
Pulling the cup away from his face he lay his arm upon his knee and let out a small sigh. Was everyone going to drop in an interrupt his tea today? Or was it just the annoying Republic dogs he could sense converging around the room. Humming curiously he waited a moment for them to make a move. When they didn't attack after a few moments he took a small sip of tea and set the cup down on its saucer before pushing it closer to the center of the table with the force. If things got violent he didn't want to ruin one of his favourite tea sets. It had been a gift, after all.

"Are you going to come out and speak with me before you attempt to kill me?" He asked lightly, letting his voice carry throughout the open space.

"You're coming with us, Count, to be tried for crimes against the Republic!" A familiar voice responded, although he couldn't quite tell where it was coming from. Clones had such annoying skills and training. It had been a mistake to allow Fett to hire whomever he liked to train the things.

"I do believe we are outside of Republic territory. As such you have no jurisdiction here." Smug satisfaction dripped from his words and he smirked when the clones' emotions turned more aggressive and turbulent.

"Justice has no jurisdiction." Turning he regarded the armored figure carefully before scoffing. It was one of the commandos. Infuriatingly competent and with far more individuality than should be allowed in cloned beings meant solely for war. Although he supposed the consequences of their individuality worked in Sidious' favor. The jedi had noticed the individuality in their troops and were conflicted over it, making hasty decisions in an effort to spare the clones more pain, while the Republic at large was beginning to believe the Jedi were monsters for subjugating even a lesser type of being like the clones. It helped that Satine Kryze, the Senator of Mandalore, was vocal about their template being Mandalorian and thus they should be allowed Republic Citizenship. Of course the Senator of Kamino, who was newly inducted, vehemently disagreed with this, claiming the clones as 'products of Kamino.'

Two more commandos appeared in his periphery and Dooku wondered how they had managed to get through his security. He had some of the most advanced droids with specialty programming, nothing like the useless trash created by the Trade Federation.

"If this is the way it must be." He says gravely, palming his lightsaber in preparation of whatever fool plan the commandos had concocted to try and take him alive for the Republic.

"It is." Says one of the other clones, voice firm and steely. Dooku huffs and would have replied if it wasn't for the familiar sound behind him.

'They have a Jedi with them?' Dooku hadn't even felt their presence in the force, which should have been next to impossible. Whipping around he held his lightsaber in a guard position but nearly faltered when he saw the one holding the blade.

It was a clone. Their armor was a shade of dark blue that would make seeing them in the dark nearly impossible. It was only the yellow lightsaber, closer to amber in color, that made him easy to spot. The light turned his armor a sickly green and Dooku felt a small chill of something run down his back. It wasn't fear, no, but something else.

"Try not to worry so much, we don't intend to kill you." The voice was clearly not one of the clones, it sounded nothing like them, and yet he knew it came from the one with the amber lightsaber. Mental Projection? From a Clone of all things? But they were all supposed to be Force Nulls!

The sound of other lightsabers coming to life made him turn again, taking in the other three who had been creeping forward while his focus was elsewhere. Clever.

There was a second yellow lightsaber, the color much loser to a pale sun, held by the clone with steel gray armor. The third, a leafy green lightsaber, was held by a clone in white armor with subtle patterns marking their pauldrons in the lightest shade of silvery gray. The last was wearing deep green, close to black, and held a sapphire blade that practically sang into the force.

His lightsaber flickered to life in his hand, the screams of the kyber crystal drowned out by the surge of power he felt drawing on the dark side of the force. The clones flinched and he finally knew, for certain, that they were force sensitive. He would have to report this to his master when he was done dispatching the Republic's attack dogs.

Without warning he flowed into his favored form of Makashi, his movements swift and sure. Before he'd left the order he had been one of the top duelists and the only true master of Makashi. He was startled when the clone in white, leafy green lightsaber held expertly, moved to intercept him in an only mildly inferior Makashi move. Indignation filled him and he pressed his attack aggressively. How dare they try to use his own form against him, these inferior creatures!

