"I'm sorry."

Leah's soft voice, hoarse and rough from crying, drifted up to A2's ear, her head nestled in the android's shoulder as she gently cradled the human girl in her arms, her breath gently tickling her exposed skin in a strangely pleasant manner. The odd group quietly made their way through the ruined remains of the city, the gentle humming of Emil's engine the only sound between them, Leah's earlier breakdown within the field of Lunar Tears still fresh in their minds.

The group had remained huddled together until the human's desperate and heartbroken wails slowly subsided, soft shudders running through her body, the occasional hiccup jumping out of her chest as her brown hair obscured her tear stricken face from view of the androids. Fingers, rough and sore from clutching tightly onto A2's skin, slowly loosened their grip on their lifeline, before sliding around her body to pull the combat model into a gentle hug.

Not a word was spoken as they left the cavern, A2 carrying the human girl in her arms, the emotional outpouring having left Leah weak and exhausted. A2 did not complain, glad that she could help Leah in some way, even if it was something as insignificant as carrying her back to the resistance camp.

"You have nothing to apologize for." Holding Leah a little tighter in her arms, A2 gave the brown-haired girl a gentle smile before returning her gaze back to the road ahead, her steel-blue eyes falling on the pair of YoRHa soldiers dutifully walking ahead of them, 2B and 9S scanning the surrounding area for threats with a vigilant eye. "I'm just sorry I failed to notice it sooner. I should have been able to help you."

The time-traveling girl's hair delicately brushed against A2's neck as she gently shook her head no, a soft chuckle rolling out of the android's chest as Leah smacked her in the back of the head with the softest of taps. Even after such a major ordeal, Leah was still as defiant and sweet as ever.

"I'm glad you are here with me A2." Leah exhaled softly, her voice barely above a whisper, but the human's words echoed loudly in the combat androids ears, her metaphorical heart skipping a beat as a joyous smile broke out on her face. Lifting her head, steel-blue eyes full of joy and adoration, A2 continued down the road with an extra spring in her step, her black box practically soaring in her chest.

"Unfortunately, this is as far as I will be going." Emil's childlike voice pulled the group out of their own little worlds, the darkly dressed androids turning to stare at their vehicular friend in wonder and confusion, Leah partially lifting her head to stare at their new friend with red, puffy eyes."I have to get back to selling my wares. Plus, I have my own feelings I need to work through."

"Understood." 2B's response would have come off as cold and uncaring, her natural gruff tone seeping into her voice, if the barest hints of a smile weren't pulling at the corner of her lips, the battle android lightly bowing at the sphere-headed boy. "Be safe out there, Emil."

"I will!" Spinning around in a circle, voice full of cheer, Emil slowly started to putter away toward an unknown location when he suddenly wheeled back around and zoomed up to A2's side. "Oh, wait!"

"I have something for Leah." Angling his body slightly, truck bed facing the confused android, Emil showed them a single glowing flower sticking out from between the heaps of junk. Gently taking the Lunar Tear from Emil, A2 looked at the boy with a puzzled expression.

"I wanted to thank all of you for your help. You helped me remember something dear to me and I know how much Leah is hurting right now. They say Lunar Tears are supposed to grant any wish and I just want whatever wish she has to come true."

Smiling softly at the boy's sweet words, the combat android gently tucked the Lunar Tear behind Leah's ear, the strands lightly tickling the android's skin. The flower illuminated the time-traveling girl's hair in a gentle glow, the light dancing off of the brown locks in a captivating manner, framing Leah's head in a bright halo.

Raising her head for the first time, eyes bloodshot, tear streaks running down her cheeks, Leah graced the sphere-headed boy with a tender smile as she gently traced the edges of the petals with the tips of her fingers.

"Thank you, Emil." Voice thick with emotion, fresh tears pooling in the corner of her eyes, Leah placed her hand over her heart as she thanked the boy for his wonderful gift.

"Thank you all! I would never have gotten my memories back if it wasn't for you guys. You all are such wonderful friends." Happy smiles spread across all four of the group's faces at Emil's words, 2B giving the boy a small nod as 9S sported a wide grin. A2 gave his chassis a playful kick, the sphere-headed boy laughing lightly as Leah giggled softly at the silver-haired woman's unique display of affection.

