Ok, this story is called alone. This is my first fan fiction so... well ya
know. Ok here it goes

Joey, Yami, Tristan, and the unknowing Yugi were walking out of the game shop in domino city.

Joey - hey, Yami, want ta go to da arcade?

It's allways Yami, Yami, Yami!!

Yami - sure

I'm standing right here, hello?!

Tristan - I'll finally beat cha in arcade blast!
Can I come?

Yami - In your dreams

Guess not.

Yami, Tristan, And Joey walked off to the arcade, leaving Yugi behind.

Ever since Yami could come out of the puzzle and people could see him, he's been the center of attention! Even my so called 'friends' have ignored me! Well I have had enough!!!!!!!!!
Later on that night
Yami was in the living room looking for yugi. Yami - yugi, yugi?

Yugi - I am right here!

Yami turned around to face yugi.

Yami - oh there you are

Yugi - Yami, I.I. I hate you!

Yami - You hate me! After all I've done for you, you hate me! You little stupid moron!

Yugi - dumb pharaoh

Yami - shorty!

Yugi - idiot!

Yami - weakling!

Yugi - That's it!

I pushed Yami out of the way and ran out the door. He called me weak! Well I'll show him!

Well dats all for now... to be continued. Plz review!