Fighting three on one took all of his concentration but he was still aware of the fourth as the force began to twist around them. There was no warning when he suddenly felt the outside world vanish beyond the room they were currently dueling in. The last clone was sitting on the ground, eyes closed and focused on meditation, as the force created a wall between them and everything else.

Before he could think of a new strategy a voice suddenly called to him and the clones all disengaged at once.

"Yan Dooku!" Turning toward the new voice his brows furrowed as he recognized the Mandalorian armor clad form striding up to him. There was something familiar about it… "It's been a long time since we've spoken." Words came to his mind unbidden, like a soft whispering, and he felt more than heard the newcomer's next words. "Qui-gon Jinn is the rightful heir of Serenno. The adoption papers, declaration, and legal will are hidden in Aislin's Crypt."

Time stood still in that moment as all the breath left his lungs in a pained wheeze. For one single moment his mind seemed to go entirely blank before a million memories slammed into him with enough force to make his legs buckle beneath him.

Strong arms helped him to his feet, gentle force presences brushing against his mind to soothe some of the ache as the voices around him asked if he was okay in varying degrees of concern.

"Bavodu, me'vaar ti gar?" 'Uncle, are you okay?' His mind translated the Mando'a that Greene was speaking and a reassuring smile crossed his face as he waved away the excitable youngling. Silver stood back, eying him critically, while Snow frowned and tried not to fuss over him obviously.

"Elek, Vesh'ika, naas." 'Yes, Little Evergeen, I'm okay.' He replied instinctively. As more of his memories returned he looked around at his nephews and the man he considered a brother. "Yaimparyc." 'I'm home.' It probably wasn't the mot elegant description but it was close enough that the boys relaxed.

"Has something happened? You've never had to use that before." A cognition trigger, Haati had come to call it. A way to recall the memories and personality locked away so deeply that only one with both the right voice and phrase could bring them back to the surface.

"I'm sorry, vod, but we need to go through some of Darth Tyrannus' memories. Unless you also know what's on these neural chips that have been put into my ade's heads." Yan could see the anger and strain in the man's eyes and sense his turmoil through the force.

"I'm afraid we'll have to look through Tyrannus' memories, vod, for I cannot recall these chips you speak of. It is quite concerning to hear about them." Looking to his nephews he smiled at Snow. "Your Makashi is becoming impressive, it is quite clear you have been practicing those kata I taught you." The boy smiled shyly and nodded, looking pleased with the praise. Yan would have loved to take him under his wing, he was an exceptional duelist in the making, but the future was far too uncertain and he was fairly sure he would not survive the war.

"At least I have some good news." Haati said with a small grin. "You've heard of the jetii your great grandson found and took into his battalion?" Yan frowned slightly. He did remember hearing about a young lady, a jedi, who had suddenly appeared in the 501st.

"Sidious is not pleased with her presence. There's something bright but elusive about her that troubles him, especially now that she is so close to Skywalker." Haati's expression hardened.

"We'll have to keep an eye on her then. Rex is quite fond, as are the rest of the boys. She's a former jedi padawan, renounced the order but keeps to the light side of the force, and a force healer. She figured out how to stop the accelerated aging and is teaching other healers." Yan blinked in surprise.

"From the way Sidious speaks I never would have guessed she was a healer. He thinks of her as a threat." The boys stiffened slightly, looking worriedly at their father.

"The boys told me she is highly skilled but very focused on healing. Any of my boys could easily win against her in a match, unless she resorted to darker techniques. But everything I've heard makes me believe she is too moral to do something like that."

"Beneath her shields she's very bright. She feels sad for every vode that marches on, even if she doesn't know them." Shev'la's voice entered his mind and he glanced over at the meditating commando with fondness. How he could split his focus enough to hold a mental conversation and still hold up the shield Yan had no idea. But all of the boys were extraordinary in their own way.

"That is how a Jedi should truly be." Haati grinned up at him and nodded, eyes determined.