"Well, I should go." Whipping around, his collection somehow remaining fixed to the back of his truck, the sphere-headed boy quickly zipped off, his theme music fading into the distance as he called out to them one last time. "Goodbye!"

The quartet stared at where their strange new friend had disappeared from, the jaunty tune of his theme song becoming quieter and quieter before disappearing completely, leaving the group in comfortable silence. They stood like that for a bit, the events of the day replaying in their mind, before 2B turned around, everyone following suit as they continued their trek to the resistance camp.

"We should keep going ourselves."


Twin sets of voices echoed through the camp, several soldiers letting out a series of grunts and vulgar complaints as the redheaded sisters pushed their way past a small group of androids, their green eyes wide and frantic as they rushed over to A2's side. Devola and Popola worriedly scanned the human girl for injuries, ignoring the annoyed stare from the combat android, failing to notice her presence completely as they checked on Leah.

"Are you ok?" Popola asked as she gently cupped the time-traveling girl's cheek, lightly angling Leah's face back and forth, her green eyes inspecting every inch of her for injuries. A couple of small giggles danced out of Leah's chest as she gently removed the red-headed android's hand from her cheek, the human girl giving the twins a reassuring smile before gesturing for A2 to let her down.

Gingerly lowering herself out of A2's arms, Leah giving the long-haired android's hand a quick squeeze and a thankful smile, before turning around and pulling the twin sisters into a loving hug. Resting her head on their shoulders, her arms squeezing the sisters tight, Leah exhaled a soft, content sigh.

"Thank you for always caring about me." Leah's voice hitched slightly as she nuzzled against each of the sister's cheeks, Devola and Popola letting out a couple of squeaks in unison, not expecting the girl's sudden affectionate behavior. "You two are so special to me and I love you both so much. I'm so glad I met you."

Looking at each other over the human girl's shoulders, the twins sharing a near-identical look of confusion, Devola and Popola could feel bright smiles curl on their lips as they returned Leah's hug with gusto, the redheaded sisters partially lifting the shorter girl off of her feet in their excitement. Hearing those words, especially from a human, one they've learned to care very much about, filled them with nearly unfathomable happiness and they couldn't help but show it.

"We love you too, Leah!" The redheaded twin's voice echoed through the camp, a small blush dusting Leah's cheeks as everyone turned to look at them, a small laugh escaping from between her lips before she broke down in a fit of delighted giggles. Leah would not be alone in this as Devola and Popola joined in shortly after, the trio's raucous laughter reverberating off of the surrounding buildings, filling the camp with the sounds of cheer and happiness.

A small smile pulled at the corner of A2's lips as she watched the brown-haired girl practically fall into the redheaded sister's arms, unable to keep standing, her whole body wracked with uncontrollable laughter. The former YoRHa soldier did not feel the same horrible pit in her stomach she once did when Leah would interact with the twins, because she knew the love the human girl was talking about was one of friendship, if not as sisters.

Instead, it made her glad to see Leah laugh and smile again, something the combat android believed was the time-traveling girl deserved to always feel, wanting desperately to give her the happiness and love she had back in her time. While A2 did not think she could ever truly replace the friends and family the last-surviving human had in the past, she still hoped that someday she, all of them, could be that for her in this time.

This train of thought caused a small frown to cross her face as she considered her own place in the group, and most importantly in Leah's heart. Did the human girl consider her a friend, a fighting companion like the YoRHa soldiers, or was she like a sister to her, just like the pair of redheaded androids? While each one should make A2 feel an immense amount of joy, her lifelong dream of finding a place at humanity's side finally being fulfilled, the combat android couldn't help but feel crushing disappointment. It felt like it would not be enough.

It all left the silver-haired woman with a single question: What was she to Leah?

A loud alert ringing from the YoRHa Pod's roughly pulled A2's out of her confusing thoughts, her head whipping over to the pair of soldiers as they answered the emergency call, worried frowns plastered on 2B and 9S's faces as the two operator models appeared on each of their screens.

"Emergency message to all YoRHa soldiers!" 6O's frenzied voice crackled over the airwaves, her blue eyes wide with fear and concern as she frantically typed at her command console. "A carrier ship under YoRHa protection is under attack!"

