HELLO! I realize that it has been a fucking hot minute since I updated and I do have a reason! I have moved to college! I am currently in college at the moment and I still have the job that had back at home! It's been a while and I felt like that you guys waited long enough for me to get my shit together! I do hope that you all enjoy this chapter and comment on what you liked and what you may think will happen! Now...ENJOY!


"You're the human that so many of my brothers and sons have come to serve,' Azathoth, donned in a human meat suit from the age of gods, hummed.

"Fitting to see that you have chosen the Primordial Body of the Greek Chaos," Ritsuka hummed as he glowered at her with his glazed over eyes. "A pleasure. Fujimaru Ritsuka."

"You did not answer me," he growled, the woman humming as she opened her eyes once more and smiled at the cosmic deity.

"Pardon me, but my son is coming. I see that he is worried about his mother," she giggled, the cosmic deity confused.

"You are too young, at this point in your world's view, to have borne any children," he commented.

"Adoption," she winked, the deity nodding as the door opened and a doe eyed youth came in with a cry of 'mother!'. "I am fine Izuku."

"If Yog, Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep are worried then you should be too," he hissed to his mother, the woman giggling as the child began to berate her for her nonchalant behavior as the Cosmic Being watched the two.

"Izuku, this isn't a ploy to get out of your studies with the three are they? And you're the one who said he was ready for the study of the Cosmos and anything outside of earth,' she winked, the god jolting as he turned to the boy.


"No it's not," he protested. "I am doing fine! Just as Yog! I am worried about the ramifications of associating with the god of their kind! We don't know what he wants!"

"Boy," Izuku jolted at the sound of his voice, turning to face him with apprehension...but no fear. "You have transcended the knowledge of this world at such a young age?"

"I…me and mother both have," he spoke, the god turned to the woman who hummed with a nonchalant look.

"Well I'm too busy for those lessons. Besides I'm all grown up and have enough money to live comfortably, so I won't be taking those lessons either," she shrugged, a glint on her finger making him understand.

"Your Solomon's beloved...and have been gifted a ring of knowledge," he commented, the girl freezing as her son tensed and looked ready to explode.

"Guess it's not hard to deduce if I am wearing the ring," she laughed, her son deflating as he looked away from the two, melancholy upon his face.

"I saw a future when I bore sight of that ring," Azathoth began, the two turning to him. "I saw the three of you, along with a fourth. A child with inky black hair, amber eyes and moonlight skin that bore a resemblance to you two," he offered up.

"A boy or girl?"

"A boy."

"I see," she sighed, closing her eyes with a slight smile. "Was he running toward his brother?"

"He wished to be embraced by the towering form of his older brother who he adored to the moon and back," he informed the two, the boy going rock still as he moved to leave.

"Don't you wish to learn more," Azathoth asked, the boy stopping as his hand touched the opening pad.

"Why would I wish to know of a timeline that was never meant to be true," he huffed, fully leaving before the cosmic being could speak.

"I have never met humans quite like you," he admitted. "And that boy….he's only 14 and he's ascended his mortal body's constraints of knowledge...and you as well only 25…"

'I will take that as a compliment," she hummed. "Now why are you here in the first place? This is not something that someone of your calibur should be worrying about. It doesn't concern you."

"I will admit that I am...curious," he offered up, flinching at her disbelieving eyebrow and huff. "I wanted to see what drew all of my kin ann offspring to you and I can see that you hold no fear."

"Why be afraid of something that is clearly stronger than myself, it only wastes time," she huffs, shaking her head before moving to grab the tea before them. "I would much rather have a bit of fun before examining a potential alley."

"That type of mentality will be the end of you, I hope you understand that," he warned. "If it were any other of my Kin you would be dead."

"Would they really kill someone as interesting as me," she smirked, the other jolting as he realized that she...got him.

"I see," he hummed. "You still best be careful...the way you act…"

"The lack of fear or the desire for fun."

"I think you know the answer."



"Where is he!"

"Come now Azathoth, I have never known you to be such an impatient person," they hummed, the greater being narrowing its eyes. "Or does it only apply to a certain two humans?"