"No poaching my future daughter." Yan let out a small huff of amusement.

"Is Rex'ika really that serious about her?" Silver asked, curious. Haati shrugged.

"I still want her for Mandalore, whether Rex gets his shit together or not." The boys chuckled before silence descended once again. Haati looked tired for a moment before he turned to his sons.

"Help your brother and make sure we aren't disturbed. I'm not sure how long this will take." Yan looked at the boys and gave them a sad smile.

"Since I may not recall this later I want you to know I am very proud of you, all of you. K'oyaci, ner vod'ade." 'Stay safe, my nephews.' He knew it wasn't the best way to say good-bye but it was all he could manage. Carefully Greene stepped forward and gave him a hug. For a moment he stiffened before he relaxed and hugged the boy back. Silver stood back but nodded at him with a small smile while Snow practically threw himself into Yan's arms. He couldn't say he had a favourite, per se, but Snow was his Makashi protege and they had a special bond.

"K'oyaci, ba'vodu." The boys vanished then, off to ensure that no one interfered with their father and uncle's little information exchange.

"Let's sit down, this is going to be pretty rough." He knew it was more for his own benefit, since Haati was not yet thirty, but he acquiesced despite the pride that continued to claw at his mind from the inside, like a terrible poison.

"We'll start with anything you deem relevant or important then get into this whole chip business. Afterward we'll set up a new phrase." Settling cross legged on the floor he closed his eyes and for the first time in over a year felt himself immersed in the light.


Gasping he dry heaved at the sharp pain in the back of his skull and would have fallen off the couch if it weren't for Yan holding him up. "I am so sorry, my friend." Yan knew what he had seen inside his mind, the mind of a Sith Apprentice. He had done cruel and disturbing things that he would never be able to atone for. Tears silently slid down his face as the screams echoed in his mind before he was able to purge the memory. "What did he do!?" He hissed, latching onto the other man a little tighter than he had intended. Yan winced but didn't pull away.

"Sidious often has…" he sighed and shook his head, finding no elegant way to say it, "temper tantrums." That didn't make Haati feel any better. "Fox is the commander of the entire Guard, if anything displeases Sidious he will call him up to his office." Yan closed his eyes, pain making him look closer to his age without the aid of the force. "You saw what happens when Sidious is displeased. Even a commander is just another useless clone to him." Haati had to let go of Yan and physically put distance between them to calm himself down.

"My sweet child, what has he done to you?" Haati asked aloud. Adatoya, or Fox, had volunteered to watch over Sidious and ensure that any brothers who were sent for decommissioning were sent along to the right transports. Transports that would send the troopers safely to Mandalore where they would be housed in the barracks, going through further training so they could join the real fight. But what he had seen… how Sidious tortured his son… and Yan had just stood by.

"No. That wasn't you." Haati looked up into the older man's eyes, firm in his belief. "I've been in your mind. Darth Tyrannus is not Yan Dooku, a man I am honored to call vod." Yan swallowed and had to look away, shame and guilt swamping him. Haati flooded his mind with understanding and acceptance. "That monster isn't you." He reiterated firmly.

"But on some level, he is. He is what happens when a jedi falls to pride and arrogance." Haati nodded slowly.

"Good thing you are a former jetii, then." He couldn't help the small smirk that tugged at his lips when Yan looked up at the ceiling in a bid to very pointedly not roll his eyes.

"We should talk about the chips. Sidious has plans for your children." Haati's expression turned cold with anger. "These biochips will override the will of the boys, forcing them to follow whatever order he gives. I'm uncertain whether they can be removed surgically or not but I do know one thing." Haati gave him a look and the man continued. "Sidious is no skilled programmer. Whatever is on those chips had to have been programmed by someone else and implemented by the Kaminoans. If we can find the original programmer, or find the program files on Kamino, we should be able to find a way to stop the chips."

"I'll get this information to Jango, he'll know which of the boys is best equipped to go snooping without getting caught. Maybe Kal's boys. Jaing is a maestro with programming." Plans and ideas ran through his mind before he shook his head to clear it.