"All YoRHa soldiers within the city limits please make your way to the supplied coordinates." Keeping a more level tone, the rest of the group could still hear the tense worry in 21O's voice, her eyebrows furrowed into a nervous crease. "We will supply flight units as soon as you arrive."

Quiet murmurs and concerned whispers traveled through the resistance camp as the Pod's display's blinked out, 2B and 9S quickly making their way toward the exit, the pairs posture tight and rigid, both of them mentally preparing themselves for the battle ahead.

Instinct and years of training took over as A2 was prepared to follow after the YoRHa soldiers, the combat soldier taking a hesitant step forward before stopping herself, her mind yelling at her to go perform her duty. But that wasn't her duty anymore, they had betrayed her, left her for dead. There was no need for loyalty to them from her. She had to stay, to be there for Leah in her time of need, not go out and possibly get herself killed for someone who hated her very existence.

"I know you have to go." Feeling a gentle touch on her shoulder, A2 turned to look into the human girl's shining emerald eyes, a small, understanding smile on her lips as she lightly pushed the conflicted android toward the camp entrance."I know you don't want to see any more androids die. Because I know how much you care."

Smiling sadly, A2 surprised everyone by pulling the time-traveling girl into a tender hug, a soft gasp escaping Leah's mouth as she instinctively wrapped her arms around the taller girl's waist. Pressing her nose into the exposed skin of Leah's shoulder, a small tremor rolling through the brown-haired girl's body at the tender and intimate gesture, A2 felt like she never wanted to let go, to remain by her side forever.

But, as Leah had said, she didn't want to see any more androids die.

"Stay with her." Slowly, almost painfully so, A2 pulled out of the embrace, failing to notice the searing blush covering Leah's cheeks as her eyes centered on the pair of redheaded sisters standing a couple of paces away, a couple of mischievous smiles on their faces. "Please."

"Of course we will." Popola smiled caringly, her palm placed delicately on her chest as she bowed lightly at the silver-haired woman, her green eyes full of dedication and understanding.

"You can't keep us away from her!" Devola shouted as she pulled the brown-haired girl roughly into a hug from behind, her arms wrapped tightly around Leah's waist as she gave the combat android a tooth-filled smile.

"Thank you." A2 smiled gratefully at the twin sisters, Devola giving her a quick thumbs-up, before taking another quick glance at the last-surviving human, Leah merely giving her a small nod before quietly gesturing for her to go with a small laugh.

Chuckling softly, the combat-android quickly pivoted on her feet before rushing off, the sound of her heels against the pavement slowly fading away as a pair of emerald eyes watched her go, silently begging for A2 to return safely.

A heavy weight settled in A2's stomach as she ran off after the YoRHa soldiers, a terrible foreboding feeling in her system telling her not to go, that she had to stay by Leah's side at all costs. But her feet kept moving forward, the bright sun reflecting off the water briefly blinding her as she exited the protective shading provided by the buildings encircling the resistance camp, the combat android knowing that she couldn't leave anyone to die, not when she had the chance to help.

"Fucking YoRHa." A2 cursed angrily as she rushed through the winding streets of the ruined city, the Type-A model calculating all the possible shortcuts toward the coast, veering off her main path when she remembered the pipe system they had used earlier to locate one of the Lunar Tears for Emil. Heading toward the large crater, A2 located a particular busted water pipe, water gushing unendingly from its opening.

"That's the one." Rushing over toward the cliff-side hovering directly above it, A2 jumped off of the side with a daring leap, deftly grabbing the top edge of the pipe at the last moment and swinging herself into its opening, all without losing her forward momentum as she rushed through the darkened sewer system.

Feet splashing through the shallow pool of water, A2's eyes scanned the area for a ladder leading to the outside, the combat model pretty sure she was close to the coast by this point. Spotting a faint beam of light in the distance, the former YoRHa soldier sped up her pace, not wanting to waste any more time than necessary. If she failed to catch up to 2B and 9S, she'd be unable to help them in any way, her status as a deserter having left her without the means of aerial combat.