That seemed to piss him off.

"To the untrained eye it would seem as if you are Ritsuka Fujimaru or her beloved Solomon...even if I am unable to bear sight of your face. Magic?"

"Yes," they confirmed as the two familiars stepped back in shock. "I am glad that you are unable to see through the veil of magic though. I would rather not have the surprise ruined."

"Would rather not have the surprise ruined or is it the fact you don't want to disappoint people," he asked, the master flinching as he hit it right on the nail. "Hmm, so there's a chance you are Ritsuka Fujimaru...but it is a greater chance that you're not."

"I cannot keep much from the leader of the Cosmic Beings," they shrugged. "I only need to keep up for a bit longer."

"You're doing a good job of it so far...but I sense the magic is being degraded the more it spends time in this mana deprived world," Azathoth giggled, taking too much pleasure in the others' fear. "But I can tell that the worst of your fear is...Izuku."

"Help Izuku, summon forth Chaldea," the man began, having enough of the interrogation.

"You dare to presume to control me," he demanded, but otherwise did not move to intimidate the human furthur.

"You don't want to help your favorite human-"

"Favorite human is a stretch," he snapped, fist clenching at his sides as he narrowed his eyes at the cloaked being.

'Oh, don't even try and kid yourself," he hummed in response. "Izuku was the one you fell on when Chaldea had fallen into ruin...when the death of Ritsuka was something you knew would come to pass."

"Ritsuka and Izuku were the only humans to be able to transcend their human bodies' barriers of knowledge. And for that I respect and admire them," Azathoth hummed. "But they were still held down by their morals and emotions...which in a way made me respect them more."

'Your point?"

"While I wish to witness Izuku transcend this problem himself...I know what goes on in this world and I know the ramifications of leaving things the way they are," he hummed. "Give me the keys to the Shadow Border," he held out his hands. "I believe it is time for him to have a home once more."

"It is not the same Shadow Border…"

"I know," he nodded, the other sighing. "You have connected it to the Wandering Sea's reformed Chaldea itself. It was the only way to have all the Heroic Spirits in one place and all of Chaldea's working equipment, the part of the wandering sea attempting to get in was to have Izuku prepared for what was to come."

"Nothing gets past your all seeing eyes."

"Aside from your identity."

"Well, that's a bonus I guess."

"Until I figure it out."

"But of course."

It was silent after that.

Huginn and Muninn merely stared at one another and wondered if allying themselves with this man was the right choice.


"OF ALL THE IDIOTIC THINGS! IZUKU MIDORIYA," Mei yelled as he huffed and set about working on his Kata again. "ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME!"

"Yes woman," he snarled, turning to face the fuming mechanic with an equally annoyed stare. "I think I would have to be dead not to hear you!"

"Oh do not even start right now," she seethed, the two beginning to butt heads as Hitoshi sighed and turned to ignore his friends as they began to lash at one another's throats.

"Honestly," he groaned as Todoroki and Tsuyu made their way over, the two watching as basically fangs were all out in Mei and Izuku as they faced off against one another. "Those two cannot not fight with one another every week," he sighed, shaking his head as the two began to push at one another.

"Aren't you going to stop them," Todoroki asked as he placed his cold Soba down onto the table. He watched as the two got in once another's faces, snarling and looking like they were ready to go in for the kill.

Both looked so vicious that the killing intent was pungent in the air.

"And get the snot beaten out of me," Hitoshi snorted, looking annoyed. "Yeah, no thanks. Those two might punch one another but never enough to actually hurt, no matter what it looks like."

The two began to grapple with one another, snapping and grabbing clothing, hair, flesh and anything that would give them leverage...but never really doing anything to leave a scar.

"Then why fight at all," Todoroki asked, flinching at the roar Izuku let out when Mei managed to get him down.

"It's complicated," Hitoshi admitted with a grunt as he eyed Aizawa. "It...it's just complicated."

"Midoriya," he said, the boy stopping his assault on Mei as he looked up and glowered at the teacher. "Your uncle is here to speak to you."