"We're getting closer to ending this. I hope, when the dust settles, we will see one another again." Haati held out his arm and smiled warmly when Yan clasped his arm in a show of mutual trust and respect.

"Until we meet on the field of battle, or pass on into the force." Haati grinned at the very Mandalorian declaration and let Yan's arm go.

"Until we meet again." Placing his hand against Yan's temple he calmed his mind. "Now, sleep." Arranging the man on the couch so it looked as if he'd fallen asleep reading and drinking tea Haati worked quickly to alter his memories and lock Yan back into the smallest corner of his mind, a place filled with the last vestiges of light still left in the former jedi. A place Sidious would never venture if he were to try and manipulate Dooku's mind.

"Obi-wan Kenobi was found by Yan Dooku as a baby and turned over to the creche." If Yoda hadn't interfered, pushing Qui-gon and Obi-wan together, Yan would have taken him as his next padawan. It was something that Yan had only discussed with him and one other person, to his knowledge. There were no physical records of Obi-wan's Finder in the archives, only the date he had been given to the creche and the initial medical report. It would be the next trigger to bring him back from the dark. Haati hoped that the next time he used it was when the war was well and truly at an end. "See you on the other side, brother."


"What?" He answered the comm gruffly, staring across the table at another one of the long necked freaks who just would not stop fucking pestering him.

"Is that any way to talk to your riduur?" Immediately the tension in his shoulders lessened at the familiar face on the other side of the comm.

"Sorry, my heart, I have company over. The Kaminii wanted to talk about the newest batches test results." Through the bond he felt the faintest twinge of all encompassing rage that his love rarely allowed himself to feel and knew that something was wrong.

"That's too bad. I haven't spoken to you in so long, my contract was a little more complicated than I thought it'd be." It was a blessing that the Kaminii hadn't actually figured out their real identities, still believing them to be just a pair of highly competent bounty hunters. "But I got some intel from a contact so I'll be done soon. Is Boba there?" Ah, they were playing this game.

"Bob'ika! Your buir's on the comm!" It took all of ten seconds for their son to barrel into the room and grab the communicator with a wide grin on his face. "Take it in the other room, Bob'ika, I have work." Looking from their son to his riduur he smiled softly. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jango. Stay safe. I'll be back soon." Letting Boba take the comm he turned back to the Kaminii, who was watching him carefully.

"Shall we continue, or you would rather speak with your partner?" Jango bristled beneath his skin but didn't show any outward reaction. He knew the Kaminiise were arrogant, on top of everything else, with a contempt for anything they deemed as frivolous or inefficient. But if they tried to disparage his riduur again he would kill them. It had been a while since they'd been reminded that although Haati had the force he still couldn't defeat Jango in a spar. The Kaminiise were scared witless of Haati, but they should be terrified of Jango.

"He'll be back soon enough. We'll be discussing some of your suggestions for the new batches moving forward. Ori'jetii Ti will be returning soon as well, I'm sure she'd have a few choice words for you too." The Kaminii looked distinctly uncomfortable for a moment before going back to their progress report.

When he was finished with the Kaminii and they'd been sent on their way he found Boba sitting on one of the meditation cushions with his eyes closed and breath steady. There was a quiet murmuring in Mando'a of Haati guiding him through another lesson and he smiled. When they'd first found out about Boba being force sensitive he'd panicked a little, unsure what that would mean for his little family. But Haati had quickly taken over that aspect and soothed their son with an ease he was almost jealous of. Now it was something his riduur and their son could share, just the two of them. But he and Boba had their own things they liked to share between the two of them, which included hunting and galactic politics.

"Jan'buir is here, time to come back Bob'ika." Opening his bright green eyes he looked up at his father and smiled.

"Hi buir." Smiling he pulled out another cushion and ruffled their son's hair before he sat down.

"So, anything concrete?" Haati glanced over at Boba and seemed to mull something over for a moment before he gave Jango a grim look.