Pulling herself out of the darkened sewers, the feeling of salt-air brushing her face washed over the combat android as she arrived at the edge of the city, the dark clouds overhead casting the area in an eerie veil of shadows. Quickening her pace, A2 made her way toward the shore, the vast expanse of the ocean appearing before her as she passed the last of the buildings, her gaze falling over the rooftops sticking out from beneath the dark waves.

The sound of fighting caused the silver-haired android's ears to perk up, her steel-blue eyes scanning the sunken buildings and destroyed roadway for its source, A2 quickening her pace when she caught sight of 2B and 9S in the midst of battling a crowd of machines, the Type-A model deftly leaping from rooftop to rooftop toward the battling soldiers. Summoning her greatsword, the weapon's hefty weight settling in her hand, A2 took a running leap off of the edge of a building with a great cry before cleaving a large machine in half with a single strike.

"A2?!" A surprised cry escaped 2B's mouth at her combat brethren's sudden appearance, her shocked expression covered by the blindfold over her eyes as she quickly eliminated another machine, the trio of android's easily dispatching the rest of the robot's with ease.

"What are you doing here?" The battle android questioned as she walked over to A2, both of their weapons fading away in a shower of sparkling lights. "I was sure you wouldn't want to involve yourself in YoRHa's affairs."

"I'm not here for YoRHa." A2 spat derisively, her tone softening slightly at the brief hurt expression passing over the pair of soldiers' faces. "I'm here to help my friends and making sure no androids die."

"Thank you." Smiling softly, 2B bowed gratefully toward her new friend, the two turning to face the ocean, the distant sound of explosions noticeable over the crashing waves, small dots of light flashing behind the dark clouds.

"We only have two flight units incoming and I don't want to risk your life out there without one. But," The short-haired female cut off A2 before she could protest, her gloved hand pointing toward a large weapons depot, "we need that protected so that machines can't use it against us. Can you watch over it for us?"

"Tch, fine." Frustrated that she wouldn't be able to help more, A2 still agreed to do this task for them, wanting to lighten their load even a little bit. The loud roar of the flight unit's engines suddenly appeared next to them, the twin mech's landing safely next to them, hovering menacingly over the android's like soulless giants.

"Pod, stay with A2." The machine hovering over the scanner model's shoulder dutifully followed his master's command as it floated over to A2's side, the combat model giving the boy a shocked look, 9S merely giving her a cheeky smile back. "This way we can keep in touch."

"Not like there's much I can do here." Chuckling at the long-haired woman's gruff response, 9S quickly rushed to his flight unit, 2B already strapping herself into hers, the scanner model giving her a quick salute before the two of them flew off, leaving A2 alone with the crashing waves and howling winds for company.

Hefting her great sword over her head, the combat android impaled it roughly into the ground, the force of the impact embedding it several inches into the solid concrete. Leaning onto its flat surface, the cool metal pressing comfortingly into her back, A2 let out a huff of exasperation as she folded her arms, her gaze cast out onto the dark ocean.

Honestly, A2 should be glad that she didn't have to fight. She didn't owe YoRHa a damn thing and after all these years of non-stop fighting, having to fend off machines and assassin androids sent to kill her just to survive another day, A2 should be ecstatic to be able to sit one out. It also meant she wouldn't be risking her life and would be able to return to Leah unharmed.

And yet, the silver-haired woman couldn't help but feel frustrated and useless, thoroughly neutered by her helplessness, stuck on the sidelines as a mere spectator to a greater conflict. There was also a nagging feeling of worry worming its way through her system, her hands nervously gripping her arms as she tried to catch a futile glimpse of the two YoRHa soldiers she had begun forming a bond with.

"Hey, Pod." Turning at his temporary master's call, its blank face staring creepily at her, it quietly awaiting the android's next words. "Got any music we can listen to while we wait?"

"Music is not a necessity for your current assignment and will likely lead to distraction. I would greatly advise against playing any at this time." Pod 153 droned out in its monotone voice, the combat android rolling her eyes in exasperation at the textbook response from the hovering machine. God, she did not miss YoRHa's stuck-up bullshit.

"Come all the way here to help and now I'm stuck with a humorless floating box." Running her hand through her hair, her fingers effortlessly gliding through the long, silver locks, A2 released another grunt of annoyance, internally wishing she had ignored her stupid 'conscious' and stayed with Leah back at the camp. At least the human girl had a sense of humor.

