the open door
"What'd I miss" Brian asked
And that's the chapter I hope you all enjoyed it
"I know I did" Deadpool said "I got to beat the Kim and Danny me here by fifty four chapters plus I get a girlfriend out of the deal whose a spy is she a shield agent that means I could mess with Mace Windu 2.0"
Under jobs it said sleeper agent maybe she went to the same summer camp Hayley Smith went to
"Speaking of old Stanny boy do I get to pay him a visit too" Deadpool asked "I know you actually like Cleveland Show so I probably won't get to get him what about Wally and Robert"
Maybe with Wally but feel free to mess with Robert and Freight Train
For the record I am not a fan of Family guy I originally saw it while on vacation and I hated it it wasn't funny the violence was dumb and Peter Griffins voice was annoying to hear especially that dumb laugh of his
One thing I really don't get is the Meg hate from the other characters or everyone calling her ugly why because she wears glasses it's not funny and the constant physical abuse isn't funny either
I won't pretend that she's a saint based on the youtube thumbnails I've seen she's definitely not though some of them are a whole lot less creepy now that I know she's 18
But yeah abusing your kid for a laugh not funny
Also the Meg and Deadpool pairing was spontaneous and not planned I was going to go with Vanessa from the movies
I also didn't arrest Brian because I couldn't find anything illegal he did in the wiki and I don't want to watch this show to find any
Review Fave Follow and check out the other stories in the many dates multiverse
The Many Dates of Danny Fenton by Flower princess 11
TMDDF Danny and Kara by Flower princess 11
After many dates Danny and Gwen by Neomark
After many dates Danny and Kim by Neomark
Danny chooses Alex after the dates by Luiz4200
After the dates Danny and Violet by Luiz4200
After many dates Danny and Phantasma by BeConFuzzled Writer
To my fellow Many Dates writers I am open to suggestions either in reviews or PM's
Until next time
Excelsior True believers