"Huh," Izuku asked, looking annoyed with the world to grill the other further. "Uncle?"

"Yami Fujimaru wants to speak with you," and he tensed when he saw the boy go slack.

"What did you say," he whispered, the boy having clearly heard him but did not seem to register the man's apprehension. He burst forward, past them all and out to the stairs.

Aizawa was not far behind, stalling for a moment at the boy's near desperate look as he bolted down the stairs to the lobby of the buliding. He increased his pace as they got closer and closer to the entrance, looking frantic as he pushed fellow students out of the way.

"Fujimaru," he called out, gasping as he looked at the man before him and froze.

No question.

A torrent of emotions flooded through the boy in that moment. Happiness, elation, fear, disappointment and melancholy all came crashing down.

But he smiled when the other opened his mouth.

"Izuku," Azathoth hummed, smiling happily as he pushed his inky black hair back and held out a hand. "I have come at the behest of your mother, we have some things that take precedence today to get done."

'O...of course," he gasped, the feeling of fear and elation overwhelming him as he bore sight to this monster.

"I've signed you out, so let's not waste anymore time," he smiled, humming as the boy grasped his hand.

"R...right," he nodded, entranced as he saw the one person he thought he would never see again.

"Your mother is very proud of you. I hope you understand that," the man stated as they began the trek outside. "Everything you have done so far is worthy of Chaldea…"


'She is not living," Azathoth did not sugar coat his words, Izuku swallowing at his stern tone. "No one, aside from being like myself, can return from the dead...not how she died."

"It's not fair…"

"I am afraid that life amongst you humans never tends to be...fair."

"Are you just saying that from hearing it from me and my mother or because you've seen it?"

He was silent.

"I see," Izuku hummed, looking at the Outer God before stilling what was before him. "Wh...what?"

"I will explain once we are inside," he whispered, motioning the boy inside a once familiar place before he began crying.

'Wh...what is this," he hiccuped, looking up to the cosmic being as he led the boy to the command center.

"In my pursuit to find you I came across the Shadow border and upon entering...I found myself in the Wandering Sea," he hummed, choosing to keep the meeting between him and the possible Ritsuka or Solomon silent until he had solid concrete evidence.

"I sent the Shadow Border into the sea of Imaginary numbers," izuku sniffed. "It was still the shadow border...but...how...how…"

"Izuku," Azathoth murmured, placing his hands on the boy's shoulder. "I cannot explain everything, but you must understand that your plans need to be sped up."


'The grail...it's corrupted...worse than what you have ever experienced," the being stated. "It's looking to weed out the worthiest of heroes."

'A grail war…"

"Yes," he nodded, turning to Chaldea's. "So I will help you tap into the latent Ley Lines and connect them between this plane and your old world."

"How will we hide this...this damn tank from everyone," Izuku scoffed, but he still caressed the familiar keyboard with a small smile.

"The Glamour you put up will hold," the other assured the boy. "You're a prodigy at Magecraft, believe it or not."

"I don't feel like it," Izuku admitted as he looked to his friend. "I feel as if I am a failure in more ways than one Azathoth!"

"Maybe it's because in this world, what you are is not normal...in more ways than one," he admitted, Izuku turning to glare at him before sighing and moving to the computer.

"So we are to make Chaldea whole again," he murmured, typing on the computer to see what was on the monitors.

"That is the plan, yes. By monopolizing all the servants we have a chance to stop the holy grail war from happening before it begins," he explained, coming beside the boy. "Even if the pull of the grail is to happen, this world is too steeped in modern heroes, there is no way for them to summon forth any heroes in our sense."

"History heroes are banned after all," Izuku scoffed.

"We will deal with that later, but we will need info on any potential heroes of this society that may be summoned," Azathoth murmured, coming forward.

"Modern heroes only go back so far...less than three centuries," Izuku murmured, looking at the old files that held memories. His eyes wandered to the daily log, his hand hesitating before moving away...or it would have.

"Watch it," Azathoth ordered gently. Grabbing his hand and placing it back on the mouse. "I will be in the summoning room, but you should watch the last video."