A loud crash coming from far into the ocean, the noise easily carrying over the rolling waves, pulled the former YoRHa soldier out of her curmudgeonly grousing, her steel-blue eyes wide with shock as a simply massive machine appeared from beneath the military tanker, easily dwarfing any other robot that had ever been seen. Opening its gigantic mouth, the machine bit the tanker clean in half with a single bite, the ship going up in a huge explosion.

"What the fuck is that thing?" A2 shouted as she stared in bewilderment at the truly humongous machine as it fired off several high powered beams into the sky, clearly trying to take out the YoRHa androids floating around it, the red lasers strong enough to almost reach the city, the sound of battle and destruction ringing painfully in her ears.

"It appears to be a machine of, as yet unseen, colossal proportions." Pod 153 responded in its familiar monotone voice as it followed after its temporary owner, the combat android walking up to the edge of the broken roadway, her fists clenched painfully at her side in frustration. A loud explosion rang out over the water as a large mortar collided with the monster's body, temporarily halting it in its tracks.

A2 could feel a bit of hope crawl its way into her system as she watched the colossus reel back from the impact, clearly affected by the hit, but that feeling quickly vanished as the machine rose even taller out of the water, it's size easily outmatching any building within the city limits. A true monster.

"I can see that!" Growling angrily at the soulless machine hovering over her shoulder, her voice tinged with a hint of desperation, A2 could feel panic rising in the back of her mind as she watched the gigantic machine wade through the water toward the shoreline, the ocean waves lapping at its legs like a kiddie pool.

Will 2B and 9S be able to stop that colossus from reaching the shore? What will happen to everyone if it does? Will A2 have to watch on helplessly as everyone she cared about gets wiped out again? Will she lose Leah?

"God-fucking-dammit!" A2 howled out in rage as she whirled around in a rage, looking for something, anything, she could use to help stop that monstrosity. This couldn't happen, not again. She had just begun putting her life back together! She had a purpose, a reason to live! She had new friends, people to care about, to protect with everything she had. She had Leah. She couldn't lose that! Not now!

What can she do!?

"A2!" Snapping her head up at the sudden shout coming from 153, A2 quickly rushed over to Pod's side, 2B's distressed face visible over its display, her voice crackly and distorted as the sound of fighting in the background partially drowned her out. "We need your help!"

"What?! What can I do?!" Gripping the side of the machine roughly, steel-blue eyes wide and frantic, A2 practically begged the battle android for an answer.

"The warheads! Take Pod 153and launch one toward it! I will course-correct it as it gets closer to make sure it hits!" Turning her head, her long, silver hair whipping about in the rough ocean winds, A2 laid eyes on the gigantic metal structure, a large missile sitting within its launcher.

"I'm a combat unit!" A2 cried out, voice thick with frustration and worry as her gaze swept between 2B's face and the missile. "I don't know how to hack into anything!"

"Pod will assist you!" A large explosion rang out behind the battle android, 2B's face distorted into one of extreme exertion as she tried to avoid a series of lasers shot at her."Please, A2, we need your help!"

"Fuck!" Cursing loudly, A2 quickly spun on her heel as she ran off toward the isolated island housing the missile launcher, her heels clacking loudly on the ruined concrete as she jumped onto a series of partially submerged rooftops to reach it. "This better take out that overgrown scrap heap or else I'm personally smashing your stupid little face in!"

"It will." Lightly chuckling at the former YoRHa soldier's colorful choice of words, the short-haired woman managed to give her a quick smile before the transmission suddenly blinked out, 2B's parting words drifting softly to A2's ears. "Thank you, A2."

"Tch, thank me when it's dead." Grinning wryly, the silver-haired woman upped her pace as she approached the concrete island, expertly leaping onto its raised edge, A2 never broke momentum as she headed directly toward the red, metallic structure housing the deadly weaponry. With a couple of expert leaps, her heels tapping loudly against its metal surface, the Type-A android stood next to the gigantic warhead, the cylindrical weapon spanning almost 20 feet in length.

"Alright bolts for brains, get hacking!" Lightly pushing the hovering machine in front of her, A2 impatiently tapping her foot a couple of times before suddenly feeling her conscious being sucked into a strange gray, virtual landscape. "The hell?!"

