A/N 3 chapters to go until the story is over! I hope everyone has enjoyed the journey and I can't wait to bring the sequel to you all. It has been a pleasure to write this story for all of you and I must thank every single one of you for reading the story. For once this is a short authors note, please enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 28

Peter and Felicia continued to stare at the roof of the Oscorp building. It was finally over but it came with the cost of Norman Osborn's life. Peter looked at the ground, his mind racing at how he was to blame for the pain that was going to be felt by Harry. Felicia looked over at him, as she still clutched her leg. It was very much broken and she would love nothing more than to take Peter into her arms and comfort him. All she could do was speak.

"Peter I know what you are thinking... it's not your fault. " Felicia watched as he picked his head up and looked back at her, his lenses were closed slightly. She tried to reach him, luckily he got the hint and moved towards her so she could wrap her arms around him and let him release his tears on her shoulder through his mask.

"I have left Harry with no dad, he has no one left because of me," Peter said through his sobs as Felicia stroked the side of his head, trying to do everything in her power to comfort him.

"It isn't your fault, Norman chose this path, he tried to kill us and a lot of other people, Peter. He didn't care who he hurt to achieve his goals, he was a monster and you didn't kill him, he killed himself."

"But what if Harry blames me, I don't think I don't want to lose my best friend." Peter looked up at her to see a very thoughtful look on her face.

"If he blames you then Harry will be blind to the monster his father truly was. " Felicia finished her sentence with a wince, the adrenaline that was running through her body was slowly fading away and was taken over by pain. Peter noticed this and jumped into action quickly. He picked her up into his arms gently.

"Let's get you to a hospital Felicia " Felicia merely nodded and allowed herself to be carried, hoping the pain would stop soon.

Peter walked to the edge of the building and was thinking of how he was going to get her out of her costume while she had a broken leg, then it came to him. He could take her to the hospital that Yuri took him to after the Raft breakout. He jumped from the edge and started to swing his way there, being careful not to hurt Felicia's injured leg. They swung for about 25 minutes before they made it to the hospital and landed at the front. This was not a normal hospital, this one was built by the police force for any officers who were ever in need of medical attention.

Peter started walking to the front entrance with Felicia but was stopped by a voice shouting to get their attention.

"Spider-Man over here" Peter turned and saw Captain Stacy waving them over. He walked over to the captain.

"What is wrong with Black Cat?" Captain Stacy asked noticing the distress on the young woman's face.

"Her leg is broken and I need to get it treated quickly, can you help Sir?" Peter asked him.

"Of course follow me " With that said Captain Stacy led the two into the hospital and requested a doctor immediately to take Felicia. A gurney came rolling out with a doctor and a couple of nurses. Peter gently placed Felicia on top of it. Felicia instantly reached out for his hand and took it, she held onto it tightly trying to forget the pain that was running through her body. The nurses started to wheel Felicia to an operating room as Peter told them about what happened and that her leg might be broken. They reached the operating room and Peter was pushed out so they could operate on Felicia's leg.

This left Peter standing in the hallway on his own. He felt sorry that Felicia was dragged into this because of him and he couldn't help but feel like her being with him made be in more danger. He was brought from his thoughts when a hand was placed on his shoulder. He turned to see Captain Stacy standing there.

"She will be fine son, the doctors here will fix her leg in no time. "

"I know, I am just thinking about everything that has happened tonight, Peter said softly.

"What happened up there after I was sent away?" Captain Stacy asked, he hadn't seen the news which was still trying to figure out if there were any casualties.

"Norman Osborn did all of this so he could try to save his son. His son has the same disease that killed his wife and this is why he would do anything to save him, even killing innocent people. He wanted to be in power again so no one could stop him testing his cures on innocent people, he didn't care if they died. His son doesn't know anything about it." Peter started to fidget with his hands as he looked at the doctors operating on Felicia's leg.

"Where is Osborn now?" Captain Stacy asked.

"Dead" Was all Peter said.

Captain Stacy was shocked and had to ask. "Did you kill him?"