"I found out what the chips are for. I want you to get Boba scanned for it as well. I doubt they placed one in him, just in case, but I wouldn't put it past their arrogance to have put it there thinking we'd never find it." Jango stiffened. The very thought that the demagolka had placed some unknown chip inside the heads of the boys was worrisome enough but for one to be inside Boba angered him beyond belief. Next to him his son shuddered and shifted away a little, sensing the burning hatred Jango had for those who would hurt children.

"Sorry, Bob'ika. I'm just worried about you and your brothers." Smiling their son scooted closer and gave him a quick hug, accepting his apology.

"Boba, I think you should go meditate in the other room. Jan'buir and I have some things to discuss and some of it would be dangerous for you." Boba pouted for a moment but sighed and nodded in understanding. He was a smart boy and he knew his parents would never keep things from him if it wasn't for his safety. "Behave and you can come with me on my next trip home, we can see your aunt and cousins." Boba's face split in a wide grin. He loved going to Mandalore and playing in the gardens at the Sundari palace with his cousins. He also loved going down into Keldabe and being spoiled rotten by the Haat Mando'ade who lived there.

"Kay. Love you buir, see you later!" Jango snorted in amusement as Boba jumped up, grabbed the meditation pillow, and quickly left the room- shutting the door behind him as he went.

"He's such a little menace." Haati chuckled, both fond and amused.

"You knew me around his age." Jango reminded him.

"And you were a little shit." Jango laughed at the disgruntled but honest response. "Then you grew into a competent leader and I was absolutely gone for you." Jango's look turned mischievous.

"Oh, so it wasn't because of my deep voice, broad shoulders, or towering height?" Even through the holo he could see his riduur's face darkening in a blush. "Just my competence as a leader. Got it." There was an annoyed huff and some rolled eyes but Haati smiled at him warmly. Stars, they had been married now for twenty-five standard years and it still never got old.

"I see where our sons gets their cheekiness from." Haati's expression darkened and Jango sat straighter, ready for the discussion to shift back into business.

"What do the chips do?" Haati let out a slow, shuddering, breath and the rage returned tenfold. It was almost too much for Jango to handle before it was suddenly gone.

"They are control chips. One order from the bastard dar'jetii and our boys are gone. Nothing more than fleshy droids who will obey orders without another thought." Jango's blood ran cold and it felt as if he couldn't breathe. Now Haati's rage made sense and it was mirrored in him.

"Do the Kaminii know?" Haati closed his eyes.

"Of course they do. They have to implant the hellish things so they'll work properly. Do they know the exact parameters? I'm not sure. Yan couldn't tell me much because he wasn't privy to that information, even as Tyrannus. But even then, I don't doubt the demagolkase were too curious for their own good and probably parsed it out even if they weren't told." Jango nodded.

"Now we just have to figure out how to get them out or turn them off."

"Think Kal's boys would be up for it? Maybe Ademar or Ajaat?" Haati named two of the Alpha ARCs who were best at slicing. Jango still wasn't sure why they had decided one day as kids that all of their names should start with A, but it was kind of endearing.

"Jaing and Ajaat work well together, he doesn't have Ademar's temper. I'll get in contact with them and see if I can get them back here asap." He hated to disrupt whatever missions they were currently on but the chips were too large a threat to leave alone.

"Stay safe, cyare." Jango wished he could reach out and hold his riduur, they'd been apart for months now due to the war.

"Stay safe, cyar'ika. I will see you when you get here." There was no hesitation in his voice. He had faith that Haati would come back to him. Manda and the Force willing.

Mando'a Translations;

Vesh'ika- Little evergreen
Veshok- Large evergreen tree with a grain similar to oak.
Cyar'ika- Sweetheart
Demagolka- Someone who commits atrocities, a real-life monster, a war criminal. From the notorious Mandalorian scientist of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children. He is a figure of hate and dread in the Mando psyche.
Riduur- Spouse
Ori'jetii- Jedi Council member