"Huh? My last video was me ranting about how much the Association men were bastards."

"Do it. You may be surprised."

He then left, Izuku looking at the door in confusion before shaking his head and opening the file jolting at the last entry. It was the day they had left, Izuku had been in his room sulking and delaying the process as much as possible.

He clicked it and felt tears well up as she saw his mother's face on the screen.

'Is it on," she sighed, before shaking her head and sitting back. "Heya kiddo! I don't know when this is going to get to you...but I am most likely dead."


"I know the association will stop at nothing to assure that Chaldea never arises again. They fear what Chaldea has become and no matter the amount of reassurance and pledges we go under, they will never believe us," she sighed, looking weary for a 29 year old. "I can only hope that no matter how much you despise it, how much you hate it; you have made it home. Alive and well enough," she smiled to the monitor.


"I think by now you realized that I knew that I would die and that you would end up back home," she sighed. "I understand if you are upset by this revelation, I know how much you hated this world. But...you need to understand that I did this to save you."

Izuku leaned back as he watched his mother.

"You're a proud child, a proud Warrior even," she giggled, Izuku smiling. "But if you stayed in this world I feared that you may lose everything in your pursuit for revenge, as you would perceive it for my passing. I know you my child, and I know that you would try and get revenge for my death...for Chaldea's death."

"Senpai," Mashu's voice spoke behind her and Izuku gasped. "We need to hurry this up."

"I know, I know," she nodded, sighing as she looked back at the Camera. Her expression pinched as she no doubt mulled over her words before seemingly coming to a conclusion. "Chaldea is dead, but in reality it is not," she smiled. "So long as you are alive, you are Chaldea. No matter how alone you are, no matter how hopeless everything feels you are not alone," she nodded to him. "Chaldea is a parasite, I will admit it," she conceded. "We lost much of our humanity for the sake of humanity, Chaldea is a leech that drains us of morals and so much more, but I know neither of us would have changed anything."

"Izuku," Mashu smiled, coming into frame. "What Senpai is saying is that...no matter what, no matter how much Chaldea has shaped, changed and molded you...you are a child and should enjoy it to the fullest."

"Ahaha, always the one to comfort the boy," Ritsuka winked before turning back to the monitor. "I love you my boy, never forget that."

Just as she moved to turn off the recording, he got snow before a VERY familiar face showed up on the screen.

"My son," Solomon murmured, his amber eyes boring into Izuku's own. "By God's grace I am able to give you this last message."


"I am proud of you, so much so," Solomon smiled. "I make no excuse for my past as a flirt, a man with many children and many wives," he sighed, looking away. "At times I questioned if I really...should have taken Ritsuka as my love and soon my wife...because of my...old ways," he sniffed.

"Mom never cared…"

"I realized that she saw my actions in the past and so did you...you were young at the time. You were just coming to terms that you could be a hero," he pressed, the boy feeling tears welling up in his eyes. "I see much and I see you standing above the rest as a Hero, not a hero. I don't need my Clairvoyance to tell me that."

"I know," he whispered.

"I may be gone, I may be clinging to life somewhere," he murmured. "But I will always be there for you in spirit and soul. My sweet boy...you will change the world."


"I know.." his voice began to change, turning into the voice he remembered the most. "That my secrets had the potential to make you and your mother hate me...despise me...make her loath my mere name...but she never did."

"Mom just...mom just loved you," he whimpered, the memory of Solomon...Romani's death fresh in his memory, as it always had been.

"I love you two so much. You love toward me...even though you each had every right to leave it and abandon me...it made me feel human...more so than when I was Romani. I love you my son."

Just like that the video went blank and Izuku leaned back tears falling down his face. He murmured lightly as a hand landed on his shoulder and Azathoth asked for his blood.

It was time to become whole once more.

"Rest and collect your emotions," Azathoth murmured. "I will assure you have pleasant dreams. And Izuku," he turned to the boy who looked like he was ready to pass out. "The King Gilgamesh you faced in babylonia...he understood well what you being in chaldea and here meant….I hope you know too."

He left.