A2, unfortunately, had no time to try and figure out her new environment when she was suddenly assaulted by a wave of enemy projectiles, her body, honed from years of combat, instinctively dodging out of the way of the oncoming energy orbs, firing out several rounds of her own at anything that seemed to be a threat. She may not have known just exactly what she was doing or where she was, but combat came naturally to the Type-A android as she easily dispatched all of the foreign opponents.

With the words 'Hacking Successful' hovering before her eyes, A2 felt herself get roughly sucked back out of the virtual world, her mind spinning slightly as reality appeared before her once more. Placing her palm against forehead, A2 gave her head a couple of shakes to rid herself of the sudden vertigo flooding her system, her feet luckily still firmly planted on the precarious foothold.

Again, A2 would not be given time to adjust to her sudden change of perspective as a low rumble shook the metallic cage she was standing on, a strong wave of heat washing over A2's body as the missile flew off toward the hulking colossus. The force of the missiles launch, mixed with the flames from its exhaust, caused the combat android to be sent flying off of the launcher, her body tumbling end over end as she hurtled toward the shoreline.

"2B! It's heading your way!" A2 managed to send off her last message just in time before feeling her back collide roughly with solid concrete, her head whipping back at the sudden impact, the back of her head hitting the side of a building with a solid thud, her vision going black as she was knocked out cold.

"-up, A2."

A dull fuzz permeated through A2's brain as her systems slowly came back online, a low hiss seeping through the combat androids teeth at the sharp pain at the back of her head. Eyes fluttering open slowly, the spray of sea air lightly stinging her steel-blue orbs, A2 sluggishly propped herself up onto her elbows, her mind trying to recall the last moments before she lost consciousness.

"Wake up, A2." Groaning slightly in annoyance at Pod 153's dull voice, the memories of the colossal machine slowly came back to her as she hefted herself back to her feet, A2 stumbling slightly as her system tried to get back up and running to full capacity after her sudden knockout.

"How long was I out?" Scanning the dark waters for the hulking behemoth, A2 was partially relieved to see it was nowhere to be found, the only thing visible being the heavy storm clouds and remnants of once-mighty buildings lost in the ocean waves. Unfortunately, 2B and 9S were nowhere to be seen either.

"1 minute and 57 seconds." Blinking owlishly, A2 was surprised that it had been that short a time, the missile, if it hit, must have annihilated the colossus completely.

"Could have just rounded upward." Grinning at the floating robot, A2 gave it a playful shove before walking over to the water's edge, surveying the area to find out just where she had landed. Luckily for her, if you can call it that, the former YoRHa soldier had managed to land near the entrance leading back to the sewers, the island housing the warheads looming slightly in the distance. At least she didn't have to make her own way back across the rooftops.

"A2!" Looking up at the sudden call of her name, A2 could feel a great bit of relief flood her system as she saw a familiar pair of flight units heading her way, 9S enthusiastically waving to her as they landed a couple of feet away from her position. Unhooking themselves from the winged mechs, the pair of YoRHa soldiers ran to her side, a bright beaming smile on 9S's lips as he pulled the long-haired woman into a hug, 2B watching with a soft, amused smile of her own as A2 roughly pushed him off with a furious growl.

"Thank you so much for your help, A2." Bowing politely to her combat brethren, 2B thanked her with the utmost sincerity, her hand placed gently upon her chest. "We wouldn't have made it without you."

"Yeah, you would have. I've seen you fight, you're no pushover." Blushing slightly from the battle android's kind words, the long-haired android casually dismissed 2B's thanks with a wave of her hand, the barest hint of a smile managing to worm its way onto her lips. It had been a while since anyone, not named Leah, had thanked her.

"I'm glad to report that we managed to get through the fight with minimal casualties." 9S grinned brightly at A2 as Pod 153 returned to his side, his eyes surely sparkling with joy beneath his blindfold. "All soldiers managed to upload to the bunker before being destroyed."

A feeling of relief washed over A2 at those words, her black box feeling lighter as she placed her hand over her 'heart', glad to know that everyone had managed to get out safely, including the pair standing before her. A2 decided to let herself indulge in this momentary feeling of joy, the combat android happy to know she had not been useless and had actually managed to save some lives for once.

