Ok sorry that last chapter was so short but my mom made me get off, and I really wanted to write the next chapter. Well I hope ya like this. Plz review. Oh and this is the last chapter.

Yami's P.O.V

After Kaiba left, I picked up the journal and read what was in it.

May 20,

I'm home alone again. Yami took everyone to the arcade. The only friend I have left is Joey. So I guess he didn't take everyone, right? Now Joey is trying to comfort me. I HATE YAMI!!!! All he does is try to take my friends. If you ever read this yami, I hope you're happy, because the only way you would read this is if I committed suicide.


After I read that entry, I couldn't read anymore. What have I done?! I took my hikiri's friends. And, oh god, I GOTTA see him before it's too late!

Kaiba's P.O.V

At kaiba's house

Kaiba - so yugi, what happened with you and yami? Yugi - well, I just don't know.

We sat there quiet.

"Knock, knock"

Kaiba - I'll get it.

I went to the front to open the door.

Kaiba - YAMI!!!! What do you want?! Yami - I was wondering, if I could see yugi.

Hey, now I can have some fun!

Kaiba - don't ya wish we all could? Yami - what do you mean? Kaiba - he committed suicide! All because of YOU!!!! Yami - i.i. oh god!!!! What have I done?!?! Kaiba - you killed him! Now, get out!

Yami left crying, priceless! I'm gonna have to tell yugi!

Normal P.O.V at school

Weeks passed and yami still missed yugi, everyone did.

Joey - hey yami Yami - hey Joey, hey Tristan, hey tea. Tea & Tristan - hey

At that moment Kaiba walked up to them.

Kaiba - listen, my cousin, otomay, is coming today. You better treat him with respect!

All of a sudden a boy, the age of 16, came into the classroom. He had on black leather pants and a black sleeveless shirt. His hair was also black and down.

Joey - are you sure this is your cousin? Kaiba - yes, I am, mutt. Otomay - hi, cuz! Kaiba - hey! Well this is the mutt, Joey, the boy cheerleader, Tristan, the friendship looser, tea, and the pharaoh, yami. Otomay - not glad to meet cha.

Yami's P.O.V

When kaiba's cousin came in, he looked so familiar, like I have met him before.

Yami - so otomay, I. Otomay - hey! You have the millennium puzzle! Yami - you know of the millennium items?! Otomay - yes, but don't you need a host? Yami - well I did, but I ignored him, and pushed him into suicide. Otomay - do.do you miss him? Yami - yes, yes I do. I can still see his innocent face. Otomay - if you could change what you did, would you? Yami - yes, I would. Otomay - what was his name? Yami - Yugi and I really miss him. I just wish I could see him one more time. Otomay - yami, I miss you too!

I got really confused when he said that. Yami - what, what do you mean? Otomay - moto, I am yugi moto! Yami - y.y.yugi!!! Yugi - yep!

I almost fainted

Kaiba - ok, I'll leave guys alone now. Yami - we thought you were, were dead! Yugi - just an act, I was at kaiba's. Joey - we missed ya Yug. Tristan - sorry bout what we did.

Joey and Tristan hugged yugi. Tea ran u and kissed him on the cheek. I just stood there, but then yugi ran up too me and hugged me.

Yugi's P.O.V

I ran up to Yami and hugged him.

Yugi - all is forgiven, yami. Yami - thank you, abiou.

I am glad everything worked out. I hope this never happens again.


Well that's it!! All done! How did you like it? Was it good? This is the longest chapter. Well I really hope you enjoyed it, Plz review!