The next thing Izuku knew, he fell into a deep sleep.

Babylonia: The Absolute Frontline in the War Against the Demonic Beasts

The Chain of Heaven

"You boy," Gilgamesh spoke from his throne, the warrior in training having been called into a private meeting with the busy king. "You are not of this plane of reality, correct? You came here without any knowledge of how?"

"Yes, Your majesty."

"You come from a place where heroes are fodder. Easily made and easily replaced. No longer an item of dreams and fantasy, no longer an impossible dream, but an easily attainable one...So long as one has the power and means to do so."

"If you are going to grill me on the heroes of my world I respectfully ask you to stop," Izuku snapped before he could stop himself. "I will not be one of those cookie cutter heroes that are pumped out like something from a factory," he snarled, glaring up at the smirking king.

"GOOD!" He boomed, laughing his obnoxious laugh before standing from his throne, striding down to meet him face to face as best he could, his blood red snake eyes boring into Izuku's own. "Yes a world of heroes where if you are flashy enough, have money and a family legacy you can become a hero...the legacy is the same...but flashy? Money? HA! Many good heroes come from nothing!" He waved his hand out, looking like a peacock, despite his hateful gaze at the sky, daring it to question his logic on Izuku's world. He then looked Izuku in the eye and spoke. "You are meant to be one of us," he gave a toothy smile that had Izuku tensing. "I see and understand that much."


"A one and a million hero," he brushed off, beginning to circle the boy. "You have no qualms about killing or morals when it comes to those who go against your code of conduct. Being a hero is not a glamorous job."

'I am well aware."

"Are you," Gilgamesh sighed. "Are you really."

"If you are talking about the murder, revenge, desire, hatred, despair...I will face it all I need to," Izuku whispered. "I will bear the pain of a thousand sword piercing my body...the pain of curses, torture and the like."

"So young," he hummed, continuing his circling of the stiff boy. "It's been only...2 years since you've arrived?"

"Yes," he nodded, keeping his eyes straight forward.

"Only 8 and yet you understand more than…."All Might is Amazing!" He mocked, Izuku snarling as his arms tensed and fingers curled into white knuckled fists. "Struck a nerve I see."

"All Might is a symbol...a mortal one," Izuku answered back. "Putting all your faith in a living mortal symbol that you believe will always save you...your setting yourself up for a collapse in society."

"One I can see you eagerly anticipate and ready to bear witness too...not a very model citizen of you," Gilgamesh observed.

"I am not a sheep in that society of mindless followers,' Izuku ground out, looking at the king sideways and making him jolt. He grinned before giving a booming laugh.

"I can see in those eyes of yours," Gilgamesh whispered, stopping before Izuku and grabbing his chin with his clawed hand. He wrenched the boy's head up, forcing his eyes to lock with his red ones. "I can see that hatred that burns deep down in your soul, no matter how much you try to deny it."


It wasn't in shock or inquisitive, it was defensive.

"You want to burn society to the ground, you want to show people that you are not worthless and that you are a capable person," he smiled, Izuku baring his teeth. He grunted as the man's finger caught his teeth, he grinned at the sight of canines.

"Ah… a beast spell not fully reversed," he humed, thumbing the fangs as Izuku glowered at him. He coughed when the man released him before stepping back before he lashed out.

'What do you want from me," Izuku demanded, looking at the king with a forceful gaze.

"I am...curious as to why you want to become a hero," Gilgamesh hummed. "You alienated yourself from the people of your world, and embraced this one as your own...you are one of us...there is no need for heroes...in in the age you will dwell in."

"What makes you think I don't want to head home and show them wrong," Izuku growled. "Have you thought of that oh king?"

"Can you really imagine going back," the voice of the king was softer and more compassionate than Izuku expected, especially after the jab. "To be in a world where you are pushed down constantly and considered to be nothing more than a nuisance?"

Izuku remained silent.

"I have seen you train," Gilgamesh sighed, motioning Siduri to pour him a drink. "You are good, no doubt, but have a long way to go..before becoming a worthy hero in the eyes of your mentors,' he nodded. "But I see you have decided already to abandon home and call this place 'home'...so why try as hard?"