"We have to debrief with command about the battle so why don't you go on ahead." Gently shooing her off, the short-haired android gave A2 a caring smile before turning back to her Pod, the familiar sight of 6O popping up on her screen. "Let Leah know everything is ok, alright?"

"Thank you." Nodding gratefully toward the battle android, 9S giving her a quick wave before turning to his own operator, 21O's disapproving voice causing him to shrink back in fear, A2 quickly made her way back to where she had come from, an extra bounce in her step as she felt a great weight finally being lifted from her shoulders.

She had finally managed to keep androids safe from harm.

Speeding through the damp sewers, A2 eventually made it back to the city, the familiar sight of ruined buildings and invading tree-life never seeming more comforting than it did now. Because A2 knew that very soon, she'd be seeing Leah and her new friends again. It filled her with a kind of warmth she had not felt since leaving the bunker for her first mission, a feeling of somewhere where she truly belonged. A place to call home.

Dashing through the sparkling water, droplets flying off her heels like rain, A2 quickly crested the hill in a single bound, her black box practically soaring in her chest as the familiar sight of the buildings housing the resistance camp came into view.

But what her steel-blue gaze fell upon next, caused her body to feel like it was encased in ice.

Devola, lying in a pool of her own blood, crawled desperately across the floor, her fingernails cracked and broken as they dug painfully into the concrete, trying to find any purchase within its cracks. A pained grunt of exertion crawled from deep within her chest as she hefted herself forward, her blue eyes scrunched together in pain, her arms shaking from fatigue as a long trail of blood spread out behind her.

"DEVOLA STOP! PLEASE!" Popola cried desperately at her sister as she leaned heavily against the side of a building, clutching roughly at the deep wound on her side that was staining her once white clothes a deep crimson, the straight-haired twin begging, pleading with her to stop.

"NO!" An anguished wail tore from Devola's throat with so much force it surprised A2, the combat android quickly making her way to the twin's side, her black box beating nervously in her chest. "We have to find her!"

Everything stopped as the wild-haired twin said those words, an uncomfortable gnawing feeling creeping into A2's chest as she came into view, Popola letting out a gasp of surprise at the combat androids sudden appearance.

"What happened?" A2's voice came out unnaturally tense, a slight warble in her tone as she looked fearfully between the twins, Popola kneeling down to her sister's side to help her up, Devola helplessly trying to keep going forward, her green eyes wide with desperation. Despite asking the question, A2 knew she didn't want to know the answer, a dark pit settling in her stomach as Popola shamefully averted her gaze.

"He took her. He took Leah!" Devola's pained sob tore straight into A2's 'heart', her mind going blank as fear and rage slowly enveloped her, her fist balling into a tight fist as she angrily hollered at the pair of redheaded twins, her emotions rolling like thunder through her system.

"He! Who's 'he'?!" A2 angrily demanded as she stalked up to the Devola and Popola, the pair taking a hesitant step back at the rage-fueled look in the combat android's steel-blue eyes.

"He-He said his name was Adam."

The world slowly grew cold as Popola uttered the silver-haired machines name, horrible memories of his face, leering dangerously at the last-surviving human during their last meeting, playing in her mind as A2 shook her head in disbelief. He had her. He was going to kill her. He was going to torture her and then he was going to kill her. There was no doubt in her mind.

And she had no idea where he was.

Noticing a slight glow in the corner of her eye, A2 slowly turned her gaze to the side, a pained gasp escaping her throat as she slowly knelt down to pick the object off of the ground, holding its crushed petals within her trembling fingers.

It was Leah's Lunar Tear.

A/N: Time is of the essence now.

Just when things were looking up for A2, she gets knocked right back down. She had finally managed to feel useful, feeling like she was making up for past mistakes. She finally has a life worth living. But now it's all coming crumbling down. How will things go now that Leah is in true peril? Will she be able to get to her on time?

Well, I know! And you'll get to find out in the next chapter!

Next chapter: Glasses.

Thank you for all your support! Every last one of you is wonderful and I'm thankful for every single one of you! I hope everyone is keeping safe and taking care of yourselves and others. I love you all! Have a wonderful day!