Peter turned the captain and shook his head. "No, he killed himself. He activated a self destruct mode on his suit. It almost took me and Felicia out but we got away. I couldn't save him, it was too late to get the suit off. "

Captain Stacy nodded his head in understanding. "Is there anything you need?" he asked Peter.

"Yeah, can you bring Mary Jane Watson here? She is a friend "

"Sure, she helped us with Miss Watanabe and Chamelion, so it would be my pleasure. I will be back soon. "

Peter watched as the Captain walked away and he sat down in a chair nearby, resting the back of his head against the cold hospital wall. He sat there for about half an hour. He was starting to fall asleep when he heard footsteps. He turned his head and saw MJ approaching him. He stood up and she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly.

"Oh, Peter I am so happy you are okay!" MJ exclaimed making sure no one could hear he saying Peter's name.

"I am glad you are okay as well MJ."

Peter and MJ sat next to each other as they looked into the operating room. MJ spoke up after a minute or two.

"How is Felicia doing?"

"She has a broken leg. Norman practically snapped it. "

MJ gasped and looked at the room again, hoping that Felicia would make a full recovery.

"Norman died MJ," Peter said to her in a whisper. MJ turned to him and looked at him sadly.

"I know, I saw on the news. They found Norman's body in the fire. "

Peter looked at her realizing that Harry must know as well. "Harry knows that I took away his father then."

MJ held onto Peter's hand as she spoke softly. " It is not your fault, if Harry thinks its Spider-Man's fault then he is blind."

"That's what Felicia said " Peter replied

"Then you should listen to her then shouldn't you?"

Peter looked at her and nodded his head. They two continued to talk for another couple hours, just making sure they were both okay. Eventually, the doctor came back from the room and spoke to them.

"The surgery was a total success and we were able to repair her leg. She is awake if you want to see her, though she might fall asleep again, the medicine is still in her system.

Peter nodded his head and thanked the doctor. He and MJ stood up and walked into the room. Hearing her door being opened, Felicia looked up with a smile on her face, Peter noticed that her mask was still on her face and was thankful for that. He walked over and looked at the nurses who gave him a soft smile. They soon left the room and gave them some privacy.

"Hey," Peter said as he took her hand in his own. She held onto him tightly and pulled his head down with her other hand. Once his face was close enough, she lifted his mask slightly and planted a deep kiss on his exposed lips. Both eventually pulling away with dazed expressions though no one could see Peter's. MJ smiled at both of them and walked over. Felicia received a small hug from her, which she was grateful for.

"How are you feeling?" MJ asked

"I feel tired but I am alive and I am thankful for that. " Felicia turned to MJ who also looked tired, it wasn't a surprise since she had been kidnapped by Norman for god knows how long.

"I am sorry we didn't realize that you were taken MJ, we were tricked. " Felicia said softly.

"It is okay honestly. You guys came and saved me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you both."

"We will always be there for you and anyone else," Peter said softly, causing both girls to smile at him. Felicia squeezed his hand gently. She was concerned for him.

"How are you doing?" Felicia asked him softly.

"I am just happy you are okay, I am so happy we made it out of that alive. "

"I know how you feel, I am thankful to be here with just a broken leg. " Felicia said sheepishly as she looked at her leg.

"Everyone knows about Norman now, they found his body on the roof. "

"Really? Then Harry must know " Felicia replied more so to herself.

"Exactly and that's what I am worried about. I should go to see him. " Peter exclaimed.

"Yes you should but not today, let us just relax," MJ said as she put a calming hand on his shoulder.

Peter and Felicia both nodded in understanding.

A/N - Well guys I am sorry for the longer than usual wait and the shorter chapter, The way I have it planned out in my head is for this chapter we just focus on the emotions of Peter, Felicia, and MJ from the final battle. The next chapter will be all Harry based and his reactions to his father's death. The last chapter is going to be a surprise! As always reviews, follows and favourites are really appreciated! I really hope you enjoyed it!