"It's not so easy to forget your past...no matter how much others may make it seem so," Izuku murmured. "The desires that made you keep going all your life do not burn out so quickly when you are blessed with an easier one."

"I see...go," Gilgamesh waved off. "Should I be summoned to Chaldea I will ensure you will become one of the world's finest heroes."

"Many thanks."

"This is not a charity case boy," he called as Izuku walked away. "This is a statement to the world of fools!"

"I know," Izuku smirked, allowing David to grab his upper arm and guide him out the Ziggurat. "Many thanks anyways."


"I see you have fallen from your status as one of us," the voice above Izuku was disappointed, but resigned as well. "But I am sure we can all whip you into shape, especially since the groundwork is laid out."

"Wah...what," Izuku gasped, looking up to see two glowing red eyes. "Gil...Gilgamesh?"

"Child," he nodded, looking up from his tablet to lock gazes with a shocked Izuku. "I see that time has not been kind to you."

"It actually worked," Izuku yelled, getting up only to sway at the sudden shift.

"Still with all the childishness," the king shook his head and steadied the boy. "Indeed...it worked...mostly."


"Voyager was the only one to not answer the call," he informed the boy, leading him out of the empty command room. "If what this greater one said is true he most likely is searching the Cosmos for our masters soul...he maybe even found a thread."

"So Voyager…"

"He's not here, but he is aware that you are alive, well and summoned most of us back into this plane of reality," the king nodded. "He promised to keep up communications between us; once he was in range of course," he rolled his head for a moment, looking annoyed as he thought back to the conversation.

"King Gilgam-"

"I am upset by you being in the so called...hero school," he nodded, looking at the door. "But I understand that it was something that needed to be done."

"I can see in your eyes that many of them...hate the idea of me being there," Izuku murmured, jolting at the hand on his head. "My King?"

"Indeed," he nodded, the boy giving an unamused look to the king before he froze at his predatory look. "But it does not mean that we are wholly unhappy...this is merely a chance to show them...what a hero is," he grinned. "It will be far easier for you to show them now."

"Of course," Izuku nodded. "That was my original goal...from the moment I decided to become...a Hero."

"And it is joyous to see you have not changed!"

Izuku didn't know who said it...but he was glad nonetheless.


"Even if we knew, we wouldn't tell you! We have no obligation to," Mei stated as she and Hitoshi were grilled upon by Aizawa who raised a brow before shaking his head.

'Your too young to understand-"

"Do not," she hissed, the teacher jolting at the rage in her tone. "Do not say that I don't understand...it's you and everyone else in this damned school that doesn't understand!"

"Miss Hatsume-"

"You know nothing about me or Hitoshi! Don't pretend you know! Don't assume that we are like the other kids in our classes when it comes to morality and gray areas," she wheezed. "We know! We know and we've had no reason or obligation to tell you otherwise," she seethed.

"Mei," Hitoshi warned his sister, the girl whipping her head to lock eyes with him. She saw the fear and worry within his lilac orbs before she forcibly calmed herself down and turned to fully leave. Hitoshi stayed where he was, looking at the hero before him with a calculating look, before he thought back to Chiron's words.

'A hero he may be, but he is like me in the end. He merely wants what is best for his students, so do not push him away but merely push him toward the thoughts he would like to have; with a few minor obstacles to show he is making progress.'

"Izuku and Mei are complicated," Hitoshi said, Aizawa turning to the dead eyed boy. "I am too, but we do appreciate you caring. Not many people did when we were younger."


"If you want to help us," he interrupted the teacher. "Then stop with the kid shit. Were smarter than most of the class and are only here for the license," he huffed.

"I am supposed to guide you."

"You're forcing us to follow your cookie cutter ways. And we're not going to conform," Hitoshi shrugged. "Mull on that if you want to think about something," he sniffed, leaving the man to his thoughts.

Aizawa was left alone to his thoughts on the trio and the problems they have caused and no doubt will cause.

It wasn't pretty.

Comment on what you like and what happened!