Kyoko never understood her constant urge she to smile even in pain, to never show her true self, she has always been observant she saw things many of her classmates didn't yet she just walked past them playing the fool, she saw the pain in Takeshi face and his plastic smile watching him used for his skills yet she had done nothing. If she whispers how good Takeshi is at baseball but he should try harder so that he doesn't get worse. That is his only useful talent he has so it should be molded though she had notice he will be a natural with a sword so if baseball doesn't work out well she can use her gentle caring honest reputation to push him toward learning to use a sword.

Something inside her thats cold Jaded said that the best lessons are learned young so as a shinobi she shouldn't coddle children or they will never grow, if she took care of everything he will not bloom and become dependent on her. She is kind just not in a normal way.

She saw as Tsunayoshi get treated like trash get taunted, pushed, and bleed, she saw the raw loneliness in his eyes the hopelessness that things would not get better, she could have done something but thats when she saw his eyes flash a bright orange and she understood he would grow powerful one day, so she walks past his broken body because she can't let him get arrogant she sees Naruto in him and knows this experience will humble him. And when his time comes she will feed his kindness for that is his best feature.

She seen Kyoya's want for an equal to battle with, seen his want for a companion that doesn't fear him, that loves the feeling that fighting a powerful person gives, she was amused how similar Takeshi, Tsunayoshi, and Kyoya are for their want for an equal.

She could give him that but she decides not too for she is tired of battle, she can't let him think himself unstoppable so if she misleads a couple known mafia members that a vulnerable kid cloud is around well no one will know, so when she hears Hibari is in the hospitable she smiles because she learned naive people die early while survivors will do what they do best survive, she knows they will be safe, after all those who suffered turn out the strongest.

They may come to hate her should they find out, but they should know she cares in her own way, after all it is a shinobi's way that they do not get attached to the weak because what is the point of getting attached to someone who won't even survive to adulthood. Some may see Him as a monster but it is better that they face one now and get experience so when they meet one later on they won't even flinch.

She watches and sees her older brother as he fights and loves it and she knows his love for battle and loudness will get him killed one day, so she tries to convince him to give up boxing and when he stops for a few days she can't stand it staring at the devastation in his eyes its like he lost his will to live, it was like looking in a mirror and he hated it for his brother had shone like the very Sun with a love for life in his eyes. So she tells him to a least be safe and try to keep the volume down until after he's won the battle.

If she sent high schoolers and Kyoya his way well she did it for love. So when comes home with bruises and broken bones but smiling like all is right in the world, she has to stop the Rage and cold possessive instict to just kill all who so much as look at him wrong, for she knows she will only weaken him if she does so.

These people are all hers to watch and help grow no one else's so when those too strong come looking for a baby sky for she had long since broken that weak seal she is a Mist and she will not hesitate to break minds and paint the walls in a beautiful shade of dark red.

She did make a friend in Hana a ruthless little thing with a sharp tongue, and just as manipulative as her, of she uses her for her own gain, her connections, I guess Monsters stick together, and Hana is the perfect little shield and useful for her mask.

She knew of Tsunayoshi little crush she couldn't let him kill himself she herself made sure , so she had to a least step in to give him some kindness so he can a least a have one good thing to live for. Though he is a lot less clumsy and is flames are stronger than ever and his grades are even average, but he still has low self-worth.

So when some bastard name Reborn came to town bringing chaos with him she was angry but hid it well behind a smile, for she knows who he is, he is what she has been waiting for to make Tsuna bloom into the powerful person she knows he can be, once he does he can fix Kyoya's want for an equal, his intuition will see through Takeshi's fake smiles, and then he will provide a safe way for her brother to fight and challenge others.

After all people like Tsuna will attach themselves to those first few friends like a leach just like she had planned, her brother safety will always come first and if Tsuna is anything like Naruto they will take on the world for their friends.

Though should Reborn prove a threat to her plan, well Itachi Uchiha has always worked best in the shadows for he is the mist that deceives his enemies and he has played the villain before he is not afraid to do it again.

It is all too easy to use Reborn arrogance against him and send him away so she can reapply her own influence after all they are His first, he claimed them before Reborn, and worlds greatest hitman or not no one harms those that belong to him.