Universe: 1D-Vpra-PopVee-B52

Narrator: Cardinal 8A (106)


Requested by: KiaraXKionFan.

It was a normal school day but what no one knew was that an unexpected romance was about to begin.

Vee was walking down the hallway when she overheard Bridget and Edgar talking about her and Poppy.

"I can't believe my sister is friends with that Vampirina girl."

"I know they don't seem like they should be friends at all." Hearing Bridget and Edgar say these things bring Vee's nerves to a boil.

"How could you? Poppy and I have been best friends since we moved here, how dare you to talk about us like that!" Vee runs off in such a rage she forgets about her super speed. She finds Poppy and tells her what Bridget and Edgar were saying.

"And you stood up for me," She begins Poppy then gives Vee a hug and finishes her statement. "Thanks, Vee you're the best friend a girl could ever ask for."

I want to add that while the record only has what Vee heard, they were actually talking about how, since they are quite different, it is interesting the two girls are such good friends.