Joe's pov:

I was racing down the tunnels Alice, the sheriff and another random girl behind me. We were passing where I thought the tunnel that lead to the surface was when I ran headfirst into a small child. I looked up and I saw that the small child was Cary. "What are you doing Cary, I told you to get out of here" I whispered. "Geez sorry dude I couldn't find the exit" Cary retorted. "This way we can get out this way" the sheriff said before turning and running off to the tunnel to the left of us. We all raced to follow the sheriff when suddenly a giant slimy arm reached out and grabbed the sheriff throwing him behind us. Alice screamed and we continued running not looking behind us as another slimy arm grabbed the girl. The exit was around 50 yards away and Cary was falling behind. "Cary hurry up" I screamed back at him. Me and Alice reached the inside of the tunnel where it's slimy arms can't reach us. I turned around and Cary had almost reached the tunnels entrance. Suddenly a slimy arm wrapped itself around Cary's waist as he screamed. It hurled him back behind itself and Cary's screams abruptly stopped. Alice realized the truth before I did. Cary was dead. "Come on we have to go we can't let Cary's death be in vain" Alice said in a voice laced with tears. "Your right" I said and with that we hurried out of the tunnel and we headed towards the house where Charles and Martin were. We had to come up with a game plan to beat this alien. We walked in silence and eventually reached the house. "Where's Cary" Charles asked worry lacing his voice. I broke down into tears over the loss of one of my best friends.

The end (For now)

Authors note: I just watched the movie last weekend and it is now my favourite movie of all time! I knew I had to write a fanfic about it and I will continue this story if you guys want me to, so just let me